rebirth of change

Chapter 1691 Asking Price Game

After listening to Matthew crying for a long time, it was a big detour before they changed the focus of the conversation to the main topic.

"Colonel Qiao, can you please tell the country to help us more."

When Ma Xiude said this, Chen Kangjie knew that Qiao Yanxue was a senior colonel. Although a senior colonel is not considered a general, his rank is not low. In foreign countries, he is equivalent to a brigadier general. If he is in a combat force, he is basically at the level of brigade commander and division commander. Well, the commanders and political commissars of some provincial military regions in China are only senior colonels. Before becoming the vice president, Matthew also worked in the army, and his military rank was brigadier general. On the other hand, Qiao Yanxue called Ma Xiude a general based on this point.

"General, you should be clear that under normal circumstances, we are unwilling to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Although we have no diplomatic relations with theologians, on the bright side, we are unlikely to stand up for you. This time I wouldn't come here if I didn't encounter such an unexpected situation that shouldn't happen. We will give you some compensation and thanks for your dedication and help. I'm here to discuss with you the specific materials and quantity. , However, it should be limited to civilian materials, and I am not authorized to talk about military equipment in China." Qiao Yanxue solemnly stated his position and attitude, and also explained his authority.

When it came to the end, Chen Kangjie noticed that Matthew's eyes darkened obviously. It seemed that what he really cared about was military equipment, and civilian supplies were not what he was in urgent need of.

This also means that they are already in the middle of a civil war. In a war environment, military supplies are more important than civilian supplies, because whether he can be defeated or whether he can win the offensive depends on how much he can get. There is obviously no shortage of personnel for weapons and equipment, and Matthew is obviously not short of personnel. Naturally, China can't provide him with personnel. As for civilian supplies, although they are poor, they can handle it with patience. Thinner, live in, any cave can handle it, the main reason is that the weapons and ammunition, the perennial battles have caused a lot of damage and consumption. If a soldier does not have a weapon, or does not have a powerful deterrent weapon, it will be the same as an ordinary There is not much difference between ordinary people. In the current era, victory can no longer be achieved by relying on sabers.

"But what we lack the most is military equipment. As you may have seen, the weapons in the hands of our soldiers are very old. Many of them are old things left over from the Soviet invasion in 79. They have been around for more than ten or twenty years, and their effectiveness has been greatly improved. Descend." Matthew said.

"General, in fact, many people in our army use 80s equipment, as does the air force. The difference is not big. I think the key to whether you can win or not depends on the human factor. Weapons are just supplementary. Well, back then we gained power by relying on millet plus rifles, and advanced weapons have nothing to do with us." Qiao Yanxue tactfully retorted, which was tantamount to a polite refusal.

"The problem is that we don't have an advantage in the human factor. Theologians rule 90.00% of the land and more than 90.00% of the population. The army is nearly ten times larger than ours. Besides, they have inherited some aircraft from the previous regime. And tanks, every time we fight, we will pay a lot of casualties. If it is not for the instability of the internal affairs, if they cannot draw enough superior forces, we will have been squeezed out of the country long ago. According to intelligence, they , in the second half of next year at the latest, after clearing the internal security of the west and northwest, we will draw out at least three times as many troops as ours to carry out the final encirclement and suppression. If we do not have a strong supplementary force, we will not be able to withstand such a large-scale armed attack Yes." Matthew said excitedly.

"General, I'm really sorry. Even so, we can't help you. If what you need is food, clothing or even generators, we can really talk about it. If your goal is weapons, I really can't help you." I can’t help you. Before I came, my superiors told me that weapons and ammunition cannot be exported because you are in a conflict area and there is no diplomatic relationship between the two countries. Even if you buy them with money, you can’t export them.” Qiao Yan Xue spread his hands and said helplessly in embarrassment.

"Mr. Qiao, don't you worry that the theologians will gain control of the entire country? We are neighboring countries. Don't you think that if the theologians control the entire country, it will also be an unsafe factor for China." Matthew changed the tone of the conversation and asked Qiao Yan Xuefeng.

Qiao Yanxue didn't answer Matthew's words right away, but kept silent for a while.

Chen Kangjie, who was sitting by the side, was also lost in thought. What does this mean? How could a theologian have been to the country to rule the country, threatening the security of China? A country is so poor and small, how could he dare to attack China?

Chen Kangjie shook his head lightly mocking himself. This is simply a fantasy. In today's world, which country dares to attack China on land, not to mention A country as a fourth-rate country, even the global hegemony of the United States would not do that. Compared with the air force, the navy, and nuclear weapons, we can't compare, but China is the world's largest army power, and that's not just bragging. Don't look at our army's lack of high-tech weapons, but the more than 100 million people are also the most in the world. Whether it was in the peninsula war that year or in the subsequent aided dating (cochin) war, the mighty country of the United States did not win. Is such a small country complacent and arrogant just because it can resist the invasion of the Soviet army? , that is also because of the changes in the pattern of international relations and their internal affairs, otherwise, where would it be so easy to be kicked out.

No, although theologians are a group of fanatics who have been paralyzed and brainwashed by religious thoughts, they are neither insane nor crazy. How could they do such a behavior that is obviously tantamount to suicide? What a difference, if they don't do this, how will it affect China's national security? The big deal is just like now, just don't communicate. Anyway, this poor and backward country has no technology, no market, and no big resources. , does not help us much. Although the strategic location is very important, we have not yet reached the point where we want to expand aggressively. Even if we need to go out, we can bypass this place.

"General, we are grateful to you for preventing the northwest independents from entering Afghanistan, and we will keep it in mind. This is why we immediately thought of asking for your assistance this time. However, this is also the reason It is beneficial to both sides. If our Northwest Independence elements cross your defense zone on a large scale, it will also be a threat to you. If the Wakhan Corridor is out of control, the theologian will not send people to cross the Hindu Kush Mountains Is it?" As the representative sent by China to negotiate with Matthew, Qiao Yanxue is not in vain, and he has a better understanding of the local struggle and environment.

When Qiao Yanxue said this, Chen Kangjie fully understood what Matthew meant by saying that it would affect China's national security. There has always been an independent force in Tianshan Province in the northwest, and Tianshan Province has a wide border with Central Asia. Like Afghanistan, even though the border area is small, it is still a neighboring country. These independent forces often use their characteristics of the same religious beliefs to get in touch with and cooperate with certain radical forces and armed forces in Central Asia and South Asia. The cooperation not only enables them to escape in the face of domestic attacks, but also obtains training and assistance in various aspects abroad. I have to admit that this does have a certain impact and threat on our national security and sovereign integrity .

"Yes, I admit that it is indeed beneficial to both of us, but the situation is about to change. If I can't hold on to my basics, can I still hold on to the canyon of the Wakhan Corridor? I believe that by then, God will The bachelor will welcome the personnel from your country with open arms, they have little contact with the outside world, and they are not afraid of sanctions at all." Matthew's words were more or less threatening.

Or it cannot be said that they are a threat. Fundamentally speaking, what he said makes sense. Why do we attach so much importance to our relations with our western neighbors? To deepen the relationship, in addition to strategic interests, a very important factor is not to hope that they can help block that separatist force. If the opening of A country has been opened, it will be really troublesome. Those people can not only operate in A country, It is even possible to use the channel of Afghanistan to continue to develop westward. At that time, it will be more difficult to attack and besiege.

"General, have you intercepted many people from our side in the past?" Chen Kangjie interrupted and asked.

"A lot, there are dozens of them every year." Maybe because he felt that he was speaking lightly, Matthew immediately emphasized his tone, "But if the opening of this road is opened, there will be more than a few dozen. , there will be hundreds of them every year. In your country, they can’t get weapons, but here, they can get them easily. In your country, they can’t get combat experience, but here, they can also get them easily. It is not difficult to even set up your own training camp, and the theologian really hopes that the religious influence can expand infinitely."

When Chen Kangjie interrupted, Qiao Yanxue kept winking at Chen Kangjie, meaning to tell him not to talk nonsense. Chen Kangjie actually saw it, but he pretended not to see it.

Chen Kangjie is a free agent, unlike Qiao Yanxue who is subject to all kinds of constraints and checks and balances. As for the part that interests him, he wants to find out as long as possible.

"General, it's late today. Let's do this. If we have anything to talk about, let's talk about it tomorrow. What do you think?" Seeing that Chen Kangjie was indifferent, Qiao Yanxue planned to give up today's conversation.

"Okay, you are tired all the way, so take a good rest, no matter the communication equipment here or the communication equipment you brought, you can use whatever you want. Oh, by the way, there are a few good doctors here. Tomorrow They will come to examine and treat the wounded, and we still have some basic medicines here."

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