On the first day, due to the opening ceremony, leaders' speeches and lottery and other ceremonies took a lot of time, only three games were arranged.The number of games on the second day was much more, and it was considered to have entered the competition stage in an all-round way.

In order to take care of the morning classes, the competition starts at [-]:[-] noon and lasts until [-]:[-]. After a two-hour break, it will resume at the starting point and will not end until [-]:[-] pm.

With seven hours of sufficient time, more than [-] games can be played casually.

In fact, every time two people confront each other, the time will not exceed 15 minutes.According to the competition system, each game has three rounds, each round is 3 minutes, and there are two breaks in between, each time is 1 minute.Moreover, if someone is KO in the first round, the game will end early.

Chen Kangjie's match is at two o'clock in the afternoon.

This kind of exciting competition was held in the school for the first time, and it really attracted the attention and attention of many people.In our normal life, most people have a rare opportunity to watch this kind of similar game in person.

Although all the participants were male students, the enthusiasm of the girls seemed to be higher than that of the boys.In every game, more than half of the excited screams are from girls.

Chen Kangjie's game was at two o'clock, and he arrived in the gymnasium at fifteen o'clock.In addition to signing in, he also needs to change clothes.

In the locker room, Chen Kangjie saw for the first time what his opponent in the first match looked like.

The other party was a tall and burly man. Although his appearance looked a little immature, the stubble on his face made him look more rough and brave.

"Hi, my name is Felix, and I'm from Hamburg." Felix, who had already changed into a blue sports shorts, offered his hand to Chen Kangjie.

"Hello, I'm Chen Wen. I'm glad you came here from Hamburg." Chen Kangjie smiled and held out his right hand.

Chen Kangjie was considered tall in China, but when Felix stood up, he realized that Felix was half a head taller than Chen Kangjie.This guy is at least 1.9 meters tall.

Felix's palm was very thick, and after the two of them held each other, they both did some testing.From Felix's big hand, Chen Kangjie could feel that the opponent's hand was quite strong, and the bones in his hand were quite big.

"Your hands are really big." After letting go of his hand, Chen Kangjie looked at his hand that hadn't been fully retracted and said.

Felix moved his right hand, raised his head and said, "This is out of practice, I don't know why, I feel that since I practiced boxing, my hand has become bigger and bigger, and if I make a fist, it will be faster Can catch a bowling ball."

As he said that, Felix really bent his fingers and clenched them into a fist. The appearance really looked a little frightening: If this huge fist hit his head, would it be possible? Explode your own head?

Felix looks immature, but he is not without scheming.His move was intentional.

When shaking hands with Chen Kangjie, he also felt the endless power in Chen Kangjie's hands.So after parting hands, he played such a trick, as if he wanted to deter Chen Kangjie and make Chen Kangjie afraid of his fists. In that case, the balance of victory would be in favor of Felix during the competition.

"Hehe, it's pretty big, but I don't know if it's hard or not." Chen Kangjie said with a soft smile.

Chen Kangjie didn't mean to ridicule or belittle, he just made a joke.Anyway, no matter how big Felix's fist is, Chen Kangjie is not afraid, so he has nothing to be afraid of.

Chen Kangjie didn't mean to ridicule or belittle, but Felix took Chen Kangjie's smile as that, so he cared.

"Whether it's tough or not, you'll know when you play in a while." Felix said lightly.

"Then I'm looking forward to it." Chen Kangjie responded indifferently.


"In the next match, Chen Wen from the School of International Economics will play against Felix, an international student from the School of Finance from Germany. I invite you two to play..."

There is no host for this game, but there are still announcements.

Two people dressed neatly came out of the lounge.Their appearance immediately caused a burst of cheers.

The audience in the stands will give applause and cheers for every pair of athletes on the field.But if you compare carefully, you will find that the audience in the stands is much more enthusiastic when Chen Kangjie appears on the stage.

Since entering the school, although Chen Kangjie has maintained a low-key style, he has not done many shocking events.But after joining the student union, his reputation has grown a lot.In addition, he once fought against several hooligans at the school gate, and was involved in a group attack by students not long ago. His name has been known by more and more people in the school.

Facing the cheers of his classmates, Felix raised his head and waved proudly to everyone.

And Chen Kangjie has been baptized by the waves of 10 people in the Olympic Games. The indoor stadium with only [-] seats is simply a small scene for him.

Chen Kangjie just smiled, very calm and indifferent, as if he was not affected by the audience at all, he was as calm as eating in the cafeteria.

"Chen Wen, you must win the first battle, and you must not lose the chain in the first battle." Zuo Weisheng, who was standing on the scene, approached Chen Kangjie and raised his fist to encourage him.

It was hard to tell whether Zuo Weisheng sincerely hoped that Chen Kangjie would succeed, or whether he was just adding pressure to him.

"I will try my best." No matter what kind of person he belongs to, Chen Kangjie will stop calmly, he will not say any bold words, let alone make any guarantees.

Chen Kangjie will only be loyal to his own heart, whether it is public opinion or the so-called patriotism, it will not have any influence on him at this time.

Seeing Chen Kangjie behaved so calmly and calmly, Zuo Weisheng didn't say anything, just patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

"Chen Wen goes out, one beats two. Chen Wen goes out, one goes against two..." In the middle of the stands, a group of people's voices were particularly loud.

Chen Kangjie looked up following the voice, and he saw a few people he knew, Chen Wenjie, Ge Zihao, Tan Jian, Chen Jundong, Yen Zi, Zhang Hang, Duan Yiqing, around them, and some of their friends and Classmates, together formed a cheerleading team for Chen Kangjie.

Moreover, among their group of people, there was actually a banner with four words written on it: Chen Wen will win.

These boys said yesterday that they would be a cheering group, thinking it was just a joke, but they made it real, and even put up a banner.

No matter how calm Chen Kangjie was, seeing this scene, he was somewhat moved.He raised his hand and waved at them twice as a thank you and a greeting.

In fact, there are many people around who are cheering for Chen Kangjie and he knows many, such as Tao Mi, Ding Xiaoyang, Geng Bin, Jin Yingtong, Kan Xiuwen, Quan Min, Su Yu and his classmates and so on.It's just that these people are scattered and not gathered together, so there is no momentum.

Chen Kangjie's calm demeanor made Felix's opponent sneer.

A person who has never seen the world really takes himself seriously.I don't care if you are the vice chairman of the student union or not. On the Wutai, you are my enemy, and I will definitely defeat you, a little guy, in the shortest possible time.

"Please stand at your respective positions. I will announce the rules of the game to you now. First, you cannot attack the lower body. Second, respect the referee's instructions. Third..." The referee wearing white gloves looked like Stand between Chen Kangjie and Felix in a decent manner and announce the rules to them.

All the referees are physical education teachers from the school. Although they are not professionals, after studying some other similar games, they have also come up with a barely usable program.

Neither Chen Kangjie nor Felix expressed any objection to these generally accepted international rules. As contestants, it is impossible for them to really have objections.

There is no rule without rules, and if the established rules are not followed, the game cannot go on.

"Okay... both sides get ready... start..." As the referee's palm fell between Chen Kangjie and Felix, the first round of the two began up.

Felix began to jump around in front of Chen Kangjie like other boxers, looking for an opportunity to attack.It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to wear so many protective gear on his body, and even put on braces to protect his teeth, he was still a little uncomfortable.

I saw Chen Kangjie walking back and forth in front of Felix, raising his hands and writhing around, on the one hand to prevent Felix's attack, and on the other hand, to adjust and adapt to the protective gear on his body.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie's footsteps were disorganized and his hands were not well guarded, Felix smiled. He felt that Chen Kangjie was basically a rookie.

Felix found a gap, rushed forward two steps, and hit Chen Kangjie's face with two consecutive heavy punches.

Everyone in the stands thought that Chen Kangjie would be hit, but Felix was really fast and full of posture.If Chen Kangjie was hit twice, even if he didn't get KO, he would still be dizzy, and then the game would be lost.

Amid the worried boos of the audience, Chen Kangjie bent down, slid two steps strangely, dodged Felix's attack, and made his two heavy punches miss.

After Chen Kangjie dodged, he did not seize the opportunity to fight back, but distanced himself from Felix.

Felix carried out similar attacks three more times, but unfortunately, all failed, and Chen Kangjie was not hit once.

The first round ended in this kind of probing and searching.

After a break and a sip of water, the second round of the game started again.

Felix was annoyed and angry with Chen Kangjie's style of play that only knew how to evade and didn't dare to head-on.So when the second round started, he glared at Chen Kangjie and slapped his two fists towards Chen Kangjie in the air.It can be regarded as mocking and provoking Chen Kangjie.

It's a pity that Chen Kangjie was unmoved, not only did not get angry, but backed away, putting his hands on the rope to let himself rest and relax.

"Boss, what's going on today? He's out of standard. Could it be that he's afraid of this foreigner?" Chen Kangjie made Ge Zihao and the others in the stands very anxious.

"This may be his strategy. Judging from his appearance, he should be adapting to the game." Duan Yiqing said from the side.

"Duan Yiqing, do you play this kind of fighting game? I don't think it looks like that. That German has such strong muscles, Chen Wen can't seem to beat him." Zhen Zi who was next to Duan Yiqing said.

"I don't know, I just watched some Olympic boxing and taekwondo competitions." Duan Yiqing said honestly.

"I also believe in Chen Wen, he will not lose." Chen Jundong expressed the same position as Duan Yiqing.

It's just that Chen Jundong's confidence is obviously not [-]% sufficient.

While discussing whether Chen Kangjie was afraid in the stands, Felix passively attacked Chen Kangjie again.

But this time, Chen Kangjie didn't run away anymore.As he tilted his head to avoid a long punch from Felix, his right foot kicked out towards Felix's left leg.

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