rebirth of change

Chapter 1692 Unless foreign countries intervene

"Brother Qiao, where do you live?" Chen Kangjie asked Qiao Yanxue when he was going down the stairs.

"We live outside, not in this yard." Qiao Yanxue replied casually as if thinking about something.

"Oh, then if you're not in a hurry to go back and rest, you can sit with me." Chen Kangjie glanced at the two Matthew's soldiers following him, and invited Qiao Yanxue.

"Ah, oh." Qiao Yanxue came back to his senses, and then glanced at the two people who sent him away, "Okay then, I'll sit with you and see what kind of environment they arrange. "

Qiao Yanxue didn't go out directly, but followed Chen Kangjie to his resting room.The two local soldiers who followed did not stop them, but they still followed to the door.

"Master Jie, what did they say? Hey, why are these two people still following?" Seeing Chen Kangjie and Qiao Yanxue, Zheng Jun led Xiang Dongfang and the others to meet him.

"Let's talk about that later. These two are protecting Mr. Qiao. Don't mind. By the way, let me introduce you. This is Senior Colonel Qiao. He came from the Northwest Military Region for our business."

After Chen Kangjie introduced, an active soldier and a former soldier held hands together.Although they had never met before, the same military complex gave them a feeling of closeness.

After a few simple greetings, Qiao Yanxue followed Chen Kangjie into his room, and now the two soldiers who followed him did not follow in boldly, but guarded the door on both sides with Xiang Dongfang and the others.

"I can give you a single room. It seems that Matthew is not confused and knows which is more important." Qiao Yanxue commented after scanning around Chen Kangjie's simple room.

"This room is not as good as the guest houses in domestic towns, but I have to admit that this is the best condition for me to live in this country." Chen Kangjie pushed the quilt on the bed to the corner, and then moved towards a chair opposite. Yanshou, "Brother Qiao, please sit down, this is the way it is, it's not my territory, I don't have anything to entertain you. I'll entertain you well when I get back to China."

Qiao Yanxue sat down on the chair, and Chen Kangjie himself sat down on the small bed.

"Brother Qiao, when can we leave here?" After sitting down, Chen Kangjie asked.

"It may take a few days. I heard that you have a dozen injured or sick people. They need certain treatment. In addition, Matthew and I have to negotiate. I think you can see it. They don't let you go out, not for safety, but because they need you as bargaining chips." Qiao Yanxue leaned on the chair, staring at Chen Kangjie and said.

"Yes, I didn't know at first, but I gradually noticed later. It seems that if you don't agree to their conditions, we won't be able to leave." Chen Kangjie admitted.

"Their conditions are not easy to agree to!" Qiao Yanxue said with a sigh.

"Why? Is it true that the country is not prepared to provide military products?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"It's not that it's not allowed, but before I came, the country did not authorize me to negotiate military aid. If it's just a civilian product, then I have the right to act cheaply, and it can be shipped from the canyon of the Wakhan Corridor after the spring. But the military Products are very sensitive, and I understand why the country does not allow me to get involved, because what Matthew needs is not general military supplies." Qiao Yanxue said frankly.

"What he needs is not ordinary military supplies?" Chen Kangjie was a little confused.

"Of course, do you think he is really as poor as he said? In the past two years, his territory has indeed decreased, but the number of troops has increased. I dare not say that they have enough ammunition, but I can be sure. What's more, they don't lack guns and bullets. Otherwise, they would have been wiped out long ago. Can they still linger here to consolidate his base? I knew before that they lacked food and daily necessities, but now it seems that food They have a way of getting it too. If he just wants a rifle, submachine gun or ammunition, then maybe we can talk about it. Before you came, I felt his bottom. He wanted a heavy weapon. Basically I can't talk, so I refused him." Qiao Yanxue is worthy of being a negotiator, and it seems that he still has a grasp of the situation here.

"How do you say that?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"It's very simple. In terms of light weapons, the international arms market can be said to be flooded. It is normal for us to sell some. There is nothing wrong with it. No one will make a fuss about this. But heavy weapons are different. For Matthew De, he What is urgently needed are anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank missiles, and artillery. Once these things are known to be our products and provided by us, it will affect our international image, and even make some Central Asian countries The reassessment of our views will have far-reaching consequences. Also, if the theologian captures these equipment, our borders will not be peaceful. After the theologian came to power, although we have no diplomatic relations with the theologian However, whether they like it or not, the theologians have already been regarded as the representatives of the government of Algeria in the international arena. If they know that we have provided Matthew with heavy weapons, they will definitely take various measures to give us Tianshan to split and become independent. Molecular help, thereby disrupting our border. This is not worthwhile." Qiao Yanxue explained to Chen Kangjie from his perspective.

"However, although a turbulent Albanian country is not in our interests, a country ruled by theologians is also not in our interests. Aren't those separatists blocked by Matthew?" Chen Kangjie said.

"Do you think he really blocked everything? There are loopholes everywhere in the vast mountains. According to our assessment, there are still at least 50 people fleeing to the range of the theologians every year. This is because the theologians are not willing to openly fight against us. If they know that we provide Matthew with heavy weapons, the situation will be completely different, and we have to be cautious about this." Qiao Yanxue said.

"Oh." Chen Kangjie replied with his head down.

Chen Kangjie didn't pay much attention to this direction before, so he was relatively unfamiliar with the conflict of interests between the West and Central Asia.In the past, his attention was all on the east, such as Japan, the United States, and Southeast Asia. His attention was all on the sea, or in our general strategic direction.

"If that's the case, then why should we support Matthew to defeat the theologians? Relatively speaking, it would be more beneficial for us if Matthew's secular faction can come to power." After thinking for a while, Chen Kangjie said again.

"Hehe." Qiao Yanxue smiled, and it seemed that the question Chen Kangjie asked was a bit too low-level, "You think we don't want to, but is it possible? After our evaluation, it is basically impossible. At the time, Matthew 30.00% of Debao's land area has not defeated the Theologian organization, let alone a corner now? It is already very good that he can keep the current situation. It is expected that he will counterattack on a large scale and seize control of the entire country. The probability is, Less than 5.00%."

"There is no iron wall that cannot be broken in this world. The impenetrable Maginot Line can be easily broken through. How can Matthew not defeat the theologian? He is also a former vice president, has qualifications, and was born in a wealthy family. The family, plus his dead brother being hailed as a hero, is fame. In addition, he has not fallen in the resistance struggle for so many years, so he has the means and ability. Even if it is less than 5.00%, it is still possible. "Chen Kangjie retorted.

"But he doesn't have the resources to fight sustainably. War is not that simple." Qiao Yan leaned forward, maybe because he felt that his tone was a bit harsh, and adjusted it again, trying to be as stable as possible. The economic and population resources of the country are in the south, and several big cities are also in the south. This is why Matthew will be retreating steadily, because the resources for sustainable struggle are in the hands of the theologians. Now that you know Matthew's The chances of winning are not great, so why do we need to do such useless work, but offend the party in power for no reason. The country has made this assessment more than once, and our Northwest Military Region has participated in it, and the conclusion is that it is almost impossible zero unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless foreign forces intervene on a large scale, material supplies alone will not be able to help Mathieu reverse the unfavorable situation. Only a certain big country can provide strong support and help take Kabul or Kandahar from the south. One of the three big cities as its base. But this kind of situation is almost impossible, and now even the United States, which is not used to theologians, has not taken any measures, except for basic sanctions. In such a situation, We are even less likely to intervene, which is not in line with our strategic policy, nor in line with our current national fundamental interests. What we need now is a peaceful development environment, and what we need is that there are no emergencies in the surrounding areas." A simple question from Chen Kangjie , leading to a large passage of Qiao Yanxue.

Chen Kangjie finally understood it completely. No wonder the theologian was not defeated by domestic forces before his rebirth, but was hit by the powerful air and ground vitality of the United States.At that time, the focus of the United States' attack was the southern part of the country, especially the cities represented by Kabul and Kandahar.Completely driving out the forces of theologians from these places led to the new regime of the country of Algeria, and our country also gave their new regime funds and other assistance in many ways.

Hey, yes, if the history remains unchanged, the United States is about to launch a war against this country, and the reason is the 9.11 terrorist attack.But will the 9.11 terrorist attacks happen again?The answer is not certain.


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