rebirth of change

Chapter 2287 Adventure 1 Fight

As the successor of the T-62 tank, the t-55 tank is equipped with an advanced fire control system. It is also the world's first tank equipped with tail-stabilized long-rod shell-piercing armor-piercing shells. Before the T-62, the armor-piercing shells of tanks were all rotation-stabilized armor-piercing shells. The length-to-diameter ratio is not large, and the armor-piercing power is not very strong.

If the Mi-8 helicopter was hit by a shell from the T-62 tank, it would be catastrophic immediately, and it couldn't bear it at all.

However, Jaril and the others are not without any power to fight back. Don't forget, they carry "Swat" infrared-guided anti-tank missiles (at-2) and "Sager" anti-tank missiles (at-3) ).

Anyway, they are all weapons from the Soviet era. It is a good time to compete with each other to see who is more powerful.

"Use anti-tank missiles, use anti-tank missiles..." Jahril shouted after discovering the situation.

After Jahril finished yelling, his teammates quickly took action against the tank, but maybe they were nervous or maybe they were not familiar with all aspects of the aircraft instinctively.A helicopter next to it fired rockets at the t-62 instead of anti-tank missiles.

The rocket hit the target, and exploded after the impact. However, the T-62's armor was really not covered, and the rocket did not cause much damage to it, and it still moved so freely.

Funny how everything seems to be relative.Jahril and the others are not precise in the operation of the helicopter, and the soldiers of the theologian seem to be half-baked in the operation of the tank.The two shells they fired in a row didn't hit Jaleel and the others, but one shot past Jaleel's eyes and almost killed him.

In Algeria, whether it is the army of theologians or the armed forces of the Northern Alliance, they fight guerrilla warfare and mountain warfare, and they have no problem with the operation and use of light weapons, and some of them can even be said to be masters.But when it comes to heavy weapons, whether it's aircraft, tanks or armored vehicles, they will feel a little rusty no matter how they use them.

This is related to their lack of training, and two conditions limit their difficulties in training.The first one is oil, which is almost completely dependent on imports, and the supply of oil is insufficient, and when those big guys start, they are oil tigers who swallow oil, which makes it difficult for both the theologians and the Northern Alliance.The second is that it is difficult for them to replenish ammunition. These ammunition cannot be supplied internally, and all of them have to be brought in from the outside.Things like rifle bullets and machine gun bullets are easy to get, much easier. As long as you have some money or goods, you can get them in many ways, but things like artillery shells and missiles are not easy to get, especially Scholars of theology have almost been cut off all over the world, and the supply of the Northern Alliance is even more insufficient when they live in the northern mountainous areas.

Another point is that both sides lack equipment maintenance technology and spare parts. Once there is a breakdown, the possibility of lying down is very high, so their training and acting are very few, very few.

This skilled use experience is all practiced, or it is piled up with money. If you don’t often talk about equipment, don’t often do live ammunition exercises, how can you easily master it?In a word, the key to gaining political power in Algeria is people, soldiers with guns on the ground.

Ma Xiude asked Chen Kangjie to help them get a batch of heavy weapons, and there was no hope of achieving a full-scale counteroffensive and seizing power by relying on those things.The possession of those things is more to boost confidence and to counteract the theologians in some respects.The core of the Northern Alliance is still the thousands of guerrillas carrying guns, which is what the theologians fear.

During the raid on Kabul Airport, Jahril and the others almost moved out all their stocks, otherwise, they would not have been able to bring so many rockets and anti-tank missiles with them.

"Idiot, it's useless to use rockets, use missiles, missiles, anti-tank missiles..." Seeing that the rockets did not damage the T-62, and he was almost shot down, he cursed angrily .

It depends on people rather than on oneself. Before his teammates could react, Jahril himself took the lead in pressing the launch button of the missile and fired two anti-tank missiles.

One missed, leaving only a crater in the ground next to the tank, but the other was lucky and hit him in the side as the tank spun.

With a sound of "Boom!", the explosion of the anti-tank missile blew out a large hole on the side of the tank, and the track was broken.The tank was completely turned off and lying on the ground. As for whether the driver and shooter inside were dead or alive, there was no way to evaluate it.It is estimated that even if he does not die, he will be shocked enough.

"Captain, there seems to be an oil depot at the airport ahead, should we blow it up?" Just as Jahril was excited about killing a tank, the comrade beside him asked.

The driver, also in the explosion of flames, saw the oil tank hundreds of meters away with the help of the bright music of the explosion.

"Go, fly over, and kill it." The oil depot is one of the core facilities of an airport. As long as it is destroyed, even if those planes are still there, they will not be able to fly into the sky for a certain period of time.

"Wooooow..." The helicopter flew over with a huge roar.

In fact, even a few hundred meters are within their range, there is no need to fly close.It's just that they are far away, and they are not sure when the shooting accuracy is not very high.

Jahril and his helicopter had just flown out from the core area of ​​the most intense firefight, when a helicopter behind him was hit by the enemy's artillery fire and turned into a huge ball of fire.If they hadn't left early, the parts bounced off by the explosion would have even brought them down.

Coming out this time and completing the attack mission was a matter of narrow escapes, and Jahril was numb to the sacrifice of his comrades and could not care less about grief.

The helicopter flew all the way forward, and Jahril fired rockets all the way towards the oil depot.But maybe it was too far away, and I missed every time.

Instead, it was Jahril's actions that aroused the vigilance of their opponents.

Just a joke, if the oil depot was blown up, at least one-third of the entire Kabul airport would be destroyed.Soon someone over there set up an anti-air defense network of machine guns.Tongues of flame opened their bloody mouths and devoured Jaliel and the others.

On the side of the oil depot, the theologians were not armed with heavy firepower, such as cannons.They may be worried that once a certain shell accidentally explodes, the oil depot will suffer catastrophe, so they simply put up machine guns for defense.

Anyway, the theologian didn't believe that the army of the Northern Alliance could reach Kabul Airport. They didn't have that strength yet. Based on this judgment, they cared more about internal accidents.

It's just that they didn't expect that Jahril and the others did not play their cards according to common sense this time, and they really raided Kabul Airport.

Machine guns do not pose any threat to fighter jets. Fighter planes fly at a high altitude, but they still have a certain impact against helicopters, especially helicopters with weak protection. If they are shot several times in a row or the fuel tank is hit, then hang up.

"Bang, bang, bang..." With a few muffled crisp sounds, Jahril's helicopter was hit at the bottom, and even a machine gun bullet almost pierced through the part next to the cabin door.

Under such a huge threat, the pilot quickly pulled up the helicopter, made a turn to avoid it, and no longer dared to approach the oil depot any further.

"What are you doing?" Jaliel asked loudly.

"It can't be any closer. Their vitality is too dense. If we get any closer, we will be very dangerous." The companion replied.

Why doesn't Jahril know this truth, he just doesn't want to be reconciled.

"Lower the nose, and we'll shoot all the shells over there. Whether it succeeds or not, we'll fight for it." In desperation, Jahril, while approving his comrades' approach, also made a bold and risky decision.

Although they are not approaching, if the nose of the aircraft is pressed down, the machine gun bullets fired by the other party are very likely to penetrate their cockpit glass and kill them on the plane.The glass of the cockpit does not have the armor protection of other parts.It is also not like a fighter jet, which can withstand the shooting of rifle bullets.

For Jahril's suggestion, comrades no longer object.Anyway, they have already come to this Longtan Tiger's Den, and it is not very possible to expect to escape unscathed.

Just as Jahril and the others were attacking the oil depot, another surviving helicopter was being chased by the anti-aircraft artillery.Fortunately, the volley explosion of the helicopter hit by the gunfire frightened them, and they were also escaping and dodging outside.Of course, their airborne weapons were not idle either. No matter what he saw, his first reaction was to hit a rocket, and when he was in a hurry, an anti-tank missile would come.Don't think that anti-tank missiles are only useful for tanks. If those parked fighter jets, helicopters, or terminal buildings, towers, are hit, they are enough to drink a pot. Even if they can't hit them, they can stay on the runway A pit, causing some damage.

As soon as the nose of Jahril's helicopter was pressed down, a situation of confrontation was formed. However, what Jahril and the others fired were rockets and anti-tank missiles, while the other side fired machine gun bullets. cause devastating damage.

However, luck seems to be on Jahril's side.

During the mutual shooting of "咻咻咻......", the cockpit glass of Jaleel and the others was indeed pierced by a bullet, and the bullet also passed by Jaleel's ear, piercing his ear. They all pulled out a hole.

At the same time, doom also came over there, two rockets hit a circular oil depot at the same time.

With a loud "Boom!", the oil depot exploded violently, not only forming a fire that soared into the sky, but also, the power of the explosion was enough to swallow and destroy everything nearby, and also ignited the nearby oil storage facilities .

A few seconds later, there was another explosion, and a nearby building and the adjacent terminal building were affected. As for the theologian soldiers who fired up the machine guns just now, they have become one by one now. Burning Man, some even lost their bodies in an instant.

"Retreat, retreat...return..." After completing this action, Jahril gave the order to retreat.

There was no need to continue the fighting, and their weapons and ammunition were almost exhausted.

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