rebirth of change

Chapter 1855 Can't Procrastinate Any Longer

"Brother, what happened to the kid who framed me in? I heard that you were going to deal with him, so he can't get up anymore." Thinking of Chen Kangjie, Liu Huawei's teeth itch.

Since I was a child, I have never suffered such a loss.This time he was actually punished, Liu Huawei couldn't swallow this breath.

Liu Huawei is quite convinced of Liu Huawei's ability. In the past, the troubles he encountered in the past were not solved by his brother's help.In his opinion, if his elder brother wanted to deal with Chen Kangjie, he would naturally be able to catch him easily.

Liu Huawei really suffered for so many days in vain, how could he not find the reason from himself.If it wasn't for his intemperance in life, if it wasn't for his arrogance and domineering, if he wasn't for doing whatever he wanted, how could he have gotten involved? Even if Chen Kangjie wanted to tease him, he couldn't find any excuses or reasons.

Brothers like them in the yamen, if there is no accident, they will take it for granted, and if there is an accident, they will push the responsibility and cause to others.

There is no deep hatred between him and you, Liu Huawei, so why do you want to deal with you, you are not a big shot.

It's good that Liu Huawei didn't mention Chen Kangjie, but when he mentioned Chen Kangjie, Liu Huawei felt aggrieved.

He really couldn't figure it out now, he asked two groups of people to deal with Chen Kangjie, and one group was stronger than the other.As a result, the first group of people disappeared after being repaired.There is no news from the second group of people. Yesterday Liu Huawei called Ding Shaosi, wanting to find out about the progress, but he made several consecutive calls but failed to find anyone.

Strange and strange.No matter what you do, at least tell me, why did you run away?

"Don't worry about this matter. When you come out, just stay for a while and don't cause trouble for me." Liu Huawei warned.

"You are my brother, of course I will copy what you said, but I really want to know what you have made that kid look like, or if I see him deflated, my chest will be suffocated, and I can't slow it down." Come." Liu Huawei said with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"I told you to leave this matter alone, didn't you hear me? You still want to go in, don't you? If you are angry, you have to slow down. If you can't, just hold back. You don't think you have caused enough trouble? "Liu Huawei was really angry with this younger brother who didn't understand the overall situation.Due to dissatisfaction, he stepped on it, and the speed of the car increased instantly, and he almost collided with the car in front of him.

"Slow down, slow down, bro, that's what I said, why are you so angry?" Liu Huawei hurriedly pressed his hands.

Liu Huawei is actually dissatisfied and puzzled by his brother's sensitivity.It's just that he, who has always relied on his elder brother, dared not talk back in this anger.

"Remember, be honest during this time, don't do what you shouldn't do, don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Liu Huawei let go of the accelerator and slowed down the car, "Now is a critical period. Any movement may have an impact and negative impact on us."

"okay, I get it."

Liu Huawei doesn't care whether his younger brother is convinced or not, what he wants is his quietness and obedience.

Liu Huawei could already feel that the situation in the province had reached a critical point.It looks calm on the surface, but if it is not done well, there will be a big accident one day.He didn't want this accident to happen from one of his own people.

As expected of living in a political family, Liu Huawei's judgment is generally quite accurate.Revolving around the balance and breaking of dominance, the game among all parties in the province is already moving towards collision.Everyone is planning and deploying.

Before the collision did not determine the winner, as a person involved, he could only be cautious.

"Godfather, it seems that the time has come, we can't delay any longer." After leaving the court, Chen Kangjie went directly to He Baoguo.

He Baoguo received the news of Liu Huawei's acquittal immediately.Just because of this news, he knew that Chen Kangjie, a key person, would look for him immediately.

After He Baoguo stubbed out one cigarette butt, he immediately lit another.It can be seen that he is also doing difficult thinking in his heart.

"Situ Kuo's ambiguous attitude makes me feel that I still have no chance of winning." He Baoguo shook off the long banquet after taking several puffs.

"Hehe, of course there is no [-]% chance of winning, but have you ever thought about it? If you procrastinate, the odds of winning will be even lower. Are you really planning to wait until Situ Kuo is completely close?" Chen Kangjie smiled helplessly.

"Shouldn't those weeds be pulled out? Keeping this kind of person is a threat to us."

"Godfather, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. For some people, it may be a threat to keep it, but it may not be a good thing to lose it." Chen Kangjie said with an air that was not what he should have at his age.

His expression, no matter how you look at it, has a taste of cunning and cunning.It would be understandable if he was a middle-aged man, but he is so young.

"Oh?" He Baoguo's expression froze, he was very puzzled.

"Godfather, let me say something that may make you uncomfortable, or you may feel that I treat a gentleman with a villain's heart. You may think that if you can cook them all together, you have a chance. It's just that it's too difficult. Not to mention, even if you can really do it, you can only take a small step forward. I don’t understand politics, and I understand that the position of secretary has nothing to do with you. Instead, why not leave a familiar person, It's better than parachuting a stranger from another place or above." Since he wanted to explain the problem thoroughly, Chen Kangjie didn't care about it, and said what he thought.Anyway, even if he said something wrong, He Baoguo would not have experienced it with him.

"You, you are treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain." He Baoguo pointed at Chen Kangjie, stared and said, "Do you think I'm so unbearable? I'm an official fan? What you can see, I can't see." Is it? I never thought that I could become the secretary of the provincial party committee in one step. I have not been greedy for that. I just think that people like them staying in such an important position are not conducive to the province's various departments. The implementation and development of the work. In the past few years, we have developed so fast, but in the past two years, the momentum is obviously insufficient. If you don’t let the higher-ups see what he looks like, it will mislead the overall deployment. I would rather accept airborne from the higher-ups Come alone, as long as the purpose of this person is to do a good job, I will definitely do my best to support and assist.”

Being misunderstood by Chen Kangjie like that, He Baoguo was really angry.He Baoguo can accept that others think of him like that, but he can't accept that of Chen Kangjie.This was tantamount to Chen Kangjie looking down on him. As an elder, how could He Baoguo tolerate being looked down upon by a younger junior.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, hehe, I was a villain once." Chen Kangjie raised his hands, making a gesture of surrender, but the attitude on his face did not show much sign of repentance, "But I I don't think you're doing the right thing."

"How do you say it?" He Baoguo knew that Chen Kangjie didn't mean to humiliate him, so it was impossible for him to "repent from his mistakes".

"Because you can't guarantee what the style of the person you transfer will be. The transfer at this level is beyond your control. What if that person is even more unbearable? What about you? You know, the secretary and the governor will be transferred at once. Pulling off the horse is already taboo enough, so can you repeat the old trick? Besides, if you want to do it, you have to have flaws. The matter of Liu Hongjun is already certain, but Situ Kuo did not break the law At most, he is just a bureaucrat. Are there still few similar bureaucrats in China? Therefore, if he is too hard to embarrass him, it is better to let him be a "caretaker secretary". In this way, you will be able to take over after one or two years of transition. As for what you said about letting the higher-ups see his face clearly, don’t you really think they can’t see clearly? Not to mention there are many facts, even the information I got from me, as long as you are not blind, you can know what his style is That's it." Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Kangjie's analysis made He Baoguo fall into deep thought.

Leaving aside ideas, responsibility and morality are also put aside.From the perspective of interests alone, Chen Kangjie's suggestion is undoubtedly the most correct.

There is actually not much difference between politicians and businessmen, although the slogans that politicians utter every day are so great and bright, so inspiring.In fact, in the final analysis, what it pursues is nothing more than a kind of interest.

Businessmen want to make money, politicians want to gain power.

No matter how great your political ambitions are, no matter what kind of political responsibilities you think you have.In short, if you want the situation to develop according to your ideas, you must have a position and be in power.When power is lost, nothing can be controlled.

He Baoguo is quite idealistic sometimes.It's just that that kind of pure ideal may not be able to be catered to in reality, or most of it is impossible to be catered to.That being the case, it would be better to take a step back and see a brighter future.

Chen Kangjie is not an official figure, he is more like a businessman, but he is still in the position of a bystander, so many things can be seen clearly.

This is the focus of Chen Kangjie's conversation with He Baoguo today.He didn't want He Baoguo to involve himself for the so-called personal pursuits and ideals.Even if he is standing on the standpoint of justice, the things he does are not so good-looking in the senses.

You not only punish outsiders, but even your own people. Who dares to reuse such a person?Such a person, who dares to rest assured to cooperate with him?

At that time, He Baohui will become a different person inside and out. If that is the case, his official career will probably come to an end.

In politics, it doesn't mean that if you do things right, everyone will raise their hands and support you.The official voice is also very important.

If He Baoguo was on the front line of discipline inspection, then it wouldn't matter, maybe he could still get a reputation of not being tolerant of sand in his eyes.

To be a top leader must be tolerant.Below you, there are all kinds of people. If the scale is not wide enough, there is no way to unite everyone around you.

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