rebirth of change

Chapter 1998 Upgraded Words

The so-called diplomatic disputes can only be disputed if both sides pay attention to them. Otherwise, if one side yells fiercely and the other ignores it, it will disappear in a few days.

Whether it is the United States or Japan, it is impossible to have much conflict with China over such a small matter, at most it is just a war of words.It's like two people quarreling, as long as one party doesn't talk back at all, it doesn't matter, the flame will be extinguished soon.

Therefore, both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Qianzhou Province have adopted a cold approach. They just hope that as long as they ignore it, they can let the following follow the legal procedures.If you want to quarrel, then go to the people below to quarrel, anyway, they will not come forward anyway.

The diplomats sent by the two countries did exactly what they did every day. They couldn't see He Baoguo, they couldn't see Situ Kuo, and it was useless to get angry at a foreign affairs office. In the end, they could only talk to Guan Mengyu.

Guan Mengyu, as the principal of the university, happened under his rule. Of course, he couldn't avoid it, and it was not appropriate to avoid it. He could only face them directly and listen to their complaints and opinions.In the end, it took a lot of patience and effort to send the two away.

In order to solve this matter, Guan Mengyu's attitude is also very sincere.He told the two diplomats that for this matter, the vice-principal on duty at the school has been suspended for investigation due to malfeasance. The school has cooperated with the police in arresting 28 students who were directly involved in the attack. intend to make compensation.The initial idea was that Fujita, who died, would pay $16 in compensation, while Mike, who was injured, would pay $[-].

This amount is already a large amount of money for the country. If it is converted into RMB, it is already more than 130 million and more than 68.This is also because the Gongshang University has money, and 200 million can be easily given out. If several other injured people are added, the Gongshang University will have to spend almost 400 million this time.

When they left, the two diplomats had nothing to do.Anyway, China also feels that what it has done is already in place.

Guan Mengyu felt that although the two diplomats did not agree, they did not strongly oppose it. This is probably the way and principle to deal with it.But only one day later, the situation changed fundamentally, especially in Japan.

Not only did the Japanese ambassador to China meet with our vice foreign minister in person, but the Japanese foreign minister also personally called Huang Zhenhua.

Huang Zhenhua contacted the State Councilor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and found him directly, which shows that the Japanese side attaches great importance to this matter.

why?Many people do not understand.And Huang Zhenhua only realized that the dead Fujita had an unusual status after receiving a report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Comrade Xiaojie, you will really give us problems." After hanging up the phone with the Japanese foreign minister, Huang Zhenhua called Chen Kangjie.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was raising funds for the student union in his office.

"Uncle Huang, what did you say? Why did I give you a problem? I'm a little confused."

Chen Kangjie was indeed a little dazed, and he hadn't done anything, so how could he give Huang Zhenhua a problem?

"It's not about your school killing foreign students." Huang Zhenhua shook his head with a wry smile on the other end of the phone.

"Isn't that matter being dealt with in a low-key way? Why did it get to you? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn't directly intervene. Could it be that it jumped to your place?" Chen Kangjie put the notepad and pen in front of him aside. , asked suddenly in my mind.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't know what happened, but Huang Zhenhua called in person, which meant that the incident seemed to be a bit unstoppable, and it had jumped to a higher level of disputes.

"Just now, the Japanese foreign minister called me to express their concern on the incident on behalf of the Japanese side. The ambassador to China also met with the vice minister of the foreign ministry and reaffirmed their tough attitude." Huang Zhenhua said .

"Is the Japanese who died a bit special?" Chen Kangjie was so clever that he immediately grasped the crux of the problem.

"You're smart, that foreign student named Fujita really has an unusual background. If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have reached the point where the Minister of Foreign Affairs called me." Although Huang Zhenhua was praising Chen Kangjie, he was also a little depressed about this question.

"Huh? What kind of person is that kid?" Chen Kangjie was immediately interested.

"At present, I only know that he is a member of the direct line of the Fujita family, and the Fujita family has great influence in Japan's political, business, and literary circles. This family controls more than 100 companies in Japan. I really didn't expect their direct line I will come to your side and become your alumni, but unfortunately, I will die in your school." Huang Zhenhua briefly introduced.

"What does that have to do with me? I didn't kill him." Chen Kangjie was still a little confused.

"It's true that you didn't beat him to death, but they don't know where they got the news that Mr. Fujita had conflicts and conflicts with you at that time. When Mr. Fujita was beaten to death, you were also at the scene. But in our public security organs You were not among those arrested, so they said we were covering up the real murderer."

"Damn it, that's okay? This is simply playing a rogue, is it possible that you want to really blackmail me?" Chen Kangjie was immediately angry, but when he thought that the person on the phone was not Japanese but Huang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie quickly apologized, "Uncle Huang , I'm sorry, I'm not scolding you, I'm scolding them for being too shameless."

"You boy, of course I know you're not scolding me, besides, I didn't hear you scolding anyone, haha."

"Then what should we do? Are you really going to hand me over?"

"How is this possible? You didn't do it. Although I haven't received a report yet, I know it won't implicate you. We won't be led by them now." Chen Kangjie felt at ease just now, Huang Zhenhua went on to say: "However, they made two additional demands, which are the most difficult."

"What request?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"One requirement is that there must be a death penalty. Our country has not abolished the death penalty. In our country, the highest penalty for beating someone to death is indeed the death penalty. They require us to do this."

"What about the second?"

"Secondly, according to the property distribution of their Fujita family, Mr. Fujita can inherit a property worth [-] million U.S. dollars, but he is dead and has no descendants. Naturally, this inheritance is in vain. His family proposed that this Your school will bear the compensation for this loss." Huang Zhenhua continued calmly.

"Hehe, what kind of request is this? Not only does it interfere with our judicial trial, but it also speaks loudly, what a jerk." Chen Kangjie laughed angrily.

Because of the death of a Japanese student, the Japanese side can demand that the murderer be severely punished, but the severity of the punishment cannot be limited to death. This is nothing short of interfering in internal affairs and disrupting the judiciary.Besides, the inheritance of 7 million US dollars is not a direct loss, how can it be compensated?Ridiculous.

"What's the specifics? I'm still learning about the situation. Anyway, it seems that this lawsuit of saliva is worth fighting." Huang Zhenhua said dejectedly.

"What's the matter, as long as you stick to the existing principles, regardless of the wind from southeast to northwest, it will be difficult for them to play tricks." Even so, Chen Kangjie didn't take it seriously.

Chen Kangjie didn't take it seriously, but Guan Mengyu didn't. 16 U.S. dollars, which was a lot, was raised overnight by the other party to 7 million U.S. dollars. How does he cope with this?Guan Mengyu can't control how those students should be judged, and he doesn't want to control it, but they are looking for the school for the amount.

If there were no donations, let alone 700 million US dollars, even [-] million US dollars, the University of Technology and Business would not be able to get it out.But that was money donated by others, and it was such a large sum that it was impossible for him to use it to compensate.

Moreover, people said that if their business university does not compensate, they will be sued in court. If the lawsuit on the Chinese side cannot be won, then they will file an international lawsuit. No matter what, they will not let go.The most important thing is that it was not the Japanese diplomatic department that made this request, but the family members of the deceased.

If it really gets to that point, the University of Technology and Business can't do without being famous.It's just that this kind of negative fame, who wants it?

It seems that the better it is, the level of negotiations on the Japanese side has been raised, and the United States has also followed up. Their Secretary of State did not call Huang Zhenhua, but their ambassador to China still came forward.What is even more difficult to accept is that they actually linked this matter with human rights.

It seems that if China's handling cannot satisfy them, there will be a big problem with China's human rights.How can there be such a reason?

Although this matter has no direct relationship with Chen Kangjie, both He Baoguo and Huang Zhenhua have told him not to interfere.

However, the other party was so aggressive, so bullying, how could Chen Kangjie bear it.The Chinese side killed a person on their side, and they didn't fart, it was nothing like that.If they killed or wounded one person on their side, it would be like the sky is falling, there is no such thing as a joke.

Soon, Chen Kangjie called Di Qiuren and Saburo Sato in Japan, asking them to find out the situation of Mr. Fujita and the Fujita family.

The United States should just want to add fuel to the flames, but the real key should be on Japan's side.After all, that Mike is not dead, and he can be cured after a period of treatment, but this Fujita will not come back alive.

So Chen Kangjie plans to start from Japan, don't you hold on to it?Don't you want the lion to open its mouth?Then you will have to pay a greater price than this.

In Chen Kangjie's view, there is no possibility of a death sentence, because there is no way to figure out who caused the death.At most, it would be to make some concessions on compensation, but no matter how much they compromised, it would not be an astronomical figure like 7 million US dollars.

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