rebirth of change

Chapter 1782 Make rectification

Except for the external long fund operating normally under Chen Kangjie, the rest of the foundations are in the process of rectification.During this rectification, many problems were discovered, and many personnel were laid off. Nine of them were prosecuted. They all had dirty hands and feet during the donation process, and the amount involved was quite large.It is estimated that these nine people will spend more than ten years in prison.

Through this rectification, Chen Kangjie integrated his subordinate foundations into three, and the Sunflower Fund, which is oriented towards the education field, indicates that this is an institution facing the sun.Teenagers are the future of the motherland and the sun at midnight, and sunflowers have a strong connection with the sun in terms of growth habits.So I used such a name.

The other two foundations, one is for infrastructure, such as donating money to build water cellars, donating money to build rural roads and bridges, etc., this foundation is named the Restoration Foundation.The last one is socially oriented, helping the orphans and widows, assisting the disabled, rewarding those who are righteous and brave, etc., named the Love Fund.

Such adjustments are made in the hope that they can take a professional path, each with their own strengths, which is convenient for management and verification, and is also beneficial to the recipients.

The original chairman of the Sunflower Fund was handed over to the judiciary because of the large amount of money involved.The current chairman is just appointed, named Gu Chunyan, who previously worked for the Youth Development Fund.

The Sunflower Fund is still in the process of rectification, and the review of large funds has been completed, but many small fees of less than one million have not yet been cleared.For donations to various colleges and universities, methods and methods have also been adjusted.

In the past, project donations to various colleges and universities were allocated on an annual basis, but now they have been adjusted to monthly allocations.In this way, it is convenient to supervise the flow and use of funds. If something is wrong, the investigation will be stopped immediately, reducing the waste and risk of funds.

When the two leaders of the medical school found Gu Chunyan, the new chairman of the Sunflower Fund, he was immersed in reviewing a large number of reports.

"Secretary Pu, Dean Chen, why did you come to my place?" Gu Chunyan didn't look very polite, she just stood up.

After taking office, Gu Chunyan visited various colleges and universities in the province, and each university treated him as the God of Wealth, and received him attentively, and all schools were dispatched by party committee leaders and administrative leaders.So Gu Chunyan recognized the two leaders of the medical school at a glance.

"Chairman Gu, we came to visit because we have something to talk to you about." Secretary Pu and Dean Chen looked at each other, and finally Dean Chen spoke.The school is headed by the chief executive, and Dean Chen is under the most pressure due to the lack of funds.

"President Chen, are you talking about this year's donation funds?" Gu Chunyan was very clear about the purpose of their visit, so she asked straight to the point without making any detours.

Secretary Chen said: "Yes, yes, we have cooperated well, why did we stop our funds all of a sudden? Is there some misunderstanding in the middle?"

Gu Chunyan said: "Our foundation was relatively chaotic in the past, and you must have known about it when we really rectified it. We stopped the funds for the convenience of auditing and auditing. You see, the reports on my desk are all It’s about the use of funds last year, which haven’t been reviewed clearly yet. You should go back and wait.”

"Director Gu, doesn't that mean that our funds have been used to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine? What's going on here?" Secretary Park added eagerly.

Gu Chunyan crossed her hands on the desk, looking at the two medical school leaders with a blank expression.

It is our own business to use or not to use the funds. Why do you ask such a question?Is it necessary for me to report and explain clearly to you?Instead, you took the money, so you should give me a complete explanation.How come it's reversed.

"Chairman Gu, we have no other intentions. We just feel that our scientific research plan has been reported, and the project is also in progress. The funds suddenly stopped. Our follow-up... is not good. Let's do it." Seeing Gu Chunyan's sullen expression, Secretary Chen hurriedly explained.

Gu Chunyan used to be a high-level executive at the Youth Development Foundation, which was a semi-official organization, and more or less developed some official airs.However, she was chosen to take the helm of the Rihua Foundation mainly because of her professional ability.In terms of reputation, the Sunflower Foundation is not as big as the National Youth Development Foundation, but the funds it holds are not comparable to the National Youth Development Foundation.This is the most important factor that attracted Gu Chunyan to come.

Gu Chunyan pursed her lips and said: "Secretary Park, Dean Chen, how our foundation's funds are used is subject to certain internal regulations. It stands to reason that I don't need to explain to you, but since you are here, and The question is out, so let me tell you. The reason why we increase the funding for the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine is because they are better than you in terms of the efficiency of the use of funds and the contribution to society, and they are more humane. change."

Dean Chen retorted: "They are doing better than us? No, we have more scientific research results than them every year, and we have won more awards than them. How can they do better than us?"

Gu Chunyan said: "President Chen, what is the purpose of medical research and teaching? Is it for winning awards? Is it for publishing papers? If that's the case, then we can just set up a large research center with our own money."

"The purpose of studying medicine is of course to improve the health of the people, and to save lives and heal the wounded. Doctors are parents. We have always done this. The students of our school, after graduation, all enter the medical system at all levels. , Our affiliated hospital also provides services to tens of thousands of patients every year." Secretary Park said.

"Secretary Park is right. It is true. No matter how good the medical level is, no matter how high your skills are, you still have to serve the masses. It is precisely this point. The School of Traditional Chinese Medicine is doing better than you. Therefore, after our investigation, I thought, since they are doing better than you in this aspect, why not give them more support and let them do better?" Gu Chunyan said.

" can they do better than us? The patients received by their affiliated hospitals are less than 60.00% of ours." Dean Chen said unconvinced.

"Hehe, Dean Chen, this is not measured by the number of patients they receive. At least they won't drive out patients who can't pay the fee, and they won't let patients wait to die on the hospital bed. But you will. Just this To put it bluntly, their medical ethics are much higher. Just now Secretary Park said that doctors have a parental heart and that they save lives and heal the wounded. Does this count as the doctor’s parents’ heart? Does this count as saving lives and healing the wounded?”

"No way? We will have such a situation happen?" Dean Chen was a little disbelieving.

Gu Chunyan said with a sullen face: "Then do you think I'm lying? Last night, your medical school accepted a car accident injured person. Because the family didn't pay the fee, they refused to perform the operation. They begged for a two-day delay. The injured were only ten years old. If you were the family members of the injured, how would you feel? Is this a hospital with a good style? All of your affiliated hospitals are like this, so it can reflect your moral cultivation of students What a lack. Since you are so good at making money, why should we invest money in it?"

Both Secretary Park and Dean Chen blushed a little at Gu Chunyan's words.They are the administrators of the school, but at the same time they are also experts and professors in related fields.Being criticized morally in this way, no matter how much face is lost, it is a bit embarrassing.

"Chairman Gu, there is nothing we can do. The hospital is not a charitable organization. It needs to purchase medical equipment, medicines, pay for doctors and nurses, etc. It cannot be maintained without a large sum of money. Which hospital in the country is not like this? If patients come to our hospital, if they don’t pay the fee, then we can’t afford it no matter how rich we are. The hospital also has to rely on revenue to maintain its operation.” The affiliated hospital is under the management of Secretary Pu, so he blushed Afterwards, an explanation had to be given.

Such an explanation is understandable, and Gu Chunyan also knows that the whole country is similar.But the order he received was not enough for her to just let it go.

"No one will give you free treatment, but when human life is at stake, is life more important than money?"

Gu Chunyan's words once again left the leaders of the two medical schools speechless. There is no doubt that life is always more important than money.Even in reality, many people would not see it this way, but for the two medical experts who are exemplary teachers, they cannot refute it.If they deny it, not only will it affect their character, but they will never get that money again.

"Chairman Gu, if it is because of this reason, we are in a difficult situation. Most of the people who come to the hospital to see a doctor are in difficulty. And we can at most reduce or exempt a small number of people. There is no way. .” After holding back for a long time, Secretary Park finally choked out such a sentence.

"Secretary Park, you are doing party affairs. You should be clear that this is not a question of money, but a question of thinking. If the thinking is in place, if saving lives and helping the wounded is really the ultimate goal, then you can think of a way to solve the problem. .Didn’t we often say that there are always more solutions than difficulties, right? I’m sorry, I still have a lot of work to do today, so I won’t leave two of them.” After finishing speaking, Gu Chunyan ignored the two leaders In order to save face, I picked up a report and studied it again.

Walking out of Gu Chunyan's office, Secretary Pu and Dean Chen looked at each other.Their self-esteem and arrogance made them want to give up the money, but when they thought of the big mess in the school, their reason overcame their face.Because they know that once they get angry, what they will lose will be even greater face.

On the way back to school, the two discussed for a while, and the only thing they could do was to rectify the hospital affiliated to the medical school, especially the department that received the injured in the car accident last night, which would be punished.It was because of one of their mistakes that tens of millions were lost.


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