rebirth of change

Chapter 1864 White-hot stage

Minister Gan's name is Gan Lin. He is in his early fifties, tall and thin, and wears a pair of rimless glasses. Unlike other leaders who wear jackets from time to time, it seems that he is always in a suit.The whole person looks like an elegant university teacher. He always smiles when he sees people, and he is quite friendly.

Gan Lin was considered the least official of the provincial leaders.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding of many people. Gan Lin no longer has official authority, but he is also the head of the organization who holds great power in personnel affairs.It's just that the work he does is different from the discipline inspection committee. He is the "mother's family" of all cadres, so he will be less dignified.

Gan Lin put down the pen in his hand, looked at Liu Hongjun, then at Situ Kuo and He Baoguo, and then spoke slowly.

"In the past few years, our province has been taking the path of relying on high-tech to develop high-end industries, and high-tech industries have relatively high requirements for the environment and social stability. We are now adopting such a large-scale liberalization of mineral resource mining and real estate. Will it adversely affect or even impact the high-tech industry? Will it not be worth the loss?" After all, Gan Lin is a cadre on the provincial party committee side, and no matter whether he is close to He Baoguo or not, he cannot have a bad attitude.

Therefore, Gan Lin's attitude made it clear, but what he said was neither offensive nor unpleasant.

"Minister Gan, are you a little unfounded? Opening up these two industries may not necessarily have an impact or disadvantage on the high-tech industry. Isn't it too far-fetched to pit them against each other? In my opinion, they Not only are they not antagonistic, but on the contrary, they should be a powerful complement. The electronic information technology industry, automobile industry, aircraft industry and semiconductor industry we have developed, don’t these industries need mineral raw materials? In fact, they do. And in The industrial chains of these industries are getting longer and longer, and more and more people are coming in from all over the world. Don’t these people need housing? These people also have a need for home ownership. I heard that Many investors who come to invest in us cannot find suitable enough office space and staff dormitories in the local area. Shouldn’t our government solve these difficulties and share the worries and problems of enterprises?” Liao Minggui jumped out again.

To be able to hit Gan Lin hard, Liao Minggui absolutely spared no effort.

You said that you were supposed to be on the same line with the secretary, but you ran to wear a pair of pants with the executive deputy governor. What did you say?As Liu Hongjun's most loyal subordinate, of course Liao Minggui had to share the leader's worries.Of course, this is the reason on the surface. In private, Liao Minggui dislikes Gan Lin, and there are deeper reasons.

Liao Minggui knew that Liu Hongjun had always wanted to move Gan Lin away, but he hadn't found an opportunity or a breakthrough to solve the problem.In this situation, Liao Minggui was thinking carefully. He hoped that after Gan Lin was moved away, he would be able to sit in the chair that Gan Lin vacated.

Both Liao Minggui and Gan Lin appear to be members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, with exactly the same administrative level.But when it comes to actual rights and the future path, how can the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee think with the Minister of Organization?

No matter how old the secretary-general of the provincial party committee is, he still plays the role of a big housekeeper and a job of serving others.The head of the organization holds the power of personnel, a role that all parties want to win over and will not be easily offended.In the ranking of the party, the organization minister will never be lower than the secretary-general, and the way to rise is on the way.The head of the organization can easily become the deputy secretary, and if he goes up, he may even become the secretary.

As for the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, if he wants to go up, the most likely thing is to go to the provincial government to serve as a deputy governor for a term, and then follow the trend to become the executive deputy governor and governor.Obviously, this road is more bumpy and thorny.What's more, many secretary-generals of provincial party committees went directly to the National People's Congress after working for a car.

Liao Minggui would never miss any opportunity to attack Gan Lin, and besides, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he could attack Gan Lin and sell well to Liu Hongjun, killing two birds with one stone, so why not do it?

For Liao Minggui's rebuttal, Gan Lin just smiled disdainfully, and had no intention of refuting at all.People who don't know think that Gan Lin is the weakness of a good old man. In fact, Gan Lin's attitude is a silent counterattack to Liao Minggui.

I don't even care about you, you're like a barking mad dog, or a lunatic jumping out to juggle on the street, but no one wants to look at you.

Gan Lin's silence and disdain made Liao Minggui's heart itch. He tried his best, but he punched the air, and no one would feel comfortable.

"Minister Gan, you are speechless, do you agree with my statement?" Gan Lin didn't speak, but Liao Minggui didn't let him go, trying to force him to express his opinion.

"Hehe, Secretary-General Liao, my opinion has been clearly expressed. Why are you being so aggressive? Did you not hear clearly? Or did you do it on purpose?" Liao Minggui's words were intense, and Gan Lin's words became even more intense with a smile.

Gan Lin smiled and spoke truthfully, but what he said was simply harsh.The problem is that you can't criticize him yet. If you criticize him, it will not only show that you have little tolerance, but Liao Minggui started the war anyway. What's more, Gan Lin just said he was just joking. Didn't you see him laughing?

In addition, Gan Lin's rhetorical question made Liao Minggui even more confused about how to answer.

Could it be that he is aggressive and admits that he did it on purpose?Isn't this handing over the handle to Gan Lin?Besides, would Liu Hongjun tolerate that kind of situation?He is the squad leader, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he cannot support and encourage the members of the squad to fight among themselves. Otherwise, he lacks basic control and is not suitable for this position.

But if Liao Minggui denied it, he couldn't do it.None of these people here are human beings, and none of them can understand your tone and meaning.It's a shame to break your promise and get fat.If not done well, this will become a joke, and the impact will be even more embarrassing.

Liao Minggui suppressed his anger, his whole face turned red, it was as funny as it could be.

The rest of the people sat comfortably, no one helped, and no one looked down upon them.As for what kind of thoughts are in everyone's hearts, it is unknown.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, just express your respective attitudes clearly, we are holding a standing committee meeting, not a debate meeting. Let the other comrades talk about it." Still Liu Hongjun couldn't see it, and spoke out Help Liao Minggui resolve the difficult situation.

No matter how useless Liao Minggui was, he was also a loyal member of his own family. He lost face, and Liu Hongjun's face was also bad.

"I'm not very good at economic construction. I just listened to the comrades' complaints, and each has its own reasons. However, after careful consideration, I still feel that liberalizing more fields will do more good than harm to economic construction. We have been reforming and opening up, whether it is from the perspective of reform or opening up, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the government to leave more economic construction activities to the market and allow the market to allocate resources freely. The experience of the planned economy in the past has proved that it is extremely unfavorable for the government to control the economy too tightly." The Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee looked at the colleagues at the conference table and said quietly.

In the eyes of the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, he seemed to be looking at everyone, and at the same time it seemed that he was not looking at anyone.What he said seemed to have the unique independence of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but his support for Liu Hongjun was still fully revealed.

Now the situation is getting more and more pessimistic. Liu Hongjun's proposal has been supported by five people including himself. On the other hand, He Baoguo, apart from Gan Lin who is on his side, even Miao who was on the same front last time. The secretary abstained.

Five to two, the situation is quite different.

There are three people who have not expressed their views, Situ Kuo, Cui Boyang and the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

Even if all three of them support He Baoguo, it's only a five to five situation.

But, will they all support themselves?Regarding this, He Baoguo has nothing to say.The biggest change came from Situ Kuo.

If Situ Kuo had a clear and firm attitude from the beginning, then Cui Boyang and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee would be relatively easy to talk about.Now that he is so vague, all kinds of variables become possible.

"Secretary Qiao, what do you think?" Liu Hongjun asked Secretary Qiao of the Political and Legal Committee.

Secretary Qiao nodded, then glanced at Situ Kuo intentionally or unintentionally.

Secretary Qiao followed Situ Kuo's footsteps closely. His position was proposed by Situ Kuo two years ago and successfully operated with the cooperation of Tan Changguo.Ever since, Secretary Qiao was grateful to Situ Kuo, and followed Situ Kuo closely in everything he did.

Secretary Qiao hoped to get some subtle hints from Situ Kuo.

Speaking of which, he should express his support for He Baoguo, after all, we are all in the same alliance.But at the beginning, Situ Kuo's attitude made the astute Secretary Qiao a little confused, so he wanted to get some hints.

However, Situ Kuo didn't hint at him at all. He lowered his head and didn't look at anyone, just writing furiously in the notebook in front of him.As if he were the clerk rather than the main protagonist of the meeting.

If Situ Kuo didn't give a hint, Secretary Qiao had a hard time making a choice.After hesitating for a while, he still made a statement according to the inertia.

"I think it's better to put it aside for the time being, and make a decision after conducting more reliable research and demonstrations."

In the past, because Situ Kuo and He Baoguo had a close relationship, Secretary Qiao always supported He Baoguo. Anyway, to support He Baoguo was to support Situ Kuo.

In any case, Situ Kuo didn't make a clear statement, nor did he have any veiled hints, so it was the safest and most prudent for Secretary Qiao to make such a statement.

"Well, Secretary Cui, you are the oldest member of the team, and you are highly respected. What do you think about this issue?" Liu Hongjun guessed Secretary Qiao's attitude from the moment Situ Kuo bowed his head, so he didn't think there was anything abrupt about it. , immediately set the target on Cui Boyang.

Liu Hongjun said that Cui Boyang was the oldest and highly respected, not respecting him from the bottom of his heart, but a warning and hint.

You, Cui Boyang, are about to retire. If you want to participate in this kind of struggle again, the loss outweighs the gain.Otherwise, when you retire, I will still be on stage, and the people below you don't want to succeed in my hands.

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