rebirth of change

Chapter 172 Can't Wait

Chapter 170 Two Can't Wait

"It's actually very simple. I think everyone knows that our university graduates are allocated by the package. In other words, almost all talents are in the hands of the 'government'. They have become civil servants or employees of state-owned enterprises. An iron rice bowl is similar to a civil servant." Speaking of this, Chen Kangjie hesitated, organized his thoughts, and continued, "And our 'government' and state-owned institutions, to be honest, are really not very efficient, and many of them are overstaffed. , Of course, this may be caused by various historical factors. Maybe this is not good to say, but it is true. A considerable number of our best talents are in meetings every day, meetings, and maybe meetings at the end. Few people go Research on technology, enterprise, market, literature, art, education, etc. lacks a competitive mechanism and free choice. Maybe a person who is very interested in scientific research is assigned to be an official, and a person who is not so interested On the contrary, they stayed to do research, which is a bit absurd. Because of the lack of the corresponding mechanism, there will be a lack of stimulation and initiative. Everyone's motivation is to rely on self-consciousness and education. But This is obviously insufficient. If self-awareness and self-cultivation are useful, then there is no need for laws. Confucius seems to have educated people in this way. Obviously, although the power of morality is huge, it is far from enough."

"We have also discovered this problem, so how do you think it should be changed? So our policy has begun to loosen, and we no longer fully cover distribution a year or two ago." Vice Minister Zhang basically admitted what Chen Kangjie said, but still I want to hear more about Chen Kangjie's solution.

"Hehe, Uncle Zhang, this seems to be your business. To be honest, according to the current system, resources are in the hands of the 'government', and I can't help it." Chen Kangjie spread his hands, expressing his powerlessness. "Although the distribution of college graduate packages will be cancelled, the situation will be better, at least a certain degree of 'competitiveness' will be increased. However, the social environment and the 'government' system we have cultivated for decades are still strong, and it may take decades to recover." Let suitable talents go to suitable local fields", Chen Kangjie added based on his own understanding.

What Chen Kangjie said is indeed true. This situation has not fundamentally changed after 20 years, so what can Chen Kangjie do?Entering the 21st century, many outstanding graduates want to be civil servants or go to large state-owned enterprises, and some choose to go to large foreign-funded enterprises.Those who choose to go to private institutions are almost all children from ordinary families with no background.In the end, it is often a large number of ordinary talents with no resource background that create a lot of social value and promote social progress. These people have created millions of small and medium-sized enterprises and created tens of millions of jobs.

In the West, however, the best talents seldom choose to be civil servants. They all serve in enterprises, creating social value and realizing personal value.It is hard to imagine a scene where thousands of people will compete for a civil servant position like ours.

Everyone at the scene was thinking, with serious expressions on their faces. Even though Ouyang Zhenhua didn't care about these things, he was wondering whether what Chen Kangjie said was correct. He had rarely paid attention to domestic affairs before.

"We are a socialist country, and resources should be controlled by the 'government'," muttered the old chief's secretary.

"Socialist countries are true, and the 'government' is of course in control of the lifeblood of the country. This is no problem, and I support it. However, can the 'government' solve all problems? If the 'government' can solve all problems, then Do we still need reform and opening up? Do we still need to introduce foreign capital and technology? Do farmers still need a joint production contract responsibility system? Can the 'government' solve so many poor people and achieve full employment? I don't think so, among other things, the United States Well-developed countries still need a large number of charities. The 'government' doesn't have to do anything. There are tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollars in free donations every year to do many things that the 'government' should do. Just talk about the top Almost all universities in China are supported by private donations, but how much research funding does our best Capital University and Shuimu University have every year? I guess wildly, it is estimated that it is not as good as many second-rate universities in the United States. Many things depend on patriotism. Relying on initiative can do a good job, but there are still many things that need institutional guarantees and financial support. At least the resources of the "government" should be invested where they should." Chen Kangjie does not like to use such excuses to support the "government 'Monopoly's way of providing the interface.

"Then is this directly related to your donation to education?" The old chief suddenly asked.

"This, it has something to do with it, but it doesn't seem to be too directly related." Chen Kangjie said contradictoryly, he really didn't think about this issue carefully.

"Huh?" Everyone stared blankly at Chen Kangjie, unable to understand what his obviously contradictory words meant.

After a short thought, Chen Kangjie also came to his senses.

"What I just said is just my personal opinion, and it can't be taken seriously. As for donating to education, I agree with the old chief's words that science and technology are the primary productive forces. The development of education can not only improve the level of science and technology, but also improve the quality of life. The quality of a citizen can also change one's destiny, and there is a very interesting Western joke." Chen Kangjie did not forget to flatter while talking, but he really agreed with the old chief's words, and in the end he kept it a secret.

"What a joke, let us all listen to it," said the old chief, looking at Chen Kangjie with deep eyes.

Chen Kangjie stood up and said with a smile, "If the lions and tigers complain that they are fat, that's fine, maybe it will add some power, but if the pigs and sheep say they are fat, then their fate will be very bad." At this point, Chen Kangjie briefly paused, and continued, "The same is true for a country. Not only must there be economic prosperity, but also scientific and technological progress and military strength. The military is something we cannot set foot in, so we hope Make some contributions in terms of technology and culture”

Chen Kangjie's short speech made everyone think deeply.

"You're right, our 'government' also attaches great importance to education and military development, but economic development and education both need funds. If there is more here, there will be less there. This is very contradictory." What Chen Kangjie said was It's a bit saying that the 'government' has not invested enough in education and technology, so the No. [-] head made some excuses.

At this stage, in order to develop the economy, many military projects have come to a halt, and even to solve the problem of remuneration, each army has its own business, and military business has become a common practice, and the nine-year compulsory education is just a legal clause and a slogan. Not fully implemented.

Of course, Chen Kangjie can understand it to a certain extent. After all, economic construction requires a lot of funds. Without funds, talking about compulsory education and military modernization is a futile joke.

"Let me tell you another story for the leaders." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to directly refute the words of the chief, so he intends to save the country in a curve.

"We haven't heard a story for a long time. After hearing your joke today, let's listen to your story again. It must be interesting." The old chief was aroused by Chen Kangjie and said jokingly.

"Grandpa, I can only say my best. This story is called "Can't Wait." Chen Kangjie responded to the old chief with a smile, took a sip of water, and then continued, "It is said that the famous British missionary Timothy Lee was When he came to our country in 1870, he expressed many opinions on our society, one of which made people feel a lot of emotion. In 1887, Timothy Li suggested to Li Hongzhang to carry out educational reform. For this reason, the Qing Dynasty invested 100 million yuan in education every year. Two silver, Li Hongzhang's reply is that the "government" of our country cannot afford such a large sum of expenses. Timothy Li said: "That is the 'seed money', which will bring a hundred times the benefits.Li Hongzhang asked: "When will we see results?" Timothy Lee replied: "It will take at least 20 years to see the benefits of implementing modern education. Li Hongzhang said: "We can't wait that long."

Deputy Minister Zhang thought the story was over, and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chen Kangjie's gesture, "Uncle Zhang, my story is not finished yet," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"You continue," Zhang Huanyu didn't think Xu himself was embarrassed at all, and asked Chen Kangjie to continue.

"Similar scenes have been repeated in history. In 1898, the modern reformer Wang Zhao said to Kang Youwei: "In my opinion, only by establishing as many schools as possible, gradually expanding them, and changing the atmosphere day by day, can all new policies be implemented." Kang Youwei said: "The division of the great powers is just around the corner, how can you make it this way? In 1905, Yan Fu and Sun Yat-sen met in London. Yan Fu believed that the fundamental problem in our country lies in education, and revolution is not the top priority. Those who die in C will appear in B, and those who die in C will appear in D.For the current plan, we must urgently start with education, and the common people will gradually be updated! ", Mr. Sun said, "When the river is clear, what is the life expectancy?You are a thinker, but I am a doer." The story is over for the time being." Chen Kangjie sighed, sat down, and found that no one was talking, and everyone was looking at him or thinking by himself.

"Xiaojie, what do you think about this?" The old chief calmed down and asked Chen Kangjie seriously.

I can say these things myself, so I can’t say I have no opinion, so Chen Kangjie can only stand up and continue to say, "These three conversations are really meaningful. Perhaps, many tragedies in modern China are hidden here. In the history of our country, Li Hongzhang is The Westernization School, Kang Youwei was the reformer, and Mr. Sun was the leader of the 1 Revolution. Their ideology and influence on our society may be different, but their eagerness to transform our society is the same. In other words, this is the eager expectation of several politicians for the country to be strong. The 'chairman' said that '100 years is too long, just seize the day', and they all hope that the motherland will become prosperous and strong as soon as possible. But from another perspective, is it possible? Can you see their "impatientness" and inner anxiety? "Education is the foundation of a century-old plan", and no one can deny the importance of education. However, the effectiveness of education is too slow. More than [-] years ago, someone repeatedly suggested that the university We have tried our best to run education well, but until today, education in our country is still criticized, how can this not make people feel embarrassed.”

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