Chapter 18 Help friends earn pocket money (this chapter is free)

Taking the 3000 yuan from Chen Kangjie, and asking Chen Qigang to open a letter of introduction on the work unit, Chen Yuqiong was on the road.The printing factory also gave Wan a deposit to make them hurry up.

After receiving the deposit of [-] yuan, Director Dong also felt relieved, and was very happy.That was the biggest order their printing house had ever received.

Chen Kangjie didn't know if he still needed a letter of introduction when he was away, but it was always a good thing to have a letter of introduction, and it would be useful for self-defense when he was in a hurry.

Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin knew that Chen Yuqiong was going to do business, and they were a little strange, so they asked a lot of concerned questions.In order not to betray her younger brother, Chen Yuqiong followed what had been discussed in advance.It was nothing more than that Xu Guoqiang had a cousin who wanted to start a business with some capital, so she told this relative about Chen Kangjie's idea of ​​making music greeting cards, and the relative recruited her to join the group with one more person to help.He Wanrong also lent her [-] yuan to make money, and everyone made half of the money.

Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin were still a little worried after hearing this, but the deal was done. After consulting Chen Kangjie's opinion, they even gave her 5000 yuan as capital.They all thought it was a business of [-] to [-] yuan, but they didn't expect it to be hundreds of thousands, otherwise they didn't know what they would worry about.

Three weeks later, Chen Yuqiong came back.People lost a lot of weight, and also darkened a lot.But when it comes to what he has seen and heard outside, he is indeed chattering.It seems that this time I really saw the world and exercised my ability.

When Chen Yuqiong first showed this kind of greeting card to others, the wholesalers he saw were also very interested, but they heard that the price was only two yuan, so they were not interested. Fortunately, they heard that they could sell some without paying first. If the goods are sold, they all express their willingness to try to help push and see.Therefore, Chen Yuqiong found two or three wholesalers in each city who were willing to cooperate. This was also Chen Kangjie's order, and the purpose was to make them compete.

The outside customer's affairs are settled.Chen Kangjie also asked Chen Yuqiong to find a shop with a better location on the street and rent it out. He also asked for a larger space and a telephone. .Chen Kangjie didn't give any explanation, but asked the elder sister to follow suit, saying that she would naturally know the usefulness in the future.Chen Kangjie didn't want to explain everything in detail, otherwise he would be exhausted just explaining the endless things that came up every day.

Chen Yuqiong couldn't resist, so she found a shop near the garden in the middle of the street, which was diagonally opposite the cinema.The facade is a bit old, but fortunately, the area is relatively large, and the rent is also cheap. It is an old warehouse of the tobacco company. It has an area of ​​about 4000 square meters. It is also idle. The tobacco company leased it to Chen Yuqiong, and the annual rent is only 20. Yuan.After looking at the venue, Chen Kangjie quickly asked his elder sister to sign the agreement, and the contract would last for 2000 years. Chen Kangjie knew that this place might not be able to be rented for [-] a month in the future, and even [-] to [-] a month after [-]. cheap.

After paying one month's rent and another month's deposit, the matter of the venue was settled, but Chen Yuqiong always felt that renting such a large place was a waste, and there was nowhere to spend the money that 'Sao' had bagged.

Chen Kangjie gave another five thousand and asked the eldest sister to pull a telephone line. In this way, the warehouse and "marketing center" for music greeting cards were finally completed.They discussed it, and the out-of-town customers are scheduled to start distribution on December 12th.But when it came to the local market, Chen Kangjie thought of those friends, and wanted to give them a chance to earn some pocket money, so as not to always eat and drink from Chen Kangjie. After a long time, they had ideas, so Chen Kangjie was responsible for the local market.

Today Chen Kangjie invited Ma Wei, Chen Qiancheng, Zhu Bala, Chen Jing, Yu Lan, Geng Guiying, Hou Jimei, Li Ying, Zhang Jiahua, etc. to a meeting on the grass behind the school.

"Do you want to earn pocket money by yourself? I will find a way for you to make money, and I guarantee that you can earn pocket money for at least several months in a few days."

Everyone was happy to hear that they could make money by themselves, and their eyes lit up.Although there are a few partners whose family conditions are not bad, it is still not so smooth every time they ask their parents for pocket money. Like Chen Kangjie, he never seems to be short of money, so he always finds him for food and drink, but after a long time, it is not so smooth. OK.Chen Jing didn't lack pocket money at first, and Chen Kangjie gave her ten yuan and twenty yuan every time, but in order not to let her place orders, and to have a sense of accomplishment by earning money by himself, he still added her.

"Old Wen, tell me quickly, how can I make money, can I earn five yuan?" Ma Wei was the most anxious, but in fact, other people were also anxious, but it's not easy to ask after Ma Wei asked.

"How much do you earn? I dare not say. Anyway, more work pays more. The way is to sell greeting cards at the gates of surrounding schools in a few days, and sell the cards to those canteens. I will provide you with free greeting cards. Three cents for a greeting card. How about it, are you all interested?"

Hearing that a greeting card costs as much as [-] cents, everyone clamored to participate.Chen Kangjie allocated four middle schools in the urban area, one technical school, three children's schools and six elementary schools to them, and made an appointment to go to Chen Yuqiong's store to get the card. The reason why they didn't call Chen Mei and Chen Mei The reason for participating was that they were going to help Chen Yuqiong with Chen Yuchang in those few days, and she couldn't do it alone.

For the local market, Chen Kangjie only decided to wholesale one piece of six pieces.Folks in the village, you have to take care of yourself.

Chen Yuqiong started shipping from NO.12 in December, and just sent out 18 sheets for distribution.By December 12st all customers had received the goods, and only a hundred or so were sold on December 21st. Chen Yuqiong looked at the mountain of music greeting cards in the warehouse and felt very worried.

"Don't worry, it will get better, believe me, if you don't believe me, we will see tomorrow," Chen Kangjie just calmly comforted.

Sure enough, the next day, there was improvement. There was a store in Berkshire that had sold out [-] cards, so I called to order [-] cards, and it was in cash, and I paid off the payment for the [-] cards.Chen Yuqiong finally got busy.

Starting from December 12rd, more and more deliveries were made every day, and every customer called to request delivery, all of which were paid in full.Chen Mei and Chen Mei were in charge of answering the phone and packing, while Chen Yuchang and Chen Yuqiong were in charge of delivering goods at the train station, and they were extremely busy all day long.Every day, I send hundreds to thousands of musical greeting cards to more than ten or twenty customers.

(No. On this day, there are only 11 greeting cards in the warehouse. Seeing that the goods are selling so fast, Chen Yuqiong is happy, and finally no longer has to worry about selling out. Seeing that I can receive so much money every day, I feel happy Yes, I feel strong all over.

Those little friends also came, and they all liked the colorful and exquisite greeting cards very much.Everyone carried dozens of them in their schoolbags and sold them.In the past few days, Chen Yuqiong sells music greeting cards here, and the owners of the surrounding stationery stores and school canteens also know about it, but it’s too busy here, and Chen Yuqiong doesn’t have much time to deal with it, and he also promised Chen Kangjie’s local market to hand over to him, so each store is I only sold a dozen or twenty copies as samples, and then I didn't sell them any more.

Seeing the music greeting cards carried by these little guys, the owners of the stationery shop almost rushed to get them, and they were sold out in a short while, and they all came back sweating profusely to get the goods.Dole couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.Chen Kangjie found a chair and drank Jianlibao with a smile on his legs, not bothering them to run a few times. Anyway, hard work pays more, and let them know that hard work will pay off.

By the 30th, there were only 1 musical greeting cards in the warehouse, and Chen Yuqiong stopped sending them to other provinces, because the logistics were relatively slow, and it would not be in time for New Year's Day when they arrived there.What Chen Kangjie meant was to send [-] points to a few customers in the province in the afternoon, and leave the rest for these little guys to sell.How could Chen Yuqiong disagree, she readily accepted.

During the two days of NO.30 and 31, all these guys were so happy that they kept delivering goods to the gates of various schools. Each of them had to run several times a day, sweating profusely from exhaustion, and even the girls didn't pay attention to their grooming.As a result, all three thousand points were sold out in two days.

On the first New Year's Day, a few little guys came to the front door early in the morning to get their "salary". Everyone felt that they should have made a lot of money.They sold a total of [-] musical greeting cards these days.As a result, when Chen Kangjie told them that the highest was [-] and the lowest was [-], they all screamed.Chen Kangjie himself also drew a dime for each greeting card to calculate his own profit, so he earned five hundred by himself.

Chen Yuqiong gave them all the money they should take, and repeatedly told them to hand it over to the adults, and just keep some for themselves.Chen Kangjie also meant the same thing. After all, their physical and psychological ages are very young, so spending so much money on them may not be a good thing.So Chen Kangjie also threatened not to follow the rules and not let him participate in such an opportunity next time.

In the evening, when their parents knew that their children had earned money in four days that they hadn't earned in a month, they were very happy. Many parents brought their children to Chen Kangjie's house to express their gratitude.

What Chen Kangjie didn't know was that since then, parents have encouraged their children to play more with Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie not only studies well, but also earns money by playing along. As an excuse and a shield, everything is invincible.

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