rebirth of change

Chapter 1880 Unexpected Appointment

"Old Qiao, I understand your thoughts. I also hope that you can jump out of the political and legal system and get involved in economic affairs. If you have the opportunity, I will help you say what you have to say. However, for now, I still have to take care of your mess." Well, the more critical the moment is, the more we can't make mistakes." He Baoguo didn't play around with Qiao Yu, and said almost straight to the point.

Since the relationship between the two of them is such that they can talk freely, there is no need to cover up, as it will make people look down upon, feel hypocritical, and petty.

He Baoguo's straightforwardness made Qiao Yu a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, Governor He, don't worry, as long as no one interferes, the stall I'm in charge of will not have any major problems." Qiao Yu smiled awkwardly, and then assured her with a pat on her chest.


As He Baoguo said, the central government did make a decision very quickly.

While Chen Kangjie was busy with the final exam, the central government sent someone, and it was a deputy director of the Central Organization Department.

With the arrival of this deputy minister, it was time for the turbulent disputes and speculations to come to light and the dust to settle.

Before holding the provincial cadre conference, the ministerial-level deputy minister Bai first met with the members of the provincial party committee at home, held a short meeting, and communicated the important spirit of the central government in the early stage, and then had them Organize a provincial cadre meeting and make a formal announcement.

"Everyone, I am here this time as entrusted by the central government to make a report on the adjustment of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee. In order to stabilize the overall development of Qianzhou, the central government has repeatedly considered and considered this issue... ..." After being welcomed into the meeting room, and sat down in the first seat, Minister Bai said straight to the point.

"Minister Bai, let me make a statement here. We must firmly support the central government's decision, firmly maintain a high degree of consistency with the central government in terms of ideology and attitude, and resolutely obey any arrangement of the central government." After Minister Bai said something, as Guizhou Situ Kuo, who is currently the highest official in the state, immediately made a firm statement on behalf of everyone.

It seems that this is nonsense, because every time there is a personnel adjustment, someone will make such a "guarantee".It can be said that this is an official article, but it is an article that has to be done.No matter what you actually think in your heart, on the surface, no one dares to say that you are not in line with the central government, that you do not obey the organization's arrangements, and that you do not support the central government's decisions.Who dares?Anyone who dares to do that is digging his own grave.

Those who dare to talk about the central government in private and have ulterior motives will be equally resolute in public.

"Well, everyone thinks this way, it's right. It shows that our current provincial party committee team is still focusing on politics and the overall situation. That's fine." Minister Bai will not let everyone present make up their minds, there is no need for that, Situ Kuo's words can already be regarded as the representative of each of them. "I believe some of you here have heard that Comrade Liu Hongjun has been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection for suspected violations of discipline and law. On this basis, the central government has decided to remove him from his positions as a member of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee member and secretary. ..."

Since Liu Hongjun was only investigated and not expelled from the party, Minister Bai still called him "comrade".

Situ Kuo and the others have already learned of Liu Hongjun's fate from their own channels, but that can only be regarded as private gossip, although there is no need to doubt the credibility of the gossip.Now it is the first time that they officially know from the official tone that Liu Hongjun is really loaded and will not be able to get up.

Without enough credible evidence, the central government will not open a case for investigation of a feudal officials.Now that the case has been opened for investigation, it means that the evidence about him has been verified to a great extent.

The news that Minister Bai broke out was encouraging to some and worrying to others.The ones who were encouraged were of course Qiao Yu, and the ones who were worried were naturally those like Liao Minggui.

"As for Comrade Liu Hongjun's problem, we can only feel sorry for it. It is not easy for our party to train a cadre, and it is even more difficult to train a senior leading cadre. I hope you will learn from it and don't repeat the same mistakes." Minister Bai's words are an exhortation , can be regarded as a warning.

"Minister Bai, we really didn't expect him to be that kind of person. In our normal work contact, we really didn't find any abnormalities in him. This may be because we haven't been in the team for a long time." Situ Kuo This passage of words is quite beautiful, and a few words will pick itself up completely.

Situ Kuo just wanted to tell others that Liu Hongjun's downfall was not his fault.I didn't find anything abnormal, what can I do?At the same time, Situ Kuo and Liu Hongjun didn't have any relationship at all, the reason being that the time they were in the team was too short, and the two only had contact at work and had no personal friendship.

"It's no wonder to you. Most of his suspected violations of discipline and law occurred during his tenure in Xishan Province. Well, we won't discuss about him." As he spoke, Minister Bai took out from the briefcase on the desktop A red-headed document came out, "Next, I will convey to you the arrangements of the central government."

This was the biggest highlight of the show, and everyone held their breath and pricked up their ears, intending to listen carefully without saying a word.

Among the people present, apart from the "imperial envoy" Minister Bai, only Situ Kuo and He Baoguo were the most calm.

In fact, it can't be called calm, they are equally excited, because the instructions that Minister Bai wants to convey are related to the two of them, but they have already got the news in advance, so they are more calm.

"...A decision by the central government to remove Comrade Situ Kuo from the positions of Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor. On this basis, Comrade Situ Kuo was appointed as a member of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee and Secretary... ...According to the decision of the Central Committee, Comrade He Baoguo no longer served as the executive vice governor of Qianzhou, and was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee. At the same time, he served as the deputy governor of the provincial government and the acting governor. ..." As Minister Bai read out gradually, everyone's guesses were confirmed step by step.

But there are expected and unexpected.

If the appointment of He Baoguo and Situ Kuo was expected, then the appointment of Cui Boyang was completely unexpected.

"...The central government has decided that Comrade Cui Boyang will no longer serve as the deputy secretary of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee, and appoint him as the secretary of the party group of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and at the same time nominate him as a candidate for the director of the Provincial People's Congress..."

Hearing this appointment, including He Baoguo and Situ Kuo, the leaders of the Qianzhou Provincial Party Committee were all surprised.The most shocking one was naturally Cui Boyang himself. It can be seen that before this, he himself did not know that such an appointment existed.

It stands to reason that before adjusting a cadre, the organization will have a talk with this cadre.People often use this to judge the weather vane of a cadre's future.But why did Cui Boyang omit this procedure?

In fact, this was not intentional to make a fool of myself, it was because his appointment was not decided until yesterday, so it seemed a little weird.

When Liu Hongjun was in office, he served as the director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.Everyone thought that after Situ Kuo took over, he would take over everything.But Minister Bai's appointment letter just now did not have that aspect, so he was waiting here.

Everyone is guessing, what is the consideration and what is said about such an appointment.

The first person who thought of the answer was Situ Kuo himself.

As soon as the appointment came out, an idea came to Situ Kuo's mind on the spot. This was a check and balance, a check and balance for him.

The fact is indeed the case, that is, some people didn't want to see Situ Kuo's family dominate, so they played such a trick.

Everyone knows that Cui Boyang seems to have a good relationship with He Baoguo and Situ Kuo, but a careful observation will reveal that he is more inclined to He Baoguo.

Situ Kuo has been in the province for more than ten years, first as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Zhucheng City Party Committee, then as the governor of the province, and now as the head of the secretary.It can be said that he is the most powerful person. If the hat of director of the National People's Congress is put on his head, then no one in the province can restrain him, not even He Baoguo in a short time.

And Cui Boyang is an old man in the province, his personal integrity is also good, and he is about to reach the limit of his age.Promoting him to one level at this time and having him in charge of the Provincial People's Congress is on the one hand to reward him for his work for the party for so many years, on the other hand, it is to use his remaining energy and hope to play a certain role in restraining Situ Kuo.

Regardless of the fact that the Provincial People's Congress usually raises its hands, if it is true, its role cannot be ignored.Important personnel appointments must go through procedures at the National People's Congress, and important regulations and policies must be approved by the National People's Congress before they can be implemented.As far as these two points are concerned, if they are done well, they should not be underestimated.

Situ Kuo thought of it, and tens of seconds later, he could also tell from the expressions of other people that they thought of it too.

After the shock, Cui Boyang was relieved, but also relieved.

He never imagined that he could end his political career like this.He once imagined that he would serve as the deputy chairman of a special committee of the National People's Congress, and also imagined that he would serve as the deputy director of the National People's Congress as a transition to complete retirement.However, he never thought that he would be able to get a ministerial level of the four major teams.

It seemed that the superiors were satisfied with his work. As long as he continued to be in charge of the National People's Congress for a few more years, not only would his former students and officials not be suppressed, but he would even be able to support a few people from within.

After announcing Cui Boyang's appointment, Minister Bai stopped, and did not say who would take over Cui Boyang's post, which meant that another extremely critical post was vacated in the province.I believe that in this position, there will be another fight between dragons and tigers.

"The basic situation is like this, Secretary Situ, the next work will be handed over to you and Governor He. After the cadre meeting tomorrow, I will return to Beijing."

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