Chen Kangjie had been to the police station twice, one was when he was in Huicheng many years ago, and the other was at the Capital Airport last time.Unexpectedly, not long after that, he was going to go in again.And this time is very different from the previous two times, that is, this time he has to wear handcuffs.

If Chen Kangjie is unwilling, no one can easily put the handcuffs on his hands.

This time, the police performed the task very easily. With just a click, Chen Kangjie's hands were handcuffed.

If this matter is told, not many people will believe it.Not only did Chen Kangjie not resist, he didn't even give way at all.This is simply not in line with the general practice.Can a person with status and background like Chen Kangjie allow others to treat him like this?Impossible, impossible.

And yet that's exactly what happened.Or should I put it this way, instead of saying that the handcuffs were handcuffed by someone else, it might as well be that Chen Kangjie requested it on his own initiative.

If it wasn't like this, how could Chen Kangjie intentionally irritate the other party, and then become as docile as a kitten after being irritated?

"Arrogance, arrogance, you still dare to be arrogant now, wait, you will suffer." Seeing Chen Kangjie restraining his hands, Fatty Lou suddenly became complacent.

For a person like Fatty Lou who had already been sentenced to death, Chen Kangjie really didn't want to look him in the eye.He is not qualified.

Fatty Lou is still stupid now, he doesn't know how much trouble he has caused his family.If he knew that their family would go bankrupt because of his performance today, what would he do? Would he kneel down and plead with Chen Kangjie's toes?maybe.A little face is nothing compared to losing some material foundation.

"Have you seen the movie "Little Soldier Zhang Ga"?" Chen Kangjie asked with a frown.

"Who hasn't seen it? What's the matter?" Fatty Lou asked boldly.

"Hehe, there's a classic line in it, don't look at how happy you are now, be careful to make a list later. It's about people like you, but if I tell you now, you won't understand." Chen Kangjie was purely disdainful He was talking to Fatty Lou in a mocking tone.

Fatty Lou really didn't expect that what Chen Kangjie said would be like this, he was taken aback for a while before he woke up.

"Are you looking down on me? Are you insulting me?"

"You really don't have anything worthy of my respect for you. As for insulting you, it's the same. You don't have the qualifications to deserve my insulting you." Such words are worse than a slap in the face.

Fatty Lou was so angry that he turned green, panting heavily.

"Little bastard, you..."

As soon as this kind of cursing words came out, Chen Kangjie instinctively shot over and kicked Fatty Lou down on the spot. Not to mention, the huge inertial impact and Liu Huawei who was behind him also suffered.Liu Huawei was knocked to the ground by Fatty Lou.

Chen Kangjie is now cooperating with you in acting, but he doesn't tolerate your insults.Dare to insult him like this in front of him, can Chen Kangjie bear it?Can you swallow this breath?

His hands are handcuffed, but his legs are free to move.A person like him can be aggressive and threatening unless he is shackled all over his body.

"It's against the sky, it's against the sky. Dare to commit murder in front of the police, attack and beat the whistleblower, it's too courageous. You two hold him down, now the evidence is solid, I will definitely let you know when he is taken back , how should we respect the law enforcement officers." The leading policeman was furious.

After being instructed, the two police assistants took Chen Kangjie's hands from both sides, one from the left and the other from the right, and took him into custody as if he were a prisoner.

Chen Kangjie let them do what they did, neither resisting nor refusing.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie couldn't move, Liu Huawei and Fatty Lou got angry from their hearts, and their evil turned to their guts.They planned to make good use of this opportunity to show Chen Kangjie some color.

Knowing what Liu Huawei and Fatty Lou were going to do, the police pretended to turn their heads away as if they hadn't seen it.

These policemen were called by Fatty Lou, so they will help them no matter what.At the beginning, she was still a little pretentious, but now, she just threw away that false pretense, and nakedly favored Fatty Lou and Liu Huawei.

Besides, who told Chen Kangjie not to take them seriously just now? If you didn't take the police seriously, why would the police help you instead?

Take it upon yourself, watch it, when your kid cries.Against violent agencies, I have never seen anyone end well.

It's a pity that the two policemen and the two assistants who were escorting Chen Kangjie were destined to be dumbfounded.

What they haven't encountered before doesn't mean they won't encounter it in the future. They can open their eyes today. If they see it, they will regret it for the rest of their lives if they don't see it. If they see it, they will regret it.

Liu Huawei and Fatty Lou were furious, and approached Chen Kangjie in a show of force. Their purpose was very simple, to let Chen Kangjie suffer and vent his anger and hostility before he was taken away.

Especially Liu Huawei, who was slapped twice by Chen Kangjie just now, it was a shame and humiliation for him, something he had never encountered before.

It's just that this guy doesn't have a long memory. Has he forgotten that since he met Chen Kangjie, he has experienced many things that he has never encountered before?

If Liu Shao wants to vent his anger, Fatty Lou will naturally not preemptively.Liu Shao suffered a big loss in his own territory today, if he is not given a chance to vent, it will be a bad thing.So Fatty Lou followed Liu Huawei. He planned to wait for Liu Shao to move, and then echoed "beat the dog in the water", showing his loyalty and expressing his resentment.Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone?

As for beating Chen Kangjie, whether there will be any consequences, Fatty Lou will not think about it.These policemen were all called by his uncle, so there was absolutely no problem.It's not like something like this has happened before, and in the end, my cousin will settle it properly, nothing wrong with it.Those who entered the police station, who would dare to confront the deputy director?

Fatty Lou is not afraid, and Liu Huawei is even less afraid.Who is he, he is the top son, what else is he afraid of?

Ever since, the two rolled up their sleeves when they thought of it, and did what they said.

Liu Huawei stared angrily at Chen Kangjie, raised his right hand, and was about to slap him viciously.

If it is someone else, then there is no choice but to accept it.But would Chen Kangjie accept it willingly?Absolutely impossible.

Chen Kangjie was really angry. He was not only dissatisfied with Liu Huawei's arrogance, but also resented these law enforcement officers who were supposed to enforce the law fairly.

Chen Kangjie did not move his feet to kick Liu Huawei away, but clamped his arms and twisted his body suddenly.

Before the two assistants whose arms were hurt by Chen Kangjie could yell out, their bodies soared into the air and took off.

Chen Kangjie is extremely powerful and tall, so it is not difficult to achieve this.

In this way, the two assistant police officers who were supposed to detain Chen Kangjie were used as weapons by Chen Kangjie at this moment.The two of them are like the two ends of a nunchuck, one leg swept Liu Huawei's chest and knocked him down, and the other sat Lou Fatty on the ground when Chen Kangjie suddenly let go .

Not only the onlookers in the coffee shop found it inconceivable by the sudden change, but the two policemen were also dumbfounded.

Can you still play like this?How did he do it?It's amazing.

" hurts me...fuck..." But the two stunned policemen were soon awakened by Liu Huawei's screams.

"Don't move, don't move while standing." The leading policeman pointed at Chen Kangjie with one hand and pulled out the gun with the other hand.

Another policeman followed suit and made a similar movement.

Soon, Chen Kangjie was pointed at by two police pistols.

"You are attacking the police. If you dare to move again, we have the right to shoot you to death." Seemingly uneasy, the police then spoke more threatening words.

In fact, that is to say, the police do not just shoot when they say so. You must know that our country not only has strict control over guns in society, but also has strict regulations on the use of guns by the police.If they are not directly threatened, they must not shoot. At most, they can only fire warning shots, otherwise, they will cause big trouble.

"Don't point a gun at me. All those who have pointed a gun at me have never been able to pick up a gun again." Chen Kangjie stood on the spot as firmly as a mountain, and said in a panic without meaning.

Not only did Chen Kangjie not panic, what he said was even more threatening.

These words are not big words, but the timing is not right now, Chen Kangjie will not have any insight and disputes with them for the time being, otherwise, the two policemen who paid the money would have fallen into a pool of blood.

Just when the two policemen drew their guns and scared the other people in the coffee shop to jump, Xiong Ziqiang and the others pulled out their guns at a faster speed.That is to say, Chen Kangjie had called ahead of time and stopped them with resolute eyes. If not, they would have been injured or killed.

"Not only assaulted the police, but also dared to threaten the police in public. You are really arrogant enough. It seems that you are not a simple character. I just thought you were just a gangster and should be considered light. Now you are simply a ****. I advise you It's best to be honest, we won't be soft on the ****." The policeman tightened the gun in his hand and said with a cold look in his eyes.

Damn, it's really good enough. From these words, I know that the other party is not a good bird at all.He even found an excuse to shoot openly.

The police can't easily shoot ordinary criminals, but they can shoot criminals.

"Fuck him, fuck him, I'll be responsible for what happened..." Liu Huawei struggled to get up from the ground, and yelled at Chen Kangjie almost crazily.

It's really hard for Liu Huawei not to go crazy. Who told him that he met Chen Kangjie. He was slapped in the face first, and now he was kicked down by the other party who used the police as a weapon.

"Are you in charge? So you led today's scene?" Chen Kangjie stared at Liu Huawei with his pupils shrunk and asked.

"I'm in charge. I'm going to trouble you today. How about it? You bastard, you dare to humiliate me over and over again, and I will definitely get it back. You will punish him to death, and if anything happens , I will fully bear it." Liu Huawei, who was in a fit of anger, didn't think there was any problem with these words, so he said them boldly in a huff.

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