rebirth of change

Chapter 1905 Am I that kind of person?

"What do you mean by that? Each of them gave us such a large amount of money for no reason." In the car driving to Pengcheng Nanhu Port, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, who were sitting in the back seat, were close to each other. Deng Min whispered in his ear, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth moved towards the driving seat.

Chen Kangjie acted as the driver himself, and there were only Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi in the whole car.Of course, at the front and rear, there is also an accompanying vehicle to escort each other.

Just now, before they went out, Zhu Qingming delivered a stack of documents to He Wanrong's villa.When they heard that they could become the bosses of the jewelry company they visited yesterday, the reactions of Fan Xuexi and Deng Min were even more surprised than hearing that Chen Kangjie bought the store.

They never imagined that after just one night, they could become the proprietress of that shop. Moreover, there are more than one similar shops in various prosperous areas of Hong Kong.

I couldn't believe it, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min looked at Chen Kangjie with disbelief and bewilderment.

"What do you mean by looking at me like that? Do you think it's fake?" Chen Kangjie felt embarrassed when he was looked at by the two of them.

"No, it's just...why put it under our name? We have never done business, let alone know how to manage jewelry. If you leave it to us, aren't you afraid that it will be in vain?" Deng Min said excitedly. .

"Indeed, we don't know how to run a business, and we rarely come to Hong Kong. Is it child's play to put it under our name? We thought it was a store, how could it be a company with so many stores?" Fan Xuexi also expressed similar views .

Fan Xuexi's family's financial situation is well-off, and his parents both have decent jobs with good income.However, so far, his parents have not earned such a large fortune.In front of Fan Xuexi, with assets worth several hundred million yuan, it was also difficult for her to hold on to herself.

"Don't worry about this, you won't, it doesn't matter, you can learn, and someone will help you. In this world, who is born knowing? You just need to sign the document, and nothing else Question." Chen Kangjie slapped his thigh and said boldly.

"Yes, Ms. Fan, Ms. Deng. Bright Investment Company has sent a team to Longfengxiang Jewelry Company. They are familiar with business operations and financial management. They will help you master this company, and at the same time Firmly implement your instructions. As long as you become the two major shareholders of this company, your commute to and from Hong Kong will not be a problem, and even, if you want, you can get permanent residency in Hong Kong. Before you take over completely , the team will ensure the smooth operation and profitability of the company." Zhu Qingming spread the documents in front of Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, and said modestly.

Zhu Qingming is nominally the head of Bright Investment Company, and he and Ouyang Zhenhua are competitors in the same industry.Actually, he had to obey Ouyang Zhenhua's orders, and Ouyang Zhenhua had to implement Chen Kangjie's orders.Logically, Zhu Qingming is the subordinate of Chen Kangjie's subordinate.With such a relationship, Zhu Qingming naturally had to be cautious and courteous in front of Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie wanted to please Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, so as a subordinate, Zhu Qingming naturally had to share his worries.These two, if not done well, one day they will become his mistress, who also need to be curry favor with.

"Mr. Zhu, what you mean by Hong Kong permanent residency, do you mean we can become Hong Kong citizens?" Fan Xuexi asked.

"Well, that's what it means. You are now investors, and the amount is not small. According to the relevant regulations of Hong Kong, there is no problem for you to settle in. I can quickly complete the procedures for you, as long as you are willing." Zhu Qingming smiled flatteringly.

"No, no, we are still studying in university, it is impossible to change our nationality." Deng Min waved his hands hastily.

"He just said that, and he didn't ask you to make changes and adjustments now. As long as you sign this document, whether it is the mainland or Hong Kong, it will provide convenience for you to travel between the two places. This will not be a learning experience for you. Mr. Zhu’s documents are all ready, so you sign it quickly, we have to hurry back to go back, don’t you rush back to school? Even if the department is not in a hurry, I have to hurry Go home and report to your orders." Chen Kangjie encouraged and urged.

"But we..." Fan Xuexi and the others were still not completely relieved, it was too sudden and unexpected after all.

"Don't worry about it, what's so good about it. It's a gift from me to you, or you can help me take care of an asset, whatever you want, hurry up, time waits for no one, sign, Hurry up and sign it, this is not a contract of sale, what are you doing coyly, Xuexi, you come first." Saying that, Chen Kangjie forcibly stuffed the Parker pen into Fan Xuexi's hand.

Just like that, without any preparation, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min became two billionaires.

Although an hour had passed since that incident, Fan Xuexi and Deng Min still hadn't completely let go of it, and they still hadn't returned to China in the future.


"Is he... trying to dump the two of us?" Deng Min frowned and said anxiously.

After thinking for a long time, Deng Min couldn't figure it out, so she simply thought about it without confidence.

Chen Kangjie is too good, too popular, and very rich.Recently, more and more cases of wealthy people settling emotional disputes have appeared in the media. Affected by those news, coupled with Deng Min's lack of confidence in himself, there is such a whimsical guess.

"Ah? No way?" Fan Xuexi was shocked by Deng Min's thoughts, and shouted loudly in astonishment.However, when she thought that Chen Kangjie was starting ahead, she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, thinking that by covering her ears like this, Chen Kangjie would not be able to hear his voice just now.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Chen Kangjie stepped on the brake and almost caused a rear-end collision.

"It's okay, it's okay, why are you braking? I almost hit my head." Fan Xuexi said.

"You guys were startled, I thought something was wrong with you. It's really inexplicable, what's your name?" Chen Kangjie said as he restarted the vehicle, "You two are muttering to your ears, are you saying something bad about me? ah?"

"Who said something bad about you? We were discussing why you gave us such a large amount of property for no reason. Did you have any bad intentions?" Enraged by Chen Kangjie, Fan Xuexi simply revealed the content of their discussion .

"Tch, why did I think it was because of this? Then tell me, what evil intentions do I have?" Chen Kangjie said with a lewd smile.

It is only now that Chen Kangjie has the opportunity and space to be alone with them. Last night, at He Wanrong's place, Chen Kangjie did not dare to mess with them, and that kind of carelessness did not happen at all.Even if he faced the two of them alone now, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to flirt, and could only express his depression in other ways.

If you face one of them alone, it is estimated that there will be another beautiful scene.

"Deng Min said you..."

"Don't say it, I was just guessing." Deng Min was afraid that Fan Xuexi would say something, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover Fan Xuexi's mouth.

The more they were like this, the more Chen Kangjie wanted to know the inside story.

"What did Deng Min say? Tell me, I'll listen to you." Chen Kangjie suppressed his smile and asked solemnly.

"It's nothing, I didn't say anything...just casual chatting." Deng Min tried his best to hide his heart beating.

Deng Min was afraid that her guess would become a reality, if not, she was also afraid that guessing Chen Kangjie like that would make him unhappy.

"It seems that we should be open and honest with each other. If you have any doubts in your heart, just say it. If you hold it in your heart, you will feel uncomfortable. At the same time, it will not bring any help to our exchanges. What do you think? , you should be blunt." Chen Kangjie naturally did not believe Deng Min's cover-up.

"Deng Min, just say it, what is there to be afraid of? If he really has such a betrayal heart, you can't solve it if you hide it. Let me tell you, Chen Kangjie, you sent such a big Giving us some money means you are buying us? Could it be that you have a new love and are going to kick us out, and this is the end?" Although Fan Xuexi didn't believe that Chen Kangjie would be like that, she was also worried.So she wanted to find out bluntly, if she didn't clear up this doubt, she wouldn't feel at ease.

"I said, can your thoughts be more bold and unrestrained? Those cartoonists may not be as whimsical as you. Do you think I am giving breakup fees? Am I that kind of person? Do you think I will Dumped you? What nonsense. Let me tell you, don’t even think about it, unless you think you have found a more suitable happiness, otherwise, I will never let go. Don’t tell me that if I give you anything, you have to find it Can’t a reliable reason? Really, I’m just a piece of my heart. I don’t have much time to spend with you, and I feel guilty and sorry. Of course, I also know that money can’t just make up for it, but I can’t say it. One of my performances. On the other hand, do you still plan to find a job after graduation? Send resumes everywhere? Can I let my woman do that? Then I’m too failed and too shameful to say it Yes. This can be regarded as a career path that I laid out for you in advance. Of course, if you have other paths to choose, I will not hinder or interfere, and I will respect them. But wouldn’t it be better to have a way out?" Chen Kangjie didn't expect that his inadvertent action would cause such a misunderstanding. He was a little angry, angry that they treated him as a villain.

Although Chen Kangjie's words were heavy, they warmed the hearts of Deng Min and Fan Xuexi.This is the first time that Chen Kangjie expressed his heart to them together. The occasion is not romantic, but it does not affect the effect of moving, nor does it reduce the strong sense of happiness.

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