rebirth of change

Chapter 2007 Eat Chapter 1 Soft Rice

After going shopping, Lin Ling changed into a red narrow-fitting jacket with a white high collar inside, and the wavy shirt collar and cuffs came out of the red jacket.The lower body is a group of knee-length red patterns on a black background, the younger generation with hair draped around his waist, paired with black silk stockings and a pair of red leather shoes, showing a youthful, beautiful and lively atmosphere in his maturity.

Lin Ling enjoyed the intimate leisure time very much. Her hand held Chen Kangjie's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that if she loosened a little, he would disappear.

Looking at the happiness overflowing from the face of Lin Ling who looks like a little girl, Chen Kangjie also felt satisfied and a sense of accomplishment.

This pedestrian street was newly built to adapt to the renovation of the old city. You can find all kinds of goods and snacks here. Although the length is only a few hundred meters, the flow of people is really large. Open early till late.

According to statistics, the daily flow of people here is as high as 10 people.In order to provide visitors with a comfortable environment, a large row of trees is planted in the middle of the wide street paved with tiled floors. There will be a small garden of [-], [-], [-] square meters in the middle of the interval of a dozen trees, and the surrounding trees are placed. Wooden benches, some people who are tired from shopping can rest and enjoy the shade on the chairs.

Some snack bars or milk tea shops next to them will also put out some tables and chairs that cannot be placed inside, and then put up two sun umbrellas. If you are hungry or thirsty, sit down in these small shops and eat some special snacks or drink. A drink is also quite a pleasant thing.

Perhaps because of Chen Kangjie's presence, Lin Ling's character has really become an ordinary little woman.Most of the things sold in the pedestrian street are low-priced mass products, but she is so excited that she wants to see this and that.Even if it is some cheap things that are only a few dollars, she is never tired of it.

In fact, according to Lin Ling's current financial situation, all of the things she uses are famous brands, and she has almost used these things for a few tens of dollars.

"I want to buy this hair clip." In front of a small shop selling hair clips, Lin Lingdong carefully selected for a long time, and fell in love with a small hair clip that looked like crystal but was actually plastic.

"If you like, I can give you a real crystal one." Chen Kangjie looked at the three-dollar hairpin and said.

Although Chen Kangjie said in a low voice, the female boss who greeted the guests still heard it.I saw him curl his lips, disdainful of Chen Kangjie's swollen face and pretending to be a fat man.

If you have the money to buy real crystals, will you come to the pedestrian street and shop for a few dollars?I really want to do that and also want to set up a memorial archway, so shameless.

But the boss is a businessman after all, and with the mentality of making money with kindness and doing more is worse than doing less, although she despised Chen Kangjie in her heart, she didn't say anything.It's just that in the following reception, it became a lot colder.

"No, I just like this, you don't know, when I was in school, this was fine for me." Lin Ling shook her head and said.

"Well, if you like it, then buy it, boss, how much is it?" Chen Kangjie couldn't help smiling, and turned to ask the boss's wife.

"It's not real crystal, it only costs three yuan." The proprietress said in a cold tone.

Chen Kangjie knew that the proprietress had a problem with what he said just now, but if he thought that way, there was nothing he could do. Since Lin Ling liked it, she just bought it.

But what's a little embarrassing is that Chen Kangjie fumbled in his pocket for a long time, but he didn't find any money.

"Too bad, I didn't bring any money." Chen Kangjie stood there in embarrassment.

Chen Kangjie seldom carries money with him. He uses a meal card in school. The meal card can not only buy meals, but also buy various things in the school store.After leaving school, Xiong Ziqiang and the others often follow him, and there are not many opportunities for him to pay the bill himself.He will pay only when he eats at the school gate, but at that time he will bring money specially, if he is in other places, he will be a card reader.

I didn't expect to come to this place to go shopping today, so I didn't bring any money, and Lin Ling paid for the taxi.

"Why don't you wait for me for a while, and I'll go to the bank over there to withdraw some money."

"A few dollars, why do I need to withdraw the money? I have it with me." As she spoke, Lin Ling took out a fifty-dollar bill from her small handbag and handed it to the proprietress.

While refunding the money, the proprietress scanned Chen Kangjie with strange eyes.

The two of them took the delivery letter and turned to leave the small shop. After walking a few meters, they heard the proprietress say in a strange way: "Eat soft food, don't even have money, and pretend to be a wolf with a big tail like others, hum, shame on you. "

Hearing this, Chen Kangjie's expression darkened immediately.

Lin Ling, who was tightly holding Chen Kangjie's arm, was worried that Chen Kangjie would not be able to take it anymore, so she turned around to find trouble with the proprietress, and grabbed him tightly: "Forget it, don't get to know her, this kind of person is not worth it."

Chen Kangjie thought the same, did he take a lot of money to show off in front of the proprietress?Doesn't that make him look too vulgar.Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if people thought that the money they took was given by women.

What's more, if I really go back and get serious with her, today's casual romance might be ruined.

Ninja couldn't help shaking his head: "You're right, I don't want my good mood to be ruined like this. But, I was misunderstood as a bad boy, and I was injured. You have to make up for me and calm me down. Wounded little hearts."

"Hee hee, you are a big man, your heart is not weak, besides, how can I make it up to you?" Lin Ling laughed tremblingly at being teased by Chen Kangjie.

"Whoever said that a big man must have a strong heart, there is no such logic, I don't care, anyway, I will have a soft meal today, and you are responsible for today's eating and drinking, and you have to have a full set in the evening, that's it. "Chen Kangjie said brazenly.

"Wow, you're so reckless, how could you be like this, then wouldn't I suffer a lot? Not only loss of money, but also loss of people. Hahaha, do you want to be such a rascal?" Lin Ling blushed with a pretty face Patted on Chen Kangjie's body.

"Hey, I'm a rascal today, what's the matter? Anyway, I was discriminated against, so I have to get some compensation from you, or I will be the one who will suffer the most." Chen Kangjie said cheekily.

"All right, all right, as long as you can make Ms. Ben happy, then Ms. Ben will take care of you today." Lin Ling almost bent over laughing after saying this with a straight body.

For the next time, Chen Kangjie really didn't withdraw money, and Lin Ling was responsible for all the expenses.

After shopping in the pedestrian street for more than an hour, Chen Kangjie and the others left there and turned to a large shopping mall across the road.

This mall is one of the most upscale in the area and is invested by a local business.In the past few years, it was regarded as a benchmark for local businesses, but with the entry of foreign capital, many mid-to-high-end shopping malls have also appeared.

Chen Kangjie and the others came here to shop, mainly because it is close to the pedestrian street, and the goods there range from a few hundred to tens of thousands of yuan, and there are cozy restaurants in the mall.

"You can swipe your card for all purchases here, are you still relying on me?" Entering the mall, Lin Ling teased with a snicker.

"Fuck, of course I have to. It's rare to have such an opportunity. There is no such shop after passing this village. I will never let go of this opportunity to kill the female boss." Chen Kangjie said confidently, like a money-greedy miser .

"Okay, then let's go to the men's clothing floor. I'll buy you two sets of clothes. I haven't bought any clothes for you yet." Lin Ling cooperated with a smile: "Go, follow Miss Ben, today I'm wearing a you."

Although this shopping mall is very close to the pedestrian street, the flow of people inside is much less.The key point is that this is not a place for mass consumption, and it is rare for ordinary citizens to buy a few things here in a year, so many people will not come in even if they pass by the door.Even if you come in, you will see more and spend less.

After all, according to the current general income level, the tens of thousands of clothes in it are really not affordable for ordinary people.Even for those hundreds of dollars, people have to look and look, compare and compare before making up their minds.

"Buy me clothes? I think you should buy me underwear. I don't buy my clothes outside."

"Didn't you buy it outside?" Lin Ling asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you notice that my clothes are all without trademarks? There are already many at home, and many sets are customized according to the season every year."

"That's true... I understand, private customization... But, I just thought... I want to make it for you, and it's too late now." Thinking of Chen Kangjie's Lin Ling suddenly understood the identity and income status.

It's just that Lin Ling is still a little disappointed. In her opinion, if Chen Kangjie can wear the clothes she bought, it will be of special significance.

"So I said buy underwear, haha, let's go, let's go, that's all I'm talking about, if you meet the right one, you can buy it and wear it, but this will test your vision." Feeling that Lin Ling's emotions were affected, Chen Kangjie quickly teased her face, and said relaxedly.

"Forget it, I still don't buy it. I know that custom-made clothes can easily cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. The items sold here may not suit your taste."

"That's not the meaning at all, and it's not the reason. In this way, you have been in the United States for a while, what do you think of the casual clothes I'm wearing?"

Lin Ling looked Chen Kangjie up and down: "It looks very ordinary, but the material is better, otherwise, it really doesn't look like a high-end product. I'm telling the truth."

"That's right if you tell the truth. Now you understand why I don't buy clothes in the mall? The clothes costing tens of thousands of yuan here will give people a glamorous and luxurious feeling as long as they are worn, but I have to keep a low profile. I am in school. , I can’t make myself like an upstart. So, the clothes I need are not only comfortable to wear, but also restrained, which is difficult for ordinary brand manufacturers to do. Armani will provide me with different clothes every year. I don’t have much clothes, but I don’t wear them much.” Chen Kangjie explained.

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