rebirth of change

Chapter 1714 Two Proposals

Chen Kangjie's use of capital and relationship conditions to suppress the real estate industry also has another factor.That is, once the real estate industry develops explosively, it will immediately trigger a common social problem---forced demolition.

In the history that Chen Kangjie experienced, almost every province, every city, every county, and even every township in the country experienced forced demolitions, and there were hundreds of injuries or even deaths caused by forced demolitions every year. , in the thousands.However, for the sake of real interests, or for the achievements of the government, what is more, for the sake of collusion, the government almost always stands on the opposite side of the demolished people, which intensifies the intensification of conflicts.

As an economic industry, the development of the real estate industry is understandable.But when it is combined with high housing prices, rent-seeking by corruption, forced demolitions, and evil forces, it will tear apart the harmony of the society, not only failing to ease social conflicts, but also having a great counterproductive effect.This is why ordinary people have little favor with real estate developers, and government officials who have a close relationship with real estate developers do not have good impressions. In the end, everyone has a kind of hatred of the rich.It's as if society is severely divided into those who have money and those who don't.Big real estate developers and government officials are seen as rich people, while other common people are people without money.The emergence of this phenomenon has made social stability a big problem.Mass incidents are emerging one after another, and fairness and justice have been undermined to a certain extent.This is not the life that Chinese people need at all.

From the perspective of happiness, such economic development has not really brought much happiness to the common people.

People who have experienced the 80s and [-]s have a feeling that although the housing conditions were not good and supplies were relatively short in that era, everyone lived happily and the pressure of real life was not so great.On the contrary, after my home was demolished, my sense of happiness gradually decreased, and the relationship between neighbors became indifferent.

This is why many ordinary people resist demolition. Is it because they are unwilling to live a good life?I believe that no one does not want to live a good life.It's because they don't want to lose the soil of life, and they don't want to lose that nostalgia.When Chen Kangjie was building the New World Center, he encountered a typical example. The old man in Bai Shengli was unwilling to leave his old house no matter what, because the old house had too much emotional sustenance for him.If his emotional sustenance is forcibly wiped out, he will lose his spirit, and there will be no happiness and happiness.Of course, most people are unwilling to demolish the house because of the collusion between the government and businessmen, which greatly reduces the compensation for demolition.The developer would rather instruct someone to crush a person to death with a bulldozer and then compensate 50 yuan, rather than pay an extra 50 yuan in advance.

In addition to these, Chen Kangjie certainly has deeper considerations.Large-scale real estate construction will cause many buildings with historical value, including the old city with historical heritage, to be demolished indiscriminately. From the perspective of historical and cultural inheritance, the loss is really great.This is a huge damage to our history and culture. In Chen Kangjie's view, construction should be carried out on the basis of protection and inheritance, instead of destroying all feudal things and knocking down the Kongjiadian like in the "special period".How stupid!

Secondly, the large-scale agglomeration and development of real estate has actually caused great damage to the entire economy.Due to the astonishingly high profits of real estate, banks have invested a large amount of funds in the real estate industry. Many entrepreneurs in the manufacturing industry cannot resist the temptation and have also moved funds out to invest in real estate. The common people have continued to use almost all of their funds on the house.As a result, the manufacturing industry, which is the basis of the economy, is not supported and shrinking, and the R&D and innovation of enterprises are also insufficient. .The consumption power of the entire market is also insufficient. After decades of continuous spending on a house, consumption in other areas will naturally shrink, which is nothing to say.

Maybe others will have a different view, saying that real estate has actually driven some related industries, such as building materials, household appliances, steel and so on.But in Chen Kangjie's eyes, the benefits it brings far outweigh the damage it causes.Chen Kangjie participated in Japan's real estate bubble, and he knows how serious the damage is.In the past, Japan could buy the United States, but after the bubble burst, it could not get back up for decades.

The reason why many elites and so-called brick-and-mortars defend the real estate industry is because they have vested interests.

Chen Kangjie is a person with big feelings, including that he is not short of money.Therefore, the industries he has set foot in in China are all basic. For a developing country with a large population like ours, manufacturing must be the foundation, followed by technological innovation.As long as these two aspects are done well, the rest will come naturally, and the revival of the nation will be real. Otherwise, it is very likely to be a flower in the mirror.Even if he established Limin Bank and a venture capital fund, it was not for profiteering, but to support manufacturing and technological innovation.

Chen Kangjie will not only suppress the real estate market in his surroundings, but even when necessary, he will use his own capital advantages to affect the development of the real estate industry across the country.He always believes that this aspect should be carried out step by step, rather than swarming up in the Great Leap Forward.Moreover, the fundamental purpose of developing real estate is to improve the housing and quality of life of the common people, rather than trying to squeeze out what the common people have accumulated through hard work.Don't try to subjectively complete the urbanization process of the West for hundreds of years in a dozen or 20 years. This is against the general law.If we complete the urbanization process that took nearly 200 years to complete in 50 or even 70 years, it will actually be quite good.Moreover, the process of urbanization in the West is driven by industries, rather than abandoning basic industries and urbanizing for the sake of urbanization.

Chen Kangjie doesn't mind our economic development being faster, after all, the common people have been poor for many, many years.However, rapid economic development cannot be at the expense of sacrificing the environment and the happiness index of the common people. Social harmony must also be taken into account when appropriate.Only in this way can it be sustainable. As long as this is achieved, it doesn’t matter if the speed is slow. If the environment is terrible, if the people are very depressed, and if social instability is constantly emerging, then what’s the point of speeding up? value?Is one will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up?The people can't enjoy the fruits of development, and the numbers are zero if they look good.

There's a lot to talk about in this regard, let's continue with the development of the story.

Liu Hongjun was in a hurry and wanted to quickly turn the situation around, but was delayed by the National Congress.During the two sessions, almost all major issues in the provinces and cities will be temporarily put on hold, and the provincial leaders will have to bring deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to the capital for meetings.Liu Hongjun plans to push forward with all his strength after the two sessions, and by the way, do a good job in all aspects during the meeting.

It was also during the two sessions that Chen Kangjie and Liu Hongjun had face-to-face contact. Chen Kangjie is a representative of the National People's Congress, and he also has a meeting in Beijing.It's just that Chen Kangjie didn't arrive with the main force, and he had to take care of his own time, so he didn't go to the capital until the opening day of the National People's Congress.

Different from the original history, the opening of the National People's Congress this time was delayed by six days, from March 11th to March No.11.March NO.[-] is a Saturday, and Chen Kangjie left for the capital on the evening of March [-]th.Anyway, he has his own special plane, and he can leave whenever he wants, and his special plane does not land at the busy international airport, but continues to choose the deserted but much safer Xijiao Airport.

It's also very interesting, Chen Kangjie originally wanted to stay at the Mengting Hotel, and it just so happened that the organizing committee arranged for their delegation to stay at the Mengting Hotel.So Chen Kangjie didn't worry at all that he couldn't find a place to live or where the big troops were.

After Chen Kangjie arrived, he started working non-stop.He didn't intend to come here to join the crowd, just listen to the meeting and it's over.Since he is a representative of the people, although he is not so conscientious, he still has to do his best to do the job well, so Chen Kangjie came to the meeting this time, not empty-handed, but brought two proposals (CPPCC members are called proposals) .One is about the protection of ancient cities and historic sites, and the other is about the protection of citizens' property rights.

Chen Kangjie did not do much work on these two proposals, so how did he propose them?This is related to the Yangtze River Society.Chen Kangjie had limited time and was too busy, so after putting forward the framework and requirements before the Chinese New Year, he entrusted the task to the Yangtze River Society to help him complete it.

Don't think that if Chen Kangjie didn't do it himself, his proposal would lack quality.In fact, on the contrary, his bill included a considerable amount of actual investigation and analysis, and also listed in detail the solutions and measures, opinions and plans.His idea is to propose these two bills as bills of law, not just simple suggestions.At each session of the National People's Congress, most of the bills are treated as suggestions. The reason for this is that the bills put forward by most ordinary representatives often only raise problems, without a set of systematic analysis, methods and measures to solve the problems.This is due to the limited ability, time, and scope of contact of individual representatives. Although they are practical workers, for a teacher, a sanitation worker, a firefighter, or even a farmer, the bills that they are required to come up with are of great importance. It is really difficult to be macroscopic, strategic, rigorous and operable.Not to mention whether they have a lot of time to understand the issues they are concerned about, even their abilities are lacking.

And Chen Kangjie is different, he has a huge "staff team", and this team is all high-quality, experts and professors can grasp a lot, of course, it is not comparable to others.He can afford it, but ordinary people can't afford it.In fact, many proposals proposed by representatives of entrepreneurs are completed in a similar way, but they are not as motivating as Chen Kangjie.


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