rebirth of change

Chapter 1995 make a review

Just like what Chen Kangjie said, their student union is now playing the role of firefighters. Not only must they re-plan and prepare for the finals of the campus singing competition, but they must also find ways to sweep away the gloomy haze in the campus. That kind of barrier was broken, and the relationship between each other became harmonious again.

The next day, after the morning class, Chen Kangjie walked towards the meeting room of the student union. He asked Zuo Weisheng, Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin to discuss things together.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie and Zuo Weisheng are in the same class, so they should go together, but for some reason, Zuo Weisheng and Chen Kangjie are alienated.Chen Kangjie didn't call Zuo Weisheng, even if he did, Zuo Weisheng would use other excuses to delay.

After one or two experiences, Chen Kangjie simply stopped calling him, so he didn't have to put his hot face on someone's cold ass.

Anyway, Chen Kangjie didn't ask for anything from him, and it was even the other way around. If Chen Kangjie deliberately opposed him in the student union, Zuo Weisheng would be unable to move an inch.

Walking to the side of the lotus pond, the students are all rushing to the cafeteria now, and there is no one here.Chen Kangjie simply took out his mobile phone and called Huang Jiaju.

People are willing to come to the judges in front of the thankless Rao Shizi, it is entirely because of their own face.And since I went out to compete, I haven't been in touch with him, and I still feel a little guilty in my heart.

"A rare visitor, I didn't hear the magpie call today, so why did you call me?" Huang Jiaju on the other end of the phone half-jokingly joked about Chen Kangjie.

"Brother Huang, you, just save me a little bit of face. I'm really sorry, it's my younger brother who didn't do things well, and you didn't greet you well when you came here. I'm ashamed, ashamed. I will make up for it when I have time some other day." Take a moment." Chen Kangjie knew why Huang Jiaju said that, so he corrected his attitude, lowered his posture and said apologetically.

"Do you know that in order to be a judge for your school, I didn't even go to Sydney, but I wasted several tickets. You have to pay for this loss, otherwise I won't do it."

According to Huang Jiaju's income, he didn't really care about the ticket money, he just used it to get closer to Chen Kangjie.

"I'll accompany you, and I'll definitely pay. How about it, next time the Olympic Games, I'll give you a set ticket, all of which are the best seats, hehe, it's just that you have to wait for four years."

"If you give it to me, you have to wait. If you don't give it to me, you still have to wait. The time will not be advanced because of me. Although I watched all your games on TV, I still feel a little regretful that I didn't come to the scene."

"Actually, it's better to watch TV at home. It's more complete. By the way, are you in Hong Kong now?"

"No, didn't there be an accident at your school two days ago? If the competition couldn't be held, I left first. I'm in Mingzhu now, and our band is going to hold a concert here. Since you won't be able to use me for the time being, then I'll come over first to rehearse and arrange."

In recent years, with the return of Hong Kong and the increasing openness of the mainland, the focus of the beyond band has gradually become more and more inclined to the mainland.More than half of their performance activities and about half of their commercial activities have also moved to the mainland.So if they are not in Hong Kong, most of the time they travel to various cities in the Mainland.

"Then I would like to congratulate your concert for being a smash hit. In fact, it doesn't matter whether I congratulate you or not. You are so popular and popular. No matter where you go, you are followed by a large number of fans. Tickets for the concert must be hard to find. .” Chen Kangjie said with a grin.

"If you want to say that you are popular, if you want to say that you are popular, you can't catch up with you. You, don't make fun of us. I have an event with you. When you are ready, call me in advance All right, I'll be there on time."

"That's fine, then I won't bother you. I heard that there is a lot of background noise on your side, so I should be busy."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie smiled ashamedly. He really was playing big cards, but this big card wasn't played in front of ordinary people.

When I came to the meeting room of the student union, I didn't expect Zuo Weisheng and the three of them to arrive.

Seeing Chen Kangjie walking into the meeting room last with a smile on his face, Zuo Weisheng's expression turned ugly.The last one was originally his privilege, but Chen Kangjie broke through it time and time again.And when he thought that in the current student union, he couldn't command any of the three vice-chairmen, he felt even more depressed.

"I'm sorry, I made a phone call just now, and I was a little late, sorry for the long wait." Chen Kangjie smiled apologetically, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"It's nothing, we just arrived. Chen Wen, I heard that you were arrested by the Public Security Bureau. I'm still worried about you. What's the matter? They didn't care about you, did they?" The first person to greet Chen Kangjie was not Ding Xiaoyang, but It was Geng Bin, who later took refuge in him.

"No, no, I'm fine, thank you, Geng Bin."

For Geng Bin's thank you, Chen Kangjie was not perfunctory, but sincere.For those who treat themselves sincerely, Chen Kangjie will treat him sincerely in turn.

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise, we'd be waiting for dinner at the gate of the Public Security Bureau, ha ha." Ding Xiaoyang inspected Chen Kangjie up and down, but he didn't find anything wrong, and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, now that everyone is here, let's have a meeting, everyone, don't waste time. Our school has been troubled recently, and what's even more uncomfortable is that it's all related to our student union. I think we should Let’s sum it up well and see where the problem is. If it’s because of our mistakes in work, then what should be adjusted should be adjusted.” Seeing Geng Bin, Ding Xiaoyang and Chen Kangjie fighting fiercely, Zuo Weisheng was unhappy, so he directly The topic was changed.

Everyone could tell that Zuo Weisheng was not only trying to shirk responsibility, but also put the blame on them, especially Chen Kangjie.He hopes to regain power and re-establish prestige in this way.

"Chairman Zuo, although what happened recently is more or less related to our student union, but there is nothing wrong with it." Ding Xiaoyang was the first to stand up and express his dissent to Zuo Weisheng's words with a sullen face.

Speaking of which, those things were all caused by the campus singing contest, and she was in charge of this event. If there was a mistake, wouldn't it be her who made the biggest mistake?And Ding Xiaoyang thought that he was conscientious in doing these things, and he didn't gain any benefits for himself, so naturally he didn't think there was anything wrong.

"I think so. Let's take Chen Wen's arrest at the Public Security Bureau as an example. It has nothing to do with him at all. How can we make our student union look so unbearable?" Since Geng Bin voted for Chen Kangjie, naturally No effort will be spared.

"Then if everything is done well and in place, how can there be such troubles? One event not only got the vice chairman of our student union arrested, but also caused the death of some foreign students. Faculty staff and innocent students were injured. Can't you feel the atmosphere in our campus? Don't you hear the criticism from some students? Students, we can't be complacent, mistakes are not terrible, what is terrible is We can't see it, and we won't correct it." Zuo Weisheng didn't show any anger at the rebuttals of Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin, but said from a commanding height with a gesture and tone that he received.

"I think what Chairman Zuo said is correct to a certain extent." Surprisingly, Chen Kangjie not only did not refute Zuo Weisheng, but also supported his opinion.

Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin looked at each other, they didn't understand why Chen Kangjie said that.Speaking of which, they were all helping Chen Kangjie, but they didn't expect that Chen Kangjie would tear himself down.

Zuo Weisheng also expressed surprise, staring at Chen Kangjie with a pair of small eyes puzzled.

"First of all, I have to review myself. Since I entered the student union, I have not been able to do what a vice chairman of the student union should do, and I have not participated in and cared enough for the activities of our student union. Secondly, in this violent conflict, as The student union cadres at the scene, I failed to predict the situation, failed to resolve the crisis, and failed to control the situation at the time. Anyway, this is also a dereliction of duty. The third..." More unexpected Yes, what Chen Kangjie will do next is some self-criticism and summarization, and it is not the kind of generalized content, it has something to say.

Chen Kangjie was not hypocritical, nor did he do it because of pressure from Zuo Weisheng, he really had reflections.

Taking the situation of the conflict as an example, if Chen Kangjie could restrain himself, or first mobilize the cadres of the student union to maintain order in the middle, or if he didn't protect Ding Xiaoyang in the first place, maybe the matter would not be so serious.

"Of course, I would also like to point out that because it is the first time we have organized a large-scale event involving social celebrities, everyone lacks experience and has not perfected the plan, or it can be said that it is not well organized, so this kind of thing happened. It stands to reason He said that in the face of high student enthusiasm and the swarm of people, we should seek the support of the school security office and even the police, and ask them to send personnel to help us maintain order, but we did not do that. We were too confident and felt that relying on our student union I can organize and hold the event well with my own ability. At this point, Ding Xiaoyang and I have to bear corresponding responsibilities. After the meeting, I will hand over my inspection to the school youth league committee. As for whether our student union needs to adjust, Or how to adjust, I think, as the superior in charge, the school youth league committee should have a measure."

Not only did Chen Kangjie review his deficiencies, but he even criticized Ding Xiaoyang.Of course, Chen Kangjie wrote the inspection, but he did not hand over the handling power to Ding Xiaoyang, but to the school youth league committee.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Ding Xiaoyang's face drooped. After reflection, she also had to admit that Chen Kangjie's words made some sense. She did have some shortcomings in the organization of this event.

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