"Xiaojie, the perpetrator has been caught."

On the third day, Chen Kangjie had just finished school and was about to go to the champion track and field school. Qu Hanbin called to inform him of the progress of the accident.

Qu Hanbin didn't need to inform Chen Kangjie about this kind of thing, but he called Qu Hanbin that day to emphasize this matter. After the suspect was caught, Qu Hanbin thought of telling Chen Kangjie.

"Caught it? Hehe, then our police comrades are still very efficient in handling cases. If you catch it, you can give the victim's family an explanation." Chen Kangjie was very happy when he heard that the murderer had been arrested. .

Qu Hanbin said: "Yes, I found the vehicle involved in the accident at a repair shop near the airport, followed the clues, and successfully captured the driver Nie in a bar."

"Secretary Qu, you must give severe punishment. This kind of person must bear the corresponding price for his bad behavior. Only by killing one person as an example can we achieve the purpose of curbing this kind of criminal behavior. In our city, if this kind of criminal behavior If it can exist in a dignified manner, it will have a great negative impact on the image of the city and the harmony of the society." Chen Kangjie was relieved, and Ling Ran warned.

If he hadn't considered that his training time was very tight, Chen Kangjie would have thought of going to the police station to see who was so daring and dared to escape after killing someone.

As the Olympic Games approached, Chen Kangjie's training intensity became more and more intense, especially on weekends, it was simply devilish.Chen Kangjie's body is in full-load exercise almost all the time, and he sprinkles at least two or three bowls of sweat on the training ground every day.

Liu Fei has made great progress since he was able to train with Chen Kangjie.He understood that Chen Kangjie's myth did not fall from the sky, but was obtained through countless sweat and hard work. His training intensity surpassed that of any other person.There is only one thing that Liu Fei doesn't quite understand, that is why Chen Kangjie's body can withstand such high-intensity training. If it were replaced by other people, it would probably be half of the amount, and he would be too tired to get up.

Encouraged and stimulated by Chen Kangjie, Liu Fei asked the contest to increase his exercise volume and training difficulty every day.

The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.Although sports training should pay attention to scientific methods.However, it is undeniable that hard training and tempering are the only way to improve performance.Without this foundation, no matter how good the method is, it will be useless.

This weekend, Niu Qihua and the others saw that Chen Kangjie was being treated like a cow by them today, so they gave him half a day off, and Chen Kangjie also used this half day to go to the office in the high-tech city to deal with some official business that had piled up .

The feedback from the medical school is that they have rectified the affiliated hospital, and the high-spirited doctor was punished by writing an examination and deducting the year-end bonus that day.

In order to prevent similar phenomena from happening again, the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical College has created a model for benefiting the people.That is to set up an internal rescue fund of [-] million yuan. For patients who come to see a doctor, they will try their best to provide treatment services, even if the patients cannot afford high treatment costs at that time.

Of course, as Secretary Park and Dean Chen said, the hospital is not a free charity, and they will still try their best to ask patients to pay their medical expenses in full.It's just that for those ordinary people who are in an emergency and need immediate treatment, and their family members really can't afford so much expenses afterwards, the hospital will take money from the 1000 million relief fund to fill the loopholes in losses.

One thing has to be made clear, whether it is the medical school or their affiliated hospitals, it is impossible to come up with the 1000 million funds.Their plan was to get such a sum of money from the Sunflower Fund's donation to them. The implication was that the Sunflower Fund established a sub-fund in the hospital affiliated to the medical school.

The Sunflower Fund submitted a report and asked if this method was acceptable.Secretary Pu and Dean Chen approached Gu Chunyan many times and begged her to continue to cooperate with the School of Medicine and continue to provide support and assistance to the discipline construction and scientific research projects of the School of Medicine.

Seeing this report, Chen Kangjie was somewhat helpless and speechless.After being forced for a long time, the medical school has made such a small step forward.

But then again, it's not bad for them to make such a small step forward. After all, they can't treat all patients preferentially, otherwise the gate of their hospital will be crowded.After all, to solve the difficulty of seeing a doctor for ordinary people, it depends on the implementation and improvement of medical insurance by the state.Only when more than one billion people in urban and rural areas are covered by relevant insurance can the contradiction between doctors and patients be resolved to a certain extent.

After much hesitation and weighing, Chen Kangjie approved the report.However, Chen Kangjie asked the Sunflower Fund to use the same method to deal with the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In fact, the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine is used to talk about things, and they are only used as a tool to urge medical schools to improve their services.

Chen Kangjie didn't know whether the affiliated hospital of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine had ever driven out patients who couldn't pay, but he thought it must have happened.

Now it is the turn of the medical school to be used as a tool to urge the school of traditional Chinese medicine to carry out relevant rectification.

If the two large hospitals in the province can improve their services and put the interests of patients as important as possible, then this will be a great thing for the people in the province.Even though it was Chen Kangjie who actually paid the money, he didn't care.After all, even if he pays, he still has to rely on others to complete it.

In the approval report, Chen Kangjie asked the Sunflower Foundation to use the leverage of funds to urge the two medical schools to strengthen the training of medical ethics for students.The level of a doctor is very important, but the level of medical ethics of a doctor is even more important.A doctor is not a good doctor, no matter how skilled he is, if he gets into the pocket of money.

Gu Chunyan didn't know that Chen Kangjie was the actual funder of the foundation, and Chen Kangjie's approval of this report was done in the name of Ouyang Zhenhua.Gu Chunyan only knew that Ouyang Zhenhua raised the fund for the foundation, but she didn't know who donated it.

This time, among the piled up documents, Chen Kangjie finally saw the invitation that had been mentioned before.

During the two sessions, when Chen Kangjie participated in the special program of the two sessions hosted by Yi Min, a sophomore girl from the Capital Conservatory of Music mentioned that both the Capital Conservatory of Music and the Academy of Film had invited Chen Kangjie to serve as a guest professor.At that time, Chen Kangjie declined. On the one hand, he felt that he was still a little incompetent. On the other hand, he did not see the relevant invitation letter.

And now, two invitation letters from the Capital Conservatory of Music and the Capital Film Academy were transferred from Hong Kong and placed on his desk.To Chen Kangjie's surprise, they not only sent invitation letters, but also letters of appointment signed by the principals of the two highest art schools in China.

Interestingly, on the marked date, it was indeed sent by Chen Kangjie before attending the Two Sessions.I just didn't expect it would take so long to reach Chen Kangjie's hands.

Chen Kangjie picked up the phone and called Fan Wenxuan from Feiyang Entertainment to inquire.Fan Wenxuan's explanation was that they had received many similar invitations before, but considering Chen Kangjie's low-key and dismissive attitude, they didn't care at all, and the funds were almost thrown away.

It was only after seeing his interview that these two schools were mentioned, they dug them out among the numerous materials.

"Long, I think you should accept it. It will be beneficial to you and not harmful. I know you have never been interested in such false names, but adding one or two occasionally is also very good." Fan Wenxuan said on the phone Zhong persuaded Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously: "Oh? How do you say that?"

"Because of your various works, your popularity in China is actually not as good as your status in the West. Think about it, so far you have not created Chinese music or Chinese movies, so you are not popular in China, or in big cities. In China, some people criticize you to varying degrees. If you can accept these two visiting professor positions, then you will be able to eliminate many people's criticisms." Fan Wenxuan explained.

"But I'm not qualified at all."

Fan Wenxuan said with a smile: "This statement is wrong. Maybe in theory, you are not as good as those academics, but you are worse than those with rich practical experience. Think about it, who is your opponent in China in terms of practice? Who can create such good results. It is more than enough for you to win the Oscars and Grammys and serve as a visiting professor. You don't know, this year's Hong Kong Film Awards also invited you to be the chairman of the jury. If you are not qualified to be a visiting professor, then I really can't think of it, who is qualified?"

Chen Kangjie wants to say that those so-called practices are actually the result of plagiarism.But he could never say such a thing.

After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie still refused: "I still don't think I can do it. Even if I accept it, I don't have time to give lectures at all."

Fan Wenxuan said: "I have already communicated with the leaders of the two schools. Their opinion is that if you have time, you can give one or two lectures every year. If you really don't have time, you don't have to go. This is Speaking of things, it’s just a name, a need between each other.”

"Mr. Fan, you're doing this first. Before I agree, you've already communicated with them."

"Hehe, I'm just making a foreshadowing. If you really don't want to accept it, it's okay. I just communicated, and I didn't promise them anything." Perhaps hearing Chen Kangjie's tone was a little uncomfortable, Fan Wenxuan relaxed her attitude Smiled and resolved.

Chen Kangjie also knew that Fan Wenxuan was doing it for his own good. Before graduating from university, he could become a visiting professor at another university. This honor was not low.It is very positive for my reputation, not to mention that I don't have to go to the real class.


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