rebirth of change

Chapter 1865 Unable to Make a Choice

Cui Boyang, whose hair was already a little gray, couldn't hear what Liu Hongjun said.

Cui Boyang came up step by step from the grassroots villages and towns without a background.Although he has not reached the level of Liu Hongjun, and his level is half a level behind, when it comes to political experience, Cui Boyang can be regarded as the most abundant in the conference room.

Starting from working as a clerk in a township, Cui Boyang has experienced countless struggles.He has come through the crisis-ridden and turbulent era, and he has also avoided the ups and downs in the early days of reform and opening up. He has been able to get along step by step until today, becoming the third person in the province. Can Cui Boyang be easy?

To be honest, if Cui Boyang is a descendant of the red, with the backing support of Liu Hongjun, Cui Boyang will already be with Tan Changguo and the others in the center.

Cui Boyang raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Hongjun.It was this plain glance that made Liu Hongjun's heart sink.

This old ghost, wouldn't he go all the way to the dark at this time, right?Does he really not think about his children?Do you think you have completely retreated, can you still take care of them?Even if you still have some influence, but under my suppression, who would dare to give you face at the cost of offending me?

Cui Boyang, Cui Boyang, you better know the current affairs, otherwise, I can't deal with you, and I will definitely let those who take refuge in you vent their resentment and anger on you.

Liu Hongjun squeezed his fist, and a trace of ruthlessness also appeared in his heart.

Cui Boyang looked down on Liu Hongjun a bit, but he was also a pragmatic person, he would not show his disdain for Liu Hongjun in front of everyone, otherwise he would look childish and ridiculous.

Cui Boyang gave Liu Hongjun a look, just to tell him that I am not a three-year-old child, so I don't need you to play tricks like this.

From a pragmatic point of view, Cui Boyang's best choice is to simply abstain from voting in a neutral manner like Secretary Miao, the secretary of the Zhucheng City Committee, and no one will be offended.

In the past, Cui Boyang was much closer to Situ Kuo and He Baoguo, so most of the time, Cui Boyang leaned towards Situ Kuo and He Baoguo.

However, when he noticed that the relationship between Situ Kuo and He Baoguo was no longer so close, but a crack appeared, Cui Boyang was in a dilemma.

To ask Cui Boyang to support Liu Hongjun, unless there is a fundamental exchange of interests, Cui Boyang is unlikely to choose that way.After so many years of experience in politics, Cui Boyang clearly saw that He Baoguo and Situ Kuo worked harder than Liu Hongjun.Liu Hongjun, who is said to be a senior party cadre, is actually more like a politician.

Cui Boyang did not have a strong high-level background, but this did not prevent him from judging why Liu Hongjun came to Qianzhou.It is unknown how far a politician who only thinks about picking peaches and not working for the people can go.

On the other hand, Situ Kuo and He Baoguo are familiar with and understand each other after getting along for so many years.Their style of conduct is much more down-to-earth than Liu Hongjun, especially He Baoguo, who is very upright, and it is difficult to hear bad comments about He Baoguo from other people.This kind of person is capable and has a good reputation. What he lacks is just an opportunity. Once he is allowed to seize the opportunity, his future will not be lower than that of Liu Hongjun.

Cui Boyang can't be said to be very capable, but his vision of seeing people really admires those who know him well.Those who were promoted because of Cui Boyang's greetings or private care, so far, no one has made any major mistakes.It is quite difficult to do this.From this point of view, it can be said that the central government made him the deputy secretary of the party and the masses, which is just right.

Now that Situ Kuo and He Baoguo can't pee in the same pot, Cui Boyang is really scratching his head.He half-closed his eyes just now, thinking deeply.

The preliminary decision is that no one should be offended at all, I am neutral, what else can you do to me?He didn't want to offend Liu Hongjun, so as not to make things difficult for this vengeful villain.But he also didn't want to support He Baoguo who had little chance of winning.

To support a person or a thing, for a pragmatic person, it is wise to support something valuable. If your support has no value at all, it will be too pedantic.

I support you, He Baoguo, if you still lose, then I will be miserable.Not to mention that Liu Hongjun will make things difficult, and Situ Kuo, who is divorced from you, probably won't remember it, so I am not a human being when I look in the mirror inside and outside Zhu Bajie?Offending the first leader and making the second leader uncomfortable, this situation will really make it difficult for those who have taken refuge in themselves.

However, at the moment when Cui Boyang was about to express his opinion, he saw Liu Hongjun's fist-clamping movement. It was this movement that made Cui Boyang change his mind and made a decision that he later rated as the most wise.

Even if you are neutral to this kind of narrow-minded villain who always seeks vengeance, you may regard him as opposing him.That being the case, why should I be a villain for nothing?

You think you scare me, but I want to tell you with my actions that your threat is useless, and I don't take it seriously.

"I think Governor He has been in the province for many years. The rapid development stage of our province also started when Governor He was still in Liushuipan, and he has been engaged in economic construction. Governor He is a man who understands the economy. A leading cadre who has a deep understanding of the province's situation and is dedicated to the people, based on this, I think his ideas are more desirable and more in line with the current development situation of our province." Cui Boyang didn't say much, but his attitude was unswerving , and in the process, he was almost praising He Baoguo.

Since one party has been offended, the wisest course of action is to get closer to the other party in turn.In that case, even if Liu Hongjun thinks of something wrong in the future, I believe He Baoguo will not stand on the sidelines.Politically, a Lone Ranger cannot last long or go far. No matter when and where, there must be alliances.

It is sung in the lyrics that if you have many friends, you can walk easily. If you have no friends, it means that you have no road to walk, and it will be very sad.

"Secretary Cui, I have never denied Governor He's ability and character. Doesn't saying that imply that I don't understand the situation of the province and don't care for the people? Am I just that bureaucratic?" Liu Hongjun, who knew current affairs and was disappointed, said something that seemed excited accordingly.

"Secretary Liu, I didn't say that. You're wronging me. I'm just expressing my opinion based on my knowledge and understanding. Isn't this against the rules?" Cui Boyang said neither humble nor overbearing.

Cui Boyang's words were of course in line with the rules. He didn't say anything harsh against other people. His "beating back" like this made it appear that Liu Hongjun was not following the rules.

I've said everything and expressed my meaning, so what's the point of you doing this.

Liu Hongjun snorted coldly and refused to answer Cui Boyang's words.

Now the situation is delicate. Except for Secretary Miao, who was neutral and abstained, the situation was pulled to five to four.Among all the people, Situ Kuo was the only one who hadn't expressed his opinion yet.

Now Situ Kuo is a very important little weight, whichever side he leans, the balance will change drastically.

As long as Situ Kuo supports Liu Hongjun, today's topic is settled, and there is no chance of changing the decision made by the Standing Committee.

Don't think why people like Baoguo and Ganlin express firm opposition.You must know that we adopt democratic centralism. Once a collective decision is formed, no matter whether they oppose it or have reservations, in the actual work in the future, they can only cooperate with the adjustment of the two policies.

If He Baoguo and the others dared to use their power to obstruct or act against others, they would be fighting against the collective and the current system. Even if they supported their central leadership, they would not be on their side in this matter.

Once the rules and systems are broken, once they are not respected, everyone is in danger.There are economic laws in the economic field, and there are rules of the game in the political field.Collective decisions should be respected and implemented. This is the most basic rule of the game in officialdom.

"Governor, comrades have expressed their opinions, and now you are left. In any case, I believe that the governor is a person who puts the overall situation first. Your opinions and decisions will have a profound impact on everyone. , now, it's up to you." Liu Hongjun lobbied because Situ Kuo was the only vote that was missing.

In fact, what Liu Hongjun said both inside and outside the words was implying that Situ Kuo's statement was a choice, which had a profound impact on himself.If Situ Kuo continues to maintain his relationship with He Baoguo, then he will close the door to get closer to the Gao family.

Anyway, even if you continue to support He Baoguo, you still haven't won, it's only five to five, and I'm the secretary, and in a situation where the situation is evenly matched, I have the final right to decide at a glance.

It is impossible for the result of each vote to be average, and the work to be promoted must be stagnated. It can be said that at critical moments, the secretary will have half the votes more than other people.

If you rely on the past and cannot win, then you might as well lean on the past.As long as the two of us work together to suppress He Baoguo, it will not be difficult at all, so that we can share the results.

Situ Kuo's thinking is not so simple, he is really entangled now, how could this happen?If he had known that the problem would be left to him, he might as well have given Old Qiao a hint just now to make him turn against him.

It's all right now, old Qiao is going to die, but he wants to be divorced, what the hell is going on?

How could Situ Kuo not know that this choice is actually the choice of the future development path.Just because he knew, he was tangled and depressed.

Hey, people die and birds turn upside down, and they will not die for thousands of years.Instead of waiting silently for an opportunity to fall on him, he might as well give it a go.

I had a bit of a rift with He Baoguo just now, and the people above obviously favored He Baoguo. You all treated me like this, so why didn't I give myself a chance to try.

Seeing Situ Kuo's increasingly serious face, He Baoguo's heart sank.Although he wanted Situ Kuo to reveal his nature, but at that moment, he still felt pain and complicated emotions.


However, just as Situ Kuo said a word, the door of the conference room was pushed open, which interrupted his words.

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