rebirth of change

Chapter 1781 Don't take my money if you have money

After a while, the doctor who was still waiting to see the joke took the payment certificate that Xiong Ziqiang handed him, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and his whole face was full of incredible surprise.

Worried that he was wrong, he rubbed his eyes and checked again.After making sure that he was not dazzled, he looked at Chen Kangjie with a strange look in his eyes.

"What? Is it not enough or what?" Chen Kangjie glanced at him without showing any favor, and said in a compelling tone.

"Enough, enough..." The doctor replied awkwardly as if he had done something wrong, and at the same time carefully handed back the payment voucher to Xiong Ziqiang.

"Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up for surgery?" Chen Kangjie raised his voice with a sullen face.

"Immediately, immediately." The doctor bowed slightly and nodded, and then shouted at the two nurses behind him: "What are you still doing standing there stupidly? Get ready quickly, and call Dr. Zhang by the way, and the two of us will do it together. "

The two nurses were like soldiers who received an emergency order, and they acted as soon as they got their legs apart. One was going to prepare for the operation, and the other was going to invite Dr. Zhang.

"Thank you, thank you, you are the lifesavers of my family!" Seeing that the doctors were about to perform an operation, the woman just woke up from the surprise, and rushed to Chen Kangjie in two or three steps, bending her knees and was about to Kneel down for Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie helped her up: "Sister, there is no need to do this, there is no need to do this. When everyone is inconvenient, I just try my best. Stand up, stand up..."

The woman cried again: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooophone Ring...."

"Sister, don't get excited, I know a little about your family's situation..." Chen Kangjie pulled the woman up.

The face of the middle-aged woman was full of tears, with an expression of inexplicable difference: "Do you know the situation of our family?"

Chen Kangjie said solemnly: "Well, when the car accident happened, we were not far away, your husband...sorrows are changing. The child must be taken care of, you have to stop, and the child depends on you. …”

When Chen Kangjie mentioned the disaster that the accident brought to their family, the woman couldn't control her emotions and burst into tears: "Those people are really not human. God sees them, they should be cut to pieces. The life of our family Why is it so bitter! I must let them die, I will not let them go."

As she spoke, the woman's face became ferocious. If the murderer was standing in front of him now, Chen Kangjie had no doubt that this grief-stricken woman would pounce on the murderer like a lion and bite the murderer to pieces.

For a woman, she lost her entire family in an instant, her husband left forever, and her child didn't know whether she was dead or alive. Such a great sadness and pressure suddenly fell on her head, it was really hard to bear.If it wasn't for his daughter in the operating room who still cared about him and had a spiritual support, this woman's spiritual world was very likely to collapse.

Chen Kangjie was a little sad, and comforted him: "You don't have to worry about this, the police will not let them go, they will definitely pay the corresponding legal price for the damage caused to your home. The police are already searching for the perpetrators everywhere. Your current The key point is to take good care of the children, don't think too much about other things, we have to believe that there is justice in this world."

I don't know how long the operation will take, Chen Kangjie and the others can't stay here all the time.After handing the payment slip to the woman, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang walked away with heavy hearts.

"Sir, this gentleman, wait a minute..." Chen Kangjie and the others had just reached the turn of the stairs on the first and second floors, when the woman chased him up from behind.

Chen Kangjie stopped and turned around and asked, "Sister, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

The woman thumped down a few steps, and raised the payment slip in her hand: "How can there be so much money on it? Our house is in such a state, but we can't afford it!"

Chen Kangjie looked at Xiong Ziqiang. He didn't know how much Xiong Ziqiang helped pay.

"Master Jie, I paid 50 yuan." Xiong Ziqiang understood the meaning of Chen Kangjie's gaze and replied in a low voice.

Chen Kangjie paused, and said to the middle-aged woman: "Let's not talk about the repayment. Now I don't know how much the operation will cost in the end. It's always good to have more. Don't worry, we won't rush you. If there is If the rest is left, I need some money to settle down at home."

After speaking, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang turned around and left without giving the woman a chance to speak again.

Seeing the backs of Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang going away, the woman was a little dazed and just stood on the stairs like this.In this world, there are still many good people. Today is unfortunate for their family, but there is luck in the misfortune.This noble person, who had never met before, helped solve a big problem all at once, and it cost so much money.

It's broken, I haven't asked the benefactor's name, and I haven't left an address or contact information.

The middle-aged woman strode to the outside of the hospital, looking for a contact information from her benefactor so that she could return the money to them in the future. At worst, she would at least know who helped their family.

But on the field outside the hospital, there were no shadows of Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang.

"Jie Shao, I'm not trying to get angry with that doctor who doesn't like it, but mainly because I want to help them..." Xiong Ziqiang, who was driving the car, wanted to explain to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I understand, it's only 50 yuan, it's not a big deal. You want a good person to do it to the end, even if the girl's operation is successful, she will still have to spend a lot of money on treatment, rehabilitation and living expenses. Their family has lost their mainstay, and there will be no source of income for a while."

It can be seen from the woman's pleading that their family situation is not good.Moreover, when Chen Kangjie inspected the scene of the car accident, he saw that the wrecked Fukang car was a new car. It might be the first car their family bought with a loan, and it was almost completely scrapped now.

"I knew it......"

"Forget it, don't flatter me. The 50 yuan may be worth more than many donations." Chen Kangjie planned Xiong Ziqiang's words.

Xiong Ziqiang smiled, looking satisfied and proud.

"This hospital is too nonsense. When human life is at stake, it is unreasonable not to save people without paying money. It is useless for me to donate tens of millions to them every year." Chen Kangjie didn't care about a mere 50, but when he thought Chen Kangjie was annoyed by that doctor's hateful face.

The next day, Chen Kangjie asked the following foundations to notify the Party Committee of the Medical School that from now on, all related donations to them would be stopped, and all the money would be invested in the construction of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The Affiliated Hospital of the Medical College is a subsidiary institution of the Medical College. Chen Kangjie couldn't find trouble with the hospital, so he simply started from above.Since you are so money-oriented, then don't take my money, anyway, your income is quite good.

With this notification, the hospital of the medical school immediately became anxious.

This man, it is easy to go from thrifty to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.The nearly [-] million yuan of funds that can be obtained every year for no reason is suddenly gone, and anyone who does it will be very heartbroken. What's more serious is that many annual scientific research projects and training projects in the medical school are based on this money. Some of the plans are already underway.If there is a sudden shortage of food, then these projects will not be able to continue, which will have an extremely negative impact on the relevant research construction and training plans of the entire college.The scientific research team and the teaching team will immediately appear in chaos. In this case, they will be hindered in their haste to obtain the approval of the Medical University of the Ministry of Education.

It is simply impossible for the hospital to continue those projects with their own money. They simply don't have that much money.In the past few years, I have gotten used to a relaxed life, established more than a dozen scientific research centers and research institutes, and jointly established two national medical engineering centers with the Academy of Engineering, and introduced and trained a large number of scientific research personnel.No one can adapt to letting them tighten their belts to live now.Moreover, even if the belt is tightened, it may not be possible to continue the research projects in these institutions.

The money is a donation, not other business contracts.The hospital has absolutely nothing to do with the foundation.If people are willing to donate, it is a good deed. If they are unwilling to donate, or think that donating the money to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be more effective, you have nothing to do with it.It is impossible to go to court, the only thing to do is to beg.

Immediately after a short meeting, the leaders of the medical school sent the secretary of the party committee and the dean to the foundation to find out the reason.Since the money can be enriched to go to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is not because of the broken chain of funds.

The leaders of the School of Medicine knew very well that if all the money was given to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, then the School of Chinese Medicine would immediately become a University of Chinese Medicine. Overwhelmed by the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Comparing a medical school with only more than 1000 million scientific research funds per year and a traditional Chinese medicine school with more than 2 million scientific research funds per year, the judgment is judged.If not, those experts and professors of their students will be poached in a short time.

That expert professor doesn't want the scientific research project he leads to have sufficient funds?What researcher doesn't want to be involved in a large research project?What teaching staff member doesn't want a huge increase in their pay?Etc., etc.And all of this is impossible without money.

In the past few years, no matter whether it is in the province or above, the support funds for colleges and universities in the province have not increased. Including the fact that medical schools can easily obtain some 863 and other national research projects, it is also because of their own abundant research funds.

If you want to ask, which of the provincial departments in the province is the easiest to carry out work, it is undoubtedly the Department of Communications and the Department of Education.Let’s not talk about the Department of Transportation, just talk about the Department of Education. They don’t need to worry and worry that various colleges and universities will ask them for money every year.The allocated financial funds can be generously used in basic education and vocational education, and, in the part of basic education, many places that should be funded by the government every year are covered by charitable foundations.In such a situation, it is difficult for them to think about it easily.


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