rebirth of change

Chapter 1860 Chen Kangjie Was Arrested Again

Chen Kangjie's phone call was not long, and he finished speaking in a few words. It's just that he covered the phone with his hands, and his voice was deliberately lowered, so the others didn't hear who he was calling, and they didn't hear him clearly on the phone. What is said in it.

Chen Kangjie hangs up the phone with embarrassment, and Fatty Lou comes over with three security guards in uniform.

"Young Master Liu, what's wrong with you?" Fatty Lou was taken aback when he saw Liu Huawei's bruised nose and swollen face.

Fatty Lou really didn't expect that he left for a minute or two, how could this happen.He never thought that Chen Kangjie would rush to this place.

But in fact, not only did Chen Kangjie make a move, but he was also so merciless.People say that when you hit someone, you don't slap people in the face, but Chen Kangjie only slaps people in the face.

I won't give you face, what can you do?

Fatty Lou felt uneasy. Young Master Liu was invited by himself. He originally planned to flatter and please the relationship.It's all right now, the ass was not filmed, it was shot on the horse's hoof.After making such a move, if he can't help find justice well, don't even think about it, Liu Huawei will definitely blame himself.

What bad luck, who did I provoke?

"Fatty Lou, damn it, where did you die? I was slapped in the face in your place. If you don't give me an explanation, don't blame me for cleaning up with you. Ouch, you're still fucking dumbfounded What are you doing?" His cheeks were sore when he spoke, which made the already angry Liu Huawei even more annoyed.

"Yes, yes, yes." Fatty Lou replied hastily, "How do you three work as security guards? This man came to our store to make trouble and hurt our customers. You just stare like that Are you watching?"

It is unrealistic to expect Fatty Lou to roll up his sleeves and fight in person.However, this does not prevent him from directing other people to do things. Anyway, you are invited by my family, so you have to do what you are asked to do, or you will get out.

The three security guards were waiting for Fatty Lou to speak.

The security guards these days, to put it bluntly, are thugs who have been raised in captivity. They will hear about whoever sends them money.Security guards are not the police, and they don't need to pay attention to any impartial position. They have a position, and the boss's order is their position.

The three security guards knew what kind of person Fatty Lou was.If they don't perform well, they are very likely to be fired immediately. On the other hand, if they perform well, Fatty Lou will be quite generous, and if they don't guarantee a big red envelope, they can get it.

Now that Fatty Lou has spoken, the three security guards will naturally not be polite.Anyway, this store belongs to his family, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with him, he is just following orders.

As a result, the three security guards who couldn't wait immediately fanned out and attacked Chen Kangjie. As for the spectators beside him, apart from dodging to avoid accidental injury, no one meddled in their business.

"Young Master Liu, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation. After this kid is half dead, he will be handed over to the police station. I have called the police station here just now. The deputy director is my cousin. I promise I won't let you down." Fatty Lou didn't think that the three security guards would be unable to take down Chen Kangjie, so he didn't care about the battle situation, but hurriedly flattered Liu Huawei.

The current social reality is that as long as you have a little money, you will have a relationship with some official people in a more or less deep way.On the one hand, the official people provide policy and act as an umbrella, and on the other hand, they will also receive benefits from the rich.It can be said to be a two-way choice of mutual benefit.

Fatty Lou dared to speak like that, not only because the deputy director of the police station was his cousin, but more importantly, this cousin had a very good relationship with their family.It can be said that Fatty Lou's father bought him the position of deputy director, and in turn, his cousin gave their family a lot of care.

Of course, the Lou family will not be satisfied with such low-level connections.When Fatty Lou met Liu Huawei through the small circle and told his parents when he went home, his parents strongly supported him in building a good relationship with Liu Huawei.In his father's words, in order to get closer to this line, you can do whatever it takes.

Fatty Lou took his parents' instructions seriously.

"Correct, to the point of death, I will be responsible for the accident." Liu Huawei opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth.

For Chen Kangjie, Liu Huawei could not wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood.Facing Chen Kangjie, he is now irrational, as long as he can step Chen Kangjie down, Liu Huawei doesn't care about any means or consequences.

"Don't worry, Young Master Liu, look..." Fatty Lou became dumbfounded before he finished speaking.

What kind of prank is this?Is today April Fool's Day?Why are you three idiots lying on the ground?Don't you want to be so realistic, don't you know the consequences of teasing me?

Following Fatty Lou's gaze, all the three security guards he called just now were lying on the ground and couldn't get up. Instead, only Chen Kangjie, who should have fallen down, stared at him with a provocative smile.

"How is this possible, how is it possible, what did you do to them? You three bastards, what are you doing lying on the ground, get up, I asked you to fuck people, not to sleep." Fatty Lou was a little crazy up.

"Maybe they just came to sleep. This person can't stop the drowsiness. It's normal to take a rest." Chen Kangjie joked lightly.

"What did you do to them?" Fatty Lou's originally small eyes stared like bull's eyes.

Chen Kangjie shrugged, meaning he didn't do anything, as if they really fell asleep.

That is to say, Fatty Lou and Liu Huawei were talking just now, and didn't see clearly what kind of methods Chen Kangjie used against them. On the contrary, some of the bystanders could see clearly, but even if they saw it, their expressions were still the same. Unbelievably surprised look.

In fact, apart from the fact that the three security guards are a little stronger, they really don't have any skills.He was just an ordinary young man. They fanned Chen Kangjie in order to trap Chen Kangjie and overthrow him.Unexpectedly, Chen Kangjie was not only nimble but also fast.Before they could touch Chen Kangjie's body, Chen Kangjie appeared behind them in a flash, slashing his hands like knives, and none of the three men's necks slipped through the net.

With one palm after another, the three security guards passed out one by one, almost powerless to fight back.

" have encountered something, you have encountered a big event, no matter how you did it, you will be unlucky today." Fatty Lou did not fail, and insisted on talking big.

Fatty Lou's confidence comes from the police who are about to arrive and Liu Huawei beside him.He didn't believe that Chen Kangjie would still dare to be arrogant and play tricks when the police came.Moreover, Fatty Lou is standing up for Liu Shao in this matter. He believes that even if something happens, Liu Shao will solve it.

It's just that Fatty Lou didn't think about it. Since Chen Kangjie dared to provoke Liu Huawei and dared to beat Liu Huawei, would he be a simple character?He can take care of Liu Huawei, so what's the point of him counting on Liu Huawei?Really blinded by myopia and desire.

"Really? Then I'll wait, don't let me down." Chen Kangjie sat leisurely on a chair, not only raised his feet, but also comfortably took out a cigarette and lit it.

Chen Kangjie blew out a puff of smoke provocatively in the direction of Fatty Lou and Fatty Liu. The faint smile on his face made Huawei and Fatty Lou hate their teeth.

It's just that no matter how much they complained, the two of them could only stare blankly, and the thought of wanting to beat Chen Kangjie up could only be kept in their hearts.Both of them knew that if they dared to make a move again, they would be the ones who would suffer, and the ones who would be ashamed.

Fortunately, after Fatty Lou's call, two police officers from the police station and two assistant police officers arrived not long after.

"Who is making trouble? Who is making trouble here? It's unreasonable. In broad daylight, you dare to be lawless." After the leading tall policeman came in, he nodded with Fatty Lou, but pretended not to know each other and shocked the scene impartially. .

Shouldn't the acting be that bad? Is it true that other people are blind and can't see your flirtatious eyebrows?You guy, you just stare at me when you talk, isn't that obvious?

Chen Kangjie scoffed at the police performance.

"Officer, this is the kid who came to our coffee shop to make trouble. You see, the three security guards in our shop just wanted to know the situation, and he was beaten to death by him. My friend, I said a few words of justice , and failed to escape his clutches. After his troubles, our store has suffered heavy losses today, and we can’t do business.” Fatty Lou didn’t flinch when he saw the rescuers, and took all responsibilities in one go. All the blame was placed on Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie didn't interrupt, just watched them play the oboe there.

If you want to splash dirty water, you can just splash it, the more the better, the deeper the better, and it is best to treat Chen Kangjie like a murderer and arsonist.

"Arrest, arrest this kid, and he must be interrogated carefully. I really doubt that he is either a drug dealer or a gangster. He is too rampant. This kind of person in society will destroy our stable and united situation." Liu Warwick chimed in to add insult to injury.

Liu Huawei wished that the police could pull out their guns and tell Chen Kangjie to kill him on the spot.

"Hahaha..." Chen Kangjie was not only not afraid because the police came, but he was able to laugh heartily.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" the policeman shouted at Chen Kangjie.

Seeing the police coming, not only did they show no fear, but they laughed wildly, which was simply a challenge and insult to their authority.Who would dare to be so presumptuous when the police were called out.It can be said that Chen Kangjie's laughter made several policemen want to punish him.

"Why am I laughing? Hehe, do you think I look like a drug dealer or a gangster?" Chen Kangjie didn't pay attention to the police's warning.

"Do drug traffickers and gangsters write on their foreheads? You say you don't look like it, but I think you do, handcuff him and take him away, take him back and interrogate him." Since the police are here to help, naturally they won't Be soft on Chen Kangjie, especially when Chen Kangjie doesn't take them seriously.

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