rebirth of change

Chapter 2225: The Gratitude Report

"What? They brought the agreement with them, md, they acted quickly, do you know the content of the agreement?" President Dong became angry and anxious when he heard it.

Colleagues are enemies, this is our summary for thousands of years.Now the project of Chen Kangjie and the others is a sweet treat for the bankers, especially the state-owned banks.Bank of Communications wants it, China Construction Bank wants it, and of course ICBC wants it too.

The reason why I am keen on this project is not to say how profitable this project is. The key is that it attracts attention and is an innovative cater to the current financial reform. As long as it is included in the pocket, it can be said to be good Your own achievements can beautify yourself as a new generation of bankers with vision and courage.

Therefore, as long as its benefits are reflected in policy and politics, state-owned banks will be so enthusiastic.

"President Dong, I don't know the content of the agreement, and they can't show it to me. I have spent a lot of effort, but I can only find out to this extent." Director Ji is very good at taking credit, obviously he just listened casually Yes, now that he said this, it seemed that he had really put in a lot of hardships.

Let's not make too much fuss about such shameless things.It's quite common in our society.

"Well, you keep an eye on it, and I'll think of a way here." After saying that, President Dong hung up the phone.

After lighting a cigarette and standing up, President Dong paced back and forth in his spacious and luxurious office.He had to grab this credit no matter what, and he couldn't just let others take it.

Just how to do it, President Dong needs a long-term plan.

A cigarette was half smoked, and President Dong stubbed it out. He picked up the phone and called President Peng of the Provincial Construction Bank.

"Old Dong, I heard magpies calling when I went out today, so it was you who wanted to call me, haha, it really worked."

"Old Peng, what are you kidding? It seems that we are alienated. What are you up to now? I haven't had a drink with you for a long time."

These people are like this. They obviously have something to talk about, but they have to talk about it first. It seems that if they don't talk about it like this, if they get involved in the relationship, some things will be difficult to say.

"As for your small drinking capacity, pull it down, when have you ever had a good time drinking with you?"

President Dong's drinking capacity is not good, which is well known in the circle, and he feels a little embarrassed when President Peng despises him so much.

"Old Peng, don't say that. If you want to say that, then I will accompany you tonight. Let's see who will lie down and go home at that time." President Dong gritted his teeth and held back. After thinking about it, I came up with such a radical method.

President Peng on the other end of the phone snorted coldly and said: "I think it's better to wait another day. Let's fight again when you drink well. Now, you can't fight me."

This sounds like talking about wine, but its connotation can be tasted to reveal some other meanings.This seems to be saying in the name of wine that President Dong's ability is not good enough. If there is any competition, it is best to stop and retreat, so as not to humiliate himself.

"Old Peng, if you want to say that, forget it. But, you may be surprised next time." President Dong replied with something in his words.

"Hahaha, I hope so, Old Dong, I still have a meeting here, I've talked to you here first, you drank too much that day, remember to call me, I'll be waiting for your call."

Being so disturbed by the drinking incident, President Dong didn't say a word he wanted to say.However, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need to ask, the other party has actually told him indistinctly.

He didn't get what he wanted to know from President Peng, so President Dong wanted to contact the president of the Bank of Communications and Zhou Zhilie.But when the phone was picked up, he didn't dial it.

After careful consideration, he gave up the idea of ​​communicating with them.

An old Peng has such an attitude, can the other two be easy to talk to?No way.Moreover, Zhou Zhilie had already cooperated with him, so if he found him, wouldn't he be setting up a strong opponent for himself?

No, for this matter, you have to rely on your own strength and courage. Don't you all just send the people below to go out? I don't believe that I can't fight on my own.

After thinking about it, President Dong called Director Ji again, telling him not to leave, just staring there, he will be there soon.

In order to avoid having long nights and dreams, President Dong wanted to go into battle himself. He called the driver, and President Dong went directly to the Normal University to kill him.

In this competition, whether it is ICBC, CCB or Bank of Communications, they all have taken action, but the Agricultural Bank, which is originally a partner, seems to be deaf and blind, and has no action.

With your own partners and your own political achievements, can the Agricultural Bank tolerate others poaching your own corner like this?

The judgment of the outside world is that the Agricultural Bank of China is very confident and careless. They feel that they are the partner and promoter of this project, and it is impossible for others to take away what should belong to them.Because of this, they were so calm and calm, and they didn't take much precaution against his competitors.

In fact, this is impossible at all. No matter how slow the response of the people in the Agricultural Bank of China is, it is impossible for them to be so slow as to be close to idiots.That is impossible.

People from other banks came to the door once or twice, and they might be able to say that they didn't know, didn't know, and didn't get the information.But when the level of the frontline has been raised to the level of managers and directors, it would be too nonsense if they didn't notice it.

In fact, Zhou Zhilie knew about being poached from the very beginning.It's the biggest highlight of his work this year, and it's impossible not to grab it.It's just that there was a reason why he didn't react at all when he found out, because Chen Kangjie found him in private.

Facing Zhou Zhilie, Chen Kangjie told him straight to the point that they were going to sell the store, and they couldn't sell it to the Agricultural Bank of China.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhilie almost lost his nose.Do you understand some industry rules? Even if you want to sell, the right of first refusal should still be with the existing partners. Why are you still excluded, and you can't sell it to others?Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?Eat inside out?Black box deal?

"President Zhou, please don't be angry. We are not breaking our promises. We did this to thank you for your great support and help. Otherwise, I would not have come to you to report to you." Chen Kangjie was like Zhou Zhilie His anger seemed unheard, and he continued to speak calmly.

"Hehe, according to what you say, you exclude us from the Agricultural Bank of China, but you make money in private. Instead, you are taking care of us? Are you treating us well? Should we say thank you to you?" Zhou Zhilie laughed angrily.

"That's true, that's what it means." Chen Kangjie not only didn't deny it or be modest, but admitted it carelessly.

"Okay, then you can tell me that you are ugly. If you can't tell me, then I will say my ugly words first. Don't blame me for being rude. I appreciate young people, but it doesn't mean that I won't deal with young people. "Chen Kangjie's self-confidence and calmness made Zhou Zhilie calm down.

It's just that he still has to give Chen Kangjie the pressure that should be given.

"President Zhou, first of all, we are really grateful to you for having the courage to support us and help us when we had a difficult start. For this, no matter what time it is, we will never forget you." At the beginning, Chen Kangjie first expressed his intentions clearly, "This project cannot exist today without the support and guidance of the Agricultural Bank of China and you. But I want to say that this is a short-term project, and it has achieved its goals in stages. Purpose and value, for example, the top leaders began to pay attention to it, and the public began to accept it. Of course, you have also gained some reputation. Therefore, it is time for us to deal with it. Selling it is the best way. And selling to other banks other than Agricultural Bank of China is the best choice."

"Why? Is the contribution of the Agricultural Bank of China coming to an end like this?" Zhou Zhilie asked.

"Of course not. Both the Agricultural Bank of China and we have learned some experience from it, which is actually enough. Let me put it this way, even if we sell the store to other banks, it will not affect the Agricultural Bank of China's continued promotion of the installment payment business. Even, You can build on this foundation to make new innovative actions. For example, you can open the door to include those vast sales channels, as long as they meet your standards, you can also issue credit cards to expand this early consumption to Almost all fields. We should know that there is no barrier to entry from the beginning. Think about it, if you do this, will it affect you even if we sell to others? No, on the contrary Their acquisition will also set off your vision."

"Let's look at it from another angle. If we sell points to the Agricultural Bank of China, if other banks do what I said, what will you get? You won't get anything, and you will spend a lot of money in vain. Now they are temporarily paying I was in a state of ignorance and didn't realize it. If I did, then whoever bought it would suffer a big loss. That's why I said, we don't sell it to you because we are grateful to you and out of good intentions."

When Chen Kangjie mentioned this point, if Zhou Zhilie still didn't understand, then his job as president would really be for nothing.

This is why it is said that the most important thing in reform and opening up is the openness of thought.If the door of thinking is not opened, it is easy to have limitations, and it is not easy to make breakthroughs.A lot of things are like this, everyone understands and finds it simple when it is explained thoroughly, but before it is explained thoroughly, it will feel unfathomable.

"It seems that I really want to say thank you, well, you convinced me, thank you." Zhou Zhilie said sincerely.

At the same time, Zhou Zhilie was also lamenting that the younger generation is formidable.

"President Zhou, but you have to keep this matter a secret. Moreover, the innovative action you want to promote must wait until we sell it, otherwise, it will be a failure."

"Don't worry, I will definitely abide by it, and if there is anything that requires our cooperation, if you bring it up, we will definitely not refuse."

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