rebirth of change

Chapter 1996 Unity and Cooperation

Zuo Weisheng was not only surprised and amazed by Chen Kangjie's self-examination, but also felt a sense of frustration punched in the air.

Zuo Weisheng's original calculation was to retreat and advance. He imagined that as long as he came up with such an excuse, Chen Kangjie and the three of them would definitely attack him together.On the surface, it seems that this kind of suppression and isolation is not good for him at all. In fact, he just wants to play the tragic card.

It can be said that he is incompetent for the chairman of the student union to be coerced and evaded by the three vice-chairmen. However, is this situation everyone wants to see?No, the school doesn't want to see this happen, and the teachers don't want to see this happen either. The general student union cadres below are somewhat resistant to this kind of situation.

Because of such a situation, it will not only weaken the positive image of the student union, but also reduce the cohesion of the student union.

Prior to this, Zuo Weisheng had learned of the Secretary of the Youth League Committee's concern about this situation by taking advantage of the opportunity to report to the Secretary of the Youth League Committee.

Therefore, Zuo Weisheng hoped that they would suppress him as intensely as possible. The more intense and ruthless, the Youth League Committee would come forward to clean up the mess. At that time, it might not be possible without adjustments.Of course, Zuo Weisheng didn't know that Chen Kangjie would not be adjusted no matter how the secretary of the Youth League Committee adjusted.

From another point of view, recent events have indeed confirmed the existence of problems in the student union.He pointed out from a high position, if Chen Kangjie and the three of them just refuted and insisted blindly.That would also make those students who were critical of the students even more dissatisfied, and at that time, Chen Kangjie's image would only deteriorate.

Zuo Weisheng had already made up his mind, but Chen Kangjie didn't follow the routine he expected.How can this make Zuo Weisheng not depressed? Not only did he agree with his opinion, but he also made a self-criticism on his own initiative.

For this sake, what else can Zuo Weisheng do?Besides, he is the chairman of the student union, and the vice-chairman is wrong. Could it be that he is right as the chairman?To take responsibility, he is also in the way.

"That's right. Chen Wen is indeed a progressive and enlightened classmate. Being able to see this shows that Chen Wen has a strong sense of urgency. Of course, when I bring this up, I don't mean to criticize anyone or Who will bear what responsibility for this. Speaking of responsibility, as the chairman of the student union, I have not done a good job of leading and supervising, so I have to review it." At this point, Zuo Weisheng deliberately paused and took a sip Shui, seeing the eyes of the three vice-chairmen all looking at him, he continued: "As the leaders of so many students in the school, we are elected by them, and of course we must serve them well as much as possible." Work. Summing up the past experience and discovering our shortcomings, the purpose is to hope that we can do a better job in the future. Speaking of which, the time left for our student union team is running out In just a few months, our student union will be re-elected. How I hope that in these few months, we can leave a good image for the students who trust us, and leave a good impression on the future successors. Come up with some good methods and ideas. Maybe the next time the student union is re-elected, we are all out, but our school, the student union of our school will continue to exist and develop. I have looked at the historical materials of our student union in the past two days And the memorial wall, the brothers and sisters in the past, still set a good example for us."

Since having money, the student union of the school has also set up its own exhibition room, which means a small history museum.The materials of the main cadres of the student unions in recent years, their contributions and successful activities are all preserved in text and pictures.On the one hand, of course, it has the significance of commemoration, and on the other hand, it also has the function of publicity and encouragement.Every session, I hope to be able to do better than the previous ones, and at the same time, I also hope that the younger brothers and sisters in the future can be proud of it.

Chen Kangjie has also read some of those materials. The past few student unions have a common feature, that is, the chairman of the student union has a strong leadership over the entire student union. The various departments under the student union and the cadres of the student union all obey the leadership of the chairman.

Zuo Weisheng said "they set a good example for us", in fact, he hoped to restore his leadership, and hoped that Chen Kangjie and the three could learn from the previous brothers and sisters and unite around the chairman.

Of course, he has another meaning, that is, if everyone messes up, the so-called history they left in the exhibition room will not be very good after they leave. He Zuo Weisheng is an incompetent student leader. As for Chen Kangjie and the others, correspondingly, images of disunity and inferiority will appear.

"Chairman Zuo, we do have some shortcomings. Chen Wen also made a summary just now, so the key is, what should we do next?" Geng Bin saw that Chen Kangjie and Ding Xiaoyang were not talking, so he jumped out and put This page is turned over.

Chen Kangjie made a self-criticism, and Ding Xiaoyang was criticized by Chen Kangjie, only Geng Bin was not mentioned, so it is most appropriate for him to say this.

Having said so much, it doesn't make much sense, the main thing is to see how to turn the situation around.You, Zuo Weisheng, want everyone to unite and follow your lead, so it depends on how capable you are.

"I think we need to put a lot of effort into publicity first. Isn't there someone who has opinions on our students? Then let's summarize our successful activities over the past year and publicize them. We have school radio and our own Recently, the school will approve us to set up a campus TV station. These channels must be used well to promote our campus culture and our spirit of unity. Secondly, there are several activities in the sports department. If it is done well, on the one hand, it will enrich everyone's extracurricular life and mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for participation; on the other hand, it can also divert the attention of some students..."

Zuo Weisheng seemed to be well prepared. After Geng Bin asked, he spread out his notebook and gave several solutions without hesitation.

"Then how to eliminate the gap between our domestic students and foreign students? Also, shouldn't we continue this singing competition?" Ding Xiaoyang asked stubbornly, tossing his hair.

Since even Chen Kangjie believed that there was a problem with the student union, Ding Xiaoyang also recognized it.But it's not so easy for him to completely side with Zuo Weisheng.

"Let's talk about the singing contest first. In the current situation, I believe everyone can see that it is not easy to continue. However, since 90.00% of the work has been completed, I think it is still necessary to continue. Postpone Two weeks. Wait until the aftermath of the current incident subsides before continuing. Chen Wen also said just now that we lack this kind of organizational experience, so we can use this time to perfect our preparations. Haste makes waste. .As for the vague emotional incompatibility between the foreign students and us, I think it's only temporary, and it won't be long before this sense of alienation will be diluted. In addition, didn't I just list several sports department activities? Yes. Greatly invite foreign students to participate, especially the Chinese and foreign martial arts competition hosted by the Wushu Association, which should be very attractive to foreign students who like kung fu...Chen Wen, what do you think of this?" After talking a lot Seeing where Chen Kangjie was bored and didn't say a word, Zuo Weisheng felt a little confused and asked proactively.

Regardless of what Zuo Weisheng said, it seems that Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin seem to have less resistance to him.But he still knew that if these things were not supported by Chen Kangjie, they might become a flower in the mirror.

Chen Kangjie didn't take much part in the operation and activities of the student union, but that didn't mean his influence was small.Not to mention that Ding Xiaoyang and Geng Bin are close to him, even the departments under him, most of them listen to him, especially the external relations department, which is the source of funds for the student union.Many things are difficult to do without the financial support of the External Relations Department.

The sports department that Zuo Weisheng mentioned was also in charge of Chen Kangjie, although under Chen Kangjie's lack of concern and Zuo Weisheng's win over, Sheng Shuyi of the sports department got closer to him.But if Chen Kangjie wanted to get in the way, Sheng Shuyi might not be able to stop him.

In fact, Chen Kangjie really didn't have much idea of ​​fighting for power and profit in the student union.Zuo Weisheng regards the student union as a platform to demonstrate his ability and obtain more resources in the future, but this platform is simply not worth mentioning to Chen Kangjie.The games and struggles that Chen Kangjie participated in far exceeded this category.In Chen Kangjie's view, the comings and goings in the student union are not much different from playing house.

When he ran for the chairman of the student union, he didn't want to gain power, but just wanted to do something for it.

Now, he didn't intend to fight Zuo Weisheng, he was not at the same level at all, if he wanted to fight, Zuo Weisheng would be wiped out by him in minutes.

Chen Kangjie's attitude is that as long as Zuo Weisheng wants to do something, and what he does is good for the school and the students, then he will support him, otherwise, he doesn't mind making him stand up.

"I mostly support what Chairman Zuo said, but our student union needs to unite to do things. But I just said to eliminate the rift between foreign students and domestic students. I don't think there is any need to wait. We can do a lot of things. For example, build a campus The food culture festival encourages international students to bring out their own national food, which is very helpful to increase mutual understanding. We can also hold national costume shows, and foreign students from various countries are also welcome to display their national costumes. Our radio station and campus For publications, we can also set up a "I Came to China" essay solicitation activity. This activity is mainly for foreign students. Their contributions can not only be broadcast, but good manuscripts can also be printed. This can convey their friendly feelings towards China to the public. Mobilize and inspire. Of course, if we cooperate well, we can also create an essay "International Students Around Me", which is of course aimed at domestic students..."

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