rebirth of change

Chapter 1931 Advice from Elders

Although the oolong incident between Geng Bin and Geng Changhui caused a lot of shock to both father and son, it really made Geng Changhui really angry.However, on the other hand, this matter also dilutes Geng Bin's anxiety and panic because he couldn't invite Long.

People's emotions are always changing when another exciting thing happens, and Geng Bin is in the midst of such a change now.

Geng Changhui reprimanded Geng Bin again in the dormitory, and Geng Bin listened tremblingly, with no room for retaliation.

"No, it's class time now, why are you alone in the dormitory, and you have learned to skip classes now? You finally got admitted to this highly competitive school, are you just planning to dawdle like this?" After training for a long time , Geng Changhui was also tired, and his mood gradually calmed down.

That is to say, the calmness and relaxation of emotions made Geng Changhui finally notice Geng Bin's strangeness.

"I...I'm not skipping class, this is the first time...I'm in big trouble..." I didn't know how to say it, but when Geng Bin saw his father It seemed that he was about to get angry, so he hurriedly said hesitantly.

"Big trouble? What big trouble? Have you messed with the adults? Or have you failed?"

In Geng Changhui's eyes, the occurrence of such a thing seems to be a problem, and in other respects, letting Buddha go is not a problem.

Geng Bin really admires his father, can I fail with my grades?Just me... I don't even have a girlfriend yet, can I fuck a grown-up's stomach?What to do?It's not an old sow, you don't have to do it yourself to have a big belly.

"No, not at all, that kind of thing has nothing to do with me." Geng Bin was speechless to Geng Changhui, but the conversation became smoother.

"It's fine if you don't, so what's the trouble?" Geng Changhui immediately relaxed, crossed his legs, and asked as he lit a cigarette.

"'s a matter in the student union, I..." Geng Bin really didn't know how to explain it clearly to his father, and he hesitated to speak.

"When did you learn to be such a mother-in-law? You can still hang out in the student union like you? You really let me down. If there is anything, just open up and say, be quick and presentable, and don't embarrass me." Originally The mood was stable, but Geng Bin's cowardly behavior made Geng Changhui angry again.

Geng Bin straightened his chest, aroused by Geng Changhui's words.It doesn't matter, anyway, things are already like this, and it's hard to hide it for a long time, so it's better to confide it.

"It's because the work of the student union that I'm in charge of can't be completed. Our student union originally organized a school-wide campus song contest..." Geng Bin then poured out the ins and outs of the matter without reservation.Even the bet between him and Chen Kangjie was discussed.

Geng Bin's willingness to say this is somewhat extravagant.

He asked Chang Bing himself, but he refused, unwilling to help, but what if his father went to Chang Bing?Is he also refusing?It is estimated that there will be some opportunities for change, right?

"The executive vice chairman of your student union is a ruthless character. You are willing to make such a bet. If you lose to this kind of person, you will not lose at all. Even if you win this time, it will be difficult for you to be his opponent in the future , You made a mistake in getting along with him, and you shouldn't push him to your opposite." Hearing what Geng Bin said, Geng Changhui didn't get angry again, but after lighting another cigarette, Said such a remark.

Geng Changhui is not Geng Bin. He has worked for decades and has met countless people.Although he is now only a deputy in the Propaganda Department, he is well-informed. The main reason is that there is no one at the top, otherwise he would have gone up already.

As soon as he heard Geng Bin's talk, he knew that Chen Kangjie was a young man with strategies, means and courage.With just a few strokes, he could run the son he had always been proud of to nowhere. This kind of ability was difficult for him even ten years ago.

From this rational point of view, Geng Changhui admired and admired Chen Kangjie, but he started his son's ideological work instead.

"Father, why do you let other people's ambition destroy your son's prestige?" For Geng Changhui's contempt for himself and his admiration for Chen Kangjie, Geng Bin was not convinced, and he was a little bit disapproving.

"If you really have prestige, then others can't destroy it even if they want to, unless what you have is not prestige, but weakness. When you were in middle school, you felt that you were great, but now you are in college. People who come here, Who is not an elite. Son, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are people beyond the people. You have to admit this no matter what, and it’s okay not to admit it. Jealousy and jealousy cannot make you successful. What you are doing now, your father and I I did it when I was young, how is it now? After more than [-] years of messing around, isn’t it what it looks like. Some things can be regretted, but there is no chance to regret some things.” Geng Changhui said earnestly.

"Then am I so willing to bow down and be tied down?" Geng Bin was still not reconciled.

"Of course not. It's too cowardly, and it will also make people look down on you. Since you said that Chang Bing can help you, then I will go to him and try. If he can really help you, then of course it's good, but , you have to think clearly, if he really can't help, what should you do?" Geng Changhui taught Geng Bin.

"I didn't know what to do just now, that's why I was in a bad mood, and I was talking nonsense to you." Lowering his head, Geng Bin muttered in a low voice.

"Then do you want to hear my opinion?" Geng Changhui asked seriously, looking at his son.

After a little hesitation, Geng Bin gritted his teeth and said, "I want to."

"Let me tell you, if it was me more than ten years ago, I would not be able to swallow that breath, and would keep my promise for the sake of face."

"Resign and leave the student union?" Geng Bin asked.

"How else can it be otherwise?"

"What about now? Wouldn't you do that now? Did you not keep your promise?" Geng Bin was curious, and then asked again.

"Yes, I wouldn't do that now. Why would I do that, would I give my whole life for a little face? Stupid, that's stupid. You may think that if you don't keep your bet, you will If you can't face those students in the student union, you don't have any dignity at all, right?"

"Yes, when the time comes, I won't be able to gain a foothold at all. As long as Chen Wen is present, I won't even be able to raise my head." Geng Bin nodded.

"But if you keep your promise, you can't hold your head up. Do you think that if you keep your promise, everyone will give you a thumbs up? Impossible, you will also be ridiculed and spurned by others. , why do you keep your promise?"

Geng Bin was a little confused by Geng Changhui, scratching his head and thinking, but he couldn't figure out what to do to make the right choice.This seems to be the difference between choosing to die by jumping off the bridge or jumping into the sea. What's the difference?

"If you say that, I'm doomed to be unable to turn over. It seems that something is wrong."

"Hehe, that's not true. In fact, there is a third way." Geng Changhui laughed softly.

"The third way? What third way? I don't understand." Geng Bin was even more puzzled.

"The third way is that you can keep your promise, but you don't need to leave the student union. You can even save face and live a better life than before." Geng Changhui said meaningfully.

"Dad, tell me quickly, what should I do? I've thought about it, but I can't figure it out." Hearing that there is a way to get the best of both worlds, Geng Bin became impatient from the bottom of his heart.

"The third road option is..."

As Geng Changhui spoke, Geng Bin, who listened carefully, nodded in agreement.After Geng Changhui finished speaking, Geng Bin suddenly realized.

For the first time, Geng Bin sincerely expressed his admiration for his father. If he followed his father's method, he would really lose face.It's just... Could father be so precise in his grasp of willfulness?In this regard, Geng Bin is still not 100% sure, and has more or less doubts.

Next, Geng Changhui called Chang Bing.

Geng Changhui came to build the city this time on a business trip. If he wanted to help his son, it would only be today. After today, they would go back after the meeting.

When meeting with Chang Bing, Geng Changhui did not bring Geng Bin with him, but met alone.Some things are easier to say when the two of them are old classmates together, but not so easy to express with Geng Bin by their side.

In any case, Geng Changhui still hopes that his son can win in an upright manner. The method he proposed is only a compensation measure to make up for it.At least if he wins, Geng Bin will be more confident instead of being hit.

It's just that Geng Changhui didn't know the inside story at all. If he knew that the person who bet with his son was actually a long they couldn't invite, he would probably hit the wall with depression, and it was impossible to invite Chang Bing to this meal.

It's not so easy to ask for help, even if you are facing your classmates and friends.

Chang Bing could directly reject Geng Bin, but when Geng Changhui came forward, he couldn't say anything. For the sake of his old classmates, Chang Bing could only reluctantly give it a try.

The reason why Chang Bing agreed has a lot to do with what Chang Bing said.

"You didn't do it entirely for Xiaobin's child. It is as meaningful and valuable to you. If Principal Guan is willing to help you, it means that you have status in his mind and proves that you can enter him. Small circle. If he refuses even to help, it means that you are not that important to him. This matter should be regarded as a test to test how much Principal Guan values ​​you. "

Due to the tight schedule, Chang Bing went to Guan Mengyu's office to find him early in the morning when he went to work, and told him about the entrusted matter in a roundabout way.

"Playing the piano randomly, Comrade Chang Bing, how can you help the student union? Don't they know how to handle the activities they organize? If we are all asked for such things, how can our work be carried out normally?" As soon as Chang Bing finished speaking, Guan Mengyu's expression darkened, and his brows were also locked together.

It won't help even if you kill Chang Bing, what are you doing?Chen Kangjie is the executive vice chairman of the student union. If the student union really held a meeting and decided to invite him to be a judge, wouldn't he know it?There's no reason to invite yourself. If he wants to come, he won't have these troubles at all, and he can decide with one sentence.Therefore, Guan Mengyu felt that someone must be causing trouble, otherwise, how could such a bizarre thing appear in front of him.

After being scolded by Guan Mengyu, Chang Bing didn't dare to speak.

You're so confused, why did you agree to Geng Changhui?It's all right now, I offended principal Guan and made him dissatisfied.

"Principal Guan, I just want to do something beneficial to the students and support them. I will be serious and responsible for my work." Chang Bing said hastily.

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