rebirth of change

Chapter 1685 Heroes See the Same Thing

"No matter how you fly, it's fine if you come, it's fine if you come. For the two brothers who died just now, after they go back, they must pay full pensions to their families. They sacrificed for me. Don't treat them badly. Now, we must take their remains back, and never let them sleep elsewhere." Thinking of the two soldiers who were said to have died just now, Chen Kangjie exhorted sadly.

"I have to bring it back, but it's not very convenient now. I suggest waiting for a while. By the way, Master Jie, we brought a contact device. Would you like to call home?" Zheng Jun said.

"Yes, yes, yes, I need to make a phone call first, I guess, they are in a hurry, and I was scolded to death." Chen Kangjie slapped his thigh and realized.

At this time, Zheng Jun and the others not only brought radio equipment, but also a satellite phone. In this high-altitude plateau area, the mobile phone is basically useless, and there is no signal at all.

Chen Kangjie first called home with a satellite phone, which was completely different from what he had imagined. Ma Fangqin didn't cry or rush when he received the call, and just scolded him a few words.

"You said that you are really serious. If you can't come back for the New Year, can't you just call home? What is your mobile phone for? It can't even get through. I'm looking for that Ouyang...Zhenhua, he said you are in a hurry , You said you, your family is not short of money, you are not short of fame, how could you not go home for the New Year because of the construction period of a movie, I thought you forgot your home, if you have the guts, don’t call Don't come back, bastard, your wings are hard when you grow up."

At first, Chen Kangjie was dumbfounded when he heard it, but gradually, he understood what was going on. It must be that everyone else had kept their mouths shut, concealed the news together, and lied to her old man.

Just like what Chen Kangjie guessed, only Chen Qigang knew what was going on in the family. In order not to worry others, they made up a lie together, saying that Chen Kangjie stayed abroad during the Chinese New Year in order to finish filming in a hurry.

"Mom, don't be angry, I'm too busy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you can't get through to your mobile phone, it's because my phone is broken, and the mobile phone bought here can't use a domestic card, hey, Even I'm angry." Since Ma Fangqin didn't know the details, it was even more impossible for Chen Kangjie to expose it, so he pretended to be nonchalant and continued following Ma Fangqin's words.

"What kind of broken place is that? It's so backward. If that's the case, why do you still go there to shoot some movies? You can't be in a hurry for two days. You can definitely come back for the New Year."

"I thought about it too... But unfortunately, the airport here is blocked by snow, and the planes can't take off. When the conditions improve, I have already missed the Chinese New Year. No, I can only stay. Besides, the team has 200 people. , They didn’t go back, how could I have the nerve to run alone, that would make me look like a bad person.” Chen Kangjie looked at the white snow on the mountain, and lied on the spur of the moment.

"Whose phone is it?" At this moment, Chen Kangjie heard his father's voice on the phone.

"Come on, come on, your precious son is calling, come and have a word with him, criticize him."

"Ah." Hearing that it was Chen Kangjie's call, Chen Qigang was a little excited and sudden.

"Why are you so surprised? You don't want to talk about it." Chen Qigang's surprise made Ma Fangqin a little dissatisfied.

"No, no, how hung up here, I will pick it up in the study."

"Why did you go to the study to pick it up? It's not something shameful, just pick it up here, really." Chen Qigang originally wanted to ask about Chen Kangjie's situation in private, but Ma Fangqin, who didn't know it, refused to let him go. They are sneaky.

"Can there be something shameful, really, nonsense, call me, go, make me a cup of tea."

Chen Kangjie couldn't say a word, so he could only listen to his parents' "secret battle" on the phone.

"Where are you now, are you safe?" A few seconds later, Ma Fangqin, who might have been instructed to drive, went to make tea, Chen Qi just lowered his voice and asked cautiously and seriously.

"We are now at the southern foot of the Hindu Kush Mountains. We are temporarily safe and have joined the rescuers." Chen Kangjie replied succinctly.

" let's withdraw quickly. For you, we are all in a hurry. The superiors call me every day, and we and Baguo will be fully mobilized soon." Hearing that Chen Kangjie was still in Xingdu At the southern foot of the Kush Mountains, Chen Qigang felt a little angry. He had been looking at the maps of Central Asia and South Asia for the past two days, and he knew where the Hindu Kush Mountains were.

"It may not be so fast for the time being, but you should be able to come back in a few days. Don't worry about me. I have to find a way to leave the country first. You have to..."

"Oh, good, good, good, come back as soon as you can, I heard that the weather over there is not good, you have to take care of yourself." Before Chen Kangjie could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Qigang.

Then Chen Kangjie heard his mother's voice, "Here, your tea is getting more and more bureaucratic. You can't do this by yourself. Remember to tell him to come back as soon as possible."

"He got it, got it, didn't he say he'll be back soon."

With Ma Fangqin by their side, Chen Kangjie and Chen Qigang couldn't talk too much, let alone say too sensitive things, and this is not a place for small talk, they hung up on each other within 2 minutes.

"I'll call my friend again." After hanging up, Chen Kangjie didn't put the phone down completely. He wanted to call Lin Ling and Fan Xuexi to say hello. He "disappeared" for so many days. thought up.

"Jie Shao, let's call later. This is not a place to stay for a long time. During the air battle, a plane slipped away. Moreover, some people escaped from the mountain just now. It is estimated that other people will come here soon. We It's better to leave here first, it's already dark, and we won't move quickly." Zheng Jun stopped Chen Kangjie who wanted to make another call.

Chen Kangjie raised his hand in the air, stared at the phone in a daze, hesitated for a while, accepted Zheng Jun's suggestion, and put the phone on "pata". Anyway, he had disappeared for so many days, so he called early and late. , there is no big difference, on the contrary, if you fight now, what can you say, at most it's just a lie, that's all, that's all, let's leave this ghost place first.

"Then where are we going now?" Since Zheng Jun was here, Chen Kangjie threw the question to him.

"There are two ways, one is to turn back according to the route you came from, return to Nuristan, and then return to Pakistan from there, and the other way is to go northeast along the snow-capped mountains, pass through Nangal, and go from Keke Turk enters the country and returns to China, but these two roads are not easy to travel, and each has its own dangers." Zheng Jun said while half kneeling and spreading out his map.

"How to say."

"Back to Nuristan, the road will be easier to walk, but you came from there, and killed a lot of people, there must be a lot of power gathered there now, if you go this way, there will definitely be a lot of violence There will be more casualties in the battle, but if you go northeast, there is nothing to stop them, because they are all steep mountain roads, high altitude, thin air, and some places are still covered with ice and snow. Especially, we still have several wounded, Taking this road is not conducive to their injuries, and will also slow down our marching speed." Zheng Jun explained.

Chen Kangjie took out the map that Pang Hui accidentally obtained from his purse and threw it on the ground, "Why don't we go over this mountain and go here." Chen Kangjie pointed to the black dot marked Nao on the map and said.

"As long as you pass the small town of Nao, you are out of the jurisdiction of the theologians. From Nao, you can go to Faizabad. From there, if you go east through Tajikistan, you can go from Uzbe Lishan Pass and return to China." Chen Kangjie pointed on the map and said.

"Passing Nao is not under the jurisdiction of theologians, so whose territory is that?" Zheng Jun didn't think about going that route, so he didn't know very well.

"Matthew, the anti-theologian Matthew, led the Northern Alliance to occupy this territory and use it as a base to oppose the theologian's rule." Chen Kangjie explained.

"The problem is that we have no connection or relationship with the Ma Xiude organization. If we go there rashly, if there is a misunderstanding, wouldn't it be that we just went out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den." Zheng Jun was a little worried.

"The enemy of an enemy is a friend. Besides, we have a guide who understands the local language. He will help explain it when the time comes. By the way, how about that Albanian, don't insist on not being there, otherwise, we will really go No."

"I can't die, but I'm not seriously injured. I'm afraid I won't be able to walk by myself." Zheng Jun said with a breath of white air.

"Then let's go, and we'll find our way through the night, as you said, there will still be people coming here." Chen Kangjie stood up after speaking.

However, just as Chen Kangjie was about to lift his foot, the satellite phone he had called just now rang.

Zheng Jun didn't answer, but looked at Chen Kangjie cross-eyed. If someone called this time at this time, it was almost for Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie didn't answer it in a hurry, but waited for the phone to ring a few times, and after making some calculations, he squatted down and picked up the phone.

"Uncle Zhao, why did you call?" It turned out that the call was from Zhao Zhibang, which made Chen Kangjie somewhat surprised.

"Okay, time is tight, stop talking nonsense, do you know the coordinates of your current location." Zhao Zhibang spoke very seriously and urgently.

Chen Kangjie didn't know the exact coordinates, but Zheng Jun knew that they had positioning equipment.

"Okay, if this is the case, then you go forward, there is a small town called Nao on the other side of the mountain in front of you, you go there, we have sent someone to contact Matthew, go this way It is the safest, if the agreement is reached, Faizabad has a road leading to Dusambe in Tajistan, and then we will arrange a plane to pick you up in Dusambe."

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