rebirth of change

Chapter 1932 Zuo Weisheng wants to play tricks

In a blink of an eye, a week passed, and Zuo Weisheng once again called a meeting with the cadres of the student union to discuss the continuation of the campus song contest.

"There is a play to watch today."

"What's the play?"

"You're pretending to be stupid, right? Of course it's a bet between the two vice-chairmen. Today, whoever wins will win."

"No matter who wins or loses, it seems that one of them has to leave."

Before the meeting even started, several student union cadres who had arrived in the meeting room in advance began chatting enthusiastically.

"Hey, what do you think will happen in the end?"

"Does it need to be said? Of course Chairman Geng resigned and left our student union. He can't win. I never heard the news that he invited Long."

"Don't gloat, you think that if he resigns and leaves, the vice chairman's throne will be given to you, not to mention the person who is staring at that position, I see, Tao Mi from the External Relations Department is very likely."

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I say that I wanted to be the vice chairman?"

"Hehe, I just said that casually, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

"I admire Chairman Chen quite a lot. In the last meeting, why did he dare to bet like that? He is not afraid of losing. Geng Bin told him to commit suicide?"

"He is a man of high art and boldness. Don't think he doesn't show up in our student union very much. In fact, I think he may be worried about his failure to become the chairman."

"Bah, you can't spit ivory out of your mouth, I'll spit you a mouthful of salt water. Chairman Chen is not that kind of person. If he really cares about that, he should show up often to seize power. He doesn't have it, it's our liaison If you find him in the affairs of the Ministry, he will help you." A deputy director of the External Relations Department helped Chen Kangjie and said.

As more and more people come to the meeting, such discussions can only gradually fade away, so we must pay attention to the impact.However, even if they were sitting in the conference room, people who were close and acquainted with each other would still come close and whisper. Of course, the topic mainly revolved around the bet between Chen Kangjie and Geng Bin.

Basically, they can say anything, but relatively speaking, most people are not very optimistic about Geng Bin who has lost face one after another. Even if he is in charge of the organization department, study department, discipline inspection department and propaganda department, few people think that He can win.

On the contrary, everyone was a little impetuous. If Geng Bin left, what would they do?In the end, should one be promoted from among the ministers of several departments or from other departments.If people are picked from other departments, they will be annexed.

Some people who thought they had a chance to be in the top position began to secretly do some ideological work for the people around them, hoping to gain their support.

An undercurrent of struggle has unknowingly spread among some student union cadres.

In the past, Zuo Weisheng relied on his identity and was the last one among the leaders of the student union to arrive. But this time, when he came in at the right time, he found that the three vice-chairmen, Ding Xiaoyang, Chen Wen and Geng Bin, hadn't arrived yet. .

Zuo Weisheng's face darkened on the spot: "Lu Xue, what's going on? Didn't you get an accurate notification of the meeting? Why haven't the three vice chairmen come yet?"

"The notification has arrived, and the time is also at this time. As for why they haven't come yet, I don't know." Lu Xue, the head of the secretariat, stood up and replied.

"It's unreasonable. You don't have any sense of time. Hurry up and make a phone call to find out what's going on? There's no organization or discipline." Pulling back the chair, Zuo Weisheng sat down on his chair. .

The fool could also see that Zuo Weisheng was angry.

It wasn't entirely Zuo Weisheng's fault. As the leader of the student union, he was the last to be there. It was his privilege, and it also showed his dignity and treatment.But today, not only Chen Wen hasn't come yet, even the well-behaved Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin have disappeared. Where does this make Zuo Weisheng feel?Isn't it the other way around, making him a deputy, and the three of them becoming full-timers?

Lu Xue hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards the door, intending to call to inquire about the situation.

But just as Lu Xue opened the door of the meeting room, Chen Kangjie brought Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin together.

"Lu Xue, thank you for opening the door for us. Where are you going? The meeting will start soon." Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"Seeing that you didn't come, Chairman Zuo asked me to call and ask what's wrong with you." Lu Xue said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, we're here, so I don't need to trouble you." After speaking, Chen Kangjie walked towards his seat.

Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin nodded to Lu Xue respectively, as a greeting, and followed Chen Kangjie to sit down in their respective seats.

"Vice Chairman Chen, what's the matter? You have to be invited again for a meeting? If you don't come, you won't come. If you want to come, then be more serious. We have so many people waiting, is it plausible?" Sitting down, Zuo Weisheng had a dark face and went into a rage.

If it was just Chen Kangjie who came late alone, then Zuo Weisheng might not be so angry.But seeing Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin following behind him, Zuo Weisheng was not happy, and for some reason, he felt a sense of crisis.So Zuo Weisheng took Chen Kangjie under the knife in front of everyone, trained him, and attacked his prestige.

Anyway, I am justified, so it is understandable to teach my subordinates a lesson, there is nothing to say.

"Chairman Zuo, even if you have a problem with me, you can't wrong me like this. Isn't our meeting time at five o'clock? It's only one minute after five o'clock. When we entered the door, it was five o'clock. If you’re not late, isn’t it right if you’re not late?” Chen Kangjie patted the watch on his wrist and said.

I don't care how Zuo Weisheng wants to gain power, but you can't use me to vent your anger, let alone use me as a target for your archery.

In previous meetings, Zuo Weisheng would only walk in one minute early, but this time, the reserved minute was taken up by Chen Kangjie and the others.He reserves 1 minute, on the one hand to ensure that he is not late, on the other hand to ensure that he is the last to arrive.It's just that this time his timing was more accurate than his.

Zuo Weisheng's nose almost crooked with anger, but what can he do with anger?What Chen Kangjie said was right, and he wasn't late, he was just stepping on the mark.

"Chairman Zuo, I was delayed by something just now. I'm sorry, do you think we can officially have a meeting now?" Ding Xiaoyang, who was sitting by the side, saw the deadlock in the atmosphere, so he came out to smooth things over.He is the only woman in the leadership of the Student Council, a role he is best suited to fill.

"A meeting." After getting a step, Zuo Weisheng spat out two words abruptly.

Chen Kangjie curled his lips, scoffing at Zuo Weisheng's behavior.It's just a little thing, what about it?We didn't do it on purpose, it would be nice if we didn't be late, and he even blew his nose and stared at him. This stomach is too small, and it doesn't fit the status of a leader at all.

Chen Kangjie, who is a thief and a thief, can see the reason for Zuo Weisheng's displeasure at a glance.Those in the officialdom used this trick to raise their status, and Chen Kangjie knew this.

Zuo Weisheng, an official fan, usually shows off, so that's fine, Chen Kangjie doesn't care about it.A person's status is not determined by when he enters the meeting. Only those who are not confident will play this low-level game.When everyone respects you and you are capable, it doesn't matter when you come.On the contrary, even if you come every time at the exact moment, it will be of no use. It may give you face in person, but you can do whatever you want behind the scenes.

Zuo Weisheng, who had been observing Chen Kangjie carefully, happened to notice the disdainful corner of Chen Kangjie's mouth through his peripheral vision.Then the gas became more intense.

Boy, don't be complacent, just wait and see how I deal with you.Don't think that you are great because you are a bit of a shit lucker. Today, I will show you what the real means are.

Zuo Weisheng arranged Chen Kangjie viciously in his heart.

"Lu Xue, you can preside over this meeting." Originally, Zuo Weisheng personally presided over similar meetings, but considering what he was going to do next, Zuo Weisheng temporarily changed his mind and made the meeting the chairperson of the meeting. Give it to Lu Xue.

For Zuo Weisheng, it doesn't matter whether he presides over it or not. Anyway, Lu Xue is his person, and he is sitting here in person, so the meeting will still go according to his request.

Lu Xue was stunned for a moment, and after meeting Zuo Weisheng's eyes, she opened the notebook in front of her.

"According to Chairman Zuo's instructions, we have only one focus of this meeting, and that is to find a solution to the continuation of the campus singing contest. After a week, we can't delay any longer. According to the information we have received from various sources Feedback, the students have already complained about our mistakes. Director Zhang, does your information resources department have some similar information?" After Lu Xue finished speaking, she turned to ask Zhang Huiqiong, the director of the information resources department.

"Well... yes, there is indeed such a sign." Zhang Huiqiong glanced at Chen Kangjie, then nodded hesitantly.

Chen Kangjie is like an old monk in meditation. No matter who looks at him, he feels that he is not moving at all, as if he is looking at you, or not looking at you at all.Anyway, it makes it difficult for you to see his mental activities from his face, and you can't be sure what he is thinking.

"Well, so we are under a lot of pressure and have a lot of responsibilities. This meeting, I hope everyone will work together to come up with a charter no matter what, and resume the game as soon as possible, so as not to be poked in the back by more people. Now, we invite the Ministry of Arts Classmates, please tell us about their preparations and progress for this week, after all, this competition is actually operated by the Department of Literature and Art." As the overall coordinator in the student union, Lu Xue has a good eloquence, and the words she speaks are very eloquent. conditioning.

With everyone's eyes cast over, the head of the Ministry of Literature and Art immediately felt Alexander. She sat up straight, opened her notebook, and began to speak.

"Our literature and art department, this week..."

It's just that the Minister of Literature and Art had just begun his speech when Zuo Weisheng deprived him of his right to speak.

"Minister Li, wait a minute." Zuo Weisheng stretched out his left hand and blocked it with arrogance.

Minister Li of the Department of Literature and Art looked bewildered, not knowing what went wrong.

"Before Minister Li introduces the progress of their preparations, shouldn't we first review the content of last week's meeting? Only by seeing the past can we better grasp the future, what do you think?" Zuo Weisheng didn't To consider Minister Li's position, he continued on his own.

It seemed that Zuo Weisheng was asking everyone for their opinions. In fact, he felt that there was a deviation between the meeting procedure and his idea, so he wanted to correct it.

What's more, Zuo Weisheng said that he should review last week's meeting first. There is nothing to criticize about this, and the meeting can be held like this.

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