If there hadn't been an explosion in the oil depot and a fire that ignited into the sky, it would definitely not be easy for Jahril and the others to escape, not to mention difficult.

And when the oil depot exploded violently and the fire spread to the surroundings, the theologians were either busy avoiding the fire or trying to find a way to put it out. Lille and the others chased and intercepted them.

In order to avoid the opponent's anti-aircraft fire, Jahril's two remaining helicopters circled an arc before escaping from Kabul Airport.

It was a long distance away, and Jahril and the others could still see the flames soaring towards the airport from the plane.

Although they escaped temporarily from Kabul Airport, will the theologians let them go back to the Northern Alliance base camp so easily?It is absolutely impossible, no one can accept such a huge loss.

If Kabul Airport can be bombed at will, where else will it be safe?If the opponents are allowed to come to Kabul to bombard them every now and then, how can their regime be maintained?

The violent explosion at Kabul Airport also awakened the entire sleeping Kabul and the theologian regime. After a brief period of confusion, orders began to be issued.

Every checkpoint, every outpost, no matter who they are, as long as they encounter these two helicopters, no matter what method they use, they must be shot down, and they must not be allowed to escape like this.

When they came, Jahril and the others could easily avoid the garrisons in the mountains, but when they went back, it was difficult.Some of the garrisons woke up, and even if they didn't wake up, they were woken up by orders from Kabul.

These mountain garrisons may not have complete anti-aircraft artillery, but they have set up light and heavy machine guns on many hills.Anyway, they were facing a helicopter, and they felt that they could take it down with extreme force.

Before Jahril and the others entered the mountainous area, they encountered several waves of ground attacks, but because they raised their height as high as possible, the light weapons on the ground hardly posed any threat to them.

But when they entered the mountainous area, which should have been relatively safe, two waves of ground attacks almost killed them.In fact, in the mountains, even if the helicopter is pulled up, it is difficult to increase the distance from the ground.What's more, at this time, the sky has already opened, and the line of sight is good, so you can aim by sight alone.

Seeing a valley dam in front of him, Jahril thought for a while. It seemed that the helicopter had to be abandoned. Driving the helicopter back was much more dangerous than walking with two feet.

A few people, in the vast mountains, drilled anywhere, even if thousands of people searched, it would be difficult to find.Perhaps, in the mountainous area, there are only a few suitable routes for them to fly back. As long as people set up interception positions on these routes, it is impossible for them to escape every catastrophe.

"Fly over there, park the plane in the dam, and we'll walk back over the mountain." Jahril made a decisive decision.

"Captain, is this helicopter just lost? It's very valuable and hard to get. If we lose it, will we be punished if we go back? If we don't, our air attack force will be gone." Companion Surprised by Jahril's order.

"If you still want to go back alive, let's execute the order. We bombed their airport, can they not take revenge? These two planes are very difficult to fly back. It is better to throw them away than us and the plane. Abandon them in exchange for our lives...the planes, we will have them in the future." Although he had made a decision, Jahril was still reluctant to throw away the two planes.

However, Jahril quickly thought of what Chen Kangjie said, and he believed that Chen Kangjie would do what he said, and he would be able to get them another "new" plane.

Now that Jahril has said that, what else do others have to say, just execute it.Anyway, the higher-ups blamed it, and there were tall people who stood up to it. They were only carrying out orders. In contrast, their own lives were more important.

Even if that was decided, before the plane landed, Jahril managed to get in touch with Matthew at the rear via radio and gave him a report.

Hearing that Jahril and the others bombed the Kabul airport, Matthew, who has been waiting for the news, was very happy and felt very happy.This is the first time that the Northern Alliance has dealt them such a big blow in the core area of ​​the theologians, which will definitely boost the message of the Northern Alliance and hit the prestige of the theologians.

But when he heard that the two helicopters and the crew were lost, and that Jahril planned to lose the two existing helicopters, Matthew still felt heartache.

Each of these helicopters is a treasure for the impoverished Northern Alliance, not to mention that they can play a role as a surprise soldier in battle, even when they are escaping, they are also a good escape tool.

In this operation, it can be said that the family property that can be sold is gone at once, so it is no wonder that Matthew can feel happy.

"General, we won't be able to fly these planes back. The opponent has set up a lot of interception nets along the way. If we insist on flying, we will only end up being shot down." Sensing Matthew's hesitation, Jahril hurriedly Said, "What's more, Long told me that after the mission is completed, if we lose a few planes, he will replenish a few planes."

"Did he really say that?"


The reason why Chen Kangjie said this to Jaleel instead of Matthew De was nothing more than hoping to increase Jaleel's status, and at the same time secretly warned Matthew that the next time he would do such a dangerous job. , or don't let Jahril do it.Otherwise he would not be so generous.

"Okay, since you have Long's words, it's important for you to save your lives, but...the plane cannot fall into the other party's hands. After you land, try to blow up the plane. We If you can’t get it, you can’t make it cheaper for them.” With Chen Kangjie’s promise, Matthew no longer feels pain.

Not only did Jahril and the others be allowed to do that, but even the emergency landing helicopter was not left to be armed by theologians.

"As ordered, General."

Jahril and the others did not carry any explosives on this trip. Although they did not run out of explosives, there was not a single one left, but those shells were not easy to detonate with bare hands.However, this did not prevent them from destroying these two aircraft.

After the helicopter landed on the gravel ground, Jahril and the others came down, and then Jahril instructed to release the fuel in the aircraft fuel tank. After a spark was ignited, the two planes became two toasting roast chicken.

It is impossible for Jahril and the others to wait until the helicopter is really burnt out before leaving. They are not that stupid. As long as they are ignited, even if experts come to repair them, the two helicopters cannot be repaired.

They just ran a few hundred meters and started to climb the mountain. There were two loud noises of "Boom!"

However, Jahril and his group set fire to the plane, and the subsequent explosion, also transmitted their location signal to those who intercepted them.Not long after, a group of soldiers came to the burning place of the helicopter.

Seeing the scorched-to-skeleton helicopter, the other party was furious, but also judged that they hadn't escaped very far, so Jaliel and his companions were frantically chased by the theologian's soldiers like bereaved dogs. Run all over the mountain.The situation was worse than when Chen Kangjie was chased by them.

Chen Kangjie and the others still had some ability to fight back at that time, but they were not only much smaller in number, they also only had one pistol each, and the number of bullets was still very limited.They came here by plane. It is impossible for each of them to carry a submachine gun or an automatic rifle. Basically, the pistol is still used for self-defense at critical moments.

Fortunately, Jahril had been stationed here before, and he was relatively familiar with the terrain, and he still remembered a lot about the opponent's military deployment. He was chased miserably, at least he was not killed or captured alive.

We won't tell you how Jalil and the others escaped from the Hindukus Mountains.

Looking back, the Kabul airport was bombed, the planes and tanks were lost, and the terminal building was also bombarded. It is strange that O'Neill was comfortable. The next two culprits.

Immediately after the attack, Reuters, CNN and SC TV got the news, and they immediately reported the news, and also linked the attack on Kabul Airport with the incident in New York.

Everyone thinks that this is a retaliatory action by the United States, an appetizer. The Northern Alliance must have received the promise and encouragement of the United States to launch an air strike against Kabul Airport in the first place.

If you hit my building with a plane, then I will blow up your airport with a plane, blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

It's just that Matthew and the Northern Alliance led by him kept silent about all kinds of speculation and associations from the outside world, and did not make any clarifications to the outside world. It seems that how you understand it is your business.Anyway, if you say yes, you can, if you say no, you can’t, it’s all up to you.

The information on O'Neill's side was smoother than that of Matthew's side. After all, he was in a big city, the capital, and the embassies of several countries were open.Of course he knew about the attack on New York, and he was happy at first, but after the Kabul airport was bombed, he became furious.

Soon, the radio stations of the theologians sent out news that the attack on the United States should be punished as it should be, and it was a warning to them to act as international policemen around the world.

Interestingly, not long after, the Iraqi government issued an official statement on the state-run TV station, saying that the 911/[-] incident was retribution for the "American terrorist act".

It is conceivable that when the whole world expresses condolences and regrets for such a heavy loss of life and property in the United States, and has always condemned the terrorist attacks, what will the Americans think and what will the US government think?

Soon, the development of the incident came out. At 45:911 p.m. local time in the United States, the government denied that the bombing of the Kabul airport was related to them, but an hour later, when President Bush returned to the White House and all members of the National Security Council Members and important aides had a meeting, and they immediately made an official determination that the mastermind behind the [-]/[-] incident was Bin Laden of Al-Qaeda.

Although the official only mentions the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and its leader bin Laden, we must know that both the theologians and the Iraqi government support and shelter bin Laden, and they are all anti-American forces.

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