rebirth of change

Chapter 2048 You Pretend I Also Pretend

Under the organization of the Wushu Association, with the help of the student union, and under the guidance of the school leaders and the sports department, the first Chinese and foreign Wushu competition of Gongshang University finally opened.

The sports department mentioned here is not the sports department under the student union, but a department that gathers the teaching and research of all the school's physical education teachers.

The opening ceremony was held in the school's indoor gymnasium. The form was simple, but it was quite lively.Many interested and curious students came to watch.

In the center of the indoor gymnasium, a boxing ring was set up.

There was no standard venue requirement for this kind of mixed martial arts competition, so such an ordinary venue was simply used.It is also easier for the surrounding audience to look at, and limiting the scope to such an area is also convenient for ruling and judging.

According to the relevant rules, the minimum area inside the boxing ring rope is not less than 4.9 meters, and the maximum is not more than 6.10 meters.Considering that the martial arts stage built this time is not specially used for boxing, especially considering that the factions learned by some domestic players need a large venue for activities, the standard of 6.10 meters was used.

Of course, it is difficult to make it bigger, and the largest size of the manufacturer is that big.Unless you do it manually, but that is too troublesome, and there is a lack of people with this skill in the school.

Although it is only an amateur competition on campus, in order to add a sense of honor and to show a sense of formality, all contestants are organized by nationality, and the national flag of their country is also allowed to appear in the arena.

All of a sudden, all kinds of national flags fluttered in the indoor gymnasium, such as the Mizi flag, the star-spangled flag, the sun flag, the Bagua flag, the tricolor flag, etc., of course, as the host, the most eye-catching thing is the five-star red flag .

From the perspective of the number of each team, the local Chinese team is of course the largest, with 22 people participating, including Chen Kangjie, the vice chairman of the student union who was required to participate.

However, the number of representative teams from other countries seems to have withered a lot. The US team and the Japanese team with the largest numbers are only five and four people. Other countries have three, two and one.However, on the whole, it is these "foreign faces" who make up the majority.

Some countries have a large number of international students in industrial and commercial universities, such as Batie. Thanks to Chen Kangjie’s matchmaking and funding, there are more than 20 international students and visiting scholars in Batie’s industrial and commercial universities, but none of them signed up for this competition.

In the adjacent team, Chen Kangjie finally saw Fujita clearly from the front, and the name on his chest read Fujita Mikio.When entering the arena just now, Takao Fujita also had a brief intimate exchange with Lu Hongyu on Chen Kangjie's side.

I thought that after the police rounds that night, Takao Fujita and Lu Hongyu would not be able to participate in the competition normally. Unexpectedly, they were not detained and came out after only staying in the police station for a day.

That night, after Chen Kangjie and the others called the police, the people from the local police station arrived very quickly.The Mengting Hotel in the jurisdiction is the unit they focus on and take care of.

But it was precisely because of this reason that what happened that night did not become a big deal.

The police did not enforce the law as brutally as in other places. Although there was the cooperation of the hotel staff on duty, those policemen did not just break in with the universal room card, but politely knocked on the door.

Usually, rough law enforcement is often criticized, and the common people are very dissatisfied.But this so-called civilized law enforcement also made Chen Kangjie and the others a little depressed. They really didn't know whether to praise them or despise them.

When they knock on the door, that is to startle the snake. Could it be that the other party is still an idiot lying naked on the bed for them to catch the adulterer?

So after spending 1 minute, the police who entered the door did not see too obvious dirty phenomena.

Seeing the police coming in, Lu Hongyu was terribly frightened at the time. He was still a student at school, and if this matter came to light, he wouldn't be able to eat and walk away.That Fujita Zhaofu was much more stable.

Mikio Fujita can speak Chinese, which means he has a certain understanding of our social conditions.He was sure that by virtue of his status as a foreigner, this matter would not hurt him, even if he and the other two girls were still disheveled.But as long as he is not being photographed naked on the bed, he is not afraid.

Since the two rooms were one man and two women sharing the same room, and their clothes were disheveled, they were suspected of gathering a crowd to riot, so the police still took them to the police station for investigation.However, in order not to affect other guests and the reputation of Mengting Hotel, the police did not take any measures against them. At the same time, they waited for them to be fully dressed before taking them away to civilization.

Chen Kangjie, who was sitting in the monitoring room, watched a third of the process. He originally thought that this appetizer would make Lu Hongyu and that Fujita Zhaofu have a good drink, embarrassment and suffer, but in the end they got quite human rights. courtesy.

Chen Kangjie really couldn't laugh, but he couldn't get angry either.What he said to do, at most, was to stop his good deeds abruptly, and let them spend the night in the office of the police station by the way.

Later, Chen Kangjie heard that the confession they made at the police station was that they went to the hotel to study, that Lu Hongyu taught Chinese to two Japanese students studying abroad, and that Fujita recruited him to communicate Japanese with two female students from the domestic and foreign language institutes. .

This reason is really clumsy enough, do you need to go to a five-star hotel in the middle of the night to communicate language?Can't you do it yourself at school?Moreover, do exchange studies need to undress?Their explanation for this turned out to be heat.

Hehe, damn it's so hot, it's winter now, if it's really hot, just turn off the air conditioner.

But the other policeman believed it, or they took the initiative to convince themselves to believe it.

Objectively speaking, they can beat this group of bastards into mob riots. All kinds of facts point to this aspect, and the person who reported it also said so, and they also have a chance in terms of time.But subjectively, they are not willing to do so.

If Lu Hongyu, Fujita Zhaofu and the others were really beaten into criminals who mobilized a crowd to make trouble, it would not only affect the Mengting Hotel, but also the Technology and Business University.And not long ago, the Gongshang University caused a lot of people to fall because of the mass conflict, and the first brother of the Public Security Bureau also went to the second line because of this.A small police station, how dare to make a qualitative decision casually, that is making trouble and uncomfortable for yourself.

In the end, it was also a lesson for them, and they were all released after staying in the police station for more than ten hours.

In fact, if Chen Kangjie really wanted to stop it, he would have a way.It is true that Lu Hongyu and Xiang Guanqi are good friends, but Chen Kangjie can also play his role.If he resolutely opposed it, not only Fujita Zhaofu would not be able to participate in the competition, but Lu Hongyu would also be excluded.

But Chen Kangjie didn't want to do that, because he suppressed the contradiction under the water, it might as well let it emerge.Didn't he want to get back the scene?Then just slap him in the face openly.

This face was brought over from Japan on your own initiative, and it is not for nothing.Don't think that if you pick up some wisdom from China and create the so-called karate, you really take yourself seriously.

It's just a little pirate, Chen Kangjie hasn't taken it to heart yet.

Now Chen Kangjie also understands that Mr. Fujita transferred to the Technology and Business University through a relationship channel. This guy had studied in the capital for two years. He had already graduated from Kyoto University, but he still wanted to study at the Technology and Business University. postgraduate.

After graduating from university, Hirofu Fujita was going to work in the family business, but he came here for revenge and to vent his anger on Chen Kangjie.As for what major to study at the Industrial and Commercial University, they don't care at all, and it doesn't matter what degree they study.His goal is one, Chen Kangjie.

When Chen Kangjie looked at Zhaofu Fujita, he also looked over by the way.

However, no clues can be seen from Fujita Zhaofu's expression.Moreover, he just nodded and smiled at Chen Kangjie very politely, as if he didn't know Chen Kangjie at all, and he just wanted to express a kind of friendliness.

Pretend, really can pretend.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't believe that Zhaofu Fujita didn't know him, but he could still pretend to be so serious.This kind of person is more dangerous than the kind who glares angrily at the sight of Chen Kangjie.

If Chen Kangjie didn't understand his details and really regarded him as a friendly person, then during the competition, if he was not careful, he might really fall for the opponent.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to really attack a really friendly person, and his awareness of prevention will be much lower.In that case, he might be deceived, and he would make a mistake, especially if the opponent is not weak.

Since others pretended it, Chen Kangjie did it too.He also smiled and nodded as if he didn't know Mr. Fujita, as a greeting.

"...The purpose of our competition is to increase the friendship between the students and to increase the exchanges of various cultures...Although our competition is in the form of contact, but , according to the requirements, the students should stop at the end of the order, not to hurt the peace, let alone unexpected situations, this requires the organizer to pay special attention..." The school leader is still speaking, which is the special national situation in the country , as if not going through a series of speeches, as if not paying attention to a certain event.

There is a big debate on whether to adopt a contact game or a non-contact game.The Wushu Association and the sports department of the school first proposed a non-contact method, that is, each played their own routines, and finally a referee group composed of teachers from the sports department would score them according to the standard of their routines and the degree of elegance.

But this proposal was almost unanimously opposed by those overseas students.They feel that this approach is unfair and only benefits domestic students.Moreover, the non-contact type cannot reflect the spirit of martial arts.

In foreign countries, especially in places deeply influenced by western boxing, their routines are relatively less numerous, and they are more aggressive.

There are countless martial arts in our country, South Boxing North Kicks, Young Master Dang, each has its own routines, each has its own style of fighting, and each school of martial arts has many changes and complicated routines.Therefore, until now, our martial arts have not entered the Olympic Games and become an international competition event, but boxing, taekwondo, fencing, etc. have become competition events.

In the end, in order to respect their request, the non-contact method was changed to the contact method. In other words, it is necessary to hit the opponent to win.

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