rebirth of change

Chapter 2080 The Painful Fujita Recruiter

"Well, why are there so many people waiting here? I remember that there are very few people who buy the boss and win." Chen Wenjie and the others took the receipt to find Ono and the others to collect the money, but they were in the apartment building of Ono and the others. Next, I saw a lot of students standing there. According to a random visual inspection, there were at least dozens of them.Ge Zihao was puzzled.

"Why do I have a bad premonition in my heart?" Chen Wenjie did not echo Ge Zihao's words, but said melancholy with raised eyebrows.

"Let me ask what the situation is first." Chen Jundong said something, and walked towards the two boys standing outside, "Classmates, what are you doing here?"

"What can you do here? Of course it is to get money. I bought 1000 yuan for our vice chairman to win." A male student replied impatiently.

"Then why don't you go upstairs to get the money? Stand here and wait in line?" Chen Jundong continued to ask suspiciously.

"Cut, wait in line, what kind of line is there? There is no one on it, and the door is closed. Hey, I said, are you also here to collect money? If that's the case, I advise you to stand here, the top is already stuffed It's full, and everyone is waiting." Another male student said.

Hearing such words, Chen Jundong's heart sank.

When Chen Wenjie and Ge Zihao saw Chen Jundong retreating, they hurriedly asked what was going on.

"This time we may be in trouble. These people are all here to collect the money. They all bought the boss to win, but now they can't find those Japanese students." Chen Jundong said worriedly.

That was a lot of money, and if it was lost, it would be like a thunderbolt and a bolt from the blue to them.

"Absconding with money? Damn it, those bastards won't take our money away, right?" Ge Zihao jumped up all of a sudden.

"They dare. If they really do this, I will kill some of their beasts when I meet them. If you are paralyzed, I will go up and ask." Chen Wenjie scolded with wide eyes.

"Don't go there, it's already full of people asking for bills, what's the use of you going." Chen Jundong persuaded Chen Wenjie.

"Then what should we do? What should we do? We have to figure out what to do. The 100 million is from a mortgage, so we can't afford it." Ge Zihao panicked, his face turning pale.

"We have to tell the boss immediately and listen to his thoughts. At the same time, we have to prepare for the worst." Chen Jundong can basically maintain a stable mentality at this time.

"Come on, it's really not easy to get the money you win from gambling." Chen Wenjie then cursed angrily.


"Sir, you can't do that. I can't resist. If you do that, those people will tear me apart in anger."

At this time in the hospital, Chiu Fujita, who was lying on the hospital bed, answered the phone with his mobile phone in his left hand. His face had been whitened by the message from the phone.

The call was from Fujita Akira, who told Fujita Zhaofu only one important message, that is, they no longer planned to lose money, but planned to swallow the money, and the responsibility for all this needs to be shouldered by Fujita Zhaofu.

This piece of information was like a bolt of lightning, striking Fujita Shōo to the ground.He was so surprised that his small eyes almost turned into a pair of bull's eyes.

"Fujita-kun, they won't tear you apart. You are a foreigner. Even according to the local laws, you will not bear multiple crimes. This time you failed, so it is natural to bear the corresponding responsibility , I hope Fujita-kun can muster up your courage and show your determination."

"Sir, I'm sorry...Although I failed, I have tried my best. Who knew that Chen Wen would be so cunning and difficult to deal with. Sir, you can't leave me behind. Useful." Fujita Mikio almost begged.

"Yes, you are still useful to the family, isn't it time to use your usefulness? You have to know that the compensation this time is not a small amount, it is close to one billion dollars. One billion dollars, this is a big deal for our family at this stage Say, it is very important. As a member of the family, as a young junior cultivated by the family for so many years, don't you think you should stand up at the critical moment? Fujita-kun, now our family needs your courage, courage, understand ?"

Mr. Fujita was so depressed that he lost his mind. Yes, because of his own failure, the family had to bear a loss of one billion dollars. He had to bear the responsibility for this amount of money.However, thinking of himself being abandoned and made a scapegoat, Mikio Fujita felt a lump in his throat and a burst of sadness in his heart.

Akito Fujita has spoken to this point, is there room for maneuver?It seems that they have already thought about it, or they have already planned and arranged it. As long as something happens, they will be abandoned.

It's really sad, it's in vain that I still want to contribute to the family with all my heart.The current ending can be said to be a risk, but that is really not what I want.

"Fujita-kun, don't worry too much. It will be difficult for them to treat you seriously. In addition, we will take good care of your family in Japan. I have already proposed to the family meeting that your father will be appointed as the chairman of Fujita Co., Ltd. Vice President, enter the ranks of middle-level management." Fujita knows that if Fujita Zhaofu is to obey obediently, it is not enough to put pressure on him, but also to induce him.

Although Fuji Co., Ltd. is not top-notch among the many companies and enterprises controlled by the family, it is not small in scale.It would be a great honor if my father could become the vice president. At least his social status would improve a lot, and his family's life would be guaranteed.As expected, the resistance in Takao Fujita's heart was greatly reduced.

How the phone was hung up in the end, Takao Fujita doesn't quite remember, he only knows that when Ono, Yamamoto and Asahara rushed in through the door, his mobile phone was still on his ear.

"Fujita-kun, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? Has your injury worsened instead of getting better?" Seeing Fujita's pale face and dull eyes, Ono asked with concern.

It's just that Ono's concern doesn't seem to be concerned about Takao Fujita's body itself, but that he is worried that the deterioration of his body will cause trouble for him.

Mikio Fujita didn't answer Ono's question, but just shook his head slightly.

"Ono-kun, should we pay attention to the main point first, Fujita-kun's body has been examined by a doctor, and it is not life-threatening." Standing behind Ono, Yamamoto took a step forward and said after hesitating.

"Yeah, if we can't fulfill our promise as soon as possible, we won't be able to go back." Asahara also supported Yamamoto's words, and said together.

Why didn't Ono think so, but his family worked in the Fujita family business, so he had to make a gesture.

"Fujita-kun..." Now that Yamamoto and Asahara both said that, Ono couldn't hold back any longer, gritted his teeth, and planned to report his intentions to Fujita.

However, just as he opened his mouth, Takao Fujita blocked his words with his hand.

"I know why you came here, but maybe I want to say sorry to you." Fujita Zhaofu said expressionlessly.

"Say sorry? What do you mean? Fujita-kun, I don't quite understand." Yamamoto shivered and asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Although I don't understand what Fujita Zhaofu means, but his demeanor and tone have at least indicated that it will not be a good thing. This is what Ono and the three of them can feel.

"Are you here to pay those students who won the bet?" Fujita Mikio asked back with a little blush on his face.

"Yes, early this morning, many people have come to us to ask for money. But the three of us have no money, and the money is with you." Asahara replied.

"The money is not with me. Most of the betting money has already arrived in the country. I'm sorry, I can't get the money back now, so there is no way to cash them out. Sorry, I am sorry for you." Takao Fujita said with straight eyes.

"What? Can't get it back? Can't exchange the money? What should we do then? What should we do? Fujita-kun, the three of us were just here to help you, so you can't hurt the three of us." At this time, Ono was also in a hurry.

There is no way to rush, most of those bets were made by the three of Ono and the others.Some people don't even know that Hirofu Fujita is behind the scenes.If he left him alone, wouldn't the three of them be pushed off the cliff?

"Sorry, I hurt you, you can put all the responsibility on me, and I will take it wholeheartedly."

"Push? Is it that easy to push? If we push, those bettors will believe and go around us? Fujita-kun, credit, you have to keep credit." Yamamoto roared angrily.

Fujita Shofu sighed and shook his head: "I'm sorry for you, but there's nothing I can do. Now, it's best for you to leave China and go back to Japan. This way, maybe it will be better for you."

"Go back? Once I escape, we will become fraudsters. Our honor and our studies will be wasted. Fujita-kun, your Fujita family is a big and wealthy family, so you won't be able to spend so much money Is it? Don't your Fujita family care about your reputation?" Asahara said angrily, waving his hands.

"The Fujita family can get it out, but I, Fujita Zhaofu, can't get it out. In the Fujita family, I'm just a small role. In short, those money can't be cashed out. You'd better think about how to get out. I know You are very angry and very angry, but even if you strangle me to death, nothing will change." Fujita Zhaofu said dejectedly.

"Shameless, despicable, how can you do this? Do you know that you will destroy us like this." Yamamoto roared hysterically.

Faced with Yamamoto's snarl, Takao Fujita was speechless and shameless, and could only close his eyes in pain.

Yamamoto and the others can still find him to rant and vent, but he, Fujita Takao, doesn't even have anyone like that.All guilt can only be borne in silence.

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