rebirth of change

Chapter 2049: Experts watch the way, laymen watch the fun

Although the teams are organized in the form of countries, the competition is not a hostile unit with teams as the competition.Who will be the opponent of everyone will be decided by lottery freely, that is, before the lottery, no one knows who their opponent in the first round will be.This is also the need to ensure fairness and integration.

After the first round of competition, half of them will be eliminated, and the rest will be drawn into the next round.It is in this way that the final four will be competed for, and then the championship, runner-up and third place will be competed.

On this first day, apart from an opening ceremony and a lottery, there were only three games.

In the first round of lottery, Chen Kangjie was lucky. He got an international student from Germany.This international student had practiced boxing in middle school before, so he also signed up.

To say that Chen Kangjie was lucky means that he didn't get any of his own people.For Chen Kangjie, as long as he doesn't get any of his own people, he is considered lucky.If he had beaten one of his own people down from the beginning, it would undoubtedly be a loss of strength, and he was also a little bit reluctant to do so.

Saying this does not mean that Chen Kangjie has populist ideas and is a serious xenophobic person.He may not be ruthless against this opponent who is practicing boxing, but relatively speaking, he prefers to communicate with international students from other countries.Doesn't that sound a bit hypocritical?In short, he is like this, maybe this has something to do with his dislike of people who are experts in fighting inside and outsiders fighting outside.

In the three games on the first day, there was no Chen Kangjie, and his game was scheduled for the next day.

Perhaps because of the preliminary round, many people felt that the first three games were not worth watching, and the battle was not intense. It seemed that everyone was still looking for a feeling, and they were still in the stage of testing and getting the bottom line.

However, in Chen Kangjie's view, the three games that were used as an introduction still have some special meaning.

Of these three games, two of them were domestic students playing against foreign students.It is regrettable that the two domestic students lost.

As the so-called layman watches the fun, the expert watches the doorway.

In the eyes of other students, the two domestic students lacked aggressiveness and were blindly beaten passively.In Chen Kangjie's view, their loss was not only because the protective gear on their bodies restricted their activities, but also their routines, under certain circumstances, also restricted their abilities.

In order to prevent unnecessary injuries during the competition, the school infirmary sent medical staff to guard the whole process, and all contestants from various countries must wear protective gear to protect the important head, chest, etc., and wear gloves on their hands.

This kind of outfit, of course, has protection for both parties, but to be honest, it is actually an unfair restriction on domestic students.Take Xiang Guanqi as an example, he is a Taijiquan practitioner, how can he show his lightness and flexibility if he is asked to wear so many complicated things on his body.

As for the routine, it is more or less a restriction for them.Sticking to the routines that have been practiced for many years makes them lose the directness of attack, and finally appears clumsy and passive.

And against them, one is from South Korea, practicing Taekwondo, and the other is from the United States, practicing Western Boxing.

Although taekwondo and Western boxing also have their own key routines when practicing, for example, taekwondo pays attention to horizontal kicks, and often has punching movements during the kicking process, but relatively speaking, their routines are simpler and more direct. Be crisp.Moreover, whether they are practicing Taekwondo or western boxing, they are very suitable for this kind of competition in the grid and wearing protective gear.This gives them some advantage in the beginning.

Watching this airport game reminded Chen Kangjie of a man, a Chinese who was popular in the West decades before him—Bruce Lee.

According to Chen Kangjie, Bruce Lee's greatest achievement is not his status as a movie star. As an actor, he is very famous and sought after.However, compared to his status as a martial artist and the Jeet Kune Do he founded, it seems a bit insignificant.

As a martial artist who founded a martial art at a young age, Bruce Lee's talent, his thoughts and philosophy of life are all more attractive.Today, at least decades later, what people talk about him more is not his impressive movies, but the martial arts shown in his movies, as well as his thoughts and wisdom. These things are not easy to tell by time Submerged, but exudes a long-lasting fragrance.

Jeet Kune Do is a new school that is different from traditional martial arts. Its core idea is "to regard the inability as the law and the infinite as the limit".

In this respect, Chen Kangjie is very similar to him.Bruce Lee's "law" actually means "no way", which means that his moves are without moves.And taking the infinite as the limited is another sublimation of the realm of thought.What Chen Kangjie can barely do is to take what he can't do as a law.

Chen Kangjie is not a person who is obsessed with martial arts like Bruce Lee, so his realm probably cannot reach the level where the infinite is limited.

Chen Kangjie studied under Tuo Zhihan, and Tuo Zhihan did not belong to a certain traditional martial arts school. Maybe he learned military boxing or military fighting skills at the beginning.But later, he himself should have come from every fierce and deadly fight and killing.

In that kind of fighting and killing that could be fatal every moment, how to carry out an effective and fatal blow to the opponent in the shortest time has become a key.

Therefore, when Tuo Zhihan taught Chen Kangjie, he was teaching him more about reaction speed and resilience. Of course, physical fitness is the foundation of everything.Without a strong body, everything can only stay in the mind and cannot be displayed at all.

The "Li Ding Wu Jing" practiced by Chen Kangjie later is a bit of an inner strength mental method. Its focus is to increase the strength in Chen Kangjie's body and speed up his speed under the coordination of every part of his body.

Bruce Lee once said that his characteristic is that when the opponent attacks him, he can not only take countermeasures instinctively, but also, if the opponent can hit him once, he can hit the opponent at least four times in a row .

This shows two problems. One is that Bruce Lee's reaction is super fast, and he can achieve the unity of mind and hand.Whatever position he thinks of in his head, his fist or palm can go there.Second, his reaching is extremely agile, and he can complete at least four consecutive movements when others complete one movement.

So some people who saw Bruce Lee's kick recalled that Bruce Lee kicked a foreigner down, and he stood beside him, but he didn't see clearly how Bruce Lee kicked.The speed was so fast that his eyes were dazzled, and when he calmed down, he found that the opponent had fallen three meters away.

In an international karate competition, Bruce Lee made a performance. He was at a distance of about [-] centimeters from the body of a foreigner, while the other side was covering his chest with a cushion, before people could see clearly. , His outstretched hand changed from palm to circle, and he hit the boss back several steps, and finally sat on the chair and slid for a while before stopping.

And this example further illustrates one of his problems, that is, he has great power.We all know that the average foreigner is taller and burlier than Bruce Lee, and he can knock the opponent several meters away with one move, which is not so easy to do.

When other people hit the [-]-pound sandbag, the sandbag shakes back and forth, including those so-called boxing champions, which is basically the same.And Bruce Lee could make the sandbag float in the air without swinging down.

Closer to home, let's go back to Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie didn't think he could be better than Bruce Lee, or better than his predecessor.However, he has the same characteristics as Bruce Lee.

In terms of reaction ability, Chen Kangjie is not inferior to himself. In terms of explosive speed, Chen Kangjie can also be regarded as the superior person. As for strength, Chen Kangjie can lift a car by himself, which is also considered remarkable.Moreover, when Chen Kangjie is fighting against others, he does not have any fixed moves to follow. He is not limited to one move or one move. In other words, he does not have such a routine. the shot.

This is the important reason why in many fights and confrontations with others, he has been able to survive safely until now.Even when the gun has no eyes, his keen sense can predict the danger in advance.

Also because of this, Chen Kangjie will not be afraid no matter when facing underworld figures, gangsters or martial arts masters.Because there is no measurable standard for judging whether the other party is higher than him or how much higher he will be than the other party.

All in all, no matter what kung fu the opponent learns, Chen Kangjie is confident that he can win with his extraordinary reflexes, lightning speed and overwhelming strength.

"Boss, this time, you must win a good ranking and win glory for us Chinese. We are going to organize a cheering group to go to the scene to cheer for you." Walking out of the indoor gymnasium, Chen Kangjie's three roommates and Tan Jian surrounded him.

"On the first day, two of us failed miserably. It's really a bad start." Tan Jian said dejectedly.

"They didn't complain about the loss. I saw them wanting to shoot but shrinking, so I got angry. How can there be such a style of play? Just rush forward and kill the **** to death. Why are there so many feints and postures?" .” Ge Zihao also expressed his dissatisfaction.

They can all be said to be laymen, and the understanding of laymen is also interlinked.It is difficult to say that their understanding is wrong, and naturally, it is impossible to be sure that they are right.

Although all the matchups were mixed, as a native, one would naturally feel a sense of honor and disgrace of the nation.

As long as domestic students lose, they will not think that they lost to their classmates first, but the first thing they look at is whether they lost to foreigners or their own people.

It's okay to lose to your own people, but if you lose to foreigners, you will be labeled as a loser and humiliate the country.This is also an important factor why domestic students account for such a large proportion, but very few people sign up for the competition.

As far as Chen Kangjie knew, there were less than ten of the twenty or so people who signed up for the competition who really supported the competition from the very beginning.Some came in to make up the numbers because of work and requests from Guan Qi and others.

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