Chapter 170

Arriving at the Xishan Villa where the old chief lived, he unexpectedly found that Chief No. [-] was also there. Both Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua were very excited. After the introduction by Deputy Minister Zhang, Chief No. [-] knew that the senior and junior were the invited guests .

Because the old chief was resting, Chen Kangjie and the others sat in the yard and chatted.After the introduction and chat, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua confided a lot of information about Hongyuan Investment and the trip to the Soviet Union.Of course, Chen Kangjie did not fully disclose the 4000 billion income, but only reported 1000 billion, but even so, the chief and deputy minister Zhang were surprised. The country's current foreign exchange is only tens of billions, which is only One tenth of this little guy.

In fact, since they were invited to the capital, the 'government' naturally investigated them through channels, which is not a difficult task for the 'government'.From the process of acquaintance and fortune of Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, I know, but I don't know their actual income.This is related to the fact that Chen Kangjie and the others chose to conduct complicated cross-registration overseas from the very beginning, and the funds were broken up into pieces. Therefore, except for Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, no one knows how much money Chen Kangjie has.

When he learned that Chen Kangjie had been preparing for this for two or three years, not to mention Vice Minister Zhang and Chief No. [-], even Ouyang Zhenhua felt incredible when he heard Chen Kangjie say it himself for the first time.

"How many years have you been preparing? It means that you knew something was going to happen to the Soviet Union a few years ago?"

When Chief No. [-] asked such a rhetorical question, Chen Kangjie instantly felt that he had slipped his tongue in a moment of humility, but don’t let the general secretary suspect that he was reborn, otherwise he would either be sent to study, or he would become a consultant of the central government and be placed under house arrest in disguise. .

"For about two years, in order to write novels, I read a lot of foreign books and learned information, so I made a bold prediction that the Soviet Union would disintegrate, so it was two years of preparation, mainly to raise funds", Chen Kangjie Immediately thought of the reason, although very reluctant, but better than no reason.

"It seems that you are a genius, fortunately you are in our country"

At this time, the old chief took a rest, came to the courtyard, and several people hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Grandpa, I admire you very much." Chen Kangjie stepped forward and bowed deeply to the old chief.

Chen Kangjie's words are not false at all. Compared with the "chairman", Chen Kangjie admires the old chief. The old chief is the false chief designer. Great evaluation, worthy of being a great politician of a generation.

"Little ghost, is your name Chen Kangjie?" The old chief smiled kindly and asked Chen Kangjie kindly.

In fact, there is no need to ask, Chen Kangjie is the only child among the pedestrians, so it is clear at a glance.The old chief's "unnecessary" inquiry was indeed an expression of kindness. He can remember the name of a child like Chen Kangjie, so can he not be close?

"Grandpa, I am Chen Kangjie", Chen Kangjie bowed politely, and replied respectfully.

At this time, Ouyang Zhenhua also stepped forward to salute and say hello. The old chief is also a national leader that Ouyang Zhenhua admires very much, so he is also very respectful.

"You say you admire me, but actually my old man also admires you."

After the group sat down in the yard, the secretary and service staff naturally served tea one by one. The old chief said kindly to Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, what is there to admire about me? Compared with you, how can fireflies be as good as the sun and the moon?" Chen Kangjie scratched his head embarrassedly and replied with a smile.

"Hehe, kid, don't belittle yourself, do you think my old man doesn't know what you do?" The old chief seemed very fond of Chen Kangjie's naive and cute look.

"Do you know about me?" Chen Kangjie was taken aback. He never thought that his own affairs would have entered the eyes of the old chief.

Up to now, Chen Kangjie doesn't know that the old chief gave instructions for their cooperation with CCTV. Chen Kangjie once guessed that the central government would investigate his details, but he has not confirmed it yet.Now it seems that his bottom has really been turned over.

"You are shocking the world, weeping ghosts and gods, how can I not know, otherwise, then I am too ignorant and ignorant," the old chief exaggerated and laughed at himself.The old chief seemed to be playing around with his own juniors.

"Old Chief, not only you, but even I admire him." Before Chen Kangjie could speak, Chief No. [-] interjected.

After chatting with Chen Kangjie just now, Chief No. [-]'s sense of Chen Kangjie has indeed changed from interest to a little admiration.

"Mr. Ouyang, you have discovered a great genius." Ouyang Zhenhua was sitting next to him, so the old chief nodded and said with a smile, not to neglect the guests too much.

"Old chief, yes, the most correct and proudest thing I did was to know Chen Kangjie and work together. Speaking of which, I am honored, otherwise, according to his intelligence, if he is changed randomly, maybe the achievements he has achieved will be lower. Bigger," Ouyang Zhenhua said modestly.Ouyang Zhenhua didn't call Jie Shao or Xiaojie on such an occasion. He felt that those were inappropriate, so he just said his name.

What Ouyang Zhenhua said was completely from the bottom of his heart, and he and Tan Meiyun also said the same.

"Mr. Ouyang, I'm going to say something that shouldn't be said here. Xiaojie is the only rare talent I've ever seen in this life. Please take good care of him."

"Old chief, even if you don't say it, I will. Without Chen Kangjie, I wouldn't be where I am today," Ouyang Zhenhua replied respectfully.

The words of the old chief are very interesting. Most people sound like the elders entrusting others to take care of their juniors. In fact, it is not the case. It is still a warning. As an adult, don't act foolishly, otherwise the central government will not agree, implying that the central government and him I will always pay attention to Chen Kangjie's safety.

How could Ouyang Zhenhua not understand what the old chief said? He is not Wuxia Amon now.

Chen Kangjie didn't expect the old chief to care about her so much, and he was so moved that he felt warm in his heart.

"Little Jie, besides writing songs, writing books, and of course, making money, what else are you planning to do?" The old chief asked Chen Kangjie expectantly, changing the subject.

Allusions to Ouyang Zhenhua's words are point-to-point, anyway, they are all smart people, and they didn't say it clearly, express what they want to express, and accept what should be accepted.

When the old chief mentioned making money, everyone laughed knowingly, especially Ouyang Zhenhua, who didn't understand as deeply as he did.

After laughing, everyone also stared at Chen Kangjie, expecting him to do something unusual.

The old chief asked exactly the same question as Zhao Zhibang once asked, is it true that politicians are also like scientists, finding a good seed is like cultivating it well to be the mainstay of the future.

"I plan to sing, make a movie, and if possible, I also want to participate in the Olympic Games. That's all I can think of for the time being." Chen Kangjie said what was in his heart.

These are actually the things he decided to do after his rebirth, not necessarily vigorous, but at least this life is not in vain, as for whether he will have other ideas in the future, I don't know for the time being.

"Hehe, it's very broad, that's all? Have you never thought about going into politics?" The old chief asked with unsatisfactory intentions.

"No, it's good to be able to do these things. I think that job is too tiring, and I have no ambitions. I really can't govern the country and the world. At most, it's just Qi Qi's family. I should do something that I think is meaningful. Important," Chen Kangjie said with a blushing face in embarrassment.

"It's a pity that you have such a pattern and vision that you don't go into politics," the old chief said regretfully.

Zhao Zhibang relayed many of what Chen Kangjie said to him to the old chief. He is the leader of the new generation that the old chief is most optimistic about, so he often asks the old chief for his experience in governing the country. Of course, he will also report some of his own gains.Compared with the old chief, Zhao Zhibang is dozens of years younger, and it should be so, so Zhao Zhibang's grasp is quite in place, which is also an important reason why he will step into the core of full strength and become one of the giants in two years.

"Hehe, China has never lacked politicians, but I think it lacks some people who do business, research, education, and even entertainment," Chen Kangjie said with a smirk.

"Why do you see it?", the general secretary asked what everyone else wanted to ask.

"The grandpas, uncles and uncles sitting here are all wise and extraordinary elites, and all of them are the wise men of my China at the moment, so I won't fight in front of you?" Chen Kangjie is really not good at showing off this aspect in front of the leaders. It's really too childish to play house. Chen Kangjie just has decades of memories, and he doesn't really have political experience.

"Hey, but it doesn't matter. The so-called childish words are innocent. We don't blame you if you say something wrong. Could it be that we old guys still bully you, a little baby?" The old chief encouraged Chen Kangjie.

I just heard Zhao Zhibang relay some of Chen Kangjie's thoughts before, knowing that his little head is not simple, and knowing that he can get back a huge amount of funds, aircraft blueprints and equipment from the Soviet Union in advance, and we can talk face to face today, how could the old chief let Chen Kangjie go? ah.

Chen Kangjie glanced around in embarrassment, looking very cautious, not sure if he really should say it.He knew that even if they were wrong, they wouldn't really care about him as a child, but if it was really too outrageous, it would have an impact on He Baoguo and Chen Qigang, they were still in the system.If Chen Kangjie's ideas are absurd, the old people will naturally think that Chen Qigang and the others taught them, so isn't their idea also absurd?

"Come on, don't worry, we're just chatting." Seeing that Chen Kangjie was still a little nervous and reserved, the old chief further encouraged him.

Let's just say it, let's go all out, Chen Kangjie secretly decided in his heart, anyway, it's a blessing or a curse, the old chief said so, if he twitches himself, he really doesn't know how to flatter him.

Chen Kangjie took a sip of tea, and opened his mouth to express his understanding of the situation of domestic talents.

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