rebirth of change

Chapter 1686 Surrender Again

Although Chen Kangjie and the others took the pass between two snow-capped mountains, the altitude was still very high, and there was no road in between. Chen Kangjie and the others could only help each other to find their way forward.

This truncation layer of the pass cannot be compared with the steep peaks on both sides, but this does not mean that it is easy to walk, there are strange rocks everywhere, and many places are cliffs. It is also extremely difficult to let them go into battle lightly, and casualties will occur if they are not careful.

At night, the wind on the mountain is getting stronger, especially at the pass between the two mountains. The howling mountain wind makes people's cheeks hurt. Fortunately, they wear goggles, otherwise the snow rice mixed in the wind will It's hard to keep your eyes open, but there are good and bad things in everything. The goggles protect the eyes, but they also make the light dimmer, and the weak light reflected by the snow-capped mountains is all offset.

It wasn't long before Chen Kangjie and the others left. There was a zigzag and endless line of lights heading towards the previous battlefield.

"It's too difficult to walk this kind of mountain road at night. Let's find a place that can shelter from the wind. According to our current speed, even if we climb overnight, we won't be able to go very far. On the contrary, the mountain road is so dangerous. Accidental casualties are too bad." Chen Kangjie, who was helped by Zheng Jun to climb over a rocky ditch, said while sitting on the ground with his goggles raised against the wind, panting.

In order not to reveal their whereabouts, Chen Kangjie and the others did not use lighting along the way. They did not have lighting equipment before, but Zheng Jun and the others had it after they came. The cautious and slow-moving team shadow also felt that it was too dangerous to climb the mountain in the wind and snow. Just now there were two dangerous situations where someone almost fell off the cliff. One of them, if they fell, they would lose three lives. It was two comrades-in-arms who carried and supported Alyosha.

"Okay, then I'll go ahead and look for a place. Xiang Dongfang, you take two people with you to protect the safety of Young Master Jie." Zheng Jun shouted to a strong young man beside him after agreeing.

There were two platoons of people accompanying Zheng Jun this time, and Xiang Dongfang was the leader of one of them. It wasn't that Zheng Jun didn't want to bring more people. There were almost two battalions of troops on Christmas Island at this time. There is a shortage of people, the reason why only two platoons come here is that time is limited and there is no time to deploy and deploy. Second, this kind of cross-regional combat is actually a special warfare, not relying on a large number of people. Third, of course, it is necessary to consider the actual capabilities of Pakistan. And confidentiality, this kind of remote precise delivery is a troublesome thing when there are too many people.

"I promise to complete the task. If there is any mistake, please come and see me." Xiang Dongfang put his legs together and said arrogantly.

"Don't be so wicked, I'm not a three-year-old child, and I can take care of myself even if I get hurt." Chen Kangjie waved his hand and said.

On such a high-altitude mountain close to the peak, it is not easy to find a place to shelter from the wind. After exploring for a long time, the team in front of Zheng Jun only found a corner of the mountain, and the area is not large, and it can only reach a certain level. The surface to avoid the wind is less, and it cannot completely avoid the wind.

One night, Chen Kangjie and his wounded spent the night hiding in the corner of the mountain. Zheng Jun and his men could only stand firm and vigilant against the wind and snow.

The next day, just after dawn, Chen Kangjie and the others, who had been frozen all night, continued to move forward. Due to the lack of too many warm clothes and the inability to light a fire to keep warm, several of Chen Kangjie and the others who had been sitting on cold stones all night had a cold and fever, especially those who were injured. Alyosha, Wang Wei, Pang Hui, and Jalil, whose resistance was severely weakened in the end, must be carried or carried by the four of them in the follow-up advance. Fortunately, Zheng Jun brought more vitality , can be carried out in rotation with each other, as for the two horses that carried the load for them before, they were killed in the battle. In fact, even if the two horses did not die, they would not be able to climb such a mountain. Kill to satisfy hunger.

This pass, which is only a few kilometers long, looks easy to cross, but in fact, it is very difficult, not to mention the wind, steepness and slippery road, and the air gets thinner as you go up, and it is not easy to breathe every step you take. Yes, it took Chen Kangjie and the others more than ten hours to browse through the past with difficulty, and everyone was exhausted.

"It's no wonder that the theologians don't turn over from this direction to attack Matthew. If they really send troops from here, the combat power will have been consumed seven to eighty-eight times, and the rest will only be slaughtered." Sitting on a sandy ground During the break, Xiong Ziqiang looked at the sun that was about to set and said with a mouth full of bubbly.

In this group of people, almost everyone had blisters or opened their mouths, and some people could hardly hold their guns, because they were blown by the wind and frozen.

Chen Kangjie was also in a panic, lying directly on the ground, half-closed his eyes, breathing in the cold air, "They don't climb over here...It should be Matthew and the others who are prepared...I see, that one The small town is specially guarded here, otherwise, why set up a small town in this place where the birds don't shit. "

What Chen Kangjie said was right, that's where Nao's role lies. Moreover, there were not many civilians in that town, and most of them were stationed by troops armed by Matthew.

"Judging from the coordinates, we are not far from Nao, less than ten kilometers. I believe we should be able to see it after turning the corner ahead and descending the big slope." Zheng Jun said, looking at the map and the locator in his hand. .

"No matter how far it is, we have to take a breath before we go. It is difficult to go up the mountain, and it is not suitable to go down the mountain now." Chen Kangjie sighed.

Going up the mountain feels that the thigh and waist suffer more, but going down the mountain, the calf is not easy, and every step will make the whole leg sore and uncomfortable.

"%.........¥*#@¥(..." Chen Kangjie had just finished speaking when he heard a roar from behind. He didn't understand what it meant, but it startled Chen Kangjie and the others anyway.

When everyone looked over, they immediately saw two groups of masked and armed people emerging from the mountain depressions on both sides, and they gathered towards Chen Kangjie and the others in a tendency to encircle.

The reason why they were quietly approached and surrounded was mainly because Chen Kangjie and the others were too tired, and there were also some factors of paralysis.

After a tiring day, they climbed a precipitous mountain with strong wind and low temperature. The well-trained people were almost as tired as dead donkeys. Therefore, when they called for a rest, they all fell to the ground and couldn’t get up. In addition, when they thought that this was Matthew's territory, they were coming to seek refuge with Matthew, so there was no embarrassment for people to guard against.

In addition, I have to say more or less that Zheng Jun and his group have good combat effectiveness, very elite, and very strong, but their usual training is on tropical islands, and they have never trained on plateaus close to snow-capped mountains. This makes them very strong and professional in island landing operations or defensive operations, but they are relatively lacking in mountain warfare. Not only do they lack experience in mountain warfare, but their bodies are also somewhat unable to adapt to this kind of oxygen-poor plateau disease.

But well-trained is well-trained, and that’s not a cover. Hearing that there are unexpected guests coming, and each of them is holding a weapon, these people brought by Zheng Jun, regardless of whether they are in good health or not, have all been given a shot in the arm Turn over and grab your own weapon to confront the opponent.

"%.........¥*#@¥(..." Seeing Zheng Jun and the others react, someone shouted from the opposite side, and the offensive posture was even more aggressive. Behind them, there were more people daring to attack. Come out, and they are all staring at each other.

Chen Kangjie crawled to Jahril's side and asked eagerly, "What did they say, what did they say."

Jahril was in a daze at this moment, looking very weak, "They told us to surrender on the spot...or we will be shot."

"Ask what their troops should say." It was a bit unrealistic for Jahril to stand up and talk to the other party, so Chen Kangjie decided to simply learn the local language.

"#¥¥@###¥%...@" Jahril said weakly.

"Say it again, say it again." Chen Kangjie worried that he didn't hear clearly, and urged him.

Jaliel taught Chen Kangjie what he just said.

Chen Kangjie felt that he had already learned it, so he stood up in the crowd and shouted at the other party, "#¥¥@###¥%...@"

Relying on the large number of people over there, they continued to surround them, but they still responded to Chen Kangjie's question.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't know what the other person's response meant, so he had to ask Jaliel. This is the value of Jaliel's existence. Otherwise, they could only talk with each other. Another battle had to start again. Zheng Jun and the others were all wearing bulletproof vests, which was also an important reason why their casualties were very low during the plane landing. The distance, presumably the casualties will not be so small.

After Jahril translated, Chen Kangjie simply asked Zheng Jun and the others to put down their weapons and surrender, because these people were Matthew's troops.

"Jie Shao, you can't put down the gun casually, in case... wouldn't it be a passive beating." Xiang Dongfang suggested.

"It was because we broke into their territory. Besides, we came here to find them. If there is another conflict with them, then we may not be able to go back. They saw at least 400 people and wanted to kill them. If we don’t, I’m afraid there will be no one on our side, let’s surrender, it’s a blessing or a curse, and it’s a disaster that can’t be avoided.” Chen Kangjie, who was standing in the crowd, pressed his hands and said.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie and the others put down their guns even though they were dressed strangely, the vigilance of the people surrounding them on both sides relaxed a lot.

It's just that these people didn't get close to Chen Kangjie and the others because of this, they still kept a relatively safe distance of seven or eight meters, and the guns in their hands didn't put down equally, and they continued to hold them in their hands.

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