rebirth of change

Chapter 16 Helping Big Sister

Chapter No.16 Help Big Sister (This chapter is free)

After a long time, everyone came back to their senses.At this time, Ouyang Zhenhua took out an envelope containing 1 yuan and handed it to Chen Qigang. Chen Qigang took the money with trembling hands. It was [-] yuan, not a hundred.

Chen Qigang handed the envelope to Ma Fangqin. Ma Fangqin is in charge of money and accounts in the family. In recent years, Ma Fangqin has been meticulous in planning and making extra labor protection products like cloth gloves from the mine to support the family.

Ma Fangqin pulled out a stack of one hundred yuan RMB, and everyone took a breath (one hundred yuan yuan was issued on April 1987 at the earliest, and it was adjusted to be issued one year in advance if the circumstances required).Of course, there were only two exceptions, one was Ouyang Zhenhua and the other was Chen Kangjie.The money was brought by Ouyang Zhenhua, so it is normal to behave plainly, but Chen Kangjie behaved so calmly, the whole family admired him, and several sisters and brothers also showed respect.

Of course, the 25 that Ouyang Zhenhua gave to Chen Kangjie alone, Chen Kangjie put it in his schoolbag without counting it (which made Ouyang Zhenhua sigh again), and Chen Kangjie secretly hid it under his bed when he got home.

Ouyang Zhenhua took out the agreement he brought, and under the witness of Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin, Chen Kangjie signed it. For completeness, Chen Qigang also signed his name in the remarks column. He never thought that the previous name was so valuable, so he signed it. The flying dragons and phoenixes are extremely vigorous and powerful.

Ouyang Zhenhua originally proposed to sign a five-year agreement, and the Chen family was eager to sign it for ten years, but under Chen Kangjie's insistence, they only signed it for two years.

Chen Kangjie had his own considerations, and his family wouldn't understand if he said it, so he didn't explain it. Seeing that he earned so much money, and with the presence of outsiders, Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin didn't blame him, so let him go, anyway. My son is getting more and more confused. Like an adult, I can only guess that maybe this is a child prodigy!

After completing the agreement, Ouyang Zhenhua politely declined Chen Qigang's offer to see him off, went to the guest house of the Mining Bureau to rest, and returned to Guangzhou the next day.

After Ouyang Zhenhua left, the family couldn't keep their mouths open from ear to ear. Ma Fangqin kept kissing her son in her arms, and her sisters either squeezed his little face or kissed him big.Chen Yuchang was so excited that he picked up his younger brother and threw him into the air and caught it again. Ma Fangqin was so frightened that he scolded him several times.

After having fun, Chen Kangjie asked Ma Fangqin for 500 yuan.Ma Fangqin thought he was useful for something, and felt that now that he had so much money, he became generous and gave Chen Kangjie [-] yuan.Who knew that Chen Kangjie gave two hundred to Chen Yuchang, one hundred each to Chen Mei and Chen Mei, fifty to Chen Jing, and fifty to himself.

Having received so much money at once, the sisters are even more excited than before. After all, the money just now was given to their parents, but now it is in their own pockets, which has a different meaning.Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin saw that their son distributed the money to several older brothers and sisters, and at the same time they reprimanded Chen Kangjie for being extravagant, and told the four schoolchildren to save money and spend as much money as possible on studies.Now, the brothers and sisters of the Chen family became the richest little millionaires in the school.

"Dad, let's change to a color TV in our house. This [-]-inch black and white TV is not good-looking, and there is a telephone." At this time, Chen Kangjie made another suggestion.

"Son, it's okay to change to a color TV, but it's unnecessary to install a telephone. Do you know how much it costs to install a telephone? I heard it costs more than 5000."

Because Chen Qigang was deceived by his son that he learned a lot of knowledge by watching TV, he agreed to change to a color TV. It was a bit expensive, but now he can afford it.However, he objected to the installation of the phone, and felt that it was completely unnecessary.

Chen Kangjie didn't think so. He used to have a mobile phone with him every day, but it was inconvenient to not have a phone. Besides, he would need a phone for many things that he was required to do in the future.

"Dad, that's not the way to look at the problem. It seems to cost a lot of money to install a phone, but you also know that our family has signed an agreement with them in Hong Kong. Some things need to be communicated in the future. We can't always Mr. Ouyang came all the way for such a trivial matter. Besides, if you make money, you spend it. Think about it, they stipulate that I have no less than ten songs a year, not to mention [-] each. You have to give three to forty thousand yuan, which adds up to hundreds of thousands a year. For the sake of long-term consideration, why care about these thousands of dollars? Didn’t you teach us that we will only get rewards if we pay?”

In order to persuade Chen Qigang to install the phone, Chen Kangjie tried his best to reason and induce.

Hearing what their son said, Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin also felt that it seemed to be so reasonable, so they decided to install a phone for their son's "work".

The next day, Chen Yuqiong and Xu Guohua brought their daughter Xu Yanyan back to their natal home to play. They were both shocked and happy to hear that their younger brother earned so much money.Chen Kangjie giggled while hugging his little niece Xu Yanyan, who was five years younger than him.

Chen Yuqiong's family still lives in the tube building. Chen Kangjie is rich now and wants to help the eldest sister, but it is not easy to give too much money directly.

Xu Guohua is a very good person. He has always been considerate to Chen Yuqiong's mother and daughter.

Chen Kangjie suddenly thought of an idea to help the eldest sister make money, that is, the musical greeting card that will not appear until several years later.Chen Kangjie remembers that music greeting cards only appeared after 92. If music greeting cards are made now, it should be very profitable.Chen Kangjie put down Xu Yanyan, and took the eldest sister outside. The whole family was a little strange.

"Everyone, do you want to do business?" Chen Kangjie whispered to Chen Yuqiong outside the door.

"Think about it, but I don't know what to do, and I don't have the capital. Your eldest brother-in-law has to take some of the money back every month to give to Yanyan's grandpa, and the rest is just enough to spend." Seeing the younger brother asking this suddenly, the eldest sister also said with emotion when thinking of the life of more than a year.

"If you think about it, it's easy to handle. You don't have to worry about the cost, I will help you solve it, but there is one condition, you have to keep it secret for me. I will send you a good idea to make money, and I guarantee you will make a lot of money at once."

Chen Kangjie swore to Chen Yuqiong.

"What business? Why can't you tell Mom and Dad?"

Chen Yuqiong said a little strangely.

"As for making music greeting cards, why can't I tell my parents?

Chen Kangjie couldn't let his parents know that he had a small treasury, so he insisted on this condition and had to pretend to be angry.

"Okay, big sister promised to keep it secret for you, but what is this musical greeting card? I know the greeting card. There are shops in front of the school to buy it, but big sister doesn't know how to make this musical greeting card?"

Chen Yuqiong knew that it must not be easy for her younger brother to earn so much money by writing songs cleverly, and seeing that he was about to get angry, she agreed.If you can have a business and make money, it is also a good thing. It can help solve many life problems, and you can't always find your natal family when you encounter difficulties.

"I can make music greeting cards, you know your brother is a musical genius, but you have to prepare in the past few days, put Yanyan to your mother or send it back to her 'grandmother', you will have to go far away for a while , no problem?" Chen Kangjie said seriously.

Hearing that he had to go far away, Chen Yuqiong was a little nervous. Although he was somewhat educated, he had never traveled far. He had only been to the provincial capital once, and that was when Chen Qigang was studying in the provincial capital a few years ago. Dad sent living materials there.

"Sister, you don't have to worry about it, just go to the surrounding provincial capitals and larger cities, um, Chuncheng in Caiyun Province, the provincial capital and Berkshire in Xichuan Province, as well as Duansha in Shonan Province and Zhucheng in Zaya Province. It’s a big city and it’s very safe. After you go, try to take a car where you can. I’ll give you the travel expenses. Don’t worry about spending more money. Ask the police if you don’t know the way. Dad will install a phone in a few days. If you need anything, you can call back."

Ma Fangqin was a little moved when she heard her younger brother arrange herself in such detail.It also inspired the unyielding character in my heart, I can't be inferior to my brother in this, right?You really should give it a go, go out and see the world.

After some thinking, Chen Yuqiong finally made up his mind and agreed.

"In the past two days, you and I will go to a printing factory to finalize the matter of printing greeting cards. Slowly, our two siblings will discuss how to do it," Chen Kangjie further explained.

Chen Yuqiong really admired this younger brother even more, and he talked in a different way.

"Old Wen, how did you learn all this?"

"Sister, there is a golden house in the book, hehe, of course I learned it in books, some of it is learned from watching TV"

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