Chen Kangjie ate this meal very comfortably and comfortably. It doesn't mean that the food is too good. Is there any good food that Chen Kangjie hasn't eaten before? The main reason is that it tastes like home.

For a person who likes food, what kind of food impresses him the most is definitely not delicacies from mountains and seas or exotic animals, but the taste and feeling of home, the taste and feeling of mother, this must be unforgettable.Although Zhao Yuexiang is not Chen Kangjie's biological mother, but after she puts her heart into it, she can still show strong maternal love.

Feelings are convertible.

After dinner today, Chen Kangjie was not in a hurry to leave, nor was he in a hurry to sneak into the study with He Baoguo, but sat in the living room watching TV with Zhao Yuexiang, and by the way told her what he had seen and heard this month as if it were something interesting.

Of course Zhao Yuexiang was curious and interested in Chen Kangjie's experience, so Chen Kangjie should satisfy him.In addition, Chen Kangjie believed that Zhao Yuexiang would also relay the short stories he told to his mother Ma Fangqin in detail.

Therefore, in Chen Kangjie's narration, Jiezi is not completely backward and poor, but there are fun, simplicity, love, innocence, beauty and prosperity there.This can also be regarded as his telling the family from a side angle that there is no need to worry about him, and everything is actually fine.

Although women are animals that pay attention to details, when emotional factors are added, women's attention may be easily affected.Zhao Yuexiang believed almost everything Chen Kangjie said, and only He Baoguo, who was on the sidelines, captured the hardships of the place from the little details Chen Kangjie revealed.

Their focus points are different, and the results obtained will of course be biased.

After chatting with Zhao Yuexiang for more than an hour and satisfying her old man's curiosity and love, Chen Kangjie and He Baoguo entered his study.

"Godfather, I read in the announcement of your provincial government that you will hold a financial work meeting in a few days?" Chen Kangjie asked without looking outside as soon as he entered He Baoguo's study.

"Why do you care about this?" He Baoguo asked in confusion.

"Why can't I care? You know, there are banks in our industrial chain."

"Oh, Limin Bank, I almost forgot that you have a big private bank." He Baoguo said, patting his head.

"What is the main discussion of this financial work conference?" Chen Kangjie asked casually, seemingly aimlessly.

"It's nothing, just to guide and strengthen the role of the financial industry in promoting the national economy, and at the same time, to see if the financial industry can adjust its operating methods in the process of serving the economy, and try to make reform contributions in some areas." He Baoguo Said.

This financial work conference is held almost every year, the central government will hold it, and the province will also hold it. The focus of each year is not too big.

"I watched this year's central financial work conference. It seems that the leaders are not very satisfied with the performance of financial work. They feel that the financial industry is too rigid and closed."

"You can see this? You're amazing, it wasn't mentioned in the news broadcast."

"How could it be clearly mentioned in the news broadcast? However, it is more or less reflected in the words of the leader's speech. Godfather, I believe you will host the financial work conference in the province this time? If it is If you say it, I think you should be tougher. Some things are not convenient for the Prime Minister to say, because other positions need to weigh many aspects, but if you say it, it is very appropriate." Chen Kangjie was actually guiding He Baoguo.

"Shall I be tougher? It's appropriate for me?" He Baoguo frowned.

"Yeah, you can talk about it in light of our province's reality. If you say it lightly, it seems dispensable and clichéd, and it's meaningless. If you say it seriously, you've got the point, and it might attract attention. You are the one who focuses on economic work, and the level is only in the province, so what does it matter?" Chen Kangjie said, "Think about it, what contribution has the financial industry in our province made to the economy of our province? Infrastructure? It seems that there are more direct investments. For agriculture? It seems meager. For the private economy? It seems that their focus is not here, and they all revolve around large companies and state-owned enterprises. Consumption... oh, the Agricultural Bank has done it Exploring, starting to change the mode, and cooperating with businesses have stimulated consumption. This is a bright spot in our province's financial reform, but the current level of involvement is still relatively low, and it is still in the experimental stage, and the scale is not large... ..”

"Are you talking about the installment sales store next to the Normal University?" He Baoguo interrupted and asked.

"You also know?" Chen Kangjie asked with a deliberately emphatic tone.

"Do you think I don't hear anything out of the window? The provincial TV station and the Evening News have reported it. I heard that it is currently in the provincial capital, and the business of this store is very good. Let me know what's strange?"

"Hehe, it's not surprising, it's not surprising. The propaganda work of those boys seems to be doing well, and it has already reached the ears of the governor." Chen Kangjie said funny.

"Why, you know them?" Chen Kangjie's words aroused He Baoguo's interest.

"I know, of course I do. Hehe, three of the four of them still share the same dormitory with me, and the other one is in the same class as me. Do you think I can't know each other? This project has just started a few months ago."

As soon as he heard Chen Kangjie say this, He Baoguo's interest was immediately raised by an octave, and his attention was also focused.

"Are you also involved?" He Baoguo grasped the key point.

"Hehe, I participated, and I'm also one of the shareholders." Chen Kangjie replied honestly.

"No wonder, no wonder, otherwise, how could a few fledgling little guys come up with such an idea, the key can be put into practice, and it is successful. With you, it is easy to understand. If I guessed correctly, the idea It also came from your brain, right?" He Baoguo admired and absolutely recognized Chen Kangjie's business talent.Even highly respected.So it's not surprising that he would say that.

"How did you think of doing that?" He Baoguo continued to ask.

"This is mainly learned from Japan's experience..." So Chen Kangjie explained in detail the process of installment payment and its significance to the economy and improving people's lives.

He Baoguo fell into deep thought after hearing this.

He is the governor who is mainly in charge of economic construction, so he is naturally attracted by the prospect and role that Chen Kangjie said.

"It seems that I really need to put some effort into this financial work conference. In my opinion, the focus starts with your installment payment store. This model must be promoted and rolled out quickly and comprehensively, just like you said , He has indeed played a very important role in promoting economic development and improving people's lives." After a while, He Baoguo said solemnly.

Chen Kangjie turned his head and snickered.As long as He Baoguo has such an attitude, it seems that half of his goal will be achieved.

A few days later, the province's financial work conference was held. At the meeting, He Baoguo, who presided over the meeting, not only praised the innovative measures and effective work of the Agricultural Bank of China, but also President Zhou Zhilie made an advanced speech at the meeting.

After this episode, the financial work conference has a focused direction, and it is no longer as empty as before, just to convey the spirit of the central financial work conference.

With the praise from the governor, and the report and speech at the conference, President Zhou Zhilie put on a big face and raised his eyebrows in front of his colleagues.

Don't underestimate such a small move, in fact, it is a manifestation of major political achievements.

Although the bank's performance considerations still focus on the income part, reform and innovation are also the parts that the top management attaches great importance to, especially reforms that have a major role in promoting the national economy, and will be regarded as courageous and talented. benchmark.If not, with this alone, Zhou Zhilie will be promoted and reused in the near future.

Zhou Zhilie was proud of himself, but the presidents of ICBC, Bank of Communications and other banks that Chen Kangjie went to first had a taste for it. Even the president of Bank of Communications felt remorseful.

Didn't he just invest a little money, and the risk wasn't that great, and he got such a major political achievement in a blink of an eye. He didn't understand how he thought about it, but he was so obsessed with it that he didn't care, and rejected a few young people.

This person, when he has an idea, especially when he has feelings of envy and jealousy, he will quickly take timely actions.

The measures they took were to poach the wall.In the next few days, several financial institutions such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of Communications and China Construction Bank sent people to approach Tan Jian and the others. They hoped to change this store, the focus is to change this sales model to their own through acquisition. flag.

Facing the personnel sent by these banks, Tan Jian and the others simply had no time to deal with them. They had already cooperated with the Agricultural Bank of China, so how could they still entangle with them?What's more, they still looked down on people at the beginning, and either refused to let them in, or dismissed them perfunctorily.

Now that this is a fragrant bun, do you think we will change course when we come to your door?It's too simple to think, and it's too contemptuous.

Although the level of personnel sent was getting higher and higher, but Tan Jian and the others had a cold face.What's more, they are still very busy now, on the one hand, the business in the store, on the other hand, the inspection and selection of expanding the store, and the relevant preparation and study before graduation in school.No one came up with a suitable attitude to sit down and talk with them.

"Jie Shao, I finally know how you achieved more than ten times the profit." Zhong Kefan called Chen Kangjie that day, and said excitedly straight to the point.

"Hehe, Limin Bank passed on the content of the financial work conference to you?" Chen Kangjie laughed.

"Not only do I know, but I also know that several banks are very interested in that store, and they keep sending people to approach it. You plan to sell this project, right?"

"Of course I have to sell it. This project is just a novelty for a while. I just want to wait for a good price."

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