rebirth of change

Chapter 1999 tit for tat

"Jie Shao, that Mr. Fujita you mentioned really has some background." Two days later, Di Qiuren called Chen Kangjie from Japan.

During these years in Japan, Di Qiuren has already established a wide range of various relationships, plus he has a huge amount of money in his hands, so he is very comfortable in Japan, and it doesn't take much effort to inquire about something.

"How to say, be more specific."

"That Mr. Fujita is the grandson of Fujita Hongichi, oh, Fujita Hongichi is the current head of the Fujita family. This Fujita family is one of the richest and most influential families at present. In history, they once funded the war of aggression against China. In After the end of World War II, although their family was sluggish for a time, the family strength was reduced by more than half. However, since the 60s, due to the support of the government, the strength of the family has recovered quickly. There are currently 120 companies they hold or participate in, involving Metallurgy, petroleum, machinery manufacturing, real estate, finance and other industries. At present, four companies controlled by their family are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It is estimated in the industry that the wealth of this family exceeds 400 billion US dollars. However, due to Fujita Koichi’s His health has always been good, so his sons have lost their inheritance rights. Fujita Koichi turned to fostering grandsons. He hopes that after his death, he can hand over the family business to a capable grandson. Ranked fourth among the grandsons, the family inheritance to him is indeed 5000 million U.S. dollars, but his father only has 90.00 million U.S. dollars in family assets. Now that Mr. Fujita is dead, it is equivalent to their family losing [-] million U.S. dollars Property. Of course, it is temporarily unknown whether Fujita Hiroichi will transfer this inheritable inheritance to Mr. Fujita’s father in the future. Mr. Fujita is one of the third-generation heirs cultivated by the Fujita family, of course , there are three cousins ​​in front of him who are more valued than him. If any one of them is selected as the heir by Fujita Hiroichi, the [-]% of the assets will be transferred to whose name, and the others can only get the other percent Live the life of a little rich man."

"In that case, they are still very rich." Chen Kangjie said.

"Not only that, but Hiroichi Fujita has two daughters, one of whom is married to Diet member Kazuko Hata, whose father was the prime minister. The other daughter is also married to Cabinet Minister Eda Mutsuki. Fujita My husband's two uncles are famous painters and writers in Japan, and only his father is involved in the family business." Di Qiuren continued.

"In this way, their family is really a combination of government and business. How come his aunt married a high-ranking official, and his uncle became a painter and writer? This is not in line with the development logic of such a family." Chen Kangjie Some wonder.

"It is said that it is because Fujita Hongyi does not want to train the second generation, and his uncle is not interested in business, so it became like this. However, although his two uncles did not do business or politics, they married two powerful The women here are all ladies from big Japanese conglomerates." Di Qiuren didn't dare to be 100% sure about such news, so he could only say so.

"Then since he is ranked fourth among the heirs, why did he come to study with me? Why didn't he keep him by my side and cultivate him well?" Listening to this, Chen Kangjie had another doubt.

"This should be based on the direction of the family's focus on the business line. Of the three heirs in front of Mr. Fujita, one is in Japan, and the other two went to the United States and Europe to study. And the focus of their family's business is precisely on The locals, Europe and the United States probably saw the rapid growth and hugeness of the domestic market, so Fujita went to China to study in order to understand the local situation in the future."

In two days, it is of course impossible for anyone to tell Di Qiuren why Fujita was sent to study in China. It is estimated that other than close people, it is not easy for others to know about this kind of thing.

However, judging from Di Qiuren's introduction, it is very likely that this is the case. Otherwise, there is no reason to send several key-trained grandchildren to study in different countries and regions.

But Chen Kangjie was also thinking, this Mr. Fujita looks so stupid, is this one of the important heirs cultivated by the family?Does that mean that his other three competitors are not doing well?

After pondering for a while, Chen Kangjie shook his head and rejected this judgment.It shouldn't be such a child's play for such a big family to cultivate heirs.I have only met Fujita for a while, and at most I think he looks like a son-in-law. It seems a bit biased to judge whether a person is talented or not from this point.He has lived in such a wealthy family since he was a child, so it is normal for him to have a bit of the habit of a son-in-law.

When conflicts arise, Fujita has been urging the American Mike to take the lead. From this perspective, Fujita can be considered a scheming person.

Chen Kangjie shook his head, no matter what kind of person he is, he is dead anyway, what does it matter if he is an idiot or a hero?

Anyway, they have a background, and this background makes the officials willing to stand up for it.

If they continue to exert pressure, not to mention, it is very likely that those students who were arrested will be severely punished in the country, and it is not impossible that some of them will be sentenced to death.

As long as Chen Kangjie was bypassed, those senior officials might really not mind the punishment of others.

"Jie Shao, the public opinion in Japan is also changing recently. For example, the "Yomiuri Shimbun" used this incident as an example, saying that the investment environment in China is very bad, and there is no basic guarantee for life, and they also said Domestic nationalism is on the rise, with a strong tendency towards xenophobia." Di Qiuren added after not hearing Chen Kangjie's voice for a long time.

"It seems that someone really exerted influence, otherwise, such a trivial matter, why should it be associated with the investment environment and nationalism."

"The problem is that the American media is also cooperating and conforming. I saw today that two American newspapers also used the incident at your school to criticize the country for not only failing to protect the personal safety of foreign nationals, but also for the local government to cover up and Arrogant, they think the human rights situation in the country is still not making much progress.”

"These people really have ulterior motives. They make a fuss out of trivial things, Lao Di, it seems that we can't do anything if we don't do something." Chen Kangjie stared and said angrily.

"Young Master Jie, how can you tell me how to do it?" Di Qiuren and Chen Kangjie have known each other for so many years, and he knows Chen Kangjie's weight, so he simply expressed his obedience to Chen Kangjie.

Di Qiuren knew that Ouyang Zhenhua would never refute Chen Kangjie's decision, and would definitely agree with it.

"So, didn't you say that the Fujita family controls four companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange? This should be a big part of their family's weight, right?"

"Well, these four listed companies probably account for half of the family's assets. Master Jie, do you want to take action on these four listed companies?" Di Qiuren really knew Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, I want you to stop these four companies in the next period of time. Don't they want high compensation? Then let their family bear the corresponding losses first. I will leave this matter to you. If necessary You can find Brother Ouyang for the funds, and he will arrange for you." Chen Kangjie answered in the affirmative to Di Qiuren's guess.

"It is estimated that the funds do not need to be transferred from outside. I still have some cash here. If not, I can reduce the investment in other areas and it should be able to handle it." Di Qiuren said.

After entering Japan with a huge amount of money for so many years, Di Qiuren seems to have achieved good results.

"That's good, remember, make enough preparations, strike hard and fast, I want them to feel the pain in their hearts, don't worry about the gains, even if they lose a little, it doesn't matter. By the way, there are places you can influence The media?" As he spoke, Chen Kangjie's mind jumped.

Chen Kangjie's thinking is, aren't they fighting a propaganda war?If possible, counterattack from this aspect.

"Because we are mainly engaged in investment, we don't have much contact with the media. It is difficult for a few big media to find a solution, but for some small and medium media, if they are willing to spend money, there is still a way." Di Qiuren said awkwardly.

"If that's the case, then don't worry about it. I'll let other people do it. You just need to block and suppress." Since Di Qiuren doesn't have the resources in this area, Chen Kangjie doesn't want him to be distracted, and he doesn't want him to be involved. many.

Soon, Chen Kangjie called Saburo Sato.

Saburo Sato also reported the information he had inquired to Chen Kangjie, which was roughly the same as what Di Qiuren told Chen Kangjie, and he just made some detailed additions.

"Sato, I want you to do two things, one of which may be somewhat illegal." After listening to Saburo Sato's report, Chen Kangjie gave him the task directly.

"Jie Shao, just tell me what you want me to do. Although we have tried our best to do legitimate things these years, we have also done illegal things. If you don't break the law at all in this line of work, you won't be able to get along at all. " Sato Saburo said without concealing it, patting his chest.

"First, you find a few acceptable media outlets. During this time, we will focus on reporting on the news about a Japanese girl named Qiangjian, a US soldier stationed in Japan. Didn't it happen a few days ago? I don't need to tell you about the angle of the report. You should You know, those American soldiers are not bound by Japanese law, which is very infuriating. Second, you let the people below come up with a few cases. It should not be too big, but it must have a certain influence and come out. , I will let the American media follow up and report.”

The American side that Chen Kangjie mentioned, of course, refers to Streisand's side.Although Chen Kangjie said that he would not interfere with Streisand's operations, he still had to use it when it was time to use it.It can be regarded as a test for her. Chen Kangjie doesn't want the media group he supported to be out of control.

In addition, Streisand should also have some media friends, which can also be used.

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