After communicating with Chen Kangjie, Matthew decided to follow Chen Kangjie's suggestion, but the method was different.

At first, Chen Kangjie was hotheaded, thinking about the Northern Alliance's all-out attack and making the situation as big as possible.But after discussing with Matthew, he realized that it was so impractical, and he took it for granted. In the end, they chose a method that was not so big in battle, but had a lot of influence.

After finishing the call with Chen Kangjie, Matthew immediately called for Jalil, Chen Kangjie's agent.

At the beginning, Matthew accepted Jaliel, perhaps because of the connection and compromise with Chen Kangjie, but after Jaliel followed him, Matthew gradually found that this young man was very useful, so It became more and more useful to him.

This may have something to do with Jahril's cultural background. You must know that the current illiteracy rate in Afghanistan is one of the highest in the world. Most of the soldiers under Matthew are illiterate, even if they are officers, many People's cultural level is not high, so having cultural knowledge has become a major skill.

"Jalil, I'm entrusting you with a dangerous task, and you need to do it right away." Matthew didn't talk nonsense, as soon as Jahlil came in, he said very seriously.

Jahril was stunned for a moment, then straightened his waist, and replied sonorously: "General, if you have any tasks, just order them, and we will ensure that they will be completed."

"Okay, I need your attitude. Although this task is dangerous, I really don't feel at ease when I hand it over to other people." Matthew nodded, expressing his satisfaction with Jahril's performance.

Jahril did not answer, and continued to stand in front of Matthew, waiting for his orders.

"During this time, you have been staying in the helicopter regiment. I believe you are already familiar with them. I need you to lead the helicopter regiment's equipment today to carry out a long-distance attack." Matthew continued.

Flying a helicopter is not as simple as playing with a semi-automatic rifle. He needs the pilots to have certain cultural knowledge, so when Chen Kangjie helped them get a batch of helicopters from Russia, Jahril went there to provide help. Learn how to operate and utilize helicopters for combat.

"Where is the attack?" Jahril asked dryly.

"Kabul Airport." Matthew's answer was also very simple.

"Okay, there is no problem, it's just...General, if we storm Kabul Airport from a long distance, I'm afraid the loss will be not small...Moreover, the theologian will take strong retaliation if it doesn't work. Get ready." Jahril first took over the task neatly, and then raised his concerns.

It is the duty of a subordinate to take over the task, and it is also the duty of the subordinate to raise concerns for the chief to think about.

"I know all of this, and I will make corresponding preparations and arrangements. What you need to do is to ensure the completion of this mission. Even if the helicopter regiment is severely damaged, you will not hesitate. However, you must come back safely... ..This task was proposed by your friend long." After hesitating for a while, Matthew pointed out the reason for the incident.

"Long proposed that we go to the Kabul airport?" Jahril was not calm this time, and looked at Matthew in shock.

"Yes, this time, we don't need to specify how many people will be killed. The most important thing is to cause heavy losses to Kabul Airport." Matthew nodded and further clarified the target.

As for why Chen Kangjie asked them to raid the Kabul airport hundreds of kilometers away, there was no need for Matthew to tell him. He only needed to let him know that the source of this mission was that he could do his best.The other parts are not within the scope of his consideration.

Matthew was also conflicted in arranging for Jahril to do this.If Jahril was killed in the mission, then Matthew would be reluctant to part with him, but he also felt that he could face it. Matthew was not without a little fear of the relationship between Jahril and Chen Kangjie.The point is that Matthew is getting older, and he will choose a successor in a few years. He is worried that the person he chooses will not be as smart and competitive as Jahril.

However, if Jahril can complete this task well and come back safely, then Matthew's attitude towards him will also change, at least he will be treated on an equal footing with others.A capable and lucky young man is also needed by the Northern League. Matthew can't completely think about the problem from a personal perspective.

Therefore, this mission is a double-edged sword for Jahril, and the chance of never returning is 50.00%. Together with the portal ah.But his chance of winning Matthew's true acceptance and approval is also 50.00%, as long as he can complete the task and come back.

Matthew is like God now, closing a door for Jahril and opening a window for him by the way, it depends on his fate.And all of this, Jaliel still doesn't know.But when Jahril contacted Chen Kangjie and told him about the matter, Chen Kangjie quickly figured out the joints involved.

Chen Kangjie may not be so proficient in how to fight in detail, but he thinks he still has some ability to deal with my psychology alone, especially the psychology of a big man.

"Our helicopter regiment lost two in the battle before, and now there are five Mi-8s that can successfully perform this long-range mission. Do we need to dispatch all of them?" Jahril asked.

"Then let's do it all. I'll give you two hours to prepare, and then we'll set off when you're ready." Matthew gritted his teeth.

"Of course, General, I'll go get ready." Jahril stood up and saluted, then turned around and left.

Looking at Jahril's young and straight back, Matthew's thoughts were complicated for a while.

The Mi-8 helicopter is a medium-sized helicopter produced by the Soviet Union. There are military and civilian versions. Although it was originally a transport helicopter, it was later converted into an attack helicopter.Under the condition of carrying auxiliary fuel, it can fly up to 985 kilometers. According to this range, it is basically no problem to use it to carry out the mission of attacking Kabul Airport, at least it can barely fly a round trip.

The batch of helicopters aided to the Northern Alliance are not new aircraft, but products that have been used by the Soviet Army and the Russian Army for more than ten or twenty years.Although it has a certain number of years, its performance will not be affected in any way. After refurbishment and running-in, it will operate more smoothly.Ivan is short of money, and Chen Kangjie is willing to buy it, so they don't mind selling some second-hand products. Anyway, the old equipment of the Soviet army is selling almost everything.

When Jahril returned to camp, the first thing he did was to pick people.

This time it was a long-distance raid, and it could be said that there was a high possibility that there would be no return, so it was particularly important to choose some people who were determined and willing to cooperate with him.If you don't think in one place, don't use energy in one place, and achieve one heart and one mind, then the chance of coming back is even smaller.

After selecting a man, they began to load the helicopter with weapons.

Since this trip is not to kill people, but to cause damage, the infantry will not be brought, and some unnecessary things must be unloaded, and replaced with heavy weapons that can cause large-scale damage.

When getting this batch of equipment, Chen Kangjie required the system to supply it, that is, in addition to the aircraft, maintenance parts, weapons and ammunition must be matched, otherwise, what is the use of just using a few bare helicopters, and they are not going to do some sightseeing. Park.Ivan knew that these weapons were for the Northern Alliance, so of course he would be very supportive of them.

First of all, two fuel tanks were installed inside the helicopter cockpit, and the standard fuel volume has increased from 1870 liters to 3700 liters, which is equivalent to doubling.At the same time, they unloaded the 12.7mm machine gun and its bullet bay on the nose, and the bombs that lacked precision were also removed.Instead, rocket launchers were added on both sides. Each launcher contained 57 16mm rockets, a total of 128.Moreover, they also hung 4 "Swat" infrared-guided anti-tank missiles (at-2) and six "Sager" anti-tank missiles (at-3) on the pylons.

It seems that the number of such five helicopters is a little small, but they carry more than [-] rockets and [-] anti-tank missiles. The attack power should not be underestimated. The theologian took a good drink.

Everything was ready, and Jahril spent half an hour overtime. It really took a certain amount of time and manpower to complete the unloading and installation of those weapons and equipment.

After getting ready, Jaleel didn't forget to call Chen Kangjie. If Chen Kangjie didn't propose this task, then Jaleel wouldn't contact him. Since he proposed it, then Jaleel felt that Should have told him.

I heard that Jaliel was leading the team to carry out this arduous task, and Chen Kangjie couldn't say anything. How to deploy manpower was within Matthew's authority.However, Chen Kangjie also told Jahril that there is no need to consider the damage of the equipment, and even, in order to be able to arrive and return safely, they do not need to bring the helicopter back.You can choose to go around and enter from the mountainous area to avoid important defense areas. The journey is a bit far, but it is relatively safe.If there is not enough fuel to come back, they can abandon the helicopter halfway, as long as people can come back.

Now that so many weapons are installed, their range may not be more than 900 kilometers. In addition, if they take a detour, it should be difficult to return to the Northern Alliance base completely.

Chen Kangjie told Jahril that the helicopter is gone, and he can still help buy it. The first thing is to make sure that he is okay.

Jahril was very touched by the fact that Chen Kangjie regarded his life as more important than those helicopters bought by tens of millions.Because with them, the lives of a hundred people may not be worth the price of a helicopter, and the commander may rather lose 100 people than lose a helicopter.

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