rebirth of change

Chapter 1779 Hit and Run

This road has only three lanes in one direction. Chen Kangjie and his car were driving on the middle lane, and there was a Buick and a Tengfei sedan on their left.The only lane that can be vacated is the rightmost lane near the sidewalk.

Chen Kangjie spotted several racing sports cars behind the car, so Xiong Ziqiang and the others naturally found out too.It's just that they don't want to be nosy, as long as those cars don't threaten Chen Kangjie's safety.

The car behind Chen Kangjie was driven by Dong Mingshu with Pang Hui on it.Seeing four sports cars rushing towards Biao, Dong Mingshu quickly increased the speed of the car and stayed close behind Chen Kangjie and the others, firmly occupying the lane so as not to threaten Chen Kangjie.

Several cars were chasing after each other on three lanes. After finding that two lanes in front were completely occupied, these drag racers did not slow down or take braking measures, but took advantage of the performance of sports cars. Played a sharp sidewalk.

A few cars did not chase me and turned towards the left and right lanes regardless of the danger. Two of them almost collided and collided together.

The scene is very thrilling, not inferior to the road chase scene in the movie.The last car was the latest to change lanes due to being blocked by the line of sight. The rearview mirror of the car in front of it even touched the rear of Dong Mingshu's car.Its powerful inertia and fierce speed made the car driven by Dong Mingshu shake violently. If it wasn't for his excellent driving skills and a certain amount of knowledge, a car crash would be very likely.

However, the fast-moving racers were completely unaware of the danger they might cause to others, and instead they kept shouting and screaming excitingly when they overtook Chen Kangjie and the others.It seems that the more danger is approaching, the more exciting it can bring them.

Although the other party drove past at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, Chen Kangjie still saw that there were all young people in the car, and each car was composed of a man and a woman.

Seeing this scene, Chen Kangjie's face darkened rather ugly. This kind of racing race is extremely harmful to the society. If it is not done well, it will cause car crashes and death. The local traffic police don't care about it. There is no reason for this.

"Captain, our car's rear was hit." Dong Mingshu's voice came from the intercom placed in front of the car.

"What? Got hit?" Xiong Ziqiang panicked for a while, and asked with concern: "Is it serious?"

"Damn it, we almost overturned our car just now. Captain, ask Master Jie if you want us to catch up?" Immediately afterwards, Pang Hui's broken voice came over.

"Go ahead if it's not serious. That's not our focus. Don't cause trouble." Xiong Ziqiang refused without consulting Chen Kangjie.

In Xiong Ziqiang's view, Chen Kangjie's safety comes first. If he catches up, not to mention whether he can catch up, even if he catches up, it will be a dangerous contest.There was no need to put Chen Kangjie in a trap just for being so petty.

Although Pang Hui proposed that they chase him, Xiong Ziqiang, who knew Chen Kangjie well, knew that once they chased him, Chen Kangjie would definitely let the car behind him chase him, so as to be safe.

"A group of turtle sons, it doesn't matter if they want to die by themselves, but they actually plan to drag other people on the street as backs. When I meet them one day, I will definitely break their feet and stuff them into the penis." Hearing Xiong Ziqiang's refusal , Pang Hui didn't ask again, but angrily uttered a yellow accent.

"These people are really outrageous. I called the police and stopped them." Although Chen Kangjie was not impulsive about such a small matter, he still couldn't stand it.

"Jie Shao, it's useless. You call the police now. When the traffic police arrive, they will have already disappeared. The speed of those guys is at least 200, which is more than double our speed." Driving, Xiong Ziqiang said: "And people who can afford this kind of car, even if the traffic police stop them, they will be fined at most, and it won't be too embarrassing for them. And they can drive more than [-] million Ferraris and BMWs. How can a sports car care about that little fine?"

"That can't just be indulged like this." After speaking, Chen Kangjie still called the 122 Command Center to call the police.

Naturally, Xiong Ziqiang couldn't stand it anymore. Since Chen Kangjie wanted to call the police, he could only smile wryly and shake his head.

Chen Kangjie can only call the police now. As for the effect, he can somewhat understand the effect, which will not be very good.This kind of thing can only be discussed with Qu Hanbin after the fact, or with He Baoguo, and a special operation will be carried out to nip these emerging racers in the bud.

After driving a few kilometers, the car was blocked at a traffic light intersection.

"Jie Shao, there is a traffic jam ahead." Xiong Ziqiang said after stopping the car.

"This is an intersection, so it's not a traffic jam, is it?" Chen Kangjie often passes by here, and is quite familiar with this road.

"No, the intersection is a green light, but the cars in front are not moving. It's a traffic jam. Could it be... an accident?" Xiong Ziqiang said speculatively.

Chen Kangjie leaned forward and looked ahead. He saw that the three lanes were full of cars. The green light was on. Not only did the cars in front not move, but some drivers got out of the cars and walked towards the middle of the intersection.

"You're right. There must have been a traffic accident. Let's go and have a look." Chen Kangjie opened the car door after speaking.

"Young master Jie...hey..." Xiong Ziqiang wanted to call out to Chen Kangjie, but Chen Kangjie was already striding forward, so he couldn't call out.In the end, he could only open the door and get out of the car to follow.

Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang got out of the car, and Dong Mingshu, Pang Hui, Tan Jun and Wang Wei in the front and rear cars also got out of the car and surrounded them.

When they reached the traffic light at the intersection, there were already many drivers and passengers gathered here from all directions.

"What's wrong inside?" Chen Kangjie pawed at a man in his thirties who was only wearing shorts and undershirt in front of him.

The man didn't turn his head back, as if he was talking to himself, or as if answering Chen Kangjie's words: "It's too miserable, the whole car was hit like this, it's really unknown whether the people inside can survive or not."

"Ah!" Chen Kangjie was slightly surprised, pushed him away and squeezed into the crowd.

The scene in the middle of the crowd made Chen Kangjie suddenly chill, and at the same time filled with anger.

A Fukang sedan rolled over to the middle of the road, the left door was severely deformed, the front and rear windshields were shattered, the left rear wheel was completely detached from the axle, and the hood was tilted up.Under the car, a pool of fresh blood slowly spread.

Knowing that there were passengers in the car, Chen Kangjie strode forward, intending to rescue him.

"Little comrade, what are you doing?" A woman in her forties grabbed Chen Kangjie.

"Help me, don't you see someone inside?" Chen Kangjie shook off the woman's hand.

"There are two people inside. Their life and death are uncertain. If you go to save them, you are not doing yourself a favor? You are so ignorant." After being thrown away by Chen Kangjie, the woman said in a complaining tone, slightly annoyed.

Chen Kangjie knew that he had good intentions, so he didn't bother with him.Lean to the side of the car, squat down and tiptoe to check the situation inside the car, looking for a space for rescue.

"Young Master Jie, it can't be done. Both of them have been locked. Professionals must bring professional tools." Xiong Ziqiang, who was by Chen Kangjie's side, followed the investigation and came to a conclusion.

"Did you call the police? Did you call 120?" The frowning Chen Kangjie also knew that it was difficult to start, so he stood up and asked loudly to the people around him.

"Yes, they won't be back in a few minutes." Immediately, someone replied to Chen Kangjie's words.

Chen Kangjie asked again: "Where is the vehicle involved in the accident?"

"I ran away a long time ago, and I didn't even stop to take a look." The woman who advised Chen Kangjie replied.

"Oh, those people really killed thousands of dollars. They ran straight when they saw a red light. If it wasn't for my luck, I would be the one who turned over here." A fat taxi driver patted his chest angrily. Said: "One by one is like rushing to reincarnate, I have never seen such a desperate driving."

"Brother, did you see the car that caused the accident?" Chen Kangjie walked up to the taxi driver and asked.

"I see it. Many people here have seen it. It's a good car, and it's desperate to rush forward. If I wasn't clever and stepped on the brakes, I would have been hit." The taxi driver said.

"A nice car? Is it a sports car?" Chen Kangjie asked.

Another bespectacled 20-something near the front replied: "I saw at least two Ferrari 911s and a BMW Z3, ​​these guys looked like they were racing."

Pang Hui said: "Young Master Jie, it must be the people who bumped into us just now."

"Ah, you were hit too?" The woman was startled, "Then this is considered a series of accidents, you are really courageous, and the government doesn't take care of it."

"I was scratched." Pang Hui dismissed the woman with a single sentence.

"If these people continue to exist, I will hardly dare to drive on this road." Someone lamented.

"Brother, which car did you see that caused the accident? What's the license plate?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask the taxi driver.

"They were driving too fast, and it was night, and I was so frightened that I didn't see the license plate clearly. But I saw that it was a red sports car, and the red light turned green. I drove over from behind the stop line one after the other. I wanted to be faster. At that time, maybe it was my experience. When I heard the sound of the engine, I hurriedly stepped on the brakes. As a result, I avoided disaster. A Beverly car would be unlucky. Hey!" After the introduction, the taxi driver sighed again.

"I saw it. It was a red Ferrari 911, but the license plate was not clear." The young man wearing glasses added.

At this time, police cars, ambulances and fire engines arrived one after another.The fire truck was called by Tan Jun, and their demolition tools were needed to rescue the injured inside.

After the three police officers found witnesses to complete their notes and investigations, the two injured people in the car were also rescued.Both of them have turned into blood men, one middle-aged dead body was judged dead by the doctor, and the other ten-year-old girl is still alive, but his right leg can already see dense bones. This leg is estimated to be dead. I can't keep it.


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