"Governor He, congratulations." After the meeting, Cui Boyang accompanied He Baoguo to his office, and as soon as he sat down on the sofa, Cui Boyang said with a smile.

"Director Cui, why do you need to congratulate me, we are congratulations together." He Baoguo smiled and handed a cup of tea to Cui Boyang.

The two had something to talk about, so He Baoguo didn't let the secretary come in to wait on him.

Although the cadre meeting had not yet been held, after Minister Bai read out the appointment document, the new identities of the two were confirmed, so He Baoguo no longer called Cui Boyang Secretary Cui, but Director Cui instead.

Both of them were at the deputy ministerial level before, but now they became ministerial-level officials on the same day, which is naturally a matter of celebration for the two of them.

Why did Cui Boyang come to He Baoguo?He didn't look like he had nothing to do or was here to show off.

Cui Boyang has always had a key problem that he has not figured out, and that is why he was promoted from the deputy provincial level to the full provincial level in a blink of an eye.Cui Boyang didn't think it was his personality explosion, and there must have been some inside story that he didn't know about.The most likely thing is that someone recommended him, or passed on a message to the top, otherwise, there will be no pie in the sky.

After much deliberation, Cui Boyang believed that He Baoguo was the most likely.At least, Situ Kuo didn't have that possibility.

Who will take the initiative to distribute the rights in their own hands?Only a fool would do that.Situ Kuo had no reason to do that anyway, even if he wanted to win over Cui Boyang, he would not take this method of cutting flesh from himself.

Since Situ Kuo is impossible, then only He Baoguo is left.For the others, Cui Boyang didn't even think about it, because others didn't have the qualifications and influence. If they could do it, they might as well get themselves up. How could they still be inferior?Uncle Lei Feng does not exist in officialdom.

Moreover, Cui Boyang also analyzed the reasons and the existence of interests.Others may not be able to see that He Baoguo and Situ Kuo have become a bit different, but the experienced Cui Boyang must have seen it clearly.Under such a premise, it is in He Baoguo's best interest to serve as the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. At least he will not be a hindrance to He Baoguo, and he can even form a lot of cooperation.How can I say that the previous cooperation with you was quite pleasant.

In the province, Situ Kuo was the most qualified to serve as the director of the National People's Congress, and that was Cui Boyang himself. It was impossible for He Baoguo to concurrently serve as the director of the National People's Congress as the governor of the province.In recent decades, there have been basically no such precedents in China.That being the case, since it allows Situ Kuo to hold all the power, it is better to help him up.

With such a judgment, Cui Boyang came to He Baoguo's place, on the one hand to investigate the facts, and on the other hand, it was a gesture of goodwill.

"Governor He, speaking of it, I was very happy about this incident. You said, why did the central government want me to leave the Provincial Party Committee and work for the National People's Congress?" Cui Boyang was obviously trying.

"Hehe, Director Cui, the central government must have made such an arrangement after careful study and deliberation. In my opinion, it is very appropriate for you to go to the National People's Congress. When you were down below, you served as the director of the National People's Congress in both the county and the city. You are familiar with the work of the National People's Congress. Moreover, you have worked in Qianzhou for many years and are familiar with all aspects of the situation. I believe that the various laws and appointments passed by the National People's Congress in the future will be more in line with our provincial conditions. , In this way, wouldn’t the work of the National People’s Congress be able to take the work to a higher level? In addition, as the big brother among the team members, you were able to supervise and check our work in the past. I still understand that the organization still cares for capable and contributing cadres.” He Baoguo did not give a positive response to Cui Boyang’s question.

It seems that He Baoguo said a lot of official phrases, but after careful consideration, it seems that they are not all useless nonsense.

He Baoguo did not mention that he was the one who lobbied and recommended Cui Boyang, but he also did not say that he was not the one who contributed.Even, there are some hints that can be detected in the words, that is, he helped to speak.Because what he said to Cui Boyang can be copied and said to the leaders of the central government.

Cui Boyang, who was pondering, frowned: "Governor He, don't say that. In the future, the work of our National People's Congress will be inseparable from the support of the provincial government. If we have difficulties over there, don't just stand by. If you If you don’t support me, I may struggle when I first arrive there.”

These people in the officialdom are struggling to speak, and the core of what they want to express is obviously not like this, but they have to say it like this.

Did Cui Boyang really want He Baoguo to support him?Of course not, at least largely not.

Cui Boyang was the core deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee before, with a complete resume and rich work experience. It is not that he has never dealt with the Provincial People's Congress before.He went to the National People's Congress, and it would be strange if he would struggle.Of course, the work of the National People's Congress also needs financial support, which is what He Baoguo needs to do here.But the problem is, usually the provincial government will not block the people's congress in terms of funding.If the provincial government dares to do this, will the management regulations it introduces in the future have to pass the National People's Congress?Will those bureau-level personnel appointments that have been introduced be approved by the National People's Congress?

When Cui Boyang said this, the core was precisely irony.He used this to show He Baoguo that in the future, the National People's Congress will strongly support the work of the provincial government, not only will it not create obstacles to He Baoguo's work, but it will even help him overcome some obstacles.

Don't the people of the country all pay attention to courtesy and reciprocity, since Cui Boyang thinks that He Baoguo pushed him, then he can't cross the river and tear down the bridge.Not only can't cross the river and demolish the bridge, but also should be rewarded.

He Baoguo didn't admit it, it was because he was humble, he didn't take credit for his pride, and he didn't invite credit to receive rewards.Since you are a modest gentleman, how can I be a shameless villain?My Cui Boyang's old face doesn't have that thick skin.

"Hahaha, Director Cui, the two of us wanted to go together. What you said was actually what I wanted to say, but I was clumsy, and I was a step too late, so you preempted me." Received Cui Boyang's release He Baoguo was very happy with the friendly signal, and said with a hearty smile.

Cui Boyang chatted with He Baoguo for another ten minutes before Cui Boyang got up and left.They both had a lot of work to do with each other, and the small talk couldn't go on forever.What's more, the attitudes they want to express to each other have already been expressed, so there is no need to stay there any longer. After a long time, gossip will be caused again.

In fact, it didn't take long, since Cui Boyang went to He Baoguo's office immediately, the rumors had already started with the wind.At least, Situ Kuo had received such rumors.

Situ Kuo hadn't moved to the provincial party committee yet, so he knew right away that Cui Boyang had gone to find He Baoguo.This news made Situ Kuo very angry, but he couldn't vent his anger.

It's normal for Cui Boyang to go to He Baoguo to talk about work, so there's nothing to be surprised about.It's just that they really talk about work normally?Even if Situ Kuo was killed, he would not believe it.

If you want to talk about work, you must first find Situ Kuo. Don't you know that the work of the National People's Congress is also under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee?The two of you, a new governor and a new director of the National People's Congress, got mixed up right away, what do you want to do?No matter which angle you look at, they just want to deal with and suppress me, the new secretary of the provincial party committee.

It seems that since Liu Hongjun came, some subtle changes have taken place in Situ Kuo's good temper and good thinking.He became more and more paranoid, more and more self-styled.He always likes to put what he says and thinks on others.Such a change seems to indicate that Situ Kuo can only go downhill in the future.

How can a person with an unstable mentality correctly deal with the complex and ever-changing official situation?How can a person who has begun to have mental disorders adapt to the ubiquitous struggle?

In fact, as a leader, a person who is the leader both in name and in fact, what Situ Kuo should show is his tolerance and coordination ability.As long as he is broad-minded enough and gentle enough, he will be invincible.After all, no matter what, whether it is the provincial government or the provincial people's congress, they must work under the leadership of the provincial party committee.

In other words, Situ Kuo can completely regard He Baoguo and Cui Boyang as his subordinates.Since you are a subordinate, you should criticize, praise, and coordinate. There is no need to fight for power and profit with them, which will force them to the opposite side.

Moreover, speaking of it, everyone is a member of a big camp, and there should be more cooperation between each other than struggle.Once the form of struggle is adopted, Situ Kuo will be the first disadvantaged. Who calls him the leader?Is a top leader who can't control the situation and coordinate the relationship still a good leader?

After Cui Boyang left for about half an hour, the phone on He Baoguo's desk rang.

"Godfather, congratulations, keep the clouds open to see the moonlight." When the phone was answered, it was Chen Kangjie's hearty voice.

"You kid, you're quite well-informed, and you'll find out so soon." He Baoguo said relaxedly.

He Baoguo should be relaxed and happy to be appointed governor.

"I'm well-informed. Now, I'm afraid one-third of the officialdom in the province knows it. Do you think that a cadre meeting must be held and the news media broadcast it before others know? Since they all know it, I know it." What's so strange?"

It is really difficult to have any secrets in the officialdom, especially if such a big matter is announced in front of a dozen people, it will be strange if it does not spread quickly.

"Everything is really right for you. Situ Kuo has really become the secretary of the provincial party committee."

"Hehe, you, don't even think about it. If he doesn't move the position under his butt, can you have this chance? Godfather, don't worry about it, everyone is really happy." , Chen Kangjie uttered the slogan of an advertisement.

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