rebirth of change

Chapter 1879 Everyone Hopes To Become Bingjun

A few days later, He Baoguo, Situ Kuo and others returned to the province one after another.It may be that they met each other in the capital and reached a certain tacit understanding. After returning, they seemed calm as usual, and they rarely moved with each other except for work.

He Baoguo and the others have all returned from their trip to the capital, but Liu Hongjun still hasn't returned. Now, even those low-ranking officials smelled a strange aura that the mountains and rain are about to come.

If the previous guesses and predictions about Liu Hongjun only appeared among higher-level leading cadres, then now, even people with a little sense of officialdom can feel that things are not simple.

As a result, the political atmosphere in the province seemed like a pot of water about to boil, agitated from bottom to top.People from the county ran to the city, and people from the city ran to the province. Everyone was running for the chair under their buttocks.

What?Has nothing to do with the county?Too far apart?Indeed, the sesame and mung bean officials in the county are indeed separated from the overall situation in the province by a large layer.But they are close to the city. Who knows if those who are close to Secretary Liu in the city will be affected. If someone moves, it will affect the whole body.

If you don't believe me, just look at the officials in the Tongxiang area. Some people even bypass the area and go directly to the province.The Tongxiang area is a model set by Liu Hongjun. Now that Secretary Liu is hard to come back, then this model will most likely become a negative teaching material. If that is the case, some people will be affected by it.If you don't find a way out now, should you wait until the end of the day to find a way out?

"Old He, now the people below are a little careless about doing things, I'm a little worried." Qiao Yu came to He Baoguo's office, sat down and sighed worriedly while picking up his teacup.

"You are the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, why, there are people looking for your way?" He Baoguo looked very calm, this kind of thing was expected, but also beyond the scope of his ability.

He Baoguo was helpless against the restlessness of the cadres. He was only the executive vice governor, not the head of the organization, nor the secretary of the discipline inspection committee, nor the secretary of the provincial party committee. He was in charge of the economy, not the cadres.So even if He Baoguo knew that the cadres below were running through the door, He Baoguo would have nothing to do.What he can do is to keep the scope of his responsibility as stable as possible.

During this period of time, it is not that no one is looking for He Baoguo, Xiang Shun'an, and Liushuipan. Most of the department-level cadres in these prefectures and cities have found reasons to visit He Baoguo and report to him.Everyone knows that important positions in the province are about to be vacated, and those who claim to be qualified to fight for them are not far behind.

At the beginning, He Baoguo also met a few people, but as more and more people made appointments, He Baoguo simply turned them all away, and no one was seen.At this time, no matter how others move, He Baoguo should not be too flamboyant.

"Who says it's not? There are a large number of people every day. Some people were looking for you. Fortunately, you played the "free battle card" and they proudly turned to me."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that. However, if it's like this in your place, wouldn't the threshold of Ganlin's side be broken?" He Baoguo joked with a deep meaning in his humor.

He Baoguo works in the provincial government, and Qiao Yu works in the provincial committee. Qiao Yu is more familiar with the situation in the provincial committee than He Baoguo, so He Baoguo asked this question.

"You're right. The business of the Organization Department is booming recently. Not only department-level cadres are here, but also department-level cadres. As long as you go to the Organization Department these days, you can always see a row of The cadres who are waiting to be summoned. That guy is more spectacular than when he was debriefing." Qiao Yu said with a faint smile.

"I also heard that Gan Lin is very busy now. Every day at noon and night, there are a lot of dinners waiting for him. Hehe, after a while, Minister Gan will gain a lot of weight."

He Baoguo was not amused by Qiao Yu's teasing, he was thinking about other things.

Recently, He Baoguo and Situ Kuo were the ones who "grew guests behind closed doors". Both of them adopted a similar low-key strategy.

Situ Kuo kept a low profile, but Gan Lin accepted the princes. Is this due to Gan Lin's compulsion, or is there Situ Kuo's hint or deployment behind it.

If Gan Lin did it just because of work, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the organization department is the natal family of the cadres, and it is completely normal for the cadres below to go to the organization department to walk around.At this juncture, it is absolutely impossible to keep people from moving around.But it would be interesting if this was Situ Kuo's preference.

In order to avoid suspicion, Situ Kuo adopts the same strategy as He Baoguo, but this does not mean that he intends to give up his power.Only by grasping the big and small princes below can the authority be maintained and reflected.

"Those who want to see you, see what they need to see, and say what they need to say. People's hearts also need to be appeased." After a short silence, He Baoguo said to Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu nodded after thinking: "Well, I understand."

"Don't worry, the current situation won't last long. I believe the higher-ups will come up with a final decision in a few days. After so many days, I believe that the evidence should be almost verified." He Baoguo seemed to be out of Qiao Yu's confidence. Deliberately revealing some useful information.

Even though Qiao Yu and He Baoguo were the strongest allies, when He Baoguo came back from the capital, he didn't talk to him about what he had seen and learned in the capital.This is not to say that He Baoguo doesn't trust Qiao Yu, but because of his own disciplinary requirements.Besides, before the dust has settled, if you say it, if the situation changes, wouldn't you embarrass yourself?

But now, it seems that some work has to be done in advance.

It is always good to be prepared and prevent problems before they happen.

"Governor He, I recently heard rumors that Situ Kuo will take over. Is this true?" Originally, such a question should not be asked, but Qiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously.

"Old Qiao, since you asked, I won't hide it from you." He Baoguo threw a cigarette to Qiao Yu as he spoke, "Situ Kuo's succession is a very close thing. This, when he was in the capital, I have already heard related rumors. Comrade Zhibang is also inclined to be succeeded by him."

"What about the governor? Did you follow the trend?" Qiao Yu asked expectantly.

This may be the key to Qiao Yu's question.If He Baoguo can take a step forward and take the position of governor, then Qiao Yu's following him can be regarded as a bright future.If He Baoguo maintained his position and Situ Kuo became the top leader again, then Qiao Yu's position would be very awkward.The Political and Legal Committee, in any case, must carry out its work under the leadership of the provincial party committee.

"It''s hard to say now, and I don't have a definite answer here. Even if the Gao family doesn't dispute, there are still people from other families who are jealous." He Baoguo is quite cautious in this regard, as long as things haven't happened yet. , he will not talk to the full.

At the same time, what He Baoguo said was true. Now there is a saying at the top that the first and second leaders in the province below cannot all be held by people from one faction.Otherwise, small circles will be formed over time, which may cause the central government to lose effective control.

From the perspective of political stability and maintaining the effective centralization of the central government, such an approach is understandable.But on the other hand, such an approach will also bring certain troubles, that is, local struggles continue, and when everyone devotes a considerable part of their energy to the field of struggle, it will affect and delay development and construction.

Sustained political boycotts and struggles often cause certain chaos and adverse effects on society.

So everything has pros and cons.The conversion of advantages and disadvantages depends on how to grasp it.

He Baoguo was cautious, but Qiao Yu didn't think much of it.In Qiao Yu's view, He Baoguo's words were nothing more than modesty, and the position of governor was probably already in He Baoguo's pocket.

Otherwise, how can the Congress be so stable?According to Qiao Yu's understanding of He Baoguo, he is not the kind of person who just goes along with the situation, doesn't seek to make progress, and just gets by.

"Governor He, if you can be upright, then with another good assistant, I believe the construction of our province will return to the track of great strides." Qiao Yu said with a smile full of deep meaning.

What does it mean to have another good assistant?If He Baoguo becomes governor, who is his assistant?Is it the secretary?Of course not, that is the staff of the service, are those department heads?No, they are subordinates who obey orders.

As a governor, his assistants are those who are in charge of the deputy governors, and among the deputy governors, the most important assistant is the executive deputy governor.

Qiao Yu said so, which means that he has set his sights on the position of the executive deputy governor.

It stands to reason that, as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Qiao Yu is also a high-ranking and powerful person, holding the judicial power of a province.The importance of this position is not much lower than that of the executive deputy governor. How could he regard the executive deputy governor as his next goal?

This has to talk about the development prospects.From the perspective of long-term development, the gold content of the executive deputy governor is naturally higher than that of the secretary of the political and legal committee.

Now the whole country is advocating vigorous economic development, so there is such a common phenomenon that whoever understands the economy and has rich experience in economic management can get much more opportunities.

The standing deputy governor is usually the best ladder to be promoted to the governor, and the governor is the best shortcut to become the secretary.It can be said that if Qiao Yu can become the executive vice governor, then there is a 50.00% to [-]% chance that he will become the governor, and a [-]% chance that he will become the secretary of the provincial party committee.This is the most important reason why Qiao Yu values ​​that position.

The field of the Political and Legal Committee is relatively narrow. If you can’t jump out of it, you can be promoted in the future. You will either get the title of deputy secretary, or go to the central government to serve as a deputy, or even directly go to the National People’s Congress as a deputy from the position of secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. The possibility of the director is quite high.

As a senior leading cadre in the officialdom, everyone hopes to become a man of Bingjun.This is the goal of every official and the source of passion.

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