rebirth of change

Chapter 1856 The student union is also a place of struggle

Another week passed without incident.

"Chen Wen..."

Walking down from the fourth floor of the first teaching building, Chen Kangjie heard someone calling himself from behind as soon as he reached the second floor.

"Chairman Zuo, what do you need from me?" Chen Kangjie stopped and turned around, and saw that it was Zuo Weisheng.

"Let's go, let's go together and talk to you."


"Chen Wen, do you feel the pressure of studying recently?" After walking a few steps, Zuo Weisheng asked.

"Why did you say that?" Chen Kangjie really didn't understand why Zuo Weisheng would ask him that.

"Hehe, just asking casually." That's what Chen Kangjie said, but Chen Kangjie didn't believe that Zuo Weisheng really cared about him.

Sure enough, after walking a few more steps, Chen Kangjie finally understood the reason.

"You've been missing more and more classes recently, and, in the past two months, you basically haven't participated in the student union. Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm all ok. It's normal. As for missing classes, I feel that some classes don't need to be taken completely. I just need to understand it. Besides, I remember that I also asked for leave. When it comes to the student union Aren’t their departments operating very well, in this case, there is no need for me to intervene in everything, and I should give them the opportunity to perform.” Chen Kangjie said lightly.

The actual situation is naturally not as explained to Chen Kangjie, he has really been getting busier recently.Training alone took up half of his time, plus the company's affairs, Liu Hongjun's affairs, and the preparation of the summer movie, it really made Chen Kangjie a little busy.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie could miss some unimportant courses as he could, but Chen Kangjie basically had no time to take care of the student union.

Whether it is the study or the operation of the student union, it may take October to return to normal.At that time, Chen Kangjie had already participated in the Olympic Games, and the filming was finished, so he could relax for a while.

"I won't talk about the class. In college, everyone has their own learning style and focus. It's just that in the student union, you still have to pay attention to it. Recently, the sports department, the health department and the external relations department have carried out related The activities are not very ideal, and you have become a shopkeeper again. In the student union, some people have complaints. Because we are classmates in the same class, I will give you a message." Zuo Weisheng said kindly.

Is it really kind?I'm afraid you, Zuo Weisheng, hope that I will never appear in the student union?

"Complaints? Who has complaints? What kind of complaints?" Chen Kangjie asked directly.

"This... I can't say who it is, anyway, I have heard more than one person react. They all think that you are the executive vice chairman, but you don't care about the activities of the student union. It's not normal. It shouldn't be, it's kind of... huh"

"It's kind of like standing in the latrine and not shitting, isn't it?" Chen Kangjie helped Zuo Weisheng complete what he hadn't finished.

"That's what someone else said." Zuo Weisheng was a little embarrassed, but he quickly put himself out.

"No matter who said it, I don't care. Chairman Zuo, how do you think we should deal with it?" Chen Kangjie said freely.

"How to deal with it? If it's a short period of time, it's okay, but if it's a long period of time, it will be difficult for me. As the chairman of the student union, I have to be a bowl of water, don't you think so?" Zuo Weisheng seemed a little embarrassed.

"I'm afraid my condition will last for a while." Chen Kangjie said without any concealment.

"If this is the case...Chen Wen, do you think it's okay to temporarily assign the department you're in charge of to someone else to take care of it for you, and I can also share some of it on my side, what do you think? "

Let me just say, you Zuo Weisheng would care about me so kindly?It turned out that they wanted to divide my rights, make me empty, and let me be an empty vice chairman.

What does it mean to be separated temporarily? If I am really separated, do I still want to come back?I really thought I was stupid.When the time comes, I won't have any soldiers under my command, so how can I get a foothold in the student union.I am the executive vice chairman, not the honorary chairman.These are two different things.

Fortunately, you can also share some.If you really have good intentions, then you can help take care of it during this period.You are the chairman, and when I'm not around, you meddle, who can say anything?

But now you want to eat up and squeeze out my rights openly and aboveboard. These are two completely different concepts.

Although I don't care about the so-called vice chairman position, because I don't plan to rely on this thing to help me find a job or do other things in the future.However, I would not be willing to be a polished commander, not to mention whether it would allow me to perform, at least, I would not be able to lose face.

"Chairman Zuo, I don't think it's necessary. There are ministers and deputy ministers in each department. They can operate normally. If you really encounter something that you can't figure out, you can call me or ask for your guidance. Yes. Others have their own affairs, so why bother others, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie tactfully but resolutely refused.

"Then... just listen to you for the time being. However, you still need to spend more time and thought. The students trust us and choose us. If the performance is too ugly, I'm sorry It’s not easy to explain to the next.”

Looking at the back of Zuo Weisheng leaving, Chen Kangjie smiled mockingly.

Zuo Weisheng didn't give up completely, if he got the chance, he would try his best to push Chen Kangjie out.

"Hey, Chairman Chen, why are you standing here stupidly?"

"Hey, why are you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Ding Xiaoyang pouted and asked, "I'm taking the elective course of language communication art here."

Ding Xiaoyang wore a ponytail, a denim suit, and a pair of sneakers, looking particularly youthful.Her face is smooth and fair. Although no cosmetics are used, her beautiful skin and her delicate facial features make her look pure and beautiful.

"I don't mind, I don't mean anything."

"Do you mind? Hehe, why do you mind?" Ding Xiaoyang smiled sweetly, "I saw you standing here in a daze, so I called you. By the way, are you free later?"

"What's the matter? Do you need me?" Chen Kangjie didn't know what Ding Xiaoyang wanted to do.

"Seeing how nervous you are, are you still afraid that I will eat you? Really, you are still a big man." Ding Xiaoyang's tone seemed very intimate, but this made Chen Kangjie a little uncomfortable.

"I don't seem to be doing anything. Hehe, what you say feels like you are targeting me. Do you have something to do with me? If you really have something to do, just say, I will do my best if I can."

"Chairman Chen, why does it feel like I am your leader? You know, you are my leader. If other people hear your words, they will think I am domineering. I dare not tell you to do things, but ...Our Department of Literature and Art is going to hold a large-scale campus song contest, I would like to ask for your help."

Although Ding Xiaoyang and Chen Kangjie are both the vice-chairmen of the student union, Chen Kangjie is the executive vice-chairman, so it seems that Ding Xiaoyang is not wrong to say that Chen Kangjie is her leader.

"Hehe, Chairman Ding, it seems that the activities held by the Ministry of Literature and Art have nothing to do with me, right? How can I help?" With that said, Chen Kangjie still felt a little turbulent.

You don't know my identity, do you?Want to ask me to be a judge?

This possibility is logically very low, but what Ding Xiaoyang said was the song contest, and Chen Kangjie happened to be a superstar in this area, so Chen Kangjie couldn't allow Chen Kangjie to think about it.

"It doesn't matter, of course it does. The scope of this competition is relatively wide. First, there will be preliminary competitions for each college, and then the top three of each college will participate in the finals of the whole school. There are more games, so this funding requires a lot... . " Speaking of this, Ding Xiaoyang seemed a little embarrassed.

After all, everyone is a student, and the matter of asking for money cannot be as confident as in society, even if it is a matter of self-confidence.

"Chairman Ding, don't you ask me to pay for it?" Hearing that it wasn't related to his expertise, Chen Kangjie felt relieved and joked.

"Ask you to pay? How much money do you have? I'm afraid it won't be enough for you to spend all your living expenses." Ding Xiaoyang didn't think Chen Kangjie's joke was funny, "I mean, can your external relations department Can’t you help us, they have more contact with outside companies, can you find us a company to sponsor us?”

"Oh, so that's the case. Didn't you talk to Tao Mi before?" Chen Kangjie thought that Ding Xiaoyang's suggestion was still feasible.If this kind of song contest is to be held in a grand manner, it will naturally cost a lot. If there is corporate sponsorship, it can save a lot of trouble.

"I was looking for it, but...Tao Mi didn't give me a positive answer. No, I thought of asking you to open the back door when I met you."

In fact, Tao Mi did not give Ding Xiaoyang an affirmative answer, but gave it, but it was definitely a negative answer.

There are very few companies willing to sponsor activities on the university campus. After all, the audience is very limited, and it is difficult to achieve a wide publicity effect.If the Ministry of Literature and Art only needs a few thousand dollars, then such a sponsorship scale is still easy to find.However, what they said was [-] for each college, and at least [-] for the finals of the whole school.That adds up to a sponsorship amount of hundreds of thousands. Who is willing for ordinary companies?It is strange that Tao Mi can agree.

"Well, then let me communicate with her, and I'll ask her to call you back then, okay?" Chen Kangjie didn't say anything to death, even though Chen Kangjie didn't care about money.

"That's fine, then I'll wait for your good news." Ding Xiaoyang didn't show displeasure at Chen Kangjie's ambiguity.

That time Chen Kangjie helped Ding Xiaoyang and Su Yu, which in itself left a good impression on Ding Xiaoyang, and Ding Xiaoyang also knew that this request was really difficult to fulfill, that's why he was so "reasonable".

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