Chapter 19 Provocateur Method (this chapter is free)

After Chen Yuqiong went to the printing factory to settle all the accounts, she made a profit of more than 31 yuan.Seeing so much money, she didn't dare to think about it before, but now she has earned it in two months. She was so excited that she hugged Chen Kangjie and kissed him for a long time. Tears wet Chen Kangjie's face. Fortunately, they were tears of happiness. Chen Kangjie Also followed cheerfully.

Chen Yuqiong wanted to share Chen Kangjie's half, but Chen Kangjie couldn't bear it. He was helping the eldest sister earn money, not a partnership business. He didn't have many ideas if he wanted to make money.

There was no other way, Chen Yuqiong secretly returned the more than [-] that he had advanced earlier, and added [-] more.Under the threat of Chen Yuqiong getting angry, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to accept it reluctantly.

Chen Yuchang, Chen Mei, and Chen Mei were also busy for several days. Chen Yuchang was already working, and he wanted to buy a motorcycle, so he gave [-] yuan. Chen Mei and Chen Mei were still in school, so one of them gave Two thousand for pocket change.

Chen Yuchang couldn't be happier. If it weren't for this, he would have to go without eating or drinking for several years if he wanted to buy a motorcycle.But Chen Kangjie didn't want him to buy an ordinary motorcycle. Although hundreds of thousands of motorcycles were produced in China every year, they were not very good-looking. Chen Kangjie remembered that the Yamaha dzr250 was good, so he suggested him to buy this one.

"You should buy Yamaha dzr, it is beautiful and cool"

"I want to buy Happiness 250. I haven't heard of the Yamaha dzr250 you mentioned." Chen Yuchang was a little confused.

"That's up to you, I think the Yamaha dzr250 is much more beautiful"

Chen Kangjie didn't want to ask his brother to buy things he didn't want to buy.

"Really? Then how much is the Yamaha dzr250 you mentioned? I haven't seen it sold here."

Chen Yuchang was also aroused by his brother's words. In the past few months, his father's promotion and his eldest sister's money are all thanks to this brother. In addition, he can make a lot of money himself, so he doesn't look at this with a normal heart. guy.

"I don't know how much it is, but at least a few thousand dollars, maybe more than 1 RMB, and it should be sold in provincial capitals," Chen Kangjie replied casually.

Chen Kangjie remembers that the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar in 1 was about three yuan and four cents.After calculation, a motorcycle like that will cost more than [-] yuan.

"Huh? More than 1 yuan, I don't have as much money as you"

Hearing that the price was more than 1 yuan, Chen Yuchang also became depressed, and retreated, because he had no money.However, he still glanced at Chen Yuqiong and Chen Kangjie, expecting them to help.

"Don't look at Eldest Sister, you pay [-] by yourself, the extra will be mine, and it will be fine to come to Eldest Sister to help out more in the future."

Chen Kangjie didn't know his little thoughts.The eldest sister’s money is still useful for her. Anyway, I can’t spend so much on my own money. I remember that in another parallel world, this brother was really kind to me. One year, I didn’t have money to give my brother New Year’s money, so I went to run away. He earned 50 yuan from the motorcycle for a day and sent it to Chen Kangjie.Therefore, Chen Kangjie also wanted his brother to live a better life, so he suggested buying a better motorcycle.

Hearing that someone was helping, Chen Yuchang cheerfully gave Chen Kangjie a bear hug and said, "What a good brother, haha"

"It's good to have a younger brother who can make money, Lao Wen, does Fifth Sister look for you if she doesn't have enough to buy?" Chen Mei on the side joked.

"Chrysanthemum, treat everyone equally, who told you that you are all my best sisters, hehe, you don't want to buy a motorcycle too, do you? Haha" Chen Kangjie also answered casually.He knew that it was impossible for his sister to really buy a motorcycle, and she was still a little girl in the fifth grade.

Of course, Chen Mei didn't want to buy something now, she was just feeling emotional.

"Old man, look, this music greeting card is also sold out, what are you doing with such a big facade, it can't be empty?" Chen Yuqiong said, looking at the empty warehouse and shaking her head.

Chen Yuqiong made money, and her ideas changed. She wanted to use this place to do business, but she didn't know what to do. She remembered that it was her younger brother who asked to rent this place. Knowing that Chen Kangjie had many ideas, she must have other ideas, so He also asked in the tone of treating an adult.

"Sister, of course this place is useful, and it is still very useful. I plan to ask you to open a supermarket here."

"Supermarket, what is a supermarket?" Chen Yuqiong was a little confused.

"A supermarket is a supermarket. It means putting the goods on the shelves. Customers can choose by themselves. After the selection, they can take it to the cashier and pay. I read in the newspaper that one opened in Beijing in 83, and the business is very good." Chen Kangjie I can only explain it again.

However, Chen Yuqiong and the sisters also wondered what to do if they put it on the shelf for customers to choose, and it was stolen, or what to do if the food was secretly eaten, but when Chen Yuqiong thought about the income from the music greeting card that his brother just finished, Qian Dianzi also worshiped Chen Kangjie blindly.

"Well, if you say you want to open a supermarket, you will open a supermarket. The elder sister believes in you, but this elder sister of the supermarket does not know how to do it. What should I do?"

"Sister, you can't, but I can. I'll draw some drawings for you these few days. You should first decorate the place as I said, and then hire a few workers. There are more girls. You don't need to be educated. The level is too high, but at least you have to be able to speak and look good, and you should also invite two or three boys, preferably those who have served in the army."

Chen Kangjie made further arrangements.Seeing that the elder sister still had doubts, before Chen Yuqiong could ask, Chen Kangjie went on to talk more eloquently.

"For shopping, although there are no salespersons, there must be someone who collects money and a shopping guide who explains to customers. This is a must. As for the man you hire, it is naturally a security guard. If you encounter a thief or something, there must be someone Deal with it, turn it over to the police station."

Now Chen Yuqiong also understood.

In fact, Chen Kangjie also knew that the central government would issue a policy in the future that prohibits leading officials at the provincial, ministerial and bureau levels from engaging in business. It is very loose, and it was hardly implemented before the rebirth until the 21st century. The main reason is that individuals are not allowed to engage in business and enterprise activities that may conflict with public interests within the business scope under the jurisdiction of the leading cadre.And it is mainly targeted. For example, the spouse and children of the chief of public security cannot operate the entertainment industry and special industries in the area under his jurisdiction, including karaoke halls, dance halls, bathing centers, etc. The spouse of the chief of customs, Children cannot engage in customs clearance and other businesses, the spouse and children of the president of the court cannot open a law firm, the spouse and children of the general manager of an oil company cannot operate oil, and so on.As for leaders like the secretary and mayor, who are responsible for all-round work, they are only restricted in relatively sensitive industries. After all, the central government also proposed that the children of leaders should also be employed and live.

Of course, Chen Kangjie disdains those things of buying and selling, and he will not do tax evasion, so as long as he operates in a law-abiding manner, pays taxes according to the regulations, and can stand the investigation, there will be no problem.

"Sister, but you must ask clearly about the procedures you should go through. Don't be afraid of spending money after completing all the procedures. In the future, you must pay taxes according to the regulations and operate according to the law. This is for your own good and for your father's consideration." Although Chen Kangjie is young, But these should be told clearly, lest the eldest sister get confused for a while.

"Don't worry, our family must only earn decent money, and we don't do illegal things. Third, now that our family has some money, don't cause trouble outside like before." Eldest sister He was told by the youngest brother, although he felt that what the younger brother said was right, but he still couldn't hold back his face, and wanted to look like a big sister, so he had to change the topic to Chen Yuchang, who told him to always cause trouble in the past.

"Hey, big sister, what else will you cause in the future? If you don't have money to spend, you can find Lao Wen and you. Hehe, who told Lao Wen not to give me some business?" After being told, Chen Yuchang not only didn't blush, but also Haha, but I also hope that this smart brother can also get some money for himself like helping the eldest sister.

In fact, Chen Kangjie also thought about this question, but he just felt that it was not suitable for a while, and the third brother's temper had to be sharpened, otherwise he would really have a lot of money, and he was afraid that something would happen. is very rebellious.

"Third brother, it's not brother, I won't find a way to make money for you, it's because you are really not suitable now, and your character is not clear to you. Doing business is no joke, and it is also very hard, otherwise I accidentally lost everything. If you promise me to go to class for a year with peace of mind and not be criticized by my father within a year, I will find you a way to make money like the eldest sister, and you don’t want to spend money every time. Just ask us for it? Hehe, how about it?", Chen Kangjie adopted the aggressive method of refusal and welcome, and he could only do this to himself, the third brother, otherwise other methods might not be easy to use.

Hearing what Chen Kangjie said, the other three brothers and sisters all laughed, planning to see how Chen Yuchang would respond to this.

"Okay, as you said, if you can't do it by then, I'll take your salary for writing songs." Chen Yuchang thought for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and didn't forget to threaten his brother.

"Deal, it's a deal. I'm six years old and I keep my word. You're older than me and you can't be foolish." Chen Kangjie was very happy when he saw that he had achieved his goal. layer.

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