rebirth of change

Chapter 1715 Frontal Contact

Chen Kangjie's late arrival also has something to do with his careful reading and research of the two bills. He didn't wait for the Yangtze River Society to take them over and accept them all. He still made some revisions himself.For example, in the original article, it was said that "Ancient cities or streets with no historical value can be dismantled and rebuilt." Chen Kangjie added to this, that is, the official has the final say on whether there is historical value, let alone the developer In the end, in addition to the evaluation of third-party professional institutions and people, the general voice of local residents should also be listened to.Only after a third-party independent organization believes that this place has no historical value and historical significance, and most of the ordinary people living here agree, can it be overthrown and restarted, otherwise it can only be repaired.Maintaining its original appearance with improved conditions.

Chen Kangjie also knows that even if this is the case, it is impossible to completely eliminate the occurrence of random demolition and random construction. The government and developers will use various means to do the work of evaluation agencies and ordinary people.But at least it can be reduced to a certain extent, and the cost has increased. When the cost reaches a certain level, repairing may be a good choice.

We always proclaim how long, rich and unique our culture is.But after many foreigners came to us, they found that our city is no different from theirs. They are all high-rise buildings without any historical charm.This includes many so-called ancient cities with a long history. When outsiders go there, they can’t see the shadow of the ancient city at all. Since they can’t see the shadow, how can they feel the historical heritage of this place?The historical memory of each place must be preserved as much as possible, otherwise, once destroyed, there is no way to reproduce it forever.The combination of these memories is actually a three-dimensional display of our national culture and history, which can be seen, touched and felt.

According to the requirements, if Chen Kangjie's motion is to become a legal motion, and not just be treated as a low-level suggestion, he must be jointly signed by [-] representatives of the National People's Congress, or become a joint motion of the entire delegation.

If Chen Kangjie wanted to become a common proposal of the whole delegation, he could guess that Liu Hongjun would definitely not agree to it, and if he did not agree, it was tantamount to impossible.Besides, Chen Kangjie was not willing to lower his body to find Liu Hongjun, even if he was the leader, Chen Kangjie was not willing either.Different road non-phase plan.

So one of the things that Chen Kangjie did non-stop was to find a representative to co-sign.Chen Kangjie is well-known, and all the representatives he found were very willing to receive him.However, this also has disadvantages, that is, when Chen Kangjie knocks on the door of a representative's room, the representative's attention will be focused on him, instead of the two proposals he worked so hard to come up with.It made Chen Kangjie really dumbfounded.

They almost had to take photos and compliments before they sat down to watch Chen Kangjie's proposal.And these two proposals have a lot of text, and they can't read them all in a while.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie prepared a lot of copies, and he couldn't read them all in a short time. He will keep the copies, and then go to visit the next representative, and come back later.

Of course, Chen Kangjie also met some bold representatives, such as a representative of an entrepreneur, after interacting with Chen Kangjie, he wrote a joint signature without even reading the content.In his words, "I believe in you, what you make must be valuable." However, even if people sign a joint signature without reading the content, Chen Kangjie will still leave a copy for him to read and figure out slowly .

In the beginning, Chen Kangjie's activity went quite smoothly, but it became more and more difficult as it went on.

Most of our deputies to the National People's Congress are officials and staff within the system.They all have so-called political discipline and consciousness.Therefore, when Chen Kangjie knocked on the door of No. 11 representative --- a county party secretary, like everyone else, this county party secretary was also very enthusiastic about Chen Kangjie and had a lot of good things to say, but when Chen Kangjie took out those two proposals When showing it to him, the secretary of the county party committee was a little silent.He made a serious and careful look, neither saying good nor bad, but Chen Kangjie could tell from his expression that he was not thinking about whether the content was good or bad or whether it was credible, but was thinking about other things.

It is also impossible for Chen Kangjie to delay too much with him, and he will leave after leaving two copies.

"Mr. Chen, have the leaders of your bill read it?" The secretary of the county party committee raised his head from under the desk lamp and stopped Chen Kangjie who was walking to the door.

"Secretary Mi..." Chen Kangjie only found out that he was the secretary of a county party committee under Yunshan Prefecture after chatting with him. "Does the representative's proposal need to be read by the leader first?" Chen Kangjie asked defensively.

"Hehe, no, no, I think such a rigorous proposal should be reported to the delegation first. If the leaders think it is good, wouldn't it be easier to promote it?" Secretary Mi was stunned by Chen Kangjie's rhetorical question. If it is an ordinary representative, he may have to show his face.Just because it was Chen Kangjie, not only did he not show any embarrassment, but he quickly smiled kindly, as if he cared about Chen Kangjie very much.

"If you think it's okay, then we can promote it ourselves. Whether a bill is good or not is not decided in the hands of the leaders. Leaders also have limitations in understanding. There are many things that ordinary people think are good, but leaders may not necessarily have the same opinion. We are all independent deputies to the National People’s Congress and have the rights entrusted to us by the Constitution, so I think we should think independently and make independent decisions instead of being influenced by others, what do you think?”

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Secretary Mi's expression was a little ugly.But Chen Kangjie didn't have time to study his expressions and thoughts, so he just opened the door and went out.If you are willing to co-sign, you can co-sign, if you don’t want to, I have to find someone else.I can't put aside what I should do just because you have ideas. I don't have so much time to give you political lessons and do ideological work.

Coming out of Secretary Mi's room, Chen Kangjie went down one floor.Walking to the door of the first room, the door was not closed. He saw three dressed female representatives chatting vigorously at the door. He knocked on the door three times and walked in directly.If it is done, three places will be settled at one time.

These three female representatives, one in their 20s and 30s, and the other two in their 40s.

Attracted by Chen Kangjie's knock on the door, they turned their heads to look in the direction of the door almost at the same time.When they saw that it was Chen Kangjie, the three women opened their mouths in unison and came out.

"Sorry, didn't disturb you?" Chen Kangjie greeted politely with a smile.

"No, no, please come in, please come in..." The young female representative stood up first and said in a very enthusiastic voice.

Judging from her behavior, she should be living in this room, so she looks like the owner. The "hostess" stood up, and the other two female representatives also stood up to greet Chen Kangjie.

"Excuse me, excuse me..." Chen Kangjie bowed into the room, and he found that there were only two single sofas and one chair in the room.And these two single sofas and chairs were the three of them sitting on just now, Chen Kangjie didn't know where to sit.You can sit on the bed, but the other party is a woman, so it's not good to just sit on someone's bed carelessly like this.

Seeing Chen Kangjie standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, the "hostess" immediately came to her senses, greeted Chen Kangjie to sit down on a sofa, and sat on the bed herself.

Chen Kangjie didn't express his intention of coming as soon as he sat down, and the other party didn't quite allow him to do that.The three women stared at him full of surprise, and kept chattering some things that Chen Kangjie didn't know how to answer.

"Wow, you look younger than on TV."

"Why didn't we see you at the general meeting of the delegation yesterday? We thought you were on leave."

"Do you know? My daughter likes you very much. She says you are her role model and strength."

"I'm from Miro, have you been to our place? It's very beautiful, you are welcome to go."

"Oh, I brought a camera, can we take a photo together? I'll take it back and show it to our school teachers, hehe, they must be very envious of me."


The big-headed Chen Kangjie could only smile and nod his head.It is said that there are three women in one drama. It seems that this is very true. If it is one-on-one, Chen Kangjie can easily control the initiative of communication. Now facing three women, Chen Kangjie feels that his initiative is a bit lacking .

But this is also good, the relationship between each other is easy to draw closer.After more than ten minutes, Chen Kangjie became relatively familiar with them. Of course, Chen Kangjie also tried his best to meet their requirements.

"It's like this, I'm here to visit you, I have business to ask for your help..." After that, Chen Kangjie couldn't chat with them anymore, the business is important.So Chen Kangjie slowly revealed his purpose of coming, and while speaking, he showed them the draft of the motion he had prepared from the briefcase.

They are women, but as deputies to the National People's Congress, they can also be said to be not ordinary women.Moreover, when they came to Beijing for a meeting, they also had proposals, but their proposals seemed relatively simple, not as complete and grand as Chen Kangjie's.When Chen Kangjie came in, they were actually talking about their bill, which was about the protection of children.

While they were watching, Chen Kangjie introduced them from the side.They just read the outline and agreed with it.The woman's sensibility is fully expressed at this moment.

"Then are you willing to help me sign?"

"Of course I do. It's a good thing. Why don't you want to? Usually everyone says that you haven't seen each other for a long time, and everyone has their own guesses. Now it seems that you are going to do something big and serious. It's not easy, it's not easy, I I really admire it, and it can be seen that it took a lot of effort to make it. You are amazing..." The "hostess" who was flipping through the proposal was the first to express her opinion, and she was not tired of complimenting words.

Two female representatives from China and foreign countries also expressed their willingness to help the joint signature on the spot. They didn't actually understand the extensive content of it, but from Chen Kangjie's introduction, they already agreed with it from the bottom of their hearts.Moreover, the thick manuscript also shows that the argument of this motion is very sufficient.

Chen Kangjie was very happy to get three supporters at once.However, when the three female representatives were about to sign their opinions, a large group of people came to the door of the room, and the leader was Liu Hongjun, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.


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