rebirth of change

Chapter 2079 This is something that benefits the country and the people

"Okay, okay, don't make random guesses, and I won't tease you anymore. What we want to do is indeed a company whose main business is sales, but our sales method is different from other There is a little difference in the sales methods of shopping malls or stores, the biggest difference is that our products can be paid in installments." Chen Kangjie said solemnly,

"Paying in installments? Isn't that like buying a house and a car?"

Installment payment is not a new concept, especially when buying a house, most of the business is completed by installment payment.After all, it is not so easy for ordinary people to spend such a large sum of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars at once.

This concept is even more familiar to students of business universities, and there is nothing too special about it.

"Hmm, yes, that's it, that's why I can't do without finance." Chen Kangjie nodded.

"Boss, you plan to sell furniture by installment payment? Mobile phone? TV? I haven't heard of anyone doing that. These are ordinary mid-end products, not as huge as houses and cars." Just now I was extremely enthusiastic Chen Wenjie, who was in charge of him, now has a trace of suspicion.

They wanted to partner with Chen Kangjie to make money, but that didn't mean they didn't have any basic rational judgment.If Chen Kangjie's idea is unreliable, they will not bury their heads and bump into it.

"We are doing it because others are not doing it. If a lot of people are doing it, what chance do we have? I don't want to fight and compete in a red sea, but there is such a good piece of South China Sea, how can we do it?" Why not do it? Opportunities come every day, and it depends on whether we can grasp them.” Chen Kangjie was not dissatisfied or indignant because he was suspected, but he supported this independent judgment ability.

"Chen Wen, but I have to say that the South China Sea, which no one has ever been to, is also the most dangerous. We don't know where there are shoals and where there are reefs." Tan Jian's own excitement and excitement suddenly cooled down. down.

"Yes, but I don't know whether there is a new continent or an uninhabited island. Of course, this is just my proposal and idea. The right to decide whether to participate or not is still in your hands." Chen Kangjie didn't force it, let alone refuse , He is like the basketball referee at the beginning of the game, he is responsible for running the ball into the air, and how to grab it is not his business.

"Frankly speaking, I really didn't expect this to be what you're going to do." Chen Jundong himself was a little frustrated.

"You can think about it carefully. Profit and risk coexist. The risk is great and the profit is also great. In fact, for us, what we need to do is how to reduce the risk. This is the key point. What I can tell you is that this is true. It’s a big opportunity, and someone has been doing it for decades.”

"Someone did it decades ago? Then why don't we know?" Ge Zihao seemed puzzled and disbelieving.

"Of course, it's just that the people who do it are not in China. In Japan more than 40 years ago, that is, in 20, they started the mode of purchasing household products through installment payment. This sales method has always been It lasted for 70 years, until [-], with the substantial improvement of their national wealth, it basically disappeared. The installment payment not only helped Japanese residents obtain some necessities in advance to improve their living standards, but also, in turn, promoted The development of many industries, such as the home appliance industry. The development period of our country is roughly the same as that of Japan in the [-]s and [-]s. Furniture, etc. are some middle-end products, and the amount is not as huge as houses and cars. Have you ever thought about how many of our ordinary people, not farmers, but urban residents, can easily Spend thousands of dollars to buy a video camera, spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a set of audio or furniture, spend two to three thousand dollars to buy a mobile phone, etc. How big is this ratio? Is it because they don’t like this kind of thing? Or is their income not enough to support them?" Chen Kangjie began to explain and guide them.

"Maybe 70.00% of the residents still can't spend freely." Tan Jian said.

"As for whether it is 70.00% or 80.00% or 50.00%, we need a detailed survey data, but one thing is certain, quite a few people should have difficulties, even if they are the iron rice bowls of some public institutions, according to their current income level , is not enough for them to reach that level of arbitrary consumption." Chen Kangjie said.

"But our consumption habits and our culture may not support everyone's advanced consumption." Chen Jundong said.

"Then why do people accept early consumption of houses and cars? Is it because they are large-scale commodities? I can't see it. In addition, we all know that consumption can also be cultivated. There is no such service in the market now. Even if they want to consume in that way, they have no channels and means. Of course, we cannot subjectively speculate whether they will accept this way, which can be obtained through market research. Only when we collect a large amount of data can we become our The basis for decision-making." Chen Kangjie is like a mentor, teaching his friends and brothers how to run a business.

To promote installment payment consumption, Chen Kangjie did not come up with the idea just out of the blue.Not to mention that this kind of consumption was already common before he was reborn, and more importantly, he felt that the current economic and social environment facing the country was the most suitable.

On the one hand, many domestic enterprises now have overproduction, such as home appliances. We have almost become the largest producer of TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other products. The popularity is not as high as we thought.Even in cities, many products are "high-end goods" in ordinary people's homes, such as cameras, air conditioners, computers, mobile phones, and high-quality furniture.

Most people need these products because they can improve their quality of life.But these things are still expensive, especially relative to generally slow-growing incomes.

A teacher with an income of more than 1000 points needs him to buy an air conditioner of more than 3000 points, which requires him to not eat or drink for almost a quarter.The pressure is not small.

If these mid-range goods can be paid in installments, it will not only improve the lives of many people, but also allow them to enjoy the quality of life they should have had at that time three or five years in advance.At the same time, it can also help our businesses unleash their production, further increasing employment and tax revenue.

Now it is said that investment and export are the twin engines of our economic development.There are only a few people who can talk about consumption.In fact, consumption should stand in a very important position.The reason why people don't mention it is because the contribution rate of consumption to the economy is not high, and the consumption power of ordinary people is more than two grades behind that of European and American countries.

From the perspective of the laws of economic development, an economy that lacks consumption support is very troublesome. Once exports are blocked, the economy will experience severe turmoil.

Fundamentally speaking, the ultimate goal of a country's economic development is to benefit ordinary people.And our economy grows at a high speed every year, but the income of ordinary people cannot catch up, and the changes in life cannot catch up.Over time, social contradictions will gather.

Although installment payments cannot substantially increase the income of ordinary people, it will make everyone's wallets bigger.But it can improve their lives to a certain extent.Moreover, when the contribution of consumption to economic growth increases, more people from top to bottom can become aware of consumption and the income of ordinary people.As a result, in terms of policy, there are many biases to increase the income of ordinary people.Such as salary increases, such as improving social medical insurance, such as increasing investment in education, such as providing more affordable housing, and so on.

Historically, installment payment consumption of these commodities only started in [-].This is not a complete coincidence, it is a need after the economic and social development reaches a certain level.Chen Kangjie was just catering to such needs.

Chen Kangjie's words aroused Chen Jundong's thinking. They no longer doubted, nor were they simply excited, but began to think about its feasibility and operation methods.

"Boss, what should we do? Frankly speaking, I am a little confused now. Since you proposed it, you should have a comprehensive consideration. Tell me, how do we start?" Chen Wenjie thought for a while, and then asked calmly.

"If we want to do it, we must first solve two problems. First, we need to do a comprehensive market understanding and investigation, that is, to determine whether there is a market and how big the market is. For this problem, we cannot simply look at the statistical data, The statistical data of the statistics department is just a reference. In this process, we can understand the willingness and acceptance of the people by the way. The second is to control risks. After all, consumers do not pay in one lump sum, they may only pay 5.00% Ten or [-]% will take away the goods. Then, there is a certain risk in it. Only when the risk is controlled, or controlled within a certain acceptable range, can it be done. If you are really interested , then these two problems will be left to you to solve, and you will feel deeply only if you participate in it yourself. If these two problems are solved, then the difficulty will be half overcome.” Chen Kangjie said indifferently.

In fact, Chen Kangjie knew all these aspects in his heart, but he just refused to hand them over.As he said, only when you personally participate in it can you feel deeply and find the true sense of satisfaction and pride.

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