rebirth of change

Chapter 1863 The situation is not optimistic

As you can imagine, those who express their opposition are either He Baoguo or people who are very close to He Baoguo.

This time He Baoguo didn't ask others to charge for him, but directly went into battle shirtless.

Liu Hongjun was already driving, if He Baoguo stopped moving forward, it would not be his style.

"Vice-governor He, if you have a different opinion, please speak up and let everyone listen to it. Judge, you don't need to be emotional. We are the standing committee of the party committee, not a court. There is no firm opposition or no firm opposition. of."

Liu Hongjun seemed very calm, and he was not moved by He Baoguo's jumping out. This is in line with the cultivation level that a provincial party secretary should have.

Liu Hongjun deliberately called He Baoguo Vice Governor instead of Governor He. This was purely intentional, just to remind everyone that there is a big difference between the two of them in terms of their positions.One is the top secretary, and the other is just the deputy governor.

In and out of the words, Liu Hongjun contained the meaning of ridiculing He Baoguo.Let everyone see how impatient and impetuous this executive deputy governor is.Can such a person have a greater future?

He Baoguo was also irritated by Liu Hongjun and Liao Minggui's chorus, and what made him even more restless was Situ Kuo's ambiguous attitude.It's not normal if he's still calm.

However, after Liu Hongjun's taunting attack, He Baoguo calmed down instead.A provincial and ministerial leader should indeed have a considerable amount of government and stability.

Impulse is the devil, this saying is almost everyone knows.The reason why impulsiveness is the devil is because it is difficult for a person to rationally weigh and distinguish in impulsive emotions. What he says and does is often extreme or disregarding the consequences and influences.When the brain is in a state of excitement, how can it still make the most favorable judgments and decisions clearly? That is the devil.

After He Baoguo calmed down, he regretted and introspected, how could he be so impulsive?If that boy Chen Kangjie knew, he might make fun of him.

"Everyone, most of us here are old comrades who have worked in Qianzhou for many years. They should know the situation in Qianzhou well..." Now that he has done it with real swords and guns, then He Baoguo There is no need to give Liu Hongjun the courtesy that he deserves. Even if you are the head of the secretary, you have ridiculed me so much. Should I give you a good face?So He Baoguo didn't even look at Liu Hongjun, he calmed down and started talking.

Not only did He Baoguo not give Liu Hongjun any face in terms of posture, but even what he said was smug.Of the leaders of the provincial party committee present, only Liu Hongjun and Deputy Secretary Yue came here for the shortest time.He Baoguo's implication was that he, Liu Hongjun, commanded blindly and didn't understand the situation at all.Can strategic decisions be made correctly without knowing the real details?Of course not, there must be many hidden dangers inside.

"...Objectively, I admit that the full liberalization of the real estate market and the development of mineral resources will have certain benefits for the economic data of our province. However, the benefits are only in the data, and it is for the real improvement of people's livelihood And promoting our economic structure, not only has no substantial benefits, but also affects the vital interests of the common people..." He Baoguo continued.

"Wait a minute, Governor He, since the liberalization of these two industries can promote our economy, how can it affect the vital interests of the people? You know, once these two industries are liberalized, they will be able to I really don’t understand what is the conflict.” Yue Hui, the deputy secretary and head of the United Front Work Department who was humiliated by He Baoguo before, thought he had caught He Baoguo’s painful foot.

"Deputy Secretary Yue, the economic issue is very specific, and affects the whole body. It seems that opening up these two industries will increase the finances and the GDP figures will also look good. But have we ever thought about it? Mineral resources Extensive mining, how to make up for the impact on the environment, and after the large-scale liberalization of the real estate market, housing prices have been pushed up, how can the people's housing be guaranteed? If the environment deteriorates and the people find that their income can no longer afford houses, how will their happiness be? Is it an increase or a decrease? I heard some people say that numbers make officials come out of officials, and officials come out with numbers. Do we regard being an official as a profession or a heavy responsibility?" He Baoguo glanced at Deputy Secretary Yue, and answered softly but hard road.

"Governor He, when you say this, it seems that you are the only good person serving the people. Is this necessary? With the increase in finances, doesn't the government have more funds to serve the people? Increase employment, improve Isn’t it a kind of profit for the people? Why are you so dismissive of these in your eyes? Besides, who said that the liberalization of the real estate market will lead to a sharp increase in housing prices? Who said that liberalization The exploitation of mineral resources will definitely lead to environmental degradation?" Deputy Secretary Lou, who is also the Minister of Propaganda, helped Deputy Secretary Yue.

Yue Hui didn't know much about economics, but Deputy Secretary Lou was no stranger to economics. He had worked as a county magistrate and deputy mayor before, and they were all positions closely related to economic issues.

"Hehe, Deputy Secretary Lou, can you guarantee that if the mining of mineral resources is fully licensed, you will be responsible for pollution accidents? Can you guarantee that housing prices will not increase after we fully liberalize the real estate market? Me too Don’t embarrass you. Mineral resources will be polluted to some extent. As long as no pollution accidents are caused, you don’t need to be responsible. Housing prices, as long as the annual price increase does not exceed 5.00%, you don’t need to be responsible. Can you guarantee it? You just need to say for sure , if there is an appeal, if you take the blame and resign, or go directly to sea, then I have nothing to say." He Baoguo said calmly with a smile on his lips.

It was difficult for He Baoguo to answer Deputy Secretary Lou's question directly, but it did not prevent him from refuting from another angle.

Can Deputy Secretary Lou guarantee it?Of course I didn't dare, seeing him immediately shut up in resentment?

A joke, whoever dares to make such a guarantee is making fun of his hard-won position.Can mining of mineral resources avoid pollution accidents?Just look at the frequent reports in other provinces.Real estate is fully liberalized, can house prices not rise?If it doesn't rise sharply, what are those real estate companies so keen on doing?The annual increase does not exceed 5.00%, huh, huh, if it does not exceed 15.00%, it is considered a high incense.

Deputy Secretary Lou knows that as long as the real estate market is fully liberalized, housing prices will double in three to four years.It's not that there are no real estate companies following his path, those people only come here after smelling the smell of big fat.

"Secretary Miao, you are the secretary of the Zhucheng Committee. Let go of the real estate market. As the provincial capital, it will have the greatest impact on Zhucheng. What's your opinion?" To Secretary Miao, anyway, you, He Baoguo, have made your attitude clear, so there is no need to repeat it endlessly.

Secretary Miao didn't intend to express his opinion right away. In fact, this issue was a double-edged sword for him. He wanted to check the direction of the wind again. Who would have thought that Liu Hongjun would force him directly.

Secretary Miao's dilemma is easy to understand. He is about to leave, and he doesn't want to be involved in this vortex of struggle again.

Moreover, in terms of facts, Secretary Miao really had a hard time choosing.

If dozens of real estate companies flood into the city, the government will sell a lot of land.This will undoubtedly greatly improve the economic and financial data of building the city. With such political achievements, it will be much more sure to seek other good positions.

But from another point of view, once it is really done like that, it will undoubtedly dissatisfy the big boss in the high-tech city.

At present, the largest real estate developer in the provincial capital is New World Group from Hong Kong. They have built most of the real estate in the high-tech city, and the prices are not high.With the high-tech city as a reference, the renovation and construction of the old city area is in a steady progress.

The fact that the real estate market has not been fully liberalized does not mean that Qianzhou does not need real estate companies.Among other things, it is building the city. Every year, new commercial housing is increasing year by year. However, the government has taken various measures in cooperation with the high-tech city to curb housing prices.For example, the government does not adopt the listed sales method of land transfer, but the government pre-sets a pre-sale ceiling price, and then various real estate developers make quotations. Whoever sells the land in the future will be lower than the ceiling price, Then you can get this piece of land, which curbs the price increase from the source.

The stability of housing prices means that not many people come here to speculate in real estate, and the houses are almost sold to locals who need to live.

If it is fully liberalized, then such containment measures will inevitably be abolished or revised. After all, such measures have discouraged the enthusiasm of many real estate companies, and they also have complaints.It's just that they didn't pay high prices to buy land, and there is a certain amount of room for profit, so not many real estate companies are willing to do this business.

"Secretary Liu, I think it's better to let go, and it's better not to let go. It's really hard for me to make a more comprehensive choice." Since Secretary Miao didn't want to get involved in the dispute, Then just play tricks.

Before leaving, just keep it steady.Don't let the common people be dissatisfied by that time, and the high-tech city is also dissatisfied, then it will add variables to your departure.

You fight your way, I just watch it.

He Baoguo was a little taken aback by Secretary Miao's attitude.The last time Yao Zhe voted, Secretary Miao supported them. Doesn't his attitude mean that he lost a vote?

"Since this is the case, then you should abstain from voting and reserve your opinion. Minister Gan, what's your opinion?" Liu Hongjun was quite satisfied with Secretary Miao's attitude, and then pointed the sign at Minister Gan of the Organization Department.

This Minister Gan is close to He Baoguo, that is to say, he is close to He Baoguo, so Liu Hongjun has always disliked him.

If it hadn't been for Minister Gan to operate from it, Yao Zhe's affairs would not have gone so smoothly last time.However, when Secretary Miao backed down, what choice did the head of the organization, who was supposed to be consistent with the secretary, make?

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