rebirth of change

Chapter 17 Musical Greeting Cards

No.17 Music greeting card (this chapter is free)

Four days later, Chen Yuqiong was waiting for Chen Kangjie at the school gate. She had already sent Xu Yanyan back to the "grandmother" of the Sijiaotian Mine, seven or eight kilometers away from the Dizhong Mine. The printing factory, today I am here to pick up Chen Kangjie to see the factory together.

This is a small factory with only about [-] people, just behind the No. [-] Middle School of the Mining Bureau.Usually, it mainly prints some internal newspapers, publicity publications and documents of the Mining Bureau, and occasionally prints some external workbooks and greeting cards.Anyway, it is a state-owned enterprise, that's all it is, and the small life can't be said to be nourishing, but it is still passable.

In order to enhance persuasion and grasp the 'sex', Chen Kangjie also called He Wanrong to save face.After He Wanrong came back from the provincial capital, she had sent back the agreement signed by Ouyang Zhenhua. Chen Kangjie wanted to give her half of the copyright fee for each song, but He Wanrong was determined not to accept it, and felt that she hadn't put much effort into it. , just to help out.Originally, she didn't want to accept the salary of 1 yuan, after all, it was too much, so she accepted it under Chen Kangjie's persuasion.When He Baoguo and his wife knew that their daughter had received a salary of 1 yuan, they were astonished and happy. Since then, they have loved Chen Kangjie, their godson, even more.

After the three of them came to the printing factory, they explained their purpose, and the factory reception staff took them to the factory manager's office.

The factory director's surname is Dong, and his name is Dong Cunxiang, which has nothing to do with Dong Cunrui.Director Dong heard that Deputy Director He's daughter came with him, so he naturally attached great importance to it.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's detailed explanation, Director Dong figured out what the music greeting card was all about.But I also feel strange in my heart, why this kid has so many tricks.

"Wanrong, Comrade Chen, wait here for a while, I'll calculate the cost, and I'll tell you the price later."

"Thank you Uncle Dong", "Thank you Director Dong"

Since he was asking for help for his younger brother, He Wanrong thanked "Uncle Dong", and Chen Yuqiong and his sister also thanked "Director Dong".But Director Dong valued the "Uncle Dong" and went out with a nod and a smile.

Director Dong has been working in this factory for several years, and he also wants to find an opportunity to work in the Mining Bureau. Usually, there is no chance. Today, Director He's daughter came to him, so he should seize this opportunity to build a good relationship. In the future, he may be able to walk away from Director He.

Director Dong came back after a while, and said with a flattering smile: "Wanrong, Comrade Chen, let's calculate the music greeting card that the kid mentioned just now. The cost is about one yuan. If you want it, I will give you one yuan." One, hehe, the factory also earns some extra money."

Chen Kangjie knew that the price of RMB [-] was actually not high. Before, he thought it would cost RMB [-]. It can be seen that the director of the factory did not quote a high price. Besides, the [-]% gross profit is also acceptable to each other.

After Factory Director Dong finished quoting the price, both He Wanrong and Chen Yuqiong turned their heads to look at Chen Kangjie, as if they were asking "how is it?" Seeing this situation, Factory Director Dong kept thinking, could it be that this child has the final say?

"This price is acceptable, thank you Director Dong, but Director Dong, can you make a few samples for us to take a look at first? Let's check the quality before deciding how much to order." Sure enough, Director Dong got the judgment in his heart the result of.

"Okay, we will make ten sheets tomorrow, and you can make a decision after reading them tomorrow." Director Dong saw that He Wanrong seemed to be listening to Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie spoke calmly, neither humble nor overbearing, and he was also in his heart. I don't think this kid is easy.After being introduced by He Wanrong as her godbrother, she also paid more attention to Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Dong." Seeing that Dong Cunxiang no longer underestimated himself, Chen Kangjie also thanked "Uncle Dong" obediently.

After getting the answer, He Wanrong and Chen Yuqiong also expressed their gratitude to Dong Cunxiang one after another. Dong Cunxiang was naturally very happy.

After leaving the printing factory, He Wanrong invited her to her house for dinner.Chen Yuqiong felt that He Wanrong had helped a lot today, so she was too embarrassed to disturb her, so she declined, and promised to find a chance to visit after finishing these things.He Wanrong liked Chen Kangjie very much as a younger brother, so she was only too polite, which seemed excessive, so everyone went home by themselves.

The next day, the three of them came to the printing factory on time, and saw the ten sample cards that Director Dong took out.Chen Kangjie felt quite satisfied. Director Dong must have put his mind to it.He Wanrong and Chen Yuqiong saw the exquisiteness of the greeting card, and they also liked it, especially after opening the greeting card, they could still hear the music.

"Uncle Dong, we want to order 20 copies. How do you pay for this amount?"

Hearing the number of 20 copies, all three of them were taken aback. 20 copies need 20 yuan.He Wanrong knew that Chen Kangjie took 25 yuan in copyright fees, but she didn't expect Chen Kangjie to be so generous, and thought that the money was all handed over to her family.

Chen Yuqiong didn't know where her younger brother got so much money, 20 yuan was an astronomical figure for her.

Director Dong thought at first that they just wanted to order a few thousand copies, but he didn't expect to order 20 copies at once, which is also a "gross" profit of [-], which is almost catching up with the printing factory's annual profit.

"Is it really 20 copies?"

Director Dong still didn't believe it, and looked up at the two adults.

Seeing Chen Kangjie nodding, He Wanrong and Chen Yuqiong also told Director Dong that the number was indeed 20.At this moment, Factory Director Dong is also excited. Being able to create so much profit for the factory, not only will the employees get more bonuses at the end of the year, but he will also be praised by his superiors if he says he is not good.

"In that case, Wanrong is here too, and it's hard to talk about other Uncle Dong. You can pay half of the deposit first, and the rest will be settled after New Year's Day."

There is also a reason for Director Dong to say this. Paper and raw materials, the printing factory can credit upstream, and Director He's daughter came to ask for this matter, so he can't ask for full payment, so what is it about selling face?If Director He knew that the bill was paid in full, he wouldn't have credited him.Dong Cunxiang thought this way, but Chen Kangjie's words shocked him again.

"Uncle Dong, if this is the case, then we will order 40 copies"

Chen Kangjie was not worried about not being able to sell. He knew that the music greeting card was very popular when it was first released before rebirth.

He Wanrong and Chen Yuqiong both looked sad when they saw that Chen Kangjie had spoken his words and could not get off the pirate ship.

Chen Kangjie looked at them with a smile as if nothing had happened. He Wanrong felt that since his younger brother was a prodigy, he should have other ideas, so he hesitated and agreed.Only the worry on Chen Yuqiong's face still did not dissipate.

"Old sister, don't worry, it's okay, the big deal is that sister Wanrong and I will write a few more songs." Seeing everyone's worried and sad faces, Chen Kangjie further comforted Chen Yuqiong in a low voice.

After hearing his brother's rhetoric, Chen Yuqiong was also very excited about his brother's good skills.He just smiled and nodded in agreement.

The order for the music greeting card has been decided in this way, and the next step is to consider selling it in this way.On the way back, Chen Yuqiong was so depressed that she couldn't speak when she thought about how she could sell so many greeting cards.

"Sister, didn't I ask you to travel far a few days ago, that is to sell, you take these ten greeting cards and go to the cities we agreed upon. After you go, you will mainly go to the stationery wholesale market or gift The wholesale market finds some merchants, shows them the sample cards, and promises to distribute the goods to them first, that is, to sell them some goods at no cost.” Seeing that the elder sister was worried, Chen Kangjie explained.

"Ah? How can I do that? What if you don't pay for the goods?"

Chen Yuqiong didn't understand her younger brother's "bad idea".

"Old sister, that's a long-term fishing game. When they sell the first batch and want to buy more, let them pay the full price, and also have to settle the previous purchases. Don't give them any sweetness. Who will sell it to us? Besides, ours is a new product, they are not sure, and they dare not pay in advance to buy the goods."

With Chen Kangjie's explanation, Chen Yuqiong also understood.

"Old Wen, after ordering so many goods, you are sure that this music greeting card will sell well? How much do we sell for one? What if they counterfeit it?" Chen Yuqiong was still a little uncertain.

"Sister, trust me, when the time comes, you just need to count the money. Including the shipping fee, our cost will be about one yuan and two yuan, so let's sell it for two yuan a piece. As for counterfeiting, it is inevitable. In order to avoid it as much as possible, we We have to choose to start shipping in mid-December. At that time, they want to counterfeit, and there is no time to print many. Even if some people want to find a printing factory to print by themselves, the cost will not be able to come down if the quantity is small, and the quantity is too large. I am afraid that they will not be able to sell, so This year should be fine, next year there will be a lot of counterfeits.”

"It's so expensive, will anyone buy it? Everyone's income is not high now." Chen Yuqiong felt a little more at ease when he heard his younger brother's analysis that there would be no counterfeiting this year.But for this price, I am very uncertain and feel very uncertain. These greeting cards are mainly sold to students, how much money can students have.

"Sister, you don't understand. Musical greeting cards are a bit more expensive, but compared with the previous greeting cards, the grade is much higher. Whoever gives gifts doesn't care about face, middle school students, college students, and even elementary school students are human too. Anyone who receives such an exquisite music greeting card will feel very happy and face-saving. Since others give it to themselves, they must return the gift. In the past few years of reform and opening up, the lives of ordinary people have undergone new changes, and some people are completely consuming. It’s worth it, and the friendship of classmates is also very valuable, haha.” If the eldest sister wants to do this business easily, Chen Kangjie can only explain it clearly to Chen Yuqiong to resolve his doubts.

"That's right for you to say that. Well, I'll just listen to you once. If you lose money, the elder sister has no money to pay for it. You have to bear it yourself, haha." After listening to Chen Kangjie's detailed explanation, he could even make a joke Come on, Chen Yuqiong was half relieved, and in the end she didn't forget to make a joke about her younger brother.

"By the way, you have to keep the fact that I have 20 yuan a secret for me. That's my private money. I earned it after writing songs for two months. I didn't hand it in," Chen Kangjie added.

Seeing that my younger brother told me such a secret thing in order to help me, and even took it out to order for me, I was also moved and nodded.

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