rebirth of change

Chapter 1778 Met the drag racing party

After dinner, Qu Hanbin and Yao Zhe continued to discuss work matters, and Chen Kangjie left on his own.

Yao Zhe's family did not live in the municipal committee's family courtyard in Zhucheng, but lived in the high-tech city.In the municipal party committee, Yao Zhe was only the fourth in command, but in the high-tech city, he was the well-deserved number one. Yao Zhe made this choice out of the consideration that he would rather be a chicken head than a queen.Besides, Yao Zhe's main job was to revolve around the high-tech city, so it was understandable for him to do so.

"Master Jie, do you want to go back to the New World Center or to school?" Seeing Chen Kangjie coming out of Yao Zhe's house, Xiong Ziqiang who was waiting at the door greeted him.

Yao Zhe and Qu Hanbin also knew that Chen Kangjie was being picked up, so they didn't send him out, and they didn't arrange a car for him.

"Let's go back to school. There is an exam tomorrow morning. Go to the New World Center. You have to get up early tomorrow." After speaking, Chen Kangjie opened the door and got into the car.

After getting along with these people around him for a long time, Chen Kangjie is very casual and has no airs at all.It's not like those upper-class people who put on airs, they have to wait for the assistant or bodyguard to open the car door, and then sit in with their heads protected.

The car drove out of the yard of Yao Zhe's house, and immediately two more cars came out from both sides, one leading the way and the other following behind.When we got to the main road, the distance between the two cars one behind the other widened a lot. At least it didn't look like a convoy to outsiders.

Sitting in the front and rear cars were Chen Kangjie's guards.Chen Kangjie originally told him not to make such a big commotion, as if he was terrified.In China, and in Qianzhou, Chen Kangjie did not believe that there would be any danger.

However, Xiong Ziqiang said that the situation in the province is not stable now, especially when Chen Kangjie has repeatedly confronted Liu Hongjun.

Chen Kangjie was not afraid of the matter of recovering the situation, and he also felt that it was impossible, at least direct means of harm were impossible.But unable to withstand Xiong Ziqiang's stubbornness, Chen Kangjie could only accept it by default.

If they want to follow, just follow. Anyway, they usually don't have many things to do, and they don't care about such a little gas money.

Looking at the bustling emerging city outside the car window, Chen Kangjie felt a little sense of pride.

Ten years ago, this place was still a backwater. Although it was a suburb of the provincial capital, it was still very backward.

Back then, Ma Mingyi, who was still the mayor, accompanied him to climb Phoenix Mountain for investigation. Looking down from the top of the mountain, the surrounding area was dilapidated, the roads were bumpy, black smoke was rising from small brick factories, and most of the residents lived in adobe houses.

But now all of that is gone, replaced by tall buildings, roads, big companies that show off the limelight, and parks.There are also those scientific and technological elites from all over the country and even all over the world.

Now this place is not inferior to any other city in the country, perhaps except that the scale is not large enough, the rest of the indicators are already second to none.From a distance, the three skyscrapers in the center of the New World are still brightly lit, like three shining swords piercing the sky.Chen Kangjie knew that there were still many staff working hard.

Thinking of those hard-working scientific and technical personnel and professionals in various fields, Chen Kangjie's sense of pride diminished.Although all of this is caused by his investment, it is those thousands of workers, including mental workers and manual workers, who have really created all this with their hands. tidy.

In the past few years, there were very few cars on the road, but now, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a lot of traffic.The technicians and managers working here belong to the high-paid class, and their income is enough to support the popularization of private cars here.

However, under perfect and reasonable traffic management, and most of these car owners are high-quality personnel, the overall traffic situation is still in good order. Chen Kangjie often comes here and has not encountered much traffic jams.

"Jie Shao, have you noticed? I used to think this road was very wide, but now it feels a bit narrow." Xiong Ziqiang said while driving.

"Huh? This two-way six-lane... seems a bit narrow." Chen Kangjie looked away from the window.

Xiong Ziqiang said: "The sidewalks on the roadside are too wide, the green roads are too wide, and there are bicycle lanes reserved. This road looks very wide, but the actual driving area is not large."

"That's also to force many people to walk, ride bicycles, and choose a more environmentally friendly way of travel." Chen Kangjie expressed his thoughts back then.

Xiong Ziqiang said: "I know, you have said that before. This main road is indeed beautiful. It is very pleasant to take a walk and ride a bicycle here. But walking and cycling to and from get off work There are still not that many people.”

Chen Kangjie asked, "Then do you know the reason?"

Without turning his head, Xiong Ziqiang heyed and replied: "Is it because of face-saving? Everyone has money, who doesn't want to buy a small car to be cool? Choose walking and cycling. Environmental protection is environmental protection, and health is health." , but it’s embarrassing. Don’t you think so?”

When Chen Kangjie thought about it, it was true that Chinese people did have such a face-saving plot.I was not rich before, and everyone thought it was good to ride a bicycle and walk. Now that I have money and wealth, I cannot help but want to live in the United States with every person owning a bicycle.

"According to me, let's just cancel the bicycle lane and turn it into a two-way eight-lane lane, which will be much more spacious. Otherwise, as more and more people come here to start businesses, I'm afraid there will be traffic jams in a short time." Xiong Ziqiang continued talking on his own.

Xiong Ziqiang didn't want to give Chen Kangjie any advice, he just sent it out of feeling.

"No, even if it's a traffic jam, it can't be canceled." Chen Kangjie immediately rejected Xiong Ziqiang's idea.

Although Chen Kangjie is not a government management authority, he can be the master.Back then, he paid for the construction of these roads. Even if the high-tech city management committee had such ideas, Chen Kangjie would do his best to stop them.

In China, after a few years, the bicycle lanes in many cities will become narrower and narrower, and the prohibition will be completely canceled to make room for bicycles.

Chen Kangjie did not approve of such a measure.Not to mention that environmental protection is not environmentally friendly. Ordinary people also have the right to go out by bicycle. If the bicycle lanes are cancelled, won't they also cancel this right of others?Where will the bike go then?On the motorway?The safety of the cyclist is not guaranteed.on the sidewalk?The safety of pedestrians is not guaranteed.

What's more, even if the bicycle lanes are cancelled, the roads will not necessarily be unimpeded.On the contrary, the bicycle lanes are left, which is helpful to ease the travel of citizens.

"Jie Shao, why can't this work? I saw that some cities have already done this, and the effect seems to be ok."

Chen Kangjie said: "Although I am not an administrator here, I am an investor. I don't want to ride a bicycle one day, but there is no road. Alleviating traffic congestion is definitely not achieved by widening roads." Solved, if the bicycle lanes are canceled, the roads will still not be enough after two years? Is it necessary to cancel the greenway? Is it necessary to cancel the sidewalk next? Even if there are two-way eight-lane, ten-lane, twelve-lane lanes, it is very likely Not enough. If you want to drive on the road, you have to accept the trouble of traffic jams. If you don’t want trouble, you can choose to walk or ride a bicycle.”

Xiong Ziqiang said: "Young Master Jie, if you come here often in the future, won't you also be blocked?"

After talking for a long time, Xiong Ziqiang was worried that Chen Kangjie would be blocked on the road.In Xiong Ziqiang's mind, Chen Kangjie would not walk to work here anyway, nor would he ride a bicycle to work here, so he might as well change the reasoning.Xiong Ziqiang knew it, as long as Chen Kangjie wanted to, he could do it with just a greeting.

"It will be blocked if it is blocked. What's the matter? At worst, I will come here by helicopter. It can't be blocked in the air."

Having said that, Chen Kangjie would not be so irresponsible.Anyway, he has money and a helicopter, but most people can't reach this level.The prosperity of a city, the basic guarantee of smooth traffic, if it is blocked when you go out, how can you be prosperous?How to improve the competitive advantage.

Chen Kangjie wondered whether it is time to start the subway project.To alleviate the traffic congestion in a city, in addition to adopting scientific management methods, it is also a necessary choice to form multiple three-dimensional traffic.A good example is Hong Kong. Its affluence and car ownership are completely incomparable to many big cities in China, but it is not easy to cause traffic jams.This is inseparable from their management methods and perfect travel facilities.

Chen Kangjie is not willing to cancel bicycle lanes, reduce greenways, and narrow sidewalks in order to alleviate congestion.However, he also knows that if it is a short-distance travel, it is no good and cycling is fine, but if it is a long distance, it is a bit impractical.It seems that it is necessary to plan and develop the underground transportation network in advance.

The high-tech city is where Chen Kangjie has devoted a lot of effort and money, and this super big project is like one of his children.He hopes that this place will not only become rich and prosperous, but also beautiful and harmonious.Only in this way can this place be a place worth looking forward to, and this place can ensure its leading position in the domestic high-tech industry.

Looking back, I can have a good talk with Qu Hanbin, and take this big project of investing in the subway as an important achievement of his appointment.He invested a huge amount of money in the construction of a subway line. As far as the geological structure of the city is concerned, the cost of one kilometer will probably not be less than [-] million.The city and the province will definitely not be able to get this amount of money, and it is impossible for them to invest all their fiscal revenue into this bottomless pit.

Just as Chen Kangjie was thinking about it, the noise of a roaring high-powered engine came into his ears.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Chen Kangjie happened to see several luxury sports cars chasing after him.

Damn, drag racing on the main road of the city?


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