rebirth of change

Chapter 170 Visiting the Capital

Chapter 170 Visiting the Capital

"Jie Shao, what is the purpose of the central leadership asking us this time?"

"Brother Ouyang doesn't know what it will be for? Of course it's for our investment and donation. It's a good thing anyway," Chen Kangjie said with a smile, leaning against the window of the Mercedes-Benz.

Not long after New Year's Day in 91, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua received a notice asking them to go to the capital, and the leaders of the central government wanted to meet them.

This is also very understandable. At the end of the 90s, the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee reported both the tourism development project and the highway construction project in Liushuipan City to the central government, and Huang Zhenhua reported the donation of Huatang Foundation in the name of the provincial "government". The plan, this plan is the result of he brought people to Liuzhi to communicate with Ouyang Zhenhua. The basic design and ideas are what Chen Kangjie said. Huang Zhenhua will not have any opinions on this, and report it to the original.

On the third day after receiving Chen Kangjie's call, Huang Zhenhua took people to Liushuipan for inspection, nominally to learn about the plans reported by Liushuipan, but actually to verify Chen Kangjie's donations with Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua face to face. Such a large amount is the first of its kind in the whole country. How could he not be cautious, and he didn't report the unprecedented donation amount of 100 billion a year to the central government until Ouyang Zhenhua patted his chest and promised.

The high-level officials in the capital received these two proposals almost at the same time, which caused a great sensation.The first sensation was that a prefecture-level city in such a remote province suddenly introduced billions of dollars in foreign investment. The even bigger shock was that a foundation planned to donate 500 billion yuan for education and scientific research charity in five years. This is too big. , These people simply don't regard money as money.

For such a great event, the leaders of the central government naturally strongly support it. Now they don't care about Hongyuan's foreign investment status and welcome these enterprises to invest.Will a company that can donate tens of billions be an unscrupulous capitalist?Will it abuse the road that has the right to operate?Obviously, there is no need for anyone's lobbying. Most leaders feel disgusted when they see the objections in the province. What better foreign capital do we plan to introduce in our reform and development?Isn't that ironic.Even those who wanted to speak for those opponents consciously shut their mouths in front of the huge sum of money.

These two proposals soon reached the top chief's desk. After reading it once, he said "good, good."

"Chief, you have given them instructions for this company." Seeing that the old chief was in a happy mood, his secretary Lin Minchang also added in a timely manner.

"Oh? I gave them instructions?" Although the old chief is still healthy, he is unavoidably a [-]-year-old octogenarian, and his memory will inevitably be a little bad.

"Yes, it is the long-term advertising agreement reached between this company and CCTV. At that time, the Propaganda Department reported this matter, and you issued an order. In the order, you also praised this company for donating 1 million yuan." Thinking the old chief Forgot, so Lin Minchang made some reminders.

"Oh, it turned out to be them. I just remembered when you said that. No wonder the name of this company always looked familiar to me. As Hong Kong compatriots, they are indeed very patriotic. It seems that my evaluation last time was correct." The old chief took off his reading glasses and said with a hale and hearty expression.

"Well, there are not many companies in the world that can make such a large donation. Although it is not done by one company, even if it is shared, each company has to donate a lot." The people from the state are also from poverty-stricken areas, and they have visited foreign countries. It is very clear that this not only shows the strength of these enterprises, but also a sense of responsibility, so he is very emotional.

"I didn't expect the Qianzhou Provincial Committee to be so confused that such a thing needs to be reported. I really don't know what they are doing in their usual work?" Thinking that the plan submitted by the Qianzhou Provincial Committee mentioned the opinions of all parties, the old chief Don't hit one place when you are angry.

The reform and opening up he promoted was to break the rules, and the purpose was to develop the economy and improve people's lives. What kind of courage is needed for this.But now he clearly sees that in the process of reform and opening up, there are still a group of leading cadres below who have rigid thinking and refuse to let go of the big thinking of planned economy, and even some cadres still have the concept of class struggle.

He proposed to make some people rich first and develop the eastern region first. In fact, it was a helpless move because of limited financial resources. His hometown is in the west. It's not that he doesn't want to develop the west together, it's completely beyond his ability.So right after that, in order to obtain the greatest benefit, it was decided to give priority to the east, then the central region, and finally develop the west. But now some people are willing to help develop the west, but there are various reasons to oppose it. How can he not be angry.

"From the report, it can be seen that the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee has the support of many comrades, but they can't unify their opinions, so they reported to the central government." Lin Minchang has read both plans, and one of his tasks is to give the old chief When reading newspapers and documents, I will naturally read them in advance.He knew that the Governor of Qianzhou Provincial Government, the Executive Vice Governor and several other people strongly supported it.

"Well, this Huang Zhenhua is not bad, he is a capable cadre." The old chief took over Lin Minchang's words and praised Huang Zhenhua, which is already rare.In the plan submitted by the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee, there was a record of the Provincial Party Committee meeting, which showed the reason why the opinions could not be unified.

The old chief didn't mention Sun Yang, the secretary of the provincial party committee. He could clearly see his thoughts at this moment. Such a leader can be conservative, but pioneering is obviously not enough.So I skipped him directly. Now the whole country needs to forge ahead, work hard, and be smart and capable.

"What's the opinion of the other comrades in the Central Committee?", the old chief asked seemingly carelessly.

"I've heard that they are generally supportive, and I'm happy to see the results." As for the opinions of other central leaders, Lin Minchang didn't want to say too much, but simply clicked.

"Not only should we be happy to see the results, such enterprises should be fully supported, and such a good thing should be fully supported. This is not only beneficial to domestic development, but also beneficial to winning the hearts of tens of millions of overseas Chinese." The old chief immediately expressed his attitude.I feel that it is not enough to just be happy with the results.

Later, when other leaders and comrades came to visit, Chief No. [-] broke the news that Hongyuan Investment had donated aircraft design drawings and equipment to the country, and donated an additional one billion yuan in scientific research funds. After the old chief learned about it, everyone appreciated it. The leaders who heard this information were naturally surprised.

Next, the leaders in charge of the central government also expressed their attitude clearly, that is, they must vigorously support the development of Hong Kong-funded enterprises such as Hongyuan and overseas Chinese in the country, and provide good policies and services so that these enterprises can take advantage of their economic advantages and help the country achieve success. While the economy is progressing, it can also make profits and the enterprise can grow.

"I'm retired, and I didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the 'government' too much, but in this matter, we must be soberly aware that there are still many cadres whose minds are not open, or that the openness is not enough. It should also be noted that there are a lot of power among the people that can be used by me, and there are also a large number of overseas Chinese who have a heart to serve the country. We must mobilize their enthusiasm. The great rejuvenation of our nation is not the business of any one person. It’s not about any group of people. It’s not the capitalists who are harmful. Speaking of it, we are also capitalists, but we have state-owned capital. In essence, there is not much difference. Of course, we are a socialist country. Industries related to the strategic position of the national economy and the people's livelihood must be in the hands of the "government", but it cannot be said that foreign capital and private capital cannot be involved at all. This is very narrow. Poverty is not socialism. This sentence is a sentence quoted by Comrade Zhao Zhibang. Listen The person who said this was the consultant of Hongyuan Investment, but unexpectedly, it was a child, a child in the sixth grade." When he said this, the old chief paused a bit tiredly, and Wei Zhonghua stood up and took the teacup Pass it to the old chief.

After the old chief nodded his thanks, he took a sip of tea and continued, "I am very interested in this child. Poverty is not socialism. This sentence tells the direction of our work and also points out the true essence of socialism, which is to The people are well-off and live in peace and contentment, so all means can be used as long as they can achieve this goal. For enterprises like Hongyuan Investment, I just told Xiaolin that it is not enough to just be happy with the results, and we must fully support them. It coincides with your opinions. As for whether to commend them, I think it’s better to ask other people’s opinions. I don’t think they must be very concerned about donating tens of billions of people and companies. Don’t make people think about it. It’s not good if we do good deeds without leaving a name, but we make people hear them in the streets and alleys. The most important thing is that everyone sitting here, as well as our people, should always be grateful to others. This is the key. They are helping us and making up for our lack of work. Speaking of which, they are also spurring us to speed up development. Don’t make our education rely on donations in ten or twenty years. In that case, We may all end up speechless to meet the 'chairman' and Marx"

The old chief's long speech was very dignified. Of course, it also showed that he saw things differently.He always thinks about problems from the perspective of the development of the whole country, and even thinks about things that will happen decades later.

Many of the other leaders heard about Chen Kangjie’s deeds for the first time, and they were used to the big wind and waves. They were still quite surprised by the old chief’s mention of this kid. Poverty is not socialism" This sentence is enough to be regarded as extraordinary knowledge and knowledge.If you have the opportunity, you must see and see.

"We must implement your instructions, chief, old chief, then do you want to invite that Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua to the capital, that is, the president of Hongyuan and the chairman of the Huatang Foundation, let's entertain him, we can Let me express my gratitude to Hong Kong enterprises and compatriots," Wei Zhonghua bowed and said respectfully.

"I think it's okay. This is also an important task of the United Front. At the same time, it shows the attitude of our central government. By the way, remember to invite that little consultant too. I really want to meet him." The old chief said with great interest. Require.

Wei Zhonghua and the others don't know who this little consultant is, but they can't ask the old chief directly. This trivial matter is nothing to the general secretary.So just accept it.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua took their bodyguards and rushed from Liuzhi to the airport in the provincial capital. Ouyang Zhenhua could have gone directly from Hong Kong, but he changed to Qianzhou to accompany Chen Kangjie to Beijing.

When they arrived in the provincial capital, because it was still early, the two of them casually called on Huang Zhenhua again.

Huang Zhenhua knew that the two of them were going to Beijing to be interviewed by the leaders of the central government. He also found out through some channels that he had been praised by the old chief, so he seemed very excited.Although he is a ministerial-level governor, from this incident, we can already see some clues of the strength of Hongyuan Investment, which has reached the level that the central government attaches great importance to. Because of the source, it can be improved to a higher level.

As for Chen Kangjie, let alone, he is simply his lucky star. This little guy is very cute and extremely smart. What's more, he seems to have a special attraction to those rich overseas Chinese, and he can always bring Good news, he is simply a good friend of the God of Wealth.

Of course, out of courtesy, Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie also called on Secretary Sun Yang. Although he did not express his support, he did not object. Moreover, he is still the secretary of the provincial party committee after all, for the sake of his own project, for the sake of his father and godfather For the sake of thinking, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua are still going to visit Sun Yang out of courtesy, since they are not far apart anyway.

Naturally, from the point of view of the conversation, one can clearly feel the difference in closeness and estrangement. He and Huang Zhenhua seem to be much closer, and Sun Yang is more official, and the words he speaks become less painful.

The reason for this is not only that Chen Kangjie felt that Sun Yang did not expressly support the development plan of Liushuipan, but also that Sun Yang felt that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others came to show off.Sun Yang knew that the central government summoned them, and the word used was "please", which already explained the problem. Although no official document has been issued, Sun Yang is very clear that the central government has made a very clear attitude. Moreover, he It also has its own way to know the attitude of the central government.

In fact, he was still a little bit angry. He was angry that Ouyang Zhenhua didn't tell him about the donation of such a large amount, but only told Huang Zhenhua. This made him very passive. When this blockbuster was thrown out, He could already predict the impact.If he had known in advance that Hongyuan had such considerations, it would be impossible not to support him. Now the governor has become a good person, but his secretary has become a callous and bad person. In the foreseeable future, he can already know that his political career is coming to an end .

But when someone comes for a friendly visit, you have to have the proper etiquette, and you have to say the friendly things that should be said. Now the central government has to entertain people, let alone yourself.

After staying like Sun Yang for about ten minutes, Chen Kangjie and the others politely left.Compared with the more than an hour spent at Huang Zhenhua's place, many things are self-evident.

At the airport, more than a dozen people boarded the plane through the VIP channel and flew directly to the capital.

The person who came to meet them at the Capital Airport was Deputy Minister Zhang of the United Front Work Department. It can be seen that the rank is already very high, which reflects how much the upper management attaches importance to the two of them.

After exchanging pleasantries at the airport, everyone filed into a row of high-end red flag cars. The other passengers who arrived on the same plane saw this scene, and they all reviled in their hearts. This must be some kind of princeling or high-ranking official.Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know that they had become princes and executives in the eyes of some people. If they found out, they would probably laugh out loud.

"Uncle Zhang, where are we going? Should we go to the hotel for dinner first?" The deputy head of the United Front Work Department is named Zhang Huanyu, who looks very young and will have a bright future in the future. Absolutely no harm.

"Mr. Chen, let's meet the old chief directly, and then have dinner." Huang Zhenyu didn't expect that the consultant was so young, and he was also a guest invited by the old chief. Naturally, he was very polite and said to Chen Kangjie with a smile.

"Uncle Zhang, look at how small I am, you should call me Xiaojie, it's more natural," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Although Huang Zhenyu wanted to be polite, he was really not used to being called Mr. Child, and felt awkward. Since Chen Kangjie suggested so, he naturally went along with it.

"Uncle Huang, is the inspection very strict when you enter the university?" Chen Kangjie asked with interest. He had never seen it in his previous life, but he had heard some rumors, so he didn't know if it was true or not.

"Ordinary people can't get in, and those who can get in don't need to be checked. For example, your bodyguards don't need to be checked or not, they can't get in at all. You and Mr. Ouyang are guests, so naturally there is no need for any checks, but we will not go there for now. There", Huang Zhenyu found Chen Kangjie very interesting, and also heard some leaders speak highly of him from the side, so he seemed very close.

"Then thank you, Mr. Huang." When he mentioned himself, Ouyang Zhenhua said a word.

What Huang Zhenyu said was incomplete. It's not that the two of them don't need to be checked, it's just that they don't need those ordinary body searches, because they have been searched by the equipment on the car since they got on the car, and it was confirmed that they were not carrying any weapons. .

Ouyang Zhenhua is more excited and nervous. He is from Hong Kong. The central government and the big internal affairs are still relatively mysterious to him. In addition to the political system of China, Ouyang Zhenhua is a little nervous. He is not as relaxed as Chen Kangjie .Of course, there is also a lot of excitement. Thinking about a few years ago, he was still a small person, but now, he has been able to enter the highest center of the country as a guest, and the world has changed, like a dream.

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