rebirth of change

Chapter 2006 I am a tiger, not a bull

Chen Kangjie's heartbeat accelerated for a while, and the fire that had just ignited again was instantly extinguished like a downpour.He looked at Lin Ling in astonishment.

Although Chen Kangjie's mental age has reached 50 to [-] years old, it may be because he was not married and had children in his previous life, so he never thought about this issue.

Therefore, when Lin Ling raised it so rashly, Chen Kangjie was immediately stunned.

"What's wrong? Is my request too much? I also think it's inappropriate and abrupt to ask you to have a child like this. If you don't think it's okay, then..." Lin Ling stared pitifully With Chen Kangjie.

"No, it's not impossible, it's just that it was too sudden and I didn't recover. Why do you suddenly want to have a child?" Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand to interrupt Lin Ling.

"Actually, this idea has been in my mind for a while. I know that it is difficult to have a fair love and an open marriage between us, and you are often not by my side, so I thought, if only a child could be by my side. Me too. At least, I can think of you when I see him." Lin Ling tremblingly said emotionally.

Chen Kangjie took a deep breath, reached out and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the bedside table, lit it and took a deep breath.

I hadn't thought about it before, but since Lin Ling brought it up, Chen Kangjie had to think about it.

Yes, as Lin Ling said, it is impossible for them to have a normal love and marriage. Since she doesn't want to let go, it is inevitable to have an emotional sustenance.

Thinking about it, he owed her after all. Although he had already given her a lot materially, Chen Kangjie didn't think that would be able to make up for a woman's precious feelings.

Thinking about my previous life, I was down and out until I was in my thirties, without marriage, without children, and my life was lost on the main road because of an unforgettable lovelorn.Of course, without that tragedy, it would be impossible to have today's glory and joy, but looking back at the past, there will still be some melancholy and heartbreak.

Since she wants a child, let's have one, anyway, she can't afford it.But, there's another problem.

Lin Ling is not married, if she had a child, wouldn't she be a single mother?How does she face her family?And how does the child himself explain to the family?This is a question that has to be considered.

"Is it really embarrassing?" Seeing Chen Kangjie staring at the chandelier above his head and smoking a cigarette, Lin Ling asked softly worried.

"No, I'm just thinking about how to make this more secure. After all, you are still single. At that time, no matter you are an adult or a child, you will have to face your family." Chen Kangjie said lightly.

"Don't worry about this, I've thought about it a long time ago." As soon as Chen Kangjie didn't refuse, Lin Ling's spirit suddenly lifted: "I can find a man surnamed Chen to marry. Isn't my family always urging me to get married? I will satisfy them, and we will divorce after a period of time after marriage, in that case, even if I have a child, it will be logical, and the name will be easy to choose."

"Looking for another man to marry?" Chen Kangjie asked with widened eyes.

"Oh, it's a fake marriage, and it's not for real. There is no way I will have other men." Seeing Chen Kangjie's nervous expression, Lin Ling was a little satisfied: "As long as you spend some money, such a man is not Hard to find."

"That's about the same." Chen Kangjie felt relieved.

Although he said that he didn't mind Lin Ling having other choices, if she really fell into the arms of another man, Chen Kangjie would still find it hard to accept it.In matters of men and women, men are definitely more selfish than women.Some women can still accept men messing around outside, or they can forgive them even if they find a mistress, but almost all men cannot accept their women wearing cuckolds for themselves.

"Hee hee, it seems that you are still nervous about me." Lin Ling laughed tenderly.

Chen Kangjie gave her a blank look, and slapped Lin Ling's smooth and tender tun: "Are you kidding me? You are my woman, so of course I have to be nervous."

"A man like you, as long as you open the door, countless women will flock to you and fall into your arms. But I will grow old soon..." Lin Ling said His expression darkened.

Sensing Lin Ling's sense of loss and insecurity, Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand and hugged her tighter: "Don't think too much, am I the kind of person who loves the new and dislikes the old? There was a man named Song Hong in the Han Dynasty. She is not famous, but the two sentences she said are very classic, and I like them too."


"Don't forget the poor and humble friends, and the poor wife will not go to court. So don't worry, I won't alienate you. Besides, you look like a girl in her twenties now. According to your care, in ten years or so Twenty years later, you are still as beautiful as a flower."

"You men know how to coax people, how can I be like you?" Although she was coquettish, Lin Ling still felt very sweet in her heart.

Really, in order to preserve her youth and appearance, and to shorten the biological age distance with Chen Kangjie, Lin Ling has paid great attention to the maintenance of her figure and skin these years.Anyway, the money is not bad, she has put in a lot of effort in this regard.Just like what Chen Kangjie said, if she doesn't say anything, everyone who sees her will think that he is only 24.

"I'm an honest person, and I'm telling the truth, hehe." Chen Kangjie's hands became dishonest again, especially when one hand reached out to rub her body.

"You still said you were honest, hmph, didn't you just come here, did you come again?" Lin Ling became fascinated by the fever on her body.

"It's okay if you don't come, you want a child, let's not work harder, the child is not Monkey King, he won't jump out of the stone, haha, girl, you just follow me..."

With a burst of panting and roaring, the room was once again full of spring, and Wushan was cloudy and rainy.


Walking out of the hotel, Lin Ling's legs were still trembling.

In the two battles, Lin Ling's body was almost completely hollowed out. Chen Kangjie's various tricks emerged one after another, coupled with his abundant physical strength, Lin Ling desperately parried, and finally carried it through.

On the bed, Lin Ling once asked Chen Kangjie where he learned those moves.Chen Kangjie could only say that he heard his classmates talking about it in the dormitory, so he tried it out.

In fact, it all benefited from the Japanese love martial arts movies I watched in my previous life.Of course, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to admit it. Not only will it affect his image, but he will also be unable to make further reasonable explanations.

Originally, Chen Kangjie also knew that he was a bit aggressive, so he advised her not to go out, but to stay in the room and have a good rest.

However, Lin Ling felt that it was a rare time that Chen Kangjie was willing to go shopping with her, and he had to stand up for anything.

This kind of intimate time when two people are alone is not available at any time, she must seize and cherish every minute and every second.

Of course, Lin Ling also had another idea, that is, she could hide for a while when she came out. If she continued to stay in the room, she was worried that she might not be able to get out of bed.Don't look at the two hand-to-hand fights, but that's it. Chen Kangjie's gun is still strong, and his physical fitness is still very sufficient.If he came again two times, calling Tian Tian not to answer, and calling the ground to be ineffective, she might only become a puddle of mud.

Therefore, it is better to go out and go shopping, killing two birds with one stone.

"If you really can't do it, then let's find a place to sit." Holding Lin Ling, Chen Kangjie said with pity.

"Who says I can't do it? I'm fine, I'm going shopping." Lin Ling said unwillingly.

"Oh, it turns out that your begging for mercy just now was fake. Well, let's have another ten rounds tonight, and we won't stop falling."

"Ah, I don't want it, I'm real..." Seeing Chen Kangjie's playful look, Lin Ling realized that she had been molested, and quickly pinched Chen Kangjie's waist: "You If you're going to die, a dog can't spit out ivory, it's even more bullish than a bull."

"Hahaha, what a bull, am I a tiger? The king of the forest, and you are my prey." Chen Kangjie laughed proudly.

Considering Lin Ling's health and special circumstances, Chen Kangjie took a taxi, and the two came to a pedestrian street in the city center.

When leaving the hotel, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu saw Chen Kangjie.It's just that Chen Kangjie told them with gestures and eyes, don't follow, and he doesn't drive.

Since it is to live a simple couple life, it is necessary for two people to go out alone.

Pang Hui and the others wanted to follow at first, but seeing Chen Kangjie holding a woman in a very intimate manner, coupled with Chen Kangjie's fierce eyes, they knew that if they ignored the warning and followed, they might be killed by Master Jie up.

Jie Shao is going to pick up girls and fall in love, and live a two-person world. If they follow, it will be too ignorant.

Besides, with Chen Kangjie's skill, ordinary people can't threaten him at all. Moreover, this is the base camp. From the city to the province, Chen Kangjie can take it all, so nothing will happen to him.

"The two you waved just now are your bodyguards?" After getting out of the taxi, Lin Ling held Chen Kangjie's arm like a little girl.

Although Lin Ling and Pang Hui had never dealt with each other directly, she knew that Chen Kangjie had bodyguards by his side.In the past, when Chen Kangjie went to Lin Ling's residence, there were people waiting downstairs by car.

"So you saw it?" Chen Kangjie thought that Lin Ling hadn't noticed, but it's not surprising, the two guys were really stubborn, and they needed Chen Kangjie's repeated warnings before they retreated.

"I knew it from the way you grinned at them. They won't follow, right?"

"Probably not, they know about you. If they dare to disturb our time together, then I will fire them when I go back." Chen Kangjie said pretending to be fierce.

"Forget it, people are also doing their duty to you. Like your identity, if no one takes care and protection, it's really not good. Anyway, we are on the street, and there will be nothing out of the ordinary." Lin Ling is reasonable and gentle Said.

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