rebirth of change

Chapter 1904 5% each

Just now Chen Kangjie was soft-hearted and sympathetic towards Long Xiang, but now he is hard-hearted towards the two young ladies, without the slightest sympathy.

This made both Fan Xuexi and Deng Min "can't stand it", which was not in line with Chen Kangjie's usual kindness.

"Chen Wen, does this seem... too much, it's obviously not..." The weak Deng Min felt that it was too cruel.

"Obviously they didn't break it, right? What does it matter? I said they broke it, and they broke it. You think I'm too much, but just now, did you forget that they were so too much? Some people , you must teach him a profound lesson, so that he knows who he is. Pity and sympathy cannot be given out at will, and if they are not done well, they will breed tigers." Chen Kangjie said.

"Oh, I just think it's not easy for them." Deng Min muttered softly.

"Deng Min, who is easy in this society?" Chen Kangjie seemed to be teaching Deng Min a social reality lesson.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we were wrong just now, we were blind, please forgive us this time, we dare not do it again." Seeing that the situation was stronger than others, Xiaoqing begged softly.

"It's only now that I wake up, it's too late. If we were ordinary mainland tourists, wouldn't we be slaughtered by you? People like you really damage the quality and image of Hong Kong. Let's go, You lost some money, but in my opinion, you have earned this lesson. Otherwise, next time, you may lose something more precious." Chen Kangjie still did not flinch.

"Xiaoqing, if you don't ask him, then you don't want that little money. You are cruel." The store manager wanted to say a few soft words at first, but seeing that Xiaoqing's softness could not be exchanged for Chen Kangjie's change of course, so he changed his mind. Continue to choose tough.

"Of course I'm ruthless, I learned this from you. So what if I'm ruthless, do you want revenge? I'm afraid you won't have a chance in this life." Regarding the store manager's attitude, Chen Kangjie was really contemptuous and dismissive .

Such low-level citizens are pitiful and sad.Just like what Chen Kangjie said, there is no possibility of revenge in his life, at most he can vent his dissatisfaction by saying a few hard words now.

The store manager, who was no longer the store manager, was so overwhelmed by Chen Kangjie's words that his face was flushed.People just ignored her completely, but she couldn't do anything about it, because it was reality.A helpless reality that has to be accepted.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could I have become like this? I was so greedy that I was attracted to me. Meeting you, I am really unlucky in eight lifetimes." Xiaoqing suddenly vented her resentment and anger on the head of the store manager. superior.

A good bird chooses a tree to live in. Xiaoqing chose the store manager, thinking that it would be of great help to herself, but in the end she was implicated. She didn't have a monthly salary, and she couldn't even get a security deposit. Of course, she had a lot of grudges in her heart. .

This kind of resentment should have been directed at Chen Kangjie, after all, it was Chen Kangjie who ruthlessly deprived him of everything.However, Chen Kangjie's strength was too strong, and Xiaoqing didn't dare to act casually, so as not to cause greater losses and harm to herself.For the rest, the store manager became the best object to vent.Anyway, I was burdened by her, and in the future, she would no longer have value to me, so I didn't need to flatter her anymore.That being the case, there is no difference between offending her and not offending her.

"Xiaoqing, what are you talking about? Ah? How can you be so ignorant? Have you forgotten who helped you and supported you when you first came? At that time, you flattered me all day, I said east, you dare not go west, but now you blame me instead, how shameless are you?" the store manager retorted with smoke.

Because of Xiaoqing's "know how to be a human being", in this shop, the two of them walked the closest and had the highest income.The other shop assistants were more or less excluded.Unexpectedly, the catastrophe was imminent, flying around, and now it has become a dog eats a dog.

"I'm shameless? Who are we shameless? Every time you see a mainland tourist coming, you treat him like a bully and ask me to help you. In the end, you take the big advantage and give it to me. You're still ashamed to say it." Xiaoqing, who is angry, is not so easy to get along with, and she just sneers at her head and face.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? If you want to quarrel, please go out, this place has nothing to do with you. Go out and turn left, there is a spacious place, please go there, don't influence us here." Chen Kangjie didn't have that. During the leisure time of watching the show, seeing them biting dogs in front of him, Chen Kangjie became even more disgusted.

"Security, what are you still doing in a daze? Don't you want to do it too? Invite these two ladies out, they are not welcome here." Seeing that Xiaoqing and the others had no intention of moving, Chen Kangjie waved to the staring security guard road.

Don't want to do it?This is the salary increase, and fools don't want to do it.The two security guards didn't care about their former colleagues' friendship anymore.Two people, Kong Wu, stepped forward vigorously, and each of them pushed the other, and with three or two strokes, they got the two eyes-obscuring people out of the shop.

"It's quiet now, you two, please, just choose as many as you like, and choose quickly to leave, I'm afraid Miss Wanrong is already waiting." When the two of them left, Chen Kangjie acted like a son-in-law , free and easy to please.

It is true that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here, and when Chen Kangjie finished speaking, He Wanrong pushed the door open and walked in.

"Why are you still here? I have been waiting there for a long time, so long, do you want to buy this place?" He Wanrong said coquettishly.

"I'm sorry, Sister Wanrong, I kept you waiting. But, you really guessed right, I just made a deal, come on, you can pick a few that you like too." Chen Kangjie laughed. .

"Huh? Make a deal?" He Wanrong was a little confused.

"Sister Wanrong, what he said is true. He bought this store and fired two people just now." Fan Xuexi went to hold He Wanrong's hand and said.

"Ah? This...really?" He Wanrong still hasn't fully come to her senses.

People go shopping to buy things, such as clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and so on.This guy went shopping but bought a store, and what he bought was a jewelry store, which is too neat.

He Wanrong didn't doubt Chen Kangjie's financial resources and abilities. Back then, didn't Chen Kangjie buy such an expensive villa just because he wanted to?And it was equivalent to giving it to her.Then what is impossible to buy a store now.It's just that it appeared so suddenly, it was too abrupt.

"Really, don't you really want to choose? You three, show the three beauties the best quality and latest style jade in the store. If they choose it, it will be considered that you have sold it .” Chen Kangjie then snapped his fingers at the other three stunned shop assistants.

When Chen Kangjie said this, the three clerks who usually had no chance to show off immediately took action quickly.

This kind of opportunity doesn't come often, and if they sell it, they will get a commission, and they still choose the most expensive and the best.In addition, this is also an excellent opportunity to win outstanding performance in front of the new boss, which cannot be missed casually.

If they randomly pick something worth a few million, the three of them will each get tens of thousands more commissions this month.A beautiful thing, a beautiful thing that has never been.

Fan Xuexi and Deng Min didn't want to choose at first, but Chen Kangjie was really "hard to turn down", and with He Wanrong taking the lead, they each chose two in the end.There are bracelets, jade hairpins, jade pendants and so on.

As soon as Chen Kangjie and the others left the shop, someone came to pick them up.It can't be said that if you buy it, you don't care about it, it's just that Chen Kangjie doesn't need to take care of the aftermath.

Next, Chen Kangjie compensated each of them for buying two or three sets of clothes before returning to He Wanrong's villa.

If Fan Xuexi and Deng Min were not there, Ouyang Zhenhua would not be unexpected, he would definitely come to He Wanrong's villa to look for Chen Kangjie.Just because the two of them were here, Ouyang Zhenhua was very sensible and didn't come to interfere, but just called Chen Kangjie to reply.

"You did a good job. It took 47 minutes to settle down such a company. Even better, I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't lose money." Chen Kangjie said to Ouyang Zhenhua on the phone with satisfaction.

"We are sharks eating small fish. If you lose money again, wouldn't you be the one who lost you? And in my opinion, 47 minutes is already a long time, it should be within half an hour."

"Hehe, Brother Ouyang, don't be too selfish. It's good to be strict with yourself, but it's not good to be too strict with the people below. If they don't have extensive contacts and rich resources in all aspects , I’m afraid I won’t be able to get it tomorrow.” Chen Kangjie said happily.

If Long Xiang hadn't been too harsh on his subordinates, they wouldn't have betrayed him.Proper tolerance for loyal people is also a kind of bribe, which can be regarded as the benefit Chen Kangjie got from this incident.

"Jie Shao, there is a problem now. The company has already been bought, but whose name should the equity be transferred to? It can't be affiliated with Guangming Investment Company." Ouyang Zhenhua joked a little asked.

Ouyang Zhenhua has followed Chen Kangjie for more than ten years. Can he still not understand Chen Kangjie?Since he bought such a jewelry company for women, there is no doubt that this company is going to fall on women, but he doesn't know who Chen Kangjie will arrange to fall on.

In fact, at the beginning, Chen Kangjie really didn't think about what to do with buying such a company, he just wanted to vent his anger.But on the way back, he really thought about it, which was similar to Ouyang Zhenhua's guess.

However, Chen Kangjie was also in a bit of a dilemma, he was not sure whether to give this company to Fan Xuexi or to Deng Min.

Chen Kangjie really wanted to give them some compensation of his own, but he was worried that taking out such a gift would hurt another person.

Now that Ouyang Zhenhua mentioned this, Chen Kangjie decided that the two of them each had 50.00% and no preference was given to one.Through such a bondage, they may be able to coexist peacefully.If this goal can be achieved, that is the greatest value.

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