rebirth of change

Chapter 2047 Serve an appetizer first

Neither Chu Xiang nor Liu Fenglan pressed Chen Kangjie too much to stay.For them, Chen Kangjie was able to do this for their sake, and it was already a great honor to them.

They have the time and mood to "waste their time" like this, but it doesn't mean that Chen Kangjie also has it.In their eyes, Chen Kangjie is a busy man with extraordinary achievements. Only by working hard and diligently against time can he achieve heights that no one else can achieve.

After leaving, Chen Kangjie didn't leave to go back to the dormitory. When he arrived at the hotel lobby, he saw the intellectual and capable Dong Siying, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others were also sitting on the leather sofa not far away.

"What? Let's go so soon, don't you want to play a little longer?" Dong Siying, who was wearing high heels, approached Chen Kangjie with a smile on her face.

"Why are you here? You gave me that bottle of good wine?" Chen Kangjie asked Dong Siying after glancing at Xiong Ziqiang and the others.

"This is my workplace. What is there to be surprised about here? If I don't check around and do my job well, what if you fire me one day? Then I'm going to starve." Dong Siying, who is very feminine, actually joked with Chen Kangjie, "I changed the bottle of wine you drank. You should not be used to drinking that kind of low-quality wine. I am also worried that it will affect your throat, so I changed it for you." Now, I know I can't hide it from you, but it's my treat, so it doesn't matter."

"Tch, you treat my guests with my wine. You are really good at doing business." Chen Kangjie smiled and said, "It's so late, why don't you go to rest? You are here for inspection, not Come to be a supervisor, there is no need to stay here so late."

"You are the boss, you spend here, I am a part-time worker, how dare I be lazy casually, of course I have to stick to my post and make a good impression on you, haha." Dong Siying joked.

Although it was a joke, Chen Kangjie also understood that Dong Siying would not have stayed so late if he hadn't been around.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Dong, you have to know that you are not a part-time worker, you are also one of the bosses, and you have shares in this business." Chen Kangjie said, "Okay, I'm done, you go too Rest, if you get dark circles under your eyes, Zhu Boss may really want to trouble me."

"I know you can't talk, it's so late, you can rest in the hotel, anyway, it's not that there is no room." Dong Siying said with concern after annoyed.

"Well, that's what I mean too, but you'd better take me to the monitoring room first."

"Go to the monitoring room? It's so late, what are you doing in the monitoring room?" Dong Siying wondered.

"I use my intention, let's go, after you take me to the monitoring room, you can go to rest by yourself, don't worry, this is my site, it's okay."

Although Dong Siying didn't know why Chen Kangjie went to the monitoring room of the hotel, it was impossible for her to go against Chen Kangjie's wishes on such a trivial matter.

As soon as Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand, he called Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu to him. Accompanied by them, he entered the elevator and headed for the monitoring room on the eighteenth floor.

There are two security guards on duty in the monitoring room, and dozens of monitoring video monitors are placed on the opposite wall. At a glance, the situation inside and outside the entire hotel is clear at a glance.

"You go out first, let me use it here." Chen Kangjie waved at the two security guards and asked.

The two security guards were a little stunned. If it weren't for Dong Siying's company, they wouldn't be able to get in, let alone give up the space here.

This monitoring room is one of the cores of this hotel building. It is related to the safety and stable operation of the entire hotel. They cannot leave their posts without authorization.

The two looked at each other, and then at Dong Siying, hoping that Mr. Dong could veto this rude and outrageous request.

However, to their surprise, Dong Siying not only did not stop, but also agreed.

"Then go out and rest for a while, and I will call you later, and you will be on duty again."

The two security guards were still very dutiful and didn't move. Maybe they mistakenly thought that they had heard wrong.

"Don't worry, go get a drink. I'm here. I'll be responsible for the accident." Dong Siying didn't scold the two security guards for not obeying orders, but continued to speak softly.

Of course, Dong Siying's voice is not loud, but her determination is undoubtedly evident.

The two security guards had no choice but to give up the monitoring room honestly.

The arm can't twist the thigh, and Dong Siying is the president of the entire group. If he disobeys his wishes again, he only needs one word, and the two of them will lose this very objective job.

"Sister Siying, why don't you go to rest too, we can just stay here. As you said just now, I will be responsible for the accident, ha ha." Chen Kangjie's next things are not suitable for children, so he also wants to put Dong Siying Even if Dong Siying is not a child, she is a woman.

"Mysterious, what are you guys doing?"

In fact, not to mention that Dong Siying didn't know what Chen Kangjie was going to do, Xiong Ziqiang who came with him also looked at a loss.

"Don't do anything, just play around, go, go, don't worry, they should know how to operate these things." Chen Kangjie pushed Dong Siying away with a smile while talking.

Unreconciled, what else did Dong Siying want to ask, she had already been pushed out by Chen Kangjie, and the heavy door of the monitoring room was shut with a snap, isolating her outside.

"Jie Shao, what are you doing?" Xiong Ziqiang asked as soon as Dong Siying left.

"Hehe, let's have some fun. You should be able to control these not-so-difficult devices. Everyone, please sit down and help me control them. I need to find someone." Chen Kangjie laughed and pulled out a chair and sat down first.

"Jie Shao, tell us who you want to find, and we'll just go and find it for you. Why is it so troublesome?" Pang Hui stood up and said.

"If you have high technology and don't use it, you're an idiot. Sit down, and just sit here and look for it. Isn't it more convenient than doing it yourself?" Chen Kangjie pushed Pang Hui.

Next, under the control of Xiong Ziqiang and the others, the monitor screens continuously converted the images captured by the cameras at various locations.Soon, Chen Kangjie saw the person he was looking for.

Chen Kangjie originally only wanted to find Lu Hongyu's figure, but luckily, the Japanese named Fujita also appeared in the picture.

"Jie Shao, doesn't that person go to the same school as you?" Looking at Lu Hongyu on the screen, Xiong Ziqiang said.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others would have an impression of anyone who had had direct contact with Chen Kangjie, and even some people would secretly investigate and collect some background information for archiving.

"It's not just one, but these few people are most likely my alumni." Chen Kangjie said intently.

In the picture in front of him, not only Lu Hongyu and Fujita appeared, but also four other good-looking girls.Of the four girls, two were hugged by Lu Hongyu, and the other two were slenderly holding Fujita's arms.

Talking and laughing, a few people got out of the elevator, walked more than ten meters in the corridor, and stopped in front of two guest rooms facing each other.After more than ten seconds, they seemed to have said something, and then Lu Hongyu entered the guest room on the left with the two well-behaved girls in his arms, and Fujita took the other two girls into the guest room on the right.

"Damn, they're pretty good at playing. Playing 3P is trendy enough." Chen Kangjie said with a stern expression.

"Jie Shao, is it because they didn't call you to play, so you are here to supervise?" Pang Hui said with his naughty face.

"Get out, a dog can't spit out ivory, am I that kind of person? I think you deserve a beating." Chen Kangjie yelled angrily.

"Your boy is really getting more and more unscrupulous, just like Master Jie said, you deserve a beating." Dong Mingshu added insult to injury.

"Hey, I'm just joking, let's liven up the atmosphere." Pang Hui hurriedly said with a shy face and a flattering smile.

"Get out of the way." Xiong Ziqiang pushed Pang Hui away, "Jie Shao, do they have a problem with you, and you want to deal with them?"

"Brother Qiang, you know me well. Those two men, one is from Japan, a member of the Fujita family. This time, they came here all the way to deal with me and avenge the dead Mr. Fujita. As for the other That Lu Hongyu is going to act as a helper." Chen Kangjie leaned on the chair and said with his legs crossed.

"Revenge for Mr. Fujita? You didn't kill that person." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"But people put this account on my head, hey, who cares, just forget it, I don't care if the debt is heavy or not. If you really think that you are a black belt in karate and think I can handle it, then He made a wrong calculation." Chen Kangjie said indifferently.

Chen Kangjie is definitely not the kind of person who is afraid of getting into trouble, not to mention that this is still on his own territory.

"Jie Shao, what are you going to do then?" Dong Mingshu asked.

At this time, Pang Hui jumped out again: "What should I do? Of course we should punish them. Their behavior is illegal in our country. First serve them an appetizer, and then we will try to get rid of them. "

Chen Kangjie looked up at Pang Hui, but said nothing.

Pang Hui felt a little guilty: "Did I say the wrong thing again?"

"No, you're half right. After a while, when they're probably in the mood, call the police." Chen Kangjie shook his head.

"Then why is it only half right?" Pang Hui scratched his head.

"Because the second half was wrong, it's my business to deal with them, especially the Japanese. Since he wants to knock me down publicly on the field, I can't be too guilty, and I will also openly knock him down. stepping on our country's face."

"Young Master Jie, actually you don't need it. We can deal with him. No matter what way he is, when he gets here, he must follow our way." Dong Mingshu persuaded.

"What? Are you afraid that I won't be able to beat him? Are you afraid that I will lose?"

"No, no, hehe, how is it possible." Dong Mingshu quickly shook his hand.

"That's fine. I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of? Hurry up and call someone to go to the ward round. Don't encounter that kind of premature ejaculation. If you finish the work early, there will be no fun." Chen Kangjie took out a bag Light a cigarette, and said without a doubt.

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