rebirth of change

Chapter 2284 Encourages Matthew to counterattack

Chapter 2284 Encourages Matthew to counterattack

At the same time that the South Tower collapsed, President Bush had just boarded a plane to leave Florida, ending his inspection trip.With such a big event happening, the head of state must find a safe place to take control of the overall situation.He's going to barksdale air force base in st louisiana

In response to this unprecedented attack, the United States quickly mobilized across the country.

At 39:10 am, the White House, Treasury Department, State Department, Justice Department and other key government agencies began to evacuate.At 45:10, three minutes after the partial collapse of the Pentagon, the evacuation of the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan began, affecting tens of thousands of people.At 53:11, President Bush ordered that the Air Force could shoot down any suspicious aircraft. At 55:12: CNN reported that Washington and New York City had begun a full-scale evacuation.The United Nations headquarters has been emptied.Minutes later, the mayor of New York ordered the evacuation of Manhattan. 04:12: Mayor of New York cancels mayoral campaign, 16:48: US-Mexico border closes to high alert, [-]:[-]: Los Angeles airport closes, followed by San Francisco airport At [-]:[-], except for Hawaii and Alaska, the remaining [-] states stopped all commercial and private flights.

下午1时04分:美国总统布什在巴克斯达尔空军基地宣布全球美军进入高度戒备状态,随后前往位于内布拉斯加州的战略空军指挥部(strategic airmand,?sac)。1时27分:哥伦比亚特区宣布进入紧急状态。1时44分:2艘航空母舰开进纽约港,5架军舰驶入东海岸。

At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was news from the intelligence department that the mastermind behind this incident should be Bin Laden of Al-Qaeda.As for whether such a conclusion was related to the news that Chen Kangjie had asked people to release before, Chen Kangjie didn't know, as long as the direction was in this direction, it would be fine.

At 25:[-] p.m., the NYSE and the Stock Exchange announced that all trading would be closed for the next day.This decision has no effect on Chen Kangjie and the others. They have finished what they should do ahead of time.

In this attack, the outside only saw the collapse of the Petronas Twin Towers, the partial collapse of the Pentagon and the collision of the Marriott Hotel.In fact, its impact is far more than this. In Manhattan, more than 47 buildings were affected by this, especially the buildings around the World Trade Center, almost none of them were spared.The twin towers of the World Trade Center and the seven buildings of the podium collapsed. Even the adjacent, 911-story Salomon Brothers Building collapsed after being affected by the fire. The building has a New York City emergency response department that is responsible for responding to emergencies similar to [-]. special emergency center.The collapse of the building also caused minor damage to nearby structures such as the New York Telephone Building. ?This can explain an important reason why the rescue at that time appeared to be somewhat chaotic and the communication of the telephone was affected.Surrounding buildings such as the Hilton Hotel and US Customs were not spared.

This is equivalent to the collision of two aircraft carriers, and the small fishing boat beside them, Xiaojian, will be overturned by the huge waves if it is not dragged into the water.

When all these happened one after another, wouldn't Chen Kangjie just watch the news in front of the TV?Of course not, he also has his own things to do, and what he does is beyond the expectations of ordinary people.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Kangjie contacted Matthew.

"General, do you know what happened in the United States?" Chen Kangjie asked straight to the point as soon as he got in touch.

If Matthew was in a big city with well-developed consulting services, then it would be superfluous for Chen Kangjie to ask such a question.However, Matthew's Northern Alliance is in the dark northern mountainous area of ​​Algeria. Not to mention communication there, there is still a big problem whether there is electricity in many places, including Matthew himself. Except for the radio, it is difficult to watch TV.

"Long, the information here is not so convenient. We have to wait a day or two to get the big news from the outside world. What's the matter? Do you have any good news to tell me?" Matthew sat cross-legged in a Inside the tent, he talked to Chen Kangjie with an old-fashioned telephone.

"It's indeed good news, and it's great news, especially for you and your comrades." Chen Kangjie said in an exaggerated tone.

"Good news? What good news? Tell me quickly." That's what he said, but Matthew didn't seem too excited.

Because Matthew didn't believe that any great news would come out all of a sudden, he thought that news that Chen Kangjie judged useful might not be that important to him.

"General, is your tone doubting my cognition and judgment?" Matthew's calmness made Chen Kangjie a little uncomfortable.

"No, no, no, how could it be? I definitely don't have such thoughts, long, tell me any good news." Matthew quickly changed his attitude.

Chen Kangjie is currently a big sponsor of their Northern Alliance, and has provided a lot of weapons and money. Such a sponsor, Matthew must be caught and cannot be offended.

"The continental United States has been attacked." Chen Kangjie spit out a sentence neatly.

"What, the mainland of the United States was attacked? How is this possible? It hasn't happened in hundreds of years." After the words came out, Matthew felt regretful. Didn't he clearly suspect Chen Kangjie, so Matthew De immediately made a slow turn and made amends, "Tell me quickly, what's going on? Why is this great news for us?"

Matthew De is a former vice president. He has a certain understanding of the United States, and his ability to adapt is of course not bad.

Chen Kangjie didn't care what Ma Xiude thought, he told Ma Xiude the news, it was useful for him.

"Just now, the World Trade Center in New York, USA, was attacked by civil aviation planes. Two buildings collapsed, and even the Pentagon was hit by a suicide attack by planes... Think about it, the United States has suffered such a major disaster. Will they let go of the loss? According to the proud character of Americans, what will they do?"

Hearing this news, Matthew was really shocked. He didn't expect it to be true.

"The Americans will definitely retaliate, that's for sure. According to what I know about them, they have suffered so much and will never let it go... But what does this have to do with us?" Matthew There are still things that Germany doesn't understand.

"Hehe, why is it irrelevant? Who do you think would attack such a powerful country as the United States? Who would use such drastic means?" Chen Kangjie asked a series of questions with a chuckle.

Chen Kangjie's question really got Matthew into thinking: "You mean... Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden? From the point of view of their tactics, they will do this, from the hatred of the United States On the face of it, they seem to have this intention."

Just because Chen Kangjie said that he had something to do with Ma Xiude, Ma Xiude quickly put the scope of thinking on the al-Qaeda organization.

Matthew De's Northern Alliance has been fighting against the Theologian, and the Al-Qaeda organization is the strong support of the Theologian, and only if this incident involves the Al-Qaeda Organization, will he have a real positive for Matthew De and the Northern Alliance effect.

"I have received news in New York that the U.S. military intelligence department has locked the murderer behind the scenes on the al-Qaeda organization." Chen Kangjie said mysteriously.

"Did they really judge it that way? If so, that would be great. If it was really done by the al-Qaeda organization, then the theologians cannot escape the responsibility." This time Matthew was really excited, Suddenly he got up from the ground.

Yes, kneeling, not standing up.He knelt down, not to salute or express respect to Chen Kangjie, but because he felt that he could speak with momentum when he straightened his body, and now that he was excited, he needed such momentum.If you stand up, not to mention that you can't do it in an instant, even if you can, the phone line is not that long.

"It doesn't matter whether it is really done by Al-Qaeda, as long as the Americans think so. I think you have to do one thing. Only after you do this, will the Al-Qaeda organization be tied to the theologian. Together." Chen Kangjie said.

"What's the matter, what do you think? As long as it can help us, as long as it can hit the theologians, I'll do whatever I want." When the aura came up, Matthew's aura became extraordinary.

"Organize your troops immediately and launch a large-scale attack on the theologian's territory." Chen Kangjie suggested.

"This is impossible." Chen Kangjie thought that Matthew would agree, but he objected without hesitation.

Chen Kangjie doesn't understand this kind of military warfare, so he, Matthew, can't understand it.

"Why not?" Chen Kangjie immediately asked angrily.

"Long, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want to, but that doing so will not only have no effect, but will also bring us disaster. The strength of the Northern Alliance is not as strong as that of the theologians. If the ground troops attack on a large scale , This is tantamount to self-destruction. Even if we can inflict heavy damage on the theologians, then our Northern Alliance’s strength is almost exhausted. Besides, large-scale battles do not mean that they can be fought immediately. It takes a period of time to do it Preparation and planning. Another point, even if I do it so desperately, how can I get the theologian involved in the attack on the United States?" Matthew quickly explained.

After listening to Matthew's words, Chen Kangjie also realized that his suggestion was really taken for granted.In history, the Americans have been preparing for the war on terrorism for nearly a month, not to mention the small force of the Northern Alliance.

"Because your attack will make the theologians speak.".

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